Lords Trying to Survive: Strategizing from a Rundown Yard

Chapter 294: Knight Captain Quinnier, Wang Xuan’s little thoughts

Kunir looked at the female dragon and hawk knight, and spoke slowly with a peaceful smile on her face.

"Dear Denise, there are still more than 1,600 kilometers from Odo Village."

“It will take at least 20 hours to reach it even with our dragon scale horses marching at full strength.

"So I want you to go ahead and see the situation in Odo Village."

"Those damn church heretics will never sit still and wait for death."

"I have reason to suspect they have set a trap."

"The vicinity of Odo Village is very remote. Apart from the Bone Burial Ground, there are the ruins of Azshara. Most likely, what they are planning is something left over from the war that year."

"That's why they didn't hesitate to destroy Bosbon's army. This is a clear indication that they want to start a head-on war with us."

"This illustrates two points. The first is that those heretics have enough support to deal with us, and the second is that what they are planning is of great importance."

"You lead the Dragon Eagle team to check out the situation first, and then station yourself a hundred kilometers away from Odo Village, waiting for our arrival."

Kunir's eyes narrowed slightly, and his eyes shone with wisdom. Due to the geographical separation, he didn't know much about the situation in Odo Village. He only learned about the Calamity Raven Church from Boss Bang's request for help. The approximate strength of the heretics.

He knew that the other party sent out an entire apostle group. There are also elder-level figures among them, but I don’t know the more specific situation.

Just based on his understanding of the area where Odo Village belongs, Quenir has already guessed the motives of the Calamity Raven Church. There are actually no resources nearby. The only thing worth noting is the ruins of Azshara. and burial ground.

The kingdom in these two places also sent expedition teams to explore, but due to the large number of undead underground and the number of remaining magic circles, the excavation was too difficult, so the kingdom finally gave up the exploratory excavation.

After all, for the kingdom itself, there is actually no shortage of supplies, but it is more interested in some ancient items. However, the kingdom gave up exploration, but subsequent explorers and expedition teams never gave up here.

For example, Baron Bezos, who is now in charge of Boss State, loved to explore this area when he was young. Even though he encountered undead monsters, crypt monsters, or big monsters near living ruins several times, Baron Bezos never gave up exploring. , on this land, many ruins have traces of his explorations on the periphery.

Kunir's title in the kingdom is also Viscount, and he is also a knight squadron captain of the Dragonborn Knights' Lentatus Giant City branch. Unlike those lords who are determined to enjoy themselves in the fiefdom, he has devoted his life to All dedicated to the Knights, he is a brave knight captain.

At the same time, he is also the commander-in-chief of the Lentatus Crusade, and his mission is to lead the team to eliminate the heretical forces of the Calamity Raven Church that attacked Odo Village.

No matter how remote or insignificant Odo Village is, it is still the territory of the kingdom, and the behavior of the Calamity Raven Church is a naked act of aggression. It is a trampling on the dignity of the kingdom, so the crusade must be dispatched.

The nature of this battle is that honor outweighs profit. The major human kingdoms are now in their heyday, and both state and giant cities have accumulated huge amounts of wealth. Large-scale conflicts have not broken out between human kingdoms for a long time. There are only occasional small-scale frictions in the border areas.

Basically, a peaceful solution can be achieved quickly, and the scope of sacrifices is limited to a few villages on the border at most. As for the aliens living in the mainland, they are even more low-key.

As the protagonists of the last era, these alien races have been in seclusion since the dimensional war to cultivate their health. There were also kingdoms that launched wars against these alien races and tried to conquer them, but they paid the price of blood and fire and were wiped out by the counterattack. Two huge cities were lost.

This also made all the kingdoms in the entire continent feel awe-inspiring, and at the same time there was a consensus in their hearts that no foreign race that could retain their flesh and blood in the continent was easy to bully.

Hidden behind the seclusion of these foreign races is extremely powerful fighting strength.

They all seemed to be recharging their energy and reserve their strength, as if they were waiting for some big event to happen.

The aggression of these alien races is almost non-existent, and they only occupy one-third of their own acres.

The entire continent is vast, and the most indispensable thing is land. Therefore, even if there are some enclaves where foreign races live in the kingdom, it is a normal phenomenon, and the two sides are not in conflict with each other.

This is the fundamental reason why the human race can maintain a balance with the alien races throughout the continent.

The female Dragonhawk knight named Denise heard Captain Quinnier's words, nodded and saluted.

"Okay, Lord Kunir, I will lead the Dragon Eagle team to Odo Village first."

"At the speed of Dragon Eagle Beast, it only takes three or four hours to arrive."

"If we find an emergency in Odo Village, I will send someone back to inform you."

Denise replied to Quenir, gently pulling on the reins of the dragonhawk.

The twelve dragon eagle beasts flapped their wings again and slowly floated into the sky.

"Go ahead, put your own safety first and don't fight them."

"Wait until the army arrives and act together!"

Kunil gave the final instructions, and Denise, the female dragon and hawk knight, waved her hand to her forehead and led the team away gracefully.

The speed of Dragon Eagle Beast is considered above average among flying monsters. The maximum speed can reach 480 to 500 kilometers per hour. The maximum flight time depends on the load. It is 3 hours with full load, and it only carries one As a knight, if it does not carry other ordnance, it can fly for a maximum of 7 to 8 hours.

Then you need to rest and eat. Dragon Eagle needs to eat meat, and the food intake is not small. After resting for an hour and a half, it can continue to fly. Like Griffin and Hippogryph, Dragon Eagle is very suitable for riding. Flying monsters.

In addition to being produced in some special giant cities, these flying monsters can also be found in some wild places. However, wild flying monsters are still difficult to tame.

For example, when Zong Shen was testing the goblin airship, he once saw a group of griffins flying towards the mountains and forests to the north. Fortunately, those griffins were not interested in the goblin airship, otherwise it would have been another fierce battle in the air.

Of course, this also shows that there are many places worth exploring in the mountains to the north of Zong Shen's territory.

The dragon eagle beast flapped its wings and flew into the clouds, carrying the dragon eagle knights, hiding its figure and heading east.

After Quenier watched the dragonhawk knight sink into the clouds, he reached out and pulled off the mask of the helmet, and gently touched the dragon-like threaded horn on the top of the helmet.

The horn of his helmet was painted red and blue by him. Every knight of Avalon can freely paint the horn of the helmet. Some knights also decorated the horn of the helmet and tied it. There were colorful ribbons and cloth strips, and even a knight in the queue placed a cute little bear doll next to the horn of his helmet. It was only half the size of a palm, and it just happened to hold the horn of his helmet.

This is their personal characteristics, and it is also a certain spiritual sustenance transformed into the decorative helmet horns.

After Quenier put down his mask, he raised his arm-guarded right hand and waved it forward slightly.

"Keep the progress and continue to act. According to the forecast at the time of departure, we are expected to reach Tegedabang City at noon, where we will take a short rest and replenishment."

"By the way, I left landmark guidance for the infantry regiment riding the ground beast vehicle behind."

Kunir gave guidance to move forward, gently lifted the reins of the armored dragon scale horse under his crotch, and began to move forward.

The knights behind also pulled the reins uniformly, and everyone resumed their progress again.

Hundreds of cavalry galloped, their horses' hooves roared, and the ground trembled slightly wherever they went.

They rushed towards Odo Village with an unstoppable momentum. This was probably the real charm of the cavalry.

In Odo Village, Wang Xuan and his men were escorted outside the village by two teams of heretical giant knights.

Immediately, a group of Frost Euphorbia warriors came over, put 15 people including him in chains, and divided them into three groups.

The giant wolves ridden by the wolf cavalry were muzzled and tied to one side. As for the collected weapons and equipment, they were transported into the village and stored in a special room.

These people from the Calamity Raven Church looked like they were in the old business. They had all kinds of guys to deal with strong men. It was obviously not the first time they had done this kind of thing.

There were five people in each of the three groups, and one of them was sent to the hands of a team of heretical giant knights, who took the people to the excavation site of the Boneyard.

Another group was brought to the back of the village, which was surrounded by many spiked horses. A large number of horse-blocking trenches were dug in front and behind the horses. This group joined the army of workers at the rear.

Wang Xuan himself and four other soldiers were taken to the side of the village. A defense line was also built here. In addition to Juma and Jumagou, several wooden sentry towers were also built. There were boxes of food in the open space. The goblin mines were being laid, and some farmers were burying the goblin mines under the guidance of several deacons.

"Lord David, these are the newly captured laborers."

The Jackdaw and Euphorbia warriors escorted Wang Xuan and the others to a church deacon.

The deacon glanced at Wang Xuan and the others and nodded.

"Thank you very much, please return to your post."

"You guys follow me."

"As long as you are obedient and cooperative, the church will treat you well."

"Our teachings are full of fraternity, which cannot be compared with those barbaric teachings."

The deacon briefly comforted him, and then led Wang Xuan and the others to the boxes of goblin mines. There were four or five boxes stacked here. Each box contained fifty goblin mines, and two of them were already It was empty and had obviously been buried in the soil. This was one of the supplies that Raven Saint Safuri got from Boswell.

It was prepared to replace the heavy caltrops. However, although this thing is very powerful, it is gone once it explodes. The heavy caltrops can be used repeatedly. It is more powerful against the cavalry charge with a longer queue, but it is not considered Better than nothing.

Safuri got a total of 20 boxes from Boswell, and left four or five boxes in four directions of the village for defense.

Wang Xuan and the others did not say a word, and stood quietly beside the church deacon named David.

His team was divided into three groups. Now was not a good opportunity to cause trouble, and there were two or three heavily armed believer shooters on the nearby wooden sentry towers staring at them.

As long as they want to cause trouble or escape, the sharp arrows will shoot them into sieves.

Deacon David took out a goblin mine from the box, raised his hands, and began to introduce it.

Each of these goblin mines is as big as a palm. The outer shell is made of black iron. There are two layers on the top and bottom, one is the trigger position and the other is the base. The mine trigger uses the simplest press type, with a safety pin on the side.

"This is a goblin mine. What you have to do is very simple."

"That is to dig a hole about the same size and depth, pull out the pin, and then carefully put it in, covering the gaps and surface with floating soil."

"Remember, don't press hard on the top of the mine, otherwise it may cause an accidental explosion. But don't worry, it requires a certain amount of force to detonate this thing. Ordinary accidental contact will not be a big problem."

"Each landmine is placed directly at a distance of five meters and needs to be spread out."

"After it was buried, a small branch was inserted next to it as a mark."

"This is your mission, do you understand?"

The church deacon introduced it and pointed to the large bundle of twigs on the side.

Wang Xuan sighed secretly, their job was to lay mines here.

Looking at the arrangements of this heretical church, they must have a big conspiracy or a big arrangement.

There will definitely be a big war here in the future. Although Wang Xuan still doesn't know the purpose of the Calamity Raven Church and the Kingdom's Crusade Army, he can know from the church's layout that it is preparing for a defensive war.

This group of church heretics must have big secrets or big interests here.

Wang Xuan's mind became active and he quickly analyzed something from what he saw.

Being captured is not necessarily a bad thing, and he has not completely lost his fighting ability.

After all, his storage compartment still stores some props. Unless the other party has a space master who can interfere with the space, the items in the storage compartment cannot be confiscated at all.

This can be considered one of the advantages of the lords.

He glanced at the soldiers around him, nodded and bowed to the deacon.

"Sir, please rest assured, we will take care of it."

"It is our honor to serve the church!"

Wang Xuan's flattery comes as soon as he opens his mouth.

At the same time, he took a peek at the deacon in front of him and saw his brief system information.

From the information, he learned that the church was called Calamity Raven, and he immediately bowed even lower.

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