Lords Trying to Survive: Strategizing from a Rundown Yard

Chapter 335: Demonstration and enlightenment, the fun begins

The Andalusian war horse has a speed of up to 7 points.

The speed of an ordinary Avalon grassland horse is only 5 points.

Even though they are wearing heavy armor and carrying fully armed knights on their backs, the Andalusian horses are still very fast.

They quickly approached outside the village in the southeast, which was one of the blind spots for the church's heavily armed shooters.

For Zong Shen, who had just entered Odo Village not long ago and poached half of the village's magic circle, he already knew the entire village's defense positions well.

The main ranged forces of the Church heretics in Odo Village are the Church Heavy Marksman and the Disaster Mage.

The largest number of them are heavy-armed shooters. The strength of these guys is almost the same as that of the Dragonborn Rangers.

There are still many blind spots in various directions in the village.

Zong Shen sat behind Cecilia and led the Immortal Lancers team to the southeast of Odo Village.

The cavalrymen pulled out their swords and started slashing at the shield.

One after another damage appeared, and just the addition of twelve cavalry caused the raven dome's strength to begin to decline at an accelerated rate, and a round of damage could be cut every second.

He kept cutting like this for half a minute, causing more than 10,000 additional points of damage to the dome shield.

Zong Shen was never reluctant to fight. He estimated that time was almost up, so he patted Cecilia on the back. Then Cecilia let out a soft whistle and led the cavalry team quickly away from Odo Village.

Behind them, arrows shot out from the raven dome and shot towards the Immortal Lancers team, but in the end they missed a beat and all fell behind them.

The war horses speeded up again, and the cavalry team evacuated to a kilometer away around Odo Village, which was already far away from the shooting range of the church's heavy shooters.

Under the command of Zong Shen, the cavalry team circled from the southeast to the northeast of Odo Village, quickly guerrillaed to the northeast corner of the village, and came to the side of the dome shield. There was another round of crazy slashing by the knight's sword. .

This time it lasted longer than the last time. It lasted for nearly a minute before Zong Shen signaled Cecilia to lead the team to evacuate. This time, it caused more than 20,000 durability damage to the Raven Dome.

On the ground behind them, arrows also fell one after another. They were playing to the extreme. They didn't do much damage but were extremely insulting.

Each of these knights swung a sword, and even after the shield's armor value was reduced, there were still fifty or sixty points of damage. Twelve knights would do six to seven hundred points of damage in one round.

According to Zong Shen's style of play, even if he kept running and stopping, it would only take less than half an hour at most to break through the Raven Dome.

This is just a small team, and Quenier has two cavalry squadrons under his command, and they still choose this stupid method of hard bombardment.

Zong Shen followed this pattern and launched a wave of attacks to the north of Odo Village, and then circled back to the expeditionary army's position from north to west.

Being messed with like this consumed a lot of the strength of the Raven Dome. According to this situation, it would take more than 20 minutes to break it.

"Look, sir, the method is actually very simple."

"The strength of these church heretics is also limited. They basically guard all directions of the entire Odo Village."

"The most important thing is that they are in the village and we are outside the village."

"We have more space than they do."

Zong Shen said in a persuasive manner that as a qualified mastermind, he must persuade Kunir to launch an attack as soon as possible.

He silently calculated the duration of the transformation potion in his mind. There were still more than ten minutes before the effect of the potion ended. He had to let Kunir lead the crusade to launch a full-scale attack within this time.

After listening to Zong Shen's words, Kunir felt something move in his heart. Zong Shen's performance just now indeed played a very good role in taking the lead, and it also made his mind active again.

Looking back on his previous performance, he was simply cowardly and outrageous. As a knight squadron leader, he seemed to have forgotten his bravery back then.

A true knight dares to sweep all enemies. Even if the enemy is strong and we are weak, he can charge without fear of death. Therefore, Captain Hardmon and the warriors of the Dragonborn Knights, even in the face of brutal The evil dragon Borkaiser also dared to attack.

Thinking of this, Kunir felt a little ashamed. This time, he was indeed fooled by the Calamity Raven Church the whole time. The weirder these church heretics behaved, the more doubtful Kunir became.

Instead, you will fall into self-doubt. In fact, the thing is very simple, just do it and it is done.

Those who have been so stubborn will be gradually slaughtered by the church heretics. If the crusade goes all out, even if the Calamity Raven Church is prepared, it cannot easily eliminate them.

After all, the troops brought by the crusade army this time are still quite sufficient. Even if the opponent has a certain advantage, it will take a hard battle to completely defeat the crusade army.

If you continue to hesitate like this, you will really fall into the other party's trap.

Kunir understood a lot in an instant. As he got older and older, the bloody bravery of his youth was gradually disappearing, and the knight's courage and honor were gradually sinking.

He suddenly reached out and pulled open the movable visor of the face-covering helmet, and looked at Zong Shen with a very firm gaze.

"Thank you, Quint."

"I actually see a kind of vitality in you."

"I am very ashamed. As a viscount canonized by the kingdom, I am also a senior knight."

"My courage is not as good as yours."

This time Kunir took the initiative to dismount, came to Zong Shen, and stretched out his right hand to him.

Zong Shen looked at Kunil, who was suddenly inspired to fight and stretched out his hand.

The two hands were held together. Although Kunil looked very young, his hands were still strong. However, Zong Shen's strength attribute reached 108 points, so he naturally didn't care about his strength and just used his own strength. The power is controlled at an appropriate level.

The two shook hands lightly and then let go. Zong Shen didn't say anything more. From Kunil's eyes, he understood that his goal had been achieved.

Kunir himself is a senior knight and a nobleman, with rich combat experience. His own ability is not bad, but his own mentality has problems.

In addition, some of the special arrangements made by the Calamity Raven Church affected his judgment.

In fact, all it takes is someone to point it out.

Kunir nodded again to Zong Shen, and then closed the movable mask.

He turned over and mounted the dragon-scaled war horse, pulled out the knight's sword, and pointed at the Odo Village in front of him.

"Get ready to charge."

"The Dragonborn Knights are preparing to arm themselves!"

"Blue Owl Cavalry Squadron, you are divided into two parts, one part attacks the east side of Odo Village, and the other part attacks the northeast side of Odo Village."

"Rangers and mages are ready to advance at any time, while light infantry and strong swordsmen are responsible for protection."

"Once the shield is breached, immediately cover the road into the village with a rain of arrows to destroy any ground traps they may have laid. The earth mage team is ready. Once the battle begins, immediately activate the third-level earth group attack magic to change the terrain of the village. Do not Keep it!"

"Dragon Master listened to the order, and as the shooters and infantry regiments advanced, after entering the two hundred meters outside the village, they immediately began to chant the team's magic to summon the dragon spirit."

Quenier ordered calmly, his voice was calm, but with murderous intent.

The supporting third-order cavalry squadron, known as the Blue Owl Cavalry, was the first to respond and drew out its straight-edged cavalry sword. The left hand with a leather round shield grabbed the reins while blocking the left front from a distance.

The fourth-level knights of the Dragonborn Knights actually unscrewed the threaded horn on the helmet, and then took out two metal sticks about one meter long hanging on both sides of the horse.

There are reserved threaded openings at the front end, which can be spliced ​​together. Two metal rods measuring one meter two are combined into a long metal stick about two meters four. Finally, the threaded horn on the helmet is screwed on. The front end.

In this way, the knights of the Dragonborn Knights assembled a standard lance with a length of two and a half meters.

There are many specifications of lances, such as the three-meter-long tapered lance used by the Immortal Lancers, which is a heavy lance.

The specifications of the lances assembled by those heretical giant knights and the fourth-order knights of the Dragonborn Knights are all standard lances.

These threaded horns were all colorfully painted, and some were even hung with ribbons and strips of cloth. Among them, the knight who put a little bear on the horn of his helmet silently took off the little bear doll and placed it on the dragon-scaled horse. On the head covered by the armor, use a small ribbon to tie it to the gap in the armor.

Everyone is sharpening their knives and making final preparations for arms.

Kunil did not take the initiative to give orders to Zong Shen. He only had a small team and was unable to take on the task of the main attack. He could only assist in the attack and perform side effects nearby.

Soon, everyone was ready, and then Kunil looked at Zong Shen.

"Quit, just take your small team of immortal cavalry and wander around."

"After the Raven Dome is breached, you can move freely with your team and enter the village from the village path to harass these church heretics. We will be responsible for the front."

Zong Shen nodded, naturally he had no objection. Once they started fighting, it would be time for Zong Shen to fish in troubled waters or run away directly.

Zong Shen had already planned this, and letting the two parties formally fight was only the first step.

The battle will not end in a short time. There are hundreds of people on both sides. It is normal to fight for several hours. Even the entire Odo Village will be completely destroyed.

Only when the battle is at its most brutal is the best opportunity to fish in troubled waters and enter the village to rob people.

Before that, Odo Village was a meat grinder. No matter who blindly broke in, if they were not strong enough, they would be dead.

After everyone was ready, Kunir suddenly pulled the reins, and the dragon-scaled horse raised its front hooves and neighed.

Kunil then raised his arms and shouted loudly, his voice was so penetrating that everyone was shocked.

"For the glory of the kingdom!"

"All warriors, charge with me!"

"Kill all these church heretics who dare to trample on the royal soil!"

Suddenly the fighting spirit on the part of the crusade was boiling. They were all warriors of the kingdom, and they all had their own dignity and honor.

All the war horses neighed, and their morale rose rapidly like a flame.

"Kill all these church heretics!"

"Kill them all!"

Everyone yelled at the top of their lungs, the sound was so loud that it echoed repeatedly outside Odo Village.

Quenier did not assemble the lance, he just raised the knight's sword in his hand and rushed out at the lead.

More than two hundred knights rushed out like two rivers, and then gradually separated and rushed in different directions.

The dragon-born rangers and mages, as well as the Avalon light swordsmen and Avalon strong swordsmen also advanced towards Odo Village.

On the temporary position, only those soldiers responsible for controlling the siege equipment remained in place, maintaining the offensive of the magic trebuchets and heavy crossbows.

These siege equipment have an ultra-long range. Once the shield is broken, they can play a supporting role in supporting the troops on the front line. It is conceivable that when the war begins, Odo Village is destined to be completely wiped out. .

Zong Shen also patted Cecilia, who immediately knew what was going on, and rushed out with Zong Shen and the Immortal Lancers team, towards the north of Odo Village.

This direction is a blind spot for attack. Zong Shen is preparing to escape from this direction. Only a fool would actually charge with the crusade.

Now that his mission was completed, he allowed the crusade to launch a full-scale attack half an hour ahead of schedule.

And looking at Kunil's appearance, he has a determined aura.

Zong Shen wanted this effect. The total number of troops on both sides was more than a thousand. A battle of this scale was not comparable to a battle involving dozens or hundreds of people.

After the Immortal Lancers arrived at the north of Odo Village, they were out of sight of the crusade and left directly to the north. After advancing several kilometers, they turned northwest.

Three or four kilometers northwest of Odo Village, Colby was waiting here with Bajie and a group of wolf riders.

After the Immortal Lancers team returned, Zong Shen easily jumped off the horse.

There are still a few minutes left before the effect of the transformation potion ends.

And the real show has just begun!

The Wolf Cavalry and the Immortal Lancer consciously changed their positions, forming an irregular blocking circle around Zong Shen.

The density of lords around him was too high, and many people were secretly staring at Zong Shen. But because of the distance, they probably couldn't see Zong Shen's change in appearance and body shape.

But it is not ruled out that some lords have investigation methods such as [Magic Mechanical Falcon].

Not many lords care about Zong Shen now.

Although some lords saw his team going to the Crusade Army, they did not know what Zong Shen actually did or said to the Giant City Crusade Army.

All they knew was that not long after, the crusade launched a general attack on Odo Village!

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