Lords Trying to Survive: Strategizing from a Rundown Yard

Chapter 277: Zong Shen’s deep thoughts, I want to annihilate them all

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Maintaining demonic deterrence requires continuous communication with the demon's heart.

Every time he communicates with the devil's heart, Zong Shen's blood pressure starts to rise and the blood flow speeds up.

If Zong Shen's current physique was not strong enough, he would not be able to maintain the demonic deterrent for several minutes.

Ordinary people may not be able to withstand its surging pump power just after communicating with the devil's heart. It is extremely easy to cause blood vessels to burst and put a huge load on the body.

However, Zong Shen could barely bear it, but it couldn't last for too long at one time. Every few minutes, he had to release the demon's deterrent state and let his body recover.

Zong Shen took off his battle helmet, took a deep breath and tied the newly captured Howling Lich and the previous one to the door of Zhang Zihao's lord's courtyard.

The exploration team on the outer edge of the territory and the wolf cavalry team have established a new line of defense in the empty buffer zone that was just cleared. All the crypt heroes in the group of crypt monsters in the original area were captured alive or killed, and began to appear unconscious again. They were in a wandering state, but were quickly absorbed and gathered by the two-in-one large monster group behind them, numbering five to six thousand.

A group of nearly ten thousand crypt monsters is being born. These crypt heroes have no concept of leadership and command the group of crypt monsters in some abnormal way.

Now Zong Shen can have a few minutes of rest to relieve the pressure caused by the battle.

He looked at the crypt monsters not far away that were basically the same model and fell into deep thought.

Originally, Zong Shen thought that these crypt monsters came from another dimensional world, but now, after meeting the crypt heroes, Zong Shen felt that these should be replicas.

Not just a replica, but a replica that has been intentionally adjusted by some powerful force.

Zong Shen had every reason to suspect that in fact, only one crypt in each area was real, and the rest were replicas of monsters from another dimension.

This made Zong Shen even more interested in the world behind the mysterious portal in the underground cave.

That mysterious giant claw, including the traces of other dimensions left behind on this continent, and the so-called dimensional war invaded by the blood-burning demon army, are all related to other dimensions.

There is another question, that is, Zong Shen and this group of descending lords all have an earth in their home. So does it mean that the descending of the lords include non-earth creatures, or other different dimensions and worlds? What about creatures?

All of these are doubts in Zong Shen's mind at present, and the strategy system has always avoided talking about this supreme secret. It only repeatedly warned Zong Shen that hard work, development and continuous progress are the core of dealing with everything.

For ordinary lords, they will only regard the crypt challenge as something created by the power of the lord system and an illusory fabrication. After all, the lord system can bring billions of people together and give the lords the ability to digitize. One point is enough to prove that the Lord system has the capabilities of Genesis.

However, Zong Shen began to discover some deeper connections from these clues, and he began to reversely examine the purpose of the lord system.

Summoning billions of people at once, and even summoning subsequent humans in the future, is a big move, but what is the intention?

There can never be anything in the world without a reason, Zong Shen firmly believes in this.

Whether it is a game played by God, or some kind of power that is unfathomable and beyond imagination, it must have its motivation and driving force.

Zong Shen stood there, holding his helmet in one hand and wiping the sweat from his forehead with the other, suppressing these doubts in his heart for the time being.

In fact, the worry about everything being unknown stems from the dependence on the strategy module.

This is the golden finger that Zong Shen relies on for his development, and it is also his biggest trump card.

What is certain is that the strategy module has no ill intentions towards him, it is just assisting Zong Shen.

In other words, the strategy module requires a grown-up Zong Shen.

Secondly, Zong Shen actually thought about a question in his mind, that is, what should he do if the strategy module disappears one day?

So in fact, Zong Shen has no intention of enjoying himself outside of landing, and is under a lot of pressure every day.

In fact, only a small part of these pressures come from external survival pressure, and more pressure comes from the pressure of various hidden dangers. In many cases, knowing too much is not necessarily a good thing.

After some deep thought, Zong Shen's condition was adjusted. Under the buff effect of [Moon God's Blessing], the injuries he suffered recovered without drinking the Moon God spring water.

High-intensity battles are a major test for the durability of equipment. Zong Shen was wearing the rare-grade [Teroka Furious Bear Armor]. After a battle, it was covered with small scratches and some dents. , the overall durability is reduced by one tenth.

The wear and tear of the equipment allows the dwarf uncle to forge and repair it, but each repair requires a certain amount of materials, and after forging, the attributes will change slightly, making them worse than the initial attributes.

In the territory, the wolf cavalry consumes the most equipment, followed by the goblin pilot driving the magic mecha, followed by the dragon-shaped gun-shield warrior responsible for melee combat, and then the ranger, crossbowman, and mage in the back row.

The ones who rely the least on equipment and consume the least are warriors such as Cryptodemon and Claw Druid who mainly fight with their own characteristics.

Zong Shen is also paying attention to these issues all the time, even when he is taking a break, he is thinking about it.

The final result of the first round of battle was that Zong Shen's side killed thousands of crypt monsters, two crypt heroes, and captured two wailing lichs alive. Now there is a large group of tens of thousands of crypt monsters outside the territory. The integration has been completed, and the vanguard has begun to contact the territory.

However, they were all quickly strangled by the soldiers of the Wolf Cavalry and the exploration team.

Zhang Zihao's crisis has not yet been resolved. There are tens of thousands of underground monsters. Even if Zong Shen wants to completely clean them out, it will take a lot of effort and time, and there may be casualties.

The difference in numbers was too big. Even if the individual warriors under Zong Shen were very strong, it would still be difficult to face such a large number of cave monsters.

After all, warriors are people of flesh and blood who get tired and make mistakes, not magic puppets that only need to be recharged to keep fighting.

The most important point is that this is not Zong Shen's own safe and powerful territory, but Zhang Zihao's territory. The defense is very weak. There are only three elemental arrow towers in the territory. The only terrain advantage that can be relied on is the collapsed one. There are few trenches, and those roadblocks are badly damaged.

Of course, Zong Shen could also choose to escape directly with Zhang Zihao. Even if those cave monsters destroyed Zhang Zihao's territory and made him a free citizen and lost the privileges of a lord, it would be better than fighting to death and losing his life.

However, after a short period of thinking, Zong Shen decided to continue the battle to the end. If he went all out, he might not be able to eliminate the tens of thousands of crypt monsters and the few crypt heroes hidden among them.

The most important point is that Zong Shen himself will take the initiative to hunt down the cave monsters today, which is one of his core mission goals today.

They have to hunt anyway, so why not just have a serious fight here? If they are really too weak, it is not too late to consider escaping. With the loader mecha, they are fully capable of breaking through the blockade, let alone Zong Shen. Has Demonic Deterrence and Orb of Time Stop.

Zhang Zihao saw that Zong Shen had been deep in thought, so he didn't dare to disturb him. He was a little confused as to why Zong Shen was still in the mood to think in such a tense situation. Maybe this was the boss!

He kept observing the words and expressions, and it wasn't until Zong Shen finished thinking and raised his head that he walked over.

"Legion Commander! Thank you for your support!"

"If it weren't for you, I would have died in the hands of those monsters."

Zhang Zihao bowed to Zong Shen sincerely. Zong Shen's appearance was like a timely rain. It would not be an exaggeration to say that it was a life-saving grace.

Zong Shen glanced at him and nodded with a smile.

"Now that you have joined my legion, you will be one of our own from now on."

"I will definitely not watch you being killed by those monsters."

"It was nothing just now. Now the real trouble has just begun."

Zong Shen said calmly, pointing to the large group of tens of thousands of monsters outside the territory.

Zhang Zihao followed his guidance and took a look. In fact, he had already discovered it without Zong Shen having to say anything.

His expression kept changing, as if he was making a very difficult decision.

After a few seconds, Zhang Zihao gritted his teeth and raised his head to look at Zong Shen.

"Legion Commander...or I will give up the territory."

"With such a huge group of monsters, I have no reason to ask you to continue to stay here."

"The worst case scenario is that I will lose my territory and become a free citizen. I hope I can enter your territory and serve you."

Zhang Zihao had already thought of the worst outcome and said sincerely.

When free people will lose many of the authority of lords, they will not be able to enjoy the convenience of digitization, and they will not be able to use the convenience of command points and loyalty to control subordinates. All privileges including [Construction] and [Manufacturing] will be lost. The only What is retained is the [channel].

It has become an existence more similar to the aborigines, and cannot develop as quickly as the lords.

However, after becoming a free citizen, there is no need to accept challenges, and there are no so-called mandatory development indicators. At least one life can be saved.

It is also a way out for those lords who are facing crisis or whose development is slow.

When Zong Shen first knew that he would become a free citizen after losing his territory, Zong Shen only felt that this was the kindness of the lord system. This shadowy master still followed the principles of natural development and natural elimination, and did not leave any A certain death situation.

However, Zong Shen knew very well that there were gains and losses. After becoming a free citizen, the gains were relatively safe, and there was no need to accept the challenge of the lord system.

But those lords who continue to rise from various crises and challenges will ultimately gain gains that are unimaginable to free people.

Of course, free people still have a way out. They can continue to develop their power among the indigenous people, but the process is destined to be slow, but at least it proves that in this world, everyone still has certain rights to choose their own path.

In the future, it is very likely that a hundred flowers will truly bloom.

Zong Shen couldn't help but smile when he heard Zhang Zihao reveal the truth.

She reached out and patted his arm gently.

"Don't be so pessimistic. Things are far from that point."

"I want to annihilate these crypt monsters."

Zong Shen's tone was very relaxed, but it had a huge impact on Zhang Zihao.

He opened his eyes wide, as if he glimpsed a world he had never been exposed to in these words.

By the time he came to his senses, Zong Shen had already turned around and walked towards the outskirts of the territory.

Zhang Zihao's eyes became firmer and he shouted loudly at Zong Shen's back.

"Sir, I want to fight side by side with you!"

His voice echoed in the territory, carrying a sense of hope.

From Zong Shen, he found the real way to live in this world.

This is probably the power of role models.

Zong Shen did not stop, raised his right hand and gave a thumbs up as a response to Zhang Zihao's words.

On the periphery of the territory, large-scale monsters are about to arrive, and the sparse vanguard is already attacking the front line of defense. This line of defense is entirely composed of the wolf cavalry team and the exploration team.

The wolf cavalry and the dragon-turned-gun-and-shield warriors stood on the front line, Luna and the three huntresses stood on the second line, the mages stood on the third line, and the Dragonborn Ranger sisters stood at the commanding heights of the territory, which was regarded as the third line. Four lines.

From a numerical point of view, this was an extremely unequal battle. With Zhang Zihao and the six surviving soldiers under his command, the fighting force was only 36 in total.

36 people VS tens of thousands of cave monsters, relying on such a small territory.

The comparison in quantity is really shocking.

None of the soldiers under Zong Shen's command were fearful. They had accompanied Zong Shen through too many similar unequal battles, and they always returned victorious every time, so they had developed admiration and trust in Zong Shen. .

The wolf cavalry clenched their sabers tightly, staring at the cave monsters with their eyes. The giant wolf under its crotch bared its sharp teeth and made a gasping sound.

Luna kept throwing up the moon blade in her hand, and then caught it again. Several huntresses beside her were also infected by this fighting spirit, and the team of dozens of people suddenly brought out the momentum of a group of ten thousand people.

It was clear that the crypt monsters were superior in number, but they still despised their enemies.

Zhang Zihao bandaged the wound on his arm, and with the sophisticated long sword in his hand, he led six soldiers to the front line.

All of his soldiers are close combat types, and there are still three second-level wolf cavalry, two third-level Nord mad axe warriors, and one second-level Avalon light swordsman.

The equipment on their bodies has become damaged in the previous battle, but due to the effect of [Blessing of the Moon], their injuries have healed, and there is no problem in fighting again.

Every additional force would reduce the pressure on Zong Shen.

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