Lords Trying to Survive: Strategizing from a Rundown Yard

Chapter 285: Howie’s Thoughts, Skeleton War King

Based on the data collected by Zong Shen before, some data information can be analyzed.

Zombies and fanged worms account for almost 95.2% of the total number of monsters spawned in the crypt, the proportion of gargoyles is about 4%, and the ghost banshees are 0.8%.

Therefore, zombies and fanged worms are the real main force in the crypt, and they take the lead every time.

Analyzed by this ratio, the huge group of cave monsters is actually not as scary as imagined.

After all, even the crypt zombies and fanged worms whose strength has been increased to level 6 are just weak chickens.

However, with the cooperation of various monsters, there is absolutely no problem for these crypt monsters to sweep across an ordinary territory. Just like the territory in front of them, in fact, the confrontation between the two has just begun.

Once the one hundred and eighty gargoyles in the sky start to move out, and the ghost banshee also starts to use its control skills, it means that the battle has officially begun.

As for now, it can only be regarded as a warm-up stage at best, with cannon fodder opening the way first, but even so, the lord still looks like he is facing a formidable enemy.

The defense and layout of his territory are pretty good, especially the circular moat about five meters wide, which plays a great role. Coupled with the attraction mechanism of hatred value, the monster's main attack direction at this time happens to be a reserved The entrance is approximately three meters wide.

The two sides of the entrance extend out for five or six meters, and are completely isolated by horses and trenches. If monsters want to attack, they can only enter from the front of the entrance due to the setting of the hatred value.

This arrangement is similar to the corridor that blocked the exit in Zong Shen's crypt front line. It also uses the monster's hatred value attraction mechanism to limit the terrain.

With this comparison, the rankings among the lords become more clear.

Zhang Zihao's territory was incomparable to the guy in front of him in every aspect.

If Zong Shen had been guarding this territory yesterday afternoon, it would have been easier to annihilate the tens of thousands of cave monsters.

Zong Shen's side had just had a night's rest and was at its peak.

They cut and strangled the crypt monster from behind like mowing grass.

Howie, who was accompanying him, had already joined the territory since he bought it from Zong Shen, but he had not yet sworn surrender and could not have lord-level authority.

At this time, Haoyi was standing next to the masters in the back row, looking at the huge group of cave monsters in front of him with a shocked expression. He watched Zong Shen take the lead in the charge, leading the soldiers like sharp knives to pierce through. Among this strange group.

Quantity contrast and contrast can easily bring visual shock.

"This...there are so many undead monsters here."

"There are also some rare crypt creatures..."

"The army of the Alonwa Kingdom actually sat back and ignored it?"

Howie was shocked and confused. There were such large-scale undead monsters and cave creatures in the kingdom's territory, but there were no royal guards or local troops to eliminate them?

This kind of situation occasionally happens in the mainland. In addition to the few resting places of the undead on the mainland and the underground cave creatures that live all year round, every few decades or hundreds of years, various places on the mainland will also There are some dusty undead lairs appearing in the world, or inexplicable riots by cave creatures.

However, those undead lairs and underground tribes can only have hundreds or thousands of people at most. After they ravage a few villages, they will be wiped out by the Royal Army and the Knights.

A group of crypt monsters of this size is extremely rare, and logically it should have attracted the attention of the kingdom long ago.

Howie felt very confused. He had not sworn allegiance and no one had told him about the Crypt Challenge. He did not know many things about the territory.

But this did not prevent him from watching the battle between Zong Shen and the others. He had seen the city army of Goti Castle fight against the bandits. Most of the first-level troops in the city were composed of second-level warriors, and there were a small number of them. Third-level warriors and single-digit fourth-level warriors.

Generally, a relatively peaceful and peaceful state city like Goti Castle, which is located in the hinterland of the kingdom, usually has a permanent army of three hundred to five hundred soldiers under its jurisdiction, which is enough to ensure the defense tasks of the state city and the villages under its jurisdiction.

Some larger cities have a standing army of seven to eight hundred people, but very few cities have a standing army of thousands. Of course, this does not include some special states that are located in border areas or adjacent to some foreign races. city.

Most of those border cities are strategic-level fortress cities with a standing army of 1,000 to 3,000 level troops. There are also branches of the Kingdom Knights and major regional knights active in the border areas.

The more state armies there are, the heavier the burden will be on the state city to which they belong. Not counting training costs, the state army’s armaments, military pay, food consumption, and material consumption are not a small amount every month. They are all borne by the state city. Solve it yourself, Jucheng will only provide certain help in recruitment and training.

Howie understands this very well. Although the city-state of Goti is comfortable, its military expenditures are also not small. The annual sharecropping tax seems to be a lot, but one-third needs to be used to meet the expenses of the state's army, and another three-thirds. One requires the repair and construction of infrastructure inside and outside the city, as well as in subordinate villages.

The remaining one-third is at the disposal of the Viscount for family expenses, as well as salaries for maids, housekeepers, and managers like Howie.

In this way, there will be basically no balance in the income from the sharecropping tax.

However, this is not all of the Viscount's income. As a Viscount, he also runs a textile factory and owns two caravans. A lot of cotton is grown in the villages under his jurisdiction. The Viscount's subordinate textile factories will purchase it uniformly and then roughly process it into Cotton fabric.

Then the two Gotti caravans purchased some local products and cotton fabrics and took them to the giant city of Wabell for sale to make a certain profit, so Viscount Ector's net worth was still very rich.

Nowadays, most of the states and cities in the entire continent are hereditary territories distributed by nobles. At the very least, they are baron-level figures. For example, Viscount Ector has a relatively high title.

This is because the Ector family is also considered a big family in the Kingdom of Nord. Viscount Ector’s full name is Ictor Kane, and he is one of the children of the Ector family. The castle is a reward from his father's generation. In fact, the Ector family owns two giant cities and thirty-seven state cities in the Kingdom of Nord.

Therefore, compared with Viscount Ector, Zong Shen is a real mud-legged person.

This kind of behavior of establishing a territory out of nothing is not without precedent, but it is much more difficult to develop, and even takes a lifetime. Some people often work hard for decades, and finally become someone else's wedding dress.

At this time, Howie silently watched the battle ahead. So far, in terms of combat effectiveness, Zong Shen and the others were still very strong. With a team of dozens of people, they dared to attack thousands of cave monsters. challenge.

In his opinion, even the elite knights of the kingdom would not necessarily take such risky actions.

Next to Howie, the fire mage Parks was holding a staff and chanting an ancient magic spell. This spell was very long and took ten seconds to finish.

The ruby ​​on the top of his staff emitted red light. Not far ahead, a ten-meter-diameter magic circle appeared on the ground twenty or thirty meters deep into the monster group.

"Gudong Gudong..."

The ground surged, bright red flame runes appeared, and the magic circle finally took shape!

The entire place shrouded by the magic circle instantly rose into flames more than ten meters high!

The flames were very violent clustered flames, with a golden-orange color overall. From dozens of meters away, you could feel a billowing heat wave coming from the front. Judging from the color of the flames, the temperature inside them reached at least 1,200 degrees Celsius.

Flame Storm lives up to its name. It instantly sets enemies within range on fire, with burning damage constantly coming from above their heads. Moreover, there happens to be a Crypt Hero hidden in this area!

Judging from the entire group of cave monsters, this guy's position was at the rear, which was originally the safest position. Unexpectedly, someone from the clan killed him halfway and was stabbed in the eye.

And what a coincidence, the location where Parks used Flame Storm happened to be in the area where it was located.

Within a few seconds, a figure covered in flames emerged from it.

It was tall, and had been hiding among the monsters with its back bent in order to hide its figure.

Now that he was so burned by the flame storm, he no longer cared about hiding. He stood up straight and rolled and crawled out of the scope of the flame storm.

It was more than two meters tall, wearing a suit of armor made of bones, a horned skull helmet on its head, and holding two pale white bone swords. It was covered in fire, and its head was continuously suffering from burning injuries.

The level of the Crypt Hero is not high, and Flame Storm can cause considerable damage to it.

At this time, Zong Shen and the others were attacking and killing on the other side, dozens of meters away from where the Flame Storm was exerting its power.

When Zong Shen discovered that a hero was forced out of the monster group, Zong Shen quickly patted Bajie's head, turned around, activated Blood Fang Crash, and rushed towards the crypt hero.

As soon as his eyes glanced over, the attributes of this crypt hero appeared in front of him.

【Skeleton War King (Hero)】

[Qualification: Excellent]

[Level: lv4]

[Attributes: (Click to expand)]

[Hunger and satiety: 100]

【Strength: 29】

[Agility: 12]

[Wisdom: 6]

[Charm: 4]

[HP slashing damage: 78~81]

[Skill: Corpse Explosion lv4 (explodes an enemy's corpse, causing 20% ​​of the corpse's upper life limit explosion damage to enemies within five meters, cooling time 10 minutes)

Aging Curse lv4 (reduces the target's attack speed and movement speed by 50%, lasting 40 seconds, cooling time 1 hour)

Skeleton Arms Level 4 (can extract bones from corpses and condense them into Skeleton Armor and Skeleton Swords, with a cooling time of 10 minutes, and there can be at most one set of Skeleton Arms at the same time)

Passive skill: Skeleton Transformation Level 4 (Every time the Skeleton War King kills five enemies, he can automatically transform a skeleton warrior from one of the corpses. There is a certain correlation between the strength of the skeleton warrior and the strength of the enemy he killed during his lifetime. , killing undead or skeletonless creatures will not activate this effect)]

(The genuine Skeleton War King is a real skeleton lord, able to lead thousands of skeleton armies, especially the hero passive transformed by skeletons, which allows him to gradually grow his team during conquests, but this replica and weakened version can Not even close)

This is the fourth type of crypt hero after the Wailing Lich, Crypt Lord, and Death Knight.

The skills are all related to skeletons, especially the passive skill, which is a must-have in the Skeleton Sea. The more you kill, the more you will get, and the Skeleton War King in front of you is still a weakened replica. If it is the original Skeleton War King, The effect of the skill is probably much more powerful, and it is the well-deserved Skeleton Lord.

Zong Shen rode Bajie towards the Skeleton King. Before he could reach it, the Skeleton King extinguished the flames on his body and turned around to hide among the monsters.

At this moment, a huge flame claw suddenly formed behind it. This flame claw grabbed the Skeleton War King who was about to escape into the monster group and forcibly dragged it out.

The flames burned blazingly, causing continuous damage to it. This was not over yet. The Lord of Flame grabbed the Skeleton War King directly in the direction Zong Shen came from, and threw it in the open space in front of him. It was a considerate service and sent him away. Delivery to your door.

Then the flaming claw grabbed the monster group again, causing 15 points of burning damage wherever it touched.

When Zong Shen saw the Flame Claw throwing the Skeleton War King in front of him, he patted Bajie's head and applied an emergency brake, stopping in front of the Skeleton War King.

He turned over and slashed at the Skeleton War King with two big knives.

"Bang bang!"



Zong Shen opened his bow from left to right, and struck the skeleton armor with two knives one after another. Two cracks were visible on the bone armor. Under the armor, the body of the Skeleton War King was also a skeleton.

These two knives brought about two bursts of damage with high damage value.

Zong Shen is not using any Buff skills now. With the damage bonus of 78 points of strength and the bonus of many passive skills, his normal attacks are also very powerful, especially against such low-level and weakened ones. Hero of the Crypt is simply cutting melons and vegetables.

The two swords in the hands of the Skeleton War King also struck at Zong Shen. One sword hit the sword in Zong Shen's left hand, making a clash of gold and iron, and the other hit him directly on the shoulder.


The bone sword pulled out a spark on his shoulder, leaving a not too deep gap in the violent bear armor, and at the same time making Zong Shen's shoulder hurt.

Zong Shen's upper body armor value is as high as 55 points, and the Skeleton War King cannot cause much damage to him.

However, this sword reduced the durability of Zong Shen's [Teroka Violent Bear Armor (Purple)] by more than ten points, which made Zong Shen feel a little distressed!

Zong Shen took two steps back, opened some distance, and crossed his swords in front of him.

When he turned his head and saw the gap in the armor's shoulder, his heart ached!

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