Lords Trying to Survive: Strategizing from a Rundown Yard

Chapter 299: Defense Layout for the Final Challenge

Everything is ready, all we need is the east wind, now we just need to gather the people.

Zong Shen sat down on the threshold of the small courtyard.

The first one to gather was Fatty Three. He walked out of the training ground with thirty-three farmers and gathered at the entrance of the small courtyard.

Mariel is nearby, using the communication crystal to notify.

The second group of people gathered in place were the twelve wolf cavalrymen from the second wolf cavalry team and the eleven wolf cavalrymen from the third wolf cavalry team.

Followed closely were two goblin tearers, an Avalon light infantry, the water mage Lepe, and another claw druid. They were originally used as supplementary defense troops for the territory.

Finally, there was the kobold chief Dutra, who drove back from the city with 258 kobolds and slave Quite, leaving all the kobolds in the last row.

There are more than 200 kobolds, including a large group of Ula Ula, but because they are relatively short, they look a bit like a kindergarten gathering from a distance.

Mariel completed her task and came to the assembled queue to wait for Zong Shen's instructions. Even the dwarf uncle and Alanna heard the noise and walked out of the blacksmith shop.

Zong Shen looked at the dwarf uncle and smiled at him as a greeting. He rarely saw the tired look on the dwarf uncle's face, as well as the dark circles under his eyes caused by staying up late.

Although he looked tired, the dwarf uncle's face was filled with a smile and he winked at Zong Shen.

"Sir, after working overtime these days, the heavy combat puppet has finally been repaired!"

"I have successfully implanted the communication crystal into the transmission line of the combat puppet's magic energy core and repaired the damaged areas."

"As long as you dial the corresponding communication crystal, you can activate the heavy combat puppet to fight."

"Of course, if you want it to stop, you have to wait until its magic power is exhausted."

"The repaired heavy combat puppet is basically as I told you before."

The dwarf uncle bowed slightly and saluted, reporting the good news.

Speaking of [Heavy Combat Puppet], this thing has been given to the dwarf uncle for several days.

Finally, it was repaired before the final challenge.

Although due to damage, it is unable to receive instructions and shoot where it is directed.

But according to previous assumptions, it can still be of great use.

[Heavy Combat Puppet] has a high solidity value and armor value. As long as it is pre-charged with magic energy and then placed at a suitable location outside the territory, wait until the monster group appears and submerges the unactivated heavy combat puppets. Shen directly connected to the communication crystal and activated the puppet.

The power of [Heavy Combat Puppet] is enough to stir up trouble among the monsters.

It is not necessary to kill thousands of troops, it is enough to cause chaos among the monsters.

"Thank you for your hard work, uncle dwarf."

"After a while, I will take you to Bosbon's tavern for a good drink."

Zong Shen was in a good mood and expressed his approval to the dwarf uncle with a smile.

But he saw the dwarf uncle waving his hand.

"You don't have to drink. It's all my business."

"I've made up my mind to stop drinking."

The dwarf uncle said with firm eyes. Since the last time he had a heart-to-heart talk with Zong Shen, his fighting spirit has been aroused, and he has new hope for the future. He is no longer negative and decadent, and has even decided to quit drinking completely.

Zong Shen nodded, did not answer, and turned his eyes to scan everyone present.

Not all of Zong Shen’s team are gathered here.

The first wolf cavalry team, the exploration team, the combat team led by Vereesa who was on the front line of the crypt, and the scout team sent by Zong Shen to Dinan Village for layout and development did not come to the scene to gather.

But this time can be regarded as the largest gathering of people.

After glancing around, Zong Shen turned serious with his hands behind his back, and began to announce the final challenge in public, so that everyone could be mentally prepared.

Zong Shen originally thought that this news would arouse everyone's agitation, but he didn't expect that everyone was calm, including the kobolds who mined the mines every day.

"Don't worry, sir! We will defend our territory to the death!"

"Never let those disgusting crypt monsters step into our territory!"

The first person to express his stance was Arvid, the captain of the Second Wolf Cavalry Team. He could be regarded as a veteran who followed Zong Shen earlier. In terms of seniority, he was only one day behind Colby.

After he took the lead to express his stance, everyone started waving their arms and shouting loudly.

"Defend the territory to the death!"

"Swear to defend the territory to the death..."

Even the kobolds who couldn't speak human language raised their hands and, led by the kobold chief Dutra, imitated everyone's tone and started shouting.

Hundreds of people shouted at the same time, the momentum was astonishing.

"Bah bang bang!"

Zong Shen clapped his hands, then opened his hands to signal everyone to be silent.

After the shouting stopped, Zong Shen slowly spoke.

"Very good. If everyone has this fighting spirit, we will be able to successfully complete the final challenge."

"Now leave a few people to reload the crossbow bolts and load the guns of these empty storm crossbows."

"The rest of you follow me."

Zong Shen waved his hand, and several people from the defense team volunteered to stay and load the Storm Crossbow. The others followed Zong Shen to the outside of the north gate.

He walked directly to the north gate two hundred meters away, opened [Construction], and began to place [Level 1 Roadblocks]. Along the entire section of the city wall, 10 roadblocks were placed. These roadblocks were randomly placed two hundred meters away from the city wall. The positions are not arranged neatly, forming a very perfunctory roadblock defense line.

At the same time, ten [Level 1 Spike Traps] were deployed near the roadblock to assist defense.

That's not all yet, he placed ten scattered [First-Stage Grass Huts] farther away.

These straw sheds are cheap to build and have low sturdiness. Their only function is to distract the attention of the monster group and share some of the attacks of the monster group.

This kind of primary building is cheap and low-cost, but the benefits of using it for defense are huge.

After the layout was completed, he pointed out that ten farmers started to build it on the spot. Zong Shen began to plan the layout of the trenches in front and behind these roadblocks. He planned to place them at a distance of 150 meters to 350 meters from the city wall in front of and behind the roadblocks. Within the interval, a total of three trenches were laid out.

Each trench is composed of 12 to 15 sections of trenches. The excavation specification of each section of trench is 5 meters wide by 3 meters deep, so there are 36 to 45 sections of trenches outside each city wall, combined with the scattered roadblocks. , forming a defensive front with no rules to be found.

To deal with those crypt monsters that gather in groups, there is no need to arrange a too neat defense line. This kind of scattered defense line is not easy to be targeted and destroyed by the crypt heroes.

Don’t throw away the soil used to dig the trenches. You can use this soil to build a small compacted earth wall more than one meter high and two meters thick about ten meters away from the outermost trench. After compacting, it can change the movement of the monsters in the crypt. .

As for the other directions of the territory, he also arranged it in the same way. The various defense plans were extremely random and no rules could be found. Including the location of the trenches, he simply marked them on the ground with branches. If it was this random effect, , leaving the outside of the territory in a mess, and it would be better if we could not find a pattern to break through.

After everything was laid out, the manpower was evenly distributed to the four directions. The farmers were responsible for the construction, and the kobolds and warriors were responsible for digging the trenches. As for the digging tools, mining picks were used instead. Although they are not as useful as shovels, they are enough. , so many people are working on it at the same time, Zong Shen estimates that it will be completed by 10:00 tonight.

Those crypt monsters will turn into pus after death and merge into the ground. There is no need to consider the problem of clogging with corpses. At most, they only need to consider the damage caused by the crypt monsters stepping on them.

At this time, the intervention of soldiers and territorial defense buildings is needed. The wolf cavalry can disperse and patrol the outer map directly, without being trapped in the city.

When the time comes, the three wolf riding teams will act together and ambush outside the territory in advance. Once the group of cave monsters gathers to attack the territory, they will be notified to come and attack from behind on the periphery of the monster group.

After all the external defense arrangements in the four directions were arranged, Zong Shen and Mariel returned to the territory and began to arrange and arrange the eleven fourth-level characteristic arrow towers on hand.

They have a total of two fourth-level [Thunder Towers] in their hands, with a range of 500 meters. After some calculations, Zong Shen and Marier decided to place the two [Thunder Towers] on the left and right. On both sides of the small courtyard, there is still a range of more than 200 to 300 meters in several directions around the perimeter.

The range of [Thunder Tower] is not very far to begin with, so regardless of its ultra-long-range output capability, at this location, it is enough to attack places beyond the trench line.

Two of the three fourth-order [Moon Blade Towers] were placed in the middle of the east and west walls of the territory, and the remaining one was placed twenty meters north of the lord's courtyard.

The range of the fourth-level [Moon Blade Tower] reaches 1,250 meters, which is enough to cover the entire inner city of the territory, and has a long range overflow in all directions. This arrangement can be regarded as achieving a balance.

Then there are two fourth-level [Giant Crossbow Towers]. [Giant Crossbow Towers] have a long range and can also enter sniper mode. They are also placed in the middle of the east and west directions.

The remaining three level four [Holy Light Towers] are auxiliary defense towers, but they are also offensive defense towers for undead units. The coverage of 500 meters is enough to cover the area of ​​200 to 300 meters inside and outside the territory.

Considering the depth direction around the territory, the defensive pressure in the north is actually the smallest, because the north is the bone burial ground and the mountain forest, and the number of crypts there is relatively small, lacking the depth and terrain where monster groups gather.

The east, west and south are relatively flat and vast areas, and it is extremely easy for large-scale monster groups to appear.

Therefore, Zong Shen determined that one Holy Light Tower should be placed in the middle section of the south, and the remaining two [Holy Light Towers], like the [Moon Blade Tower] and the [Giant Crossbow Tower], should be placed in the middle sections of the east and west sides.

Now there is only the last special defense tower left, which is a fourth-level [Necromancer Tower].

[Necromancer Tower] is very special, but there is no so-called effective range. Its effect is to summon various skeleton warriors/archers/mages at certain intervals.

However, if it is placed in the most stressful position, the skeleton warriors/archers/mage summoned by it can join the battlefield faster. After all, the summons have a time limit.

This kind of special defense tower is not suitable for placement in the center of the territory, otherwise it will take a lot of time for the summoned objects to just run from the territory to outside the territory.

Zong Shen thought about it carefully, thinking that the southwest was the blind spot for his hunting. Thinking that the density of monsters was likely to be higher, he decided to place this fourth-level [Necromancer Tower] in the southwest corner of the territory.

Anyway, this time it is a temporary arrangement. When the crypt challenge is over and city planning begins, all the defense towers need to be moved and planned to the designated locations in one step, so it doesn't matter whether it is messy or not.

After arranging the deployment positions of these eleven fourth-level characteristic defense towers, Zong Shen gave them full authority to Mariel. As a hero-level talent, Zong Shen has opened the [construction] permission to her, and the complete drawings can It is built automatically and takes very little time.

Mariel only needs to place the designated defense tower at the designated location. There is no technical content and it is also an errand job.

After Zong Shen arranged the defensive layout of the territory, he mounted Bajie again, left the territory from the north city gate, and rushed towards the front line of the crypt.

The crypt frontline position had been maintained for 6 days, but it was no longer necessary to maintain it. The benefits of spreading the troops were less than the benefits of shrinking the defense, so Zong Shen was going to the crypt frontline and notified Vereesa and the frontline combat team to return to defense.

At the same time, he and Vereesa had to move back the arrow towers on the front line and the two third-level city walls.

Even if the two third-level city walls are of little use, they might as well be moved to the outside of the territory and used as shelters.

As we moved forward, it was already past 1:40 in the afternoon, and the crypt monsters along the way were still sparse, unlike the crypt monsters that were everywhere in the past few days.

As the crypt challenge comes to an end, this reduction in the density of crypt monsters is almost impossible to recover.

Because, the sparseness of cave monsters around the territory was the result of Zong Shen and the others killing the surrounding cave monsters for 6 consecutive days, and it was not something they could recover from in just one day.

If you want to see the crypt monsters running all over the ground again, you can only wait until the final challenge begins, and those crypt monsters will be specially attracted.

Zong Shen rode Bajie all the way forward, recalling the six days of the crypt challenge, and felt a little sad.

In less than ten days since its launch, the Crypt Challenge has already taken up six days, and many of the development habits of the lords have changed as a result.

As soon as noon passes tomorrow, the crypt challenge will be completely over, and no one knows what the next challenge will be!

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