Lords Trying to Survive: Strategizing from a Rundown Yard

Chapter 363: Arriving at Bosbon, Evans’ Manor

This issue is a difficulty for the future development of the territory.

As the territory expanded, this problem gradually came to light.

The area where each lord comes is a square area of ​​200 kilometers × 200 kilometers.

The installation compares each area to a square piece of white paper.

Then the lord's territory is like circles on a white paper.

The higher the territory level, the larger the circle.

When the range of a circle is larger than the average distribution density of lords.

It will inevitably come into contact with circles representing other territories, or even annex them.

The most difficult thing is that these lords are also members of the [Legion] available for recruitment.

Only lords with rapid development progress, relatively strong and aggressive lords can quickly expand their territory.

Compared with brutally and brutally razing the lords' territories within the scope, for Zong Shen, peaceful development is more in line with the future interests of the territory.

Of course, it is not ruled out that there are lords in other regions who have chosen the unicorn mode. Regarding this point, it can only be said that benevolent people have different opinions and wise people have different opinions.

Zong Shen thought silently, and this time he went out gave him a lot of inspiration.

With this kind of focused thinking, time passed quickly.

More than an hour later, they could already see Bospan in the distance.

This is a semi-open city, so large that the edges of the city cannot be seen at a glance in the dark.

The area of ​​​​Bangcheng alone is no less than that of a county-level city on the original earth.

On the periphery are large areas of orchards, farmland, and pastures.

They are all laid out in a square shape, like patches sewn together outside the city.

The main body of the city is even more vast, and there are many buildings on the side that Zong Shen and the others can see.

These buildings vary in height and look crowded.

The closer you get to the central area of ​​Bangcheng, the neater the buildings are and they look relatively taller and smoother.

Even at night, Bangcheng is brightly lit.

The difference in regional prosperity within the city can be seen from the distribution of lights.

The closer you get to the inner city circle of Bangcheng, the brighter the lights and the more prosperous it looks.

You can't see the center of Bangcheng from here, so you have to move on.

Coming to Bangcheng for the first time, Zong Shen, who was used to seeing his own territory and villages, felt strange.

Vereesa and the others looked very calm.

Let alone state cities, they have seen many giant cities.

But after experiencing the intense seven-day crypt challenge.

Leaving the territory and coming to Bangcheng made them feel a lot more relaxed.

As the saying goes, change the environment and change the mood!

As a semi-open city, and it was not during wartime, there were no guards outside the city.

They passed through orchards and farmland.

It is only two or three kilometers away from the street entering the city.

In order not to cause misunderstanding, Zong Shen decisively chose to slow down.

At the same time, he was also curiously observing the orchards and farmland on both sides.

Every few meters along the roadside, a small brazier was erected.

Many farmers spread straw mats and lay on the roadside. They are all tenant farmers working nearby.

The nobles and wealthy businessmen in the city occupied a large amount of surrounding land.

Some farmers will choose to rent the land, and they need to pay a dinar every year based on the size of the land they rent.

The crops produced are also given priority to be sold to landowners.

If you think about it carefully, it means earning hard money, which is at least better than being a maid.

For nobles and wealthy merchants, they save labor expenses and can allow these tenant farmers to create value on their land as long as they appropriately share a portion of the profits.

The purchased agricultural products, after deducting the rent paid by the tenant farmers, are much lower than the normal price on the market.

They can also perform secondary processing and let their caravans sell to the villages under the jurisdiction of Bangcheng.

This is considered a kind of indirect labor exploitation, but it is relatively mild.

The types of fruits grown in the area around here are relatively simple.

The most common one is apple.

The apples here are generally a whole circle bigger than those on Earth.

It looks like a small rubber ball.

Just like this, Bajie can eat thirty or forty apples in one meal.

A basket of apples can only hold so many apples.

In Zong Shen's territory, an apple is usually divided into four parts for matching.

As for the farmland here, it was so dark at night that Zong Shen couldn't see clearly what was being planted.

However, the types of crops grown by humans in this world are roughly the same as those on Earth.

The yield is about one-third lower than on earth.

After all, there are differences between traditional farming and modern farming.

However, this is not the top farmland in the world. There is magic in this world. Some giant cities will have special agricultural areas directly under the jurisdiction, where natural magic arrays are arranged.

There will also be regular fertilization and careful care by dedicated personnel.

The output between the two is naturally different.

After Zong Shen and the others passed by.

Some farmers keeping vigil along the way looked at them with curious eyes.

This was the first time these farmers had seen that someone could tame such a big wild boar into a mount.

And the woman riding the panther, although her face is covered by a veil.

But as the black panther moved, the buttocks on the saddle were also trembling slightly.

These farmers couldn't help but swallow their saliva.

That posture, that figure!

Even if they think about it with their buttocks, they can tell that this person is definitely a top performer!

Vereesa, who was sitting on the back of the wild boar, also received a lot of looks.

These gazes are obscure, lustful, and full of voyeurism.

Zong Shen naturally noticed these lewd glances.

He turned slightly sideways and held out two fingers to Cecilia, who was leading the team behind him.

He gestured towards his sides.

Cecilia instantly understood what he meant, and the entire Immortal Lancers were divided into two teams under his guidance.

Arranged on both sides of Zong Shen, tall war horses and knights blocked the eyes of the farmers.

Seeing this scene, all the tenant farmers suddenly became more honest.

Those eyes have converged. They were still taking chances before, but now they no longer dare to peek at Vereesa and Luna.

After slowing down, it took everyone another seven or eight minutes to officially set foot on the streets of Bangcheng.

The streets here are all paved with thick stone slabs. The main body of the street is fifteen or six meters wide and can accommodate at least three carriages passing in parallel.

On both sides are rows of two- to three-story houses, all of which are private residences.

Most of these houses are built with stone bricks, with a layer of white mortar smeared on the surface.

In Zong Shen's opinion, it is still very simple, but it is many times better than the stone and wooden buildings in the village.

The first floor is a series of street-facing shops, most of which are still open at this time.

A sidewalk is also planned outside the store, but there is no trace of greening.

There are snack bars on the streets and cloth shops with long strips of fine cloth hanging at the door.

There are not many people coming and going, because this is just the outskirts of the city.

But there are still many passers-by.

Some were wearing simple cloth, while others were wearing leather armor and carrying long swords.

Without exception, they all walked in a hurry, either entering the city or walking out of the city along the streets.

When Zong Shen and the others entered the street, they immediately attracted the attention of passers-by.

Although riding war beasts and war horses is not prohibited in the city, horse-drawn carriages and ox-carts are even allowed to enter the city.

But no matter where you are, it's really rare to see someone riding such a big wild boar swaggering through the city.

After entering the city, Zong Shen saw a guard tower more than twenty meters high standing not far away.

Four second-order Avalon light-armored crossbowmen stood on the tower.

There are also four [second-order elemental arrow towers] standing nearby. These four arrow towers form a defensive node.

This defense tower placement model is also worthy of reference.

The first thing Zong Shen has to do now is to find Evans.

Put the Requiem Grass into his hand.

Let's get acquainted first and inquire about the situation of the manor.

Make preparations for the next step to successfully enter the manor wine cellar.

Then he went to visit Baron Bezos overnight.

Give him back all the fancy things he left behind when he was young.

Returning so many items at once should be able to increase Baron Bezos' favorability a lot.

After capturing Baron Bezos, this trip to Bosbon will be much smoother.

"Please tell me where Evans is now."

Zong Shen asked the guide for help in his mind.

Soon a golden navigation arrow appeared in front of me.

The entire Bosibon except the central area and a few streets near the central area.

Most areas within the city are open to traffic restrictions.

Whether you are riding a horse or riding a war beast.

As long as it doesn't cause damage to the city, no one will care about you.

But the central area is different.

It was the most heavily guarded place in the entire city.

There are large groups of state troops patrolling back and forth, and there are also defense nodes with four arrow towers densely distributed.

It is a very typical pattern of being loose on the outside and tight on the inside.

It does not belong to the kind of fortress-type city that is tightly surrounded by city walls.

This kind of city has a high degree of openness and is also the model adopted by most cities now.

And Gotti Castle, where Howie once lived, is a typical fortress-type city.

The latter is often smaller in size than the former and has a great advantage in times of war.

But in this peaceful period, the development progress of semi-open cities is not as fast.

Zong Shen originally wanted to go to the city to relax, but when he saw those snack bars and clothing stores, he just felt boring.

There is no sense of feasting and feasting at all!

The Bangcheng he had imagined before was filled with hustle and bustle of singing and dancing.

Food, wine, and beautiful women are all here.

The bold strippers danced in the square to the exciting rhythm.

The onlookers were all mercenaries licking blood from their knives, drinking wine boldly and throwing handfuls of dinars on the dancers.

The streets of Bangcheng in front of me seemed too serious and ordinary.

But Zong Shen also knew that the gold-selling cave would definitely not be outside the city.

But the street still seemed too ordinary.

He no longer wasted time and began to follow the guide's navigation guidance to find Evans.

After passing through streets and turning left and right, they gradually moved towards the central area.

After advancing in the city for more than half an hour, they arrived outside a large manor on the left side of the central area.

This manor covers a large area and can occupy a place in the central circle of the city where land is at a premium.

According to Mr. Mars, this place was once the property left by his father’s generation.

The entire perimeter of the manor is surrounded by iron fences, and for the sake of beauty, the fences are filled with roses.

Rose is a plant with strong ability to climb walls and is covered with small thorns.

And the flowers are very large, and a wall of flowers will bloom every corresponding season.

Through the gaps in the fence, you can see that there is a large open space in the manor.

In these clearings, there are soft meadows of uniform length.

There is also a garden in the manor, which has obviously undergone horticultural design.

The neat and tidy shrub walls are matched with the clusters of flower fields.

There are also thick and big trees, just right distributed in several locations in the manor.

Everything seems to have been designed and looks comfortable.

In the middle of the entire manor is a luxurious two-story mansion.

Pitched roof with large windows and mezzanine.

Next to the mansion, a row of neat cabins was built.

It looks very sentimental.

Even though we are living in a city, we feel like we are close to nature.

It seems that no matter which world we are in, the happiness of rich people is really unimaginable.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, look at what I'm doing in this little life."

"Whenever I want to build a manor like this."

"If you have nothing to do, go and stay for a few days. It must be facing the sea and the spring flowers are blooming."

Zong Shen said to Luna and Vereesa.

They followed the iron fence outside the manor for a short circle and finally found a manor gate.

Looking at the beautifully carved iron gate, Zong Shen had the illusion that he had returned to Earth out of time and space.

Zong Shen rode Bajie to the door, stretched out his hand and knocked.

"Clang clang clang!"

He has great strength, and even after he stops his strength, he knocks on the iron door with a bang.

Veresa leaned over slightly as she reached out, and using the cover of Bajie's body, she took out the small wooden box from the storage compartment and handed it to Zong Shen.

"Pa bang bang..."

Soon there were several footsteps approaching.




The iron door was divided into two, and opened towards the manor to create a gap for only one person to pass through.

Several people wearing pointed half-helmets and black and gray light armor walked out.

These people have sinister faces and fancy cloaks wrapped around their armor.

There are some colorful cloth strips sewn on these cloaks, which look a bit weird.

They seemed very cautious, and after they came out, the door was closed.

"This is Lord Evans' manor."

"What do you want?"

They glanced at Zong Shen, who was covered in armor, and then at the Immortal Lancers and Luna.

His originally fierce expression softened a lot, and he asked in as gentle a tone as possible. \u003c/div\u003e

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