Lords Trying to Survive: Strategizing from a Rundown Yard

Chapter 297: Zongze’s family background, the secret room in the mountainside

The final challenge part of a crypt challenge has once again sparked a heated discussion among the people.

In addition to the challenge itself, for most lords, it also means the end of daily high-pressure life.

After reading the announcement, everyone knows that the final challenge will be a decisive battle feast based on the strongest in the region and supplemented by the lords of the whole domain, and the choice of whether to participate in this decisive battle is still in the hands of the lords themselves.

Some lords who seek stability or are lagging behind in development can completely ignore the support and survive the last few hours of the challenge in their territory with peace of mind. However, some lords whose strategies are more aggressive and have developed better may choose Lead the team to support, seize the tail of the challenge, and get more points and additional boss rewards.

The final challenge is only a multiple-choice question for ordinary lords in the area, but it is a must-choice question for the strongest lord in the area.

When it first landed, there were a total of 4,367,698,529 people.

Every 10,000 people constitute an area. There are a total of 436,769 areas where lords have arrived throughout the continent. In addition, there are 8,529 people left. I don’t know how the lord system handles it, so let’s count it as one area.

That counts as 436,770 areas. According to the normal rhythm, the death ratio of lords in each area should be similar. Of course, it does not rule out that some areas have relatively few deaths, or some areas have relatively many deaths.

It is not impossible that some areas even suffered a force majeure disaster and the entire area was wiped out.

The base number is too large, and the entire continent has many adventures, which makes everything possible.

Of these things no lord could say with certainty.

However, with so many areas, each area has a strongest person in the area, so the total number can reach more than 400,000.

These more than 400,000 strongest people in the region are truly outstanding lords who are only one in ten thousand.

Regardless of whether these lords rose quickly due to personal ability or outstanding luck, they were already at the top of the region. This was an indisputable fact.

So the essence of the final challenge now is actually to conduct a preliminary round of screening among more than 400,000 lords selected one out of ten thousand. The core of the activity still lies in the cultivation of lords.

Among the most powerful lords in these regions, Zongze was naturally included.

Since Zongze's arrival, his life has been very carefree.

Not to mention having a big brother behind him, he himself is also a proper European Emperor.

From the first day of landing, we have been very lucky and the development progress has always been maintained at an upper-class level.

He has basically never missed a beat, and it’s no surprise that he can become number one in his region.

Over the past few days, he has accumulated more than 60,000 crypt points, and he can basically maintain his position as the first in the region.

You must know that except for a few areas with monster-level lords, the points obtained by the strongest of most lords are between 20,000 and 60,000. Among the lords in this range, Zongze’s level is actually already Standing at the top of the area.

Lords with more than 60,000 points can be called monster-level lords.

Not to mention that pervert Zong Shen, who accumulated a huge amount of more than 165,000 points, eight times as much as the second place player in his own region!

But at this time, Zongze naturally didn't know that his brother had obtained so many points, but he firmly believed that among the strongest people in the region, his brother Zong Shen was definitely there.

There is no doubt about this. If his brother's level can't win it once, then Zongze can't imagine anyone winning the first place.

After learning about the strongest challenge, the first thing Zong Ze did was to rush back to the territory immediately. Like Zong Shen, he was busy hunting the group of cave monsters before noon.

In order to seize the bonus tail of the Crypt Challenge and earn the last wave of points, the two brothers' acting styles can be said to be half-weight versus half-weight, with similar strategies and ideas.

Zongze's territory is in the mountains, an open area on the mountainside. It is not as expandable as Zongshen in the plains, but it is also much more difficult to defend. There are only two roads up the mountain. One side of the territory is a cliff, and the other side is a canyon cliff. , when the novice period ended and the rules of the official period were adjusted, the weather that had been suppressed for a long time in the Rhodok Kingdom showed its force, causing sudden heavy rains and causing flash floods in the mountains.

At that time, the flash floods washed all the way down from the high mountains, and then rushed out from the canyon behind Zongze's territory. At that time, Zongze picked up a lot of materials washed down by the flash floods, and even rescued several people from the flash floods. An orc girl.

This kind of terrain is easy to defend and difficult to attack. Except for flying monsters and monsters like abyss worms that can burrow into the ground for a long time, other ground monsters can only climb mountains honestly.

However, although the open land on the mountainside is not too small, its development prospects cannot be compared with plain terrain like Zong Shen.

The land around Zongshen is very flat. Even if a huge city is directly built in the future, there will be no constraints or bottlenecks. On the other hand, this is not possible here in Zongze. After entering the expansion period of the territory, I want to find a way to open mountains or directly build a city. Build the territory into a row upon row of mountain fortress-type cities.

Zongze led the hunting team back to the territory from the mountain road. The palm of his right hand was wrapped with a bandage. It seemed that he was injured. As soon as he returned to the territory, he began to prepare.

Now the mountain roads in both directions in his territory have been surrounded by walls and roadblocks to prevent horses. He now has a total of 47 warriors and 15 farmers under his command.

Most of these warriors are second- and third-level orc warriors and troll warriors. They are all tall, with rough faces and strong bodies. The most obvious difference between these orcs and trolls and humans is their skin color and face. Orcs have light green skin. , similar to the facial features of an ape, with two obvious canine teeth pressing against the upper lip in the lower jaw.

The trolls have light blue skin and are more than two meters tall. Their limbs are not as strong as the orcs, but they are much stronger than ordinary human warriors. Their main attack method is to throw spears, which are very powerful and long-range. Of course, they can also carry spears for close combat when necessary.

In addition to the largest number of orc warriors and troll warriors, there are also several orc shamans and some third-level Rhodok skilled crossbowmen.

These shamans master shamanic witchcraft, which is equivalent to a human mage. They can summon viper guards, ghost wolves, and powerful soul chain skills.

Even one of Zongze's orc shamans masters a fourth-level witchcraft skill called Earthquake, which can cause the earth to continuously shake, causing damage to enemies within the range and slowing down ground units within the range. The effect will cause additional damage to buildings within range.

This skill is somewhat biased towards earth magic, but its essence is a type of earth witchcraft.

Witchcraft and magic are two systems. They have similarities, but they also have considerable differences.

The power of shamans comes from natural media. In addition to spiritual power when casting spells, they also need some media such as insect poison, bone meal, some special mineral powder, venom, etc. These media are often relatively easy to find in nature. Get something.

According to different types, it is divided into earth witchcraft, sea witchcraft, sky witchcraft, natural witchcraft, life witchcraft, soul witchcraft, and many other categories.

The power used by the mage relies more on his own pure spiritual power to mobilize the elements, combine and arrange them, and exert many magics.

This is the difference between the two. In actual combat, each has its own advantages and disadvantages.

The special arms of Zongze's area are orc and troll warriors, whose status is similar to that of the wolf cavalry in Zong Shen's area.

It can be said that more than 80% of the soldiers under Zongze are foot-picking men, but the remaining less than two floors are all filled with the best, such as the charming water mage women and those orc women.

Rabbit Girl prefers the auxiliary system, mastering some simple natural magic, and her strength is equivalent to that of a second-level human apprentice magician. Fox Girl has certain trap-making talents and stealth talents, which are roughly equivalent to second-level assassins.

These beast ladies are not very powerful in combat, but they are very pleasant to look at. They have beautiful faces and figures, plus fluffy beast ears and big tails. The combination of the two styles is enough to drive all male creatures crazy.

Zongze usually lets them stay in the territory and be responsible for assisting the territory's logistics heroes and handling the logistics and food.

There is only one hero in his territory. When Zongze went to nearby Meisang Village to purchase supplies two days ago, he met a begging refugee in the village. He was only 14 years old, but he was a heroic talent. He had a green elite-level talent, so he was picked up by Zongze with a few pieces of beef jerky.

After some persuasion and education from Zong Ze, he swore allegiance and became a small logistics officer in the territory, specializing in handling some logistical chores for Zong Ze. His status was equivalent to Mariel in Zong Shen's territory.

After Zong Shen gave him 10,000 mainland dinars two days ago, the first thing Zong Ze did was to buy 20 to 30 cows and 20 to 30 goats, and surrounded a simple building with a fence. mountain pasture, and also purchased some basic living supplies.

Now his territory is rich in materials. Although he is not as wealthy as Zong Shen, he is still considered a wealthy person among the lords.

The defense of his territory mainly consists of the orc armored arrow towers, which are the characteristic arrow tower drawings of this area. In addition, there are some defense towers redeemed by points. What he exchanged are basically second- and third-level arrow towers.

The blueprint redemption of the second-level defense tower only requires 750 points, the third-level one requires 1650 points, and the fourth-level defense tower becomes 3500 points. Although the attributes of the fourth-level defense tower are more powerful, and it is basically done in one step, there is no need to worry about the later stage. It will be outdated, but the exchange price is there.

So Zongze settled for the next best thing and exchanged all the second- and third-level arrow towers. The defensive capabilities of the entire territory were pretty good, with four first-level armored arrow towers, four second-level moon blade towers, and four second-level armored arrow towers. The Thunder Tower and two third-level Holy Light Towers.

This exchange configuration is basically equivalent to a weakened version of Zong Shen's configuration.

As the saying goes, the big boss has his own play style, and the younger brother has his own play style. If you are poor, you will strike with precision, and if you are rich, you will have firepower.

The two brothers actually followed the same path, that is, they were slightly different in terms of quality.

As soon as Zongze returned to the territory, he began to adjust the position of the defense towers, strengthen defenses in several important areas in the territory, and add multiple defensive barriers.

After asking the farmers to build defensive facilities, he took out a dagger and went to the cliff on one side of the territory.

He has already dug a tunnel here. Originally, Zongze's purpose was just to expand the space and collect stones. However, as the excavation deepened a few days ago, after digging more than ten meters, the farmer dug out some magic stone. composed of walls.

After digging through this wall, we entered a strange secret room at the heart of the mountain.

This secret room is full of doubts. The six sides, front, rear, left, right, top and bottom, are all made of high-grade magic stone. They are almost integrated. If Zongze had not dug in by accident, this secret room would have been made of magic stone. box.

There are no traces of passages or entrances, as if it was born inside the mountain.

There are also colorful murals on the walls of the magic stone. I don’t know how many years this secret room has existed. The colors of those murals are still bright, and the patterns depicted on them are also very abstract. Among the large areas of gray, there are colorful murals. Spheres, some of these spheres are connected, some are independent, and some are connected together by some gray channels.

Every time Zongze comes here and looks at the murals around him, he feels a sense of virtual chaos in the space.

In the central area of ​​this secret room, there is a magic stone platform, with a gray sphere the size of a fist suspended on it. This sphere is constantly rolling and floating, and it appears to be very active.

But outside the stone platform, there is a milky white mask.

At this time, this layer of light was flickering, sometimes clear, sometimes blurry, as if it was about to break at any time.

Zongze walked to the side of the stone platform, raised his bandaged right hand, placed it on the light mask, and used his left hand to untie the bandage, revealing a newly scabbed wound in his palm.

He looked at the wound, grabbed the dagger in his left hand and drew it lightly along the wound again.


An injury appeared, and he opened the scab, and bright red blood immediately overflowed.

Drop by drop, it falls on the mask. As soon as the mask comes into contact with the blood, it absorbs it instantly, and at the same time, the mask becomes dimmer.

After more than a dozen drops of blood, the mask stopped absorbing blood, and the last drop of blood slipped from the mask.

"Alas...I was fed again today."

"It's been several days, and I don't know when this light shield will be broken."

Zongze shook his head, took back his right hand, and wrapped the bandage around his mouth again.

He said to himself a little disappointedly, it was obviously not the first time he had done this.

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