After Tiezhu changed his job to Nord Shadow Scout, his overall attributes improved a lot.

But compared with Colby and Luna, there is still a gap.

This has to do with his qualifications and level.

The level of the iron pillar is only lv1.

If he upgrades, I'm afraid his attributes won't be much worse than Colby at the same level.

"From now on, you will be tasked with exploring the wilderness for your territory. I hope you will not disappoint me."

Zong Shen finally encouraged Tie Zhu.

Tie Zhu nodded firmly.

At this time, when he looked at Zong Shen, his eyes were full of admiration.

"Tie Zhu will definitely not disappoint the lord!"

"Okay, you go ahead and rest. I will arrange tasks for you when it gets dark."

Zong Shen waved his hand and told Tiezhu to go back to the hut to rest.

At this time Colby came over.

The giant wolf Fenrir is still sleeping.

"Lord Lord..."

Colby saluted Zong Shen.

"Why don't you continue to rest?"

Zong Shen looked at Colby's resolute face and asked a little strangely.

But Colby shook his head.

"Lord, I have an uneasy feeling in my heart."

He had a worried look on his face.

"What's wrong? Is it because of the Goblin tribe during the day?"

Zong Shen asked with concern.

Colby nodded.

"This goblin tribe is very powerful. Although I was able to shake off my tail when I escaped, I still felt like I was being spied on..."

"This feeling haunts me and makes me restless."

Hearing what Colby said, Zong Shen also frowned.

"Is there something wrong with Colby?"

He started asking about strategies.

(Colby was cast by the Goblin Mage with a tracking beacon. This mana beacon will continue to locate his location for one day. Of course, you can also use magic expulsion to clear the beacon.)

(But don’t worry, the tracking beacon can only form a vague direction guide in the mind of the caster)

The next moment, a golden strategy prompt appeared.

Zong Shen's expression also became serious.

The group of goblins placed a tracking beacon on Colby's body, definitely to trace the source and eliminate the root cause.

His territory might have been exposed.

You need to plan early.

"Colby, a tracking beacon has been placed on you."

"That group of goblins has probably discovered the location of our territory."

"You should leave the camp immediately and head north forty or fifty miles to wait for me. I will meet you after daybreak."

"We have to keep moving to confuse those damn goblins."

Zong Shen thought for a while and thought of a way.

According to the guide, the tracking beacon, as a magical beacon, will only form a vague location in the mind of the caster.

Essentially, it's not some clever tracking magic.

Therefore, as long as the position keeps moving, staying, and constantly changing, it can have the effect of confusing the caster.

It's already past 4 o'clock in the morning, which is the end of the second half of the night.

It gets dark early here and dawns early too.

The sky in the east has turned pale, and the surrounding darkness has gradually dissipated.

It is estimated that it will be fully dawn in another hour or two.

Outside the territory, those excited beasts that had been howling for half the night were all gone.

There are dense footprints everywhere around the territory.

Hear Zong Shen's words.

Colby dared not delay.

He quickly woke up the giant wolf Fenrir.

Once you step on the giant wolf, you are about to leave the territory.

Zong Shen took out two portions of refined camel jerky from the storage compartment and handed them to him.

Use it as food on the road.

Colby took the dried meat, saluted again, and then rode Fenrir towards the north.

Zong Shen watched Colby leave.

Turn around and walk to the [market].

In less than two hours, three copies of Moon Spring Water were sold out again.

This was in the middle of the night. Are these lords night owls who never sleep?

The Level 1 [Market] can only list three positions, which is not enough for Zong Shen.

[Market] The building is not a basic building, and subsequent upgrades require the next level of drawings.

It seems that we need to get the architectural drawings of the second-level market as soon as possible.

These three portions of moon spring water bought Zong Shen 200 portions of wood and 80 portions of hemp.

Now, the four basic resources Zong Shen has on hand have reached a terrifying figure.





On the contrary, there is a shortage of stones.

But it's also very simple.

I sold two waves of Moon Spring, totaling 240ml. With the output of these few hours, the spring water reserves are not less, but more.

He fetched several more copies.

This time only one copy was listed for sale.

Only 100 stones are required to be exchanged.

In less than three minutes, he was killed by a lord.

Exaggerated! Old man!

With this Moon Spring, Zong Shen can completely solve the initial resource problem.

Not only that, but now Zong Shen is taking advantage of the powerful effect of Moon Spring to harvest the wealth of other lords like crazy!

At this time, he began to check the pile of private messages.

Thousands of lords have already sent him private messages, saying that they have drawings or strange props.

Unfortunately, very few are truly valuable.

In other words, those lords were not willing to exchange for anything that was truly valuable.

After all, resources are renewable and can be collected continuously, and precious drawings and materials are hard to come by, which will greatly assist the initial development.

Through keyword searches, Zong Shen finally determined the items provided by the three lords.

Two of them are special items.

The same are architectural drawings.

Zong Shen first checked the special items.

Anyway, the night was long, and he still had a lot of time to spend in the market before dawn.

【Heart of Primary Power】

[Strength +6 after wearing]

This item directly increases basic attributes.

Worth a fortune.

Zong Shen estimated that the other party might take the opportunity to knock the bamboo pole.

After all, after selling his Moon Spring Water twice, it has become a real hard currency.

Each piece of [Tears of the Moon God] is a precious representation and can be exchanged for a large amount of resources.

After Zong Shen replied.

The other party responded quickly.

This is an Arab lord named Mohammed 1985717. As expected, he chose the lion's mouth.

Just open your mouth and ask for 400ml of [Tears of the Moon God] in exchange.

Zong Shen flatly refused.

[Tears of the Moon God] There are rare things to live in.

Six more points of strength may not save your life, but one more [Tears of the Moon God] means one more life point.

Finally, after some haggling, the deal was settled for 200ml of Moon Spring Water.

Zong Shen sells 200ml at one time, and the designated transaction price is the prop [Heart of Primary Power].

Soon the two parties concluded the deal.

200ml of spring water emptied a small part of Zong Shen's inventory.

But Zong Shen didn't panic at all.

There is still about 250ml of spring water in the Moon Well.

Moreover, 50ml can be added every hour!

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