The generosity and generosity shown by Baron Bezos made Zong Shen fond of him.

Baron Bezos provided all the help Zong Shen needed.

He even offered to explore the ruins of the Lion Knights' camp together.

For Zong Shen, Baron Bezos is like an elder.

After being here for so long, he felt the feeling of being covered for the first time.

All that needs to be discussed has been said.

Zong Shen began to tell Baron Bezos about his experience in the mine.

How he took advantage of the battle between the Goblin team and the spider web monster.

It omits a lot of details, from the time he killed the first spider web monster queen to the third time he entered the mine to kill the spider web monster lord and expel the entire spider web monster group.

He chose to ignore these situations. He did not want to expose the fact that the spider web monster group had left the mine, so as not to make Baron Bezos regain interest in the mine.

In addition to the adventure stories in the mines, Zong Shen also told about his experiences in the demon hunter's temple in the northern mountains and the dungeons, including their kills of mutant ghouls, blood-burning demon skeletons, and the suture monster Pato. deeds.

Baron Bezos's eyes sparkled when he heard these adventurous experiences.

Just as he was listening with interest, the door of the living room was knocked again.

This time it was another butler who came in. He was also very dignified.

"Sir, the dinner is ready,"

"Madam has rested."

"Miss Stephen hasn't rested yet and is already waiting in the banquet hall on the second floor."

Bezos nodded, stood up and said to everyone.

"Let's go to the banquet hall on the second floor."

"Sorry to keep everyone waiting."

It was already past 1 o'clock in the morning.

Usually at this time Zong Shen is already asleep.

And now they are going to a dinner party.

Thinking about it this way, Zong Shen always felt weird.

Everyone stood up and followed Bezos out of the living room.

There is a stair entrance not far from the living room.

The main building of the entire castle has four stairwells leading to the upper level.

Because the entire main building is too big, several more staircases must be designed.

Living in this kind of castle is like waking up from a big bed of 800 square meters every day.

Even going to the toilet may take several minutes.

The stairs are also carpeted in warm colors.

There are also exquisite wall lamps on the walls on both sides.

Follow the stairs to the second floor, where the layout is more complicated than on the first floor.

As soon as you go upstairs, there is a long corridor, and the entire second floor is divided into rooms of different sizes.

This corridor is a corridor with no special decoration.

The walls are all covered with soft wall coverings of the same pattern and color. In addition to being luxurious, they are also very visually confusing.

If you are new here and have no one to guide you, you might get lost here.

I don’t know if this kind of decoration is for aesthetics or to confuse people.

Zong Shen estimated it was the latter.

After all, the nature of a castle and a manor are still different.

In times of peace it was a luxurious residence.

During the war, this place became the last line of defense for the entire city.

So behind these luxurious decorations, this castle still hides some mysteries.

After passing through more than a dozen compartments along the corridor, the housekeeper took them into one of the compartments near the outside of the castle.

When the large door was pushed open, everyone felt their eyes light up.

After leaving the corridor, which was relatively dark and cramped.

The banquet hall in front of me is much more spacious and bright.

This banquet hall is huge, at least twice the size of the reception room.

There are four small terraces on one side of the ballroom.

There is a long banquet table in the middle.

There are also some vacant wall tables on either side.

There are several sets of goblet holders on it.

This banquet hall can hold both ordinary banquets and self-service cocktail parties.

Today's layout is obviously an ordinary banquet.

The long table is already filled with delicacies.

There are two portions of one dish, placed on the left and right sides of the table.

There are two dinner plates and a goblet on each seat.

There are also tableware such as knives, forks and napkins.

All the maids with good looks were wearing tailor-made maid uniforms.

There are communal cutlery in hand on standby at each seat.

Zong Shen looked at these maids and remembered the recruitment of Baron Bezos' people in Citano.

The monthly salary of such a maid is only 20 mainland dinars?

It doesn't seem right when you think about it, but since the whole castle is so big, the servants should be differentiated.

It is definitely not these personal maids who are paid 20 mainland dinars.

She was most likely the kind of maid who was responsible for menial tasks in the castle such as gardening, cleaning, and laundry.

Zong Shen glanced at these maids and suddenly came to a conclusion.

Under the guidance of the butler, everyone took their seats.

As the owner of the castle, Baron Bezos sat at the top.

Zong Shen sat on the passenger seat to his left.

A young girl sat opposite Zong Shen, while Luna and Vereesa sat next to him.

He also took his seat with the remaining Immortal Lancers.

The maids put the knives and forks in their hands on the napkins and began to pour wine for each guest.

The wine Baron Bezos used to entertain them was a bright yellow liquid.

The alcohol content is not high, and it still has some fruity aroma.

According to Bezos, this stuff is brewed from apples.

It's not a precious drink, it's not as good as the bottles of [Highland Wine] collected by Zong Shen.

The table was filled with delicacies, and Zong Shen was a little dazzled by the sight.

The last time he had a good meal was at Mr. Mars's house.

At that time, Mr. Mars's personal chef was very greedy for him.

He even thought about how to get a chef for his territory.

However, Mr. Mars’s dining splendor pales in comparison to that of Baron Bezos.

It happened that Zong Shen was also hungry, and the dishes on the table were very large.

There are some strange-looking dishes and ingredients among them.

Although I am very hungry, the necessary etiquette is still indispensable.

When everyone's glasses are filled with wine.

Zong Shen took the initiative to stand up and raised his wine glass.

The soldiers also stood up after him, also raising their wine glasses high.

"Thank you Mr. Bezos for your hospitality."

"The first glass of wine at the dinner, to the generous Mr. Bezos!"

"I wish you a long life!"

Zong Shen spoke loudly, and everyone followed Zong Shen.

"I wish you a long life!"

Then Baron Bezos and the young girl sitting opposite Zong Shen stood up.

They raised their wine glasses and touched them together gently.

Everyone drank the wine in their glasses.

"Thank you for your hard work."

"No need to be polite, just enjoy the dinner."

Baron Bezos first put down his wine glass and announced that the dinner had officially begun.

Everyone sat down again.

You don't have to do anything to eat what dishes you want, there is a maid waiting for everyone.

They will cut the dishes that everyone wants to eat into appropriate portions and put them on their own plates.

This is completely considerate one-to-one luxury service.

As the saying goes, you must not have the intention to harm others, and you must not have the intention to guard against others.

Zong Shen first glanced at all the dishes using the strategy tips.

After making sure everything is fine.

He just whispered a few instructions, and the maid next to him began to prepare food for him.

Soon the dinner plate was filled to the brim.

At first, Zong Shen paid attention to some etiquette, but later he simply let himself go.

In one hand, he held a roasted leg of lamb as big as a mallet.

Holding a fork in one hand, he stuffed the dishes on the plate into his mouth.

The chef's skills in the castle are excellent, even better than those of Master Mars' personal chef.

Every time Zong Shen ate a dish, Baron Bezos would introduce it softly.

“Charcoal grilled lamb leg…”

“Chicken liver braised in Bosch’s secret thick sauce, apple cider pickled white mushrooms…”

“Baked wild boar back tender meat with bee sugar and fruit vinegar…”

“Braised prairie veal jus with fine wheat bread…”

“Boiled eastern offshore giant crayfish…”

“Rolled vegetables in slightly sweet creamy bisque…”

“Light-baked golden cookies…”

Zong Shen was indeed hungry, so he nodded and ate happily.

Recalling the food in the territory, it was like pig food.

The taste of each dish is unique.

According to Zong Shen, it is delicious!

After eating two roasted lamb legs and three plates of dishes, Zong Shen put down his knife and fork.

He wiped his oily palms with a napkin.

He breathed a sigh of contentment.

Just now he was eating vigorously.

Although I was a little rude, I really enjoyed the meal.

Bezos on the side didn't eat much, just drank two glasses of fruit wine and ate some cookies.

The girl sitting opposite Zong Shen also looked very reserved.

While looking at Zong Shen with interest, she put the wine glass to her lips and sipped lightly.

These people were all wearing battle armor and had a lot of dust on them.

It looks a bit like a dusty wilderness.

She is Bezos's daughter and his youngest child.

Stephen Chibman, 21 years old.

Bezos has three children, the eldest son is Hadrow Chibman.

The second son died in an accident.

The third child is daughter Stephen.

Originally, according to etiquette, Bezos's wife was also going to attend the dinner.

But because it was too late, she had already rested and therefore could not come.

After Zong Shen had almost finished eating, Baron Bezos started chatting with Zong Shen.

"How's it going, brother Zong Shen?"

"Are these dishes all to your liking?"

Zong Shen touched his armor as if touching his belly and nodded with satisfaction.

“The dishes are so well cooked!”

"Thank you so much, Mr. Bezos, for your hospitality!"

Baron Bezos's hospitality was beyond Zong Shen's expectation.

This is more than just enthusiasm!

I'm afraid that Baron Bezos's biological father is here, and his treatment is no more than this!

Seeing that Zong Shen was satisfied with his meal, Baron Bezos also smiled.

He turned to look at his daughter Stephen.

"My dear Stephen, let me formally introduce you."

"This is Zong Shen, a young explorer!"

"Remember the adventure story I told you about the mine?"

"Zong Shen bravely entered the mine and fought against those terrifying spider web monsters."

"And gave me back the pendant I lost back then."

After Bezos said that, he took out the pendant again, opened it, and revealed his mother's magical projection.

"Look, this pendant is intact."

"It still holds the shadow of your grandmother."

At this time, Stephen raised his wine glass just in time.

A dignified smile appeared on her face.

"I have heard you tell the story of the mine a hundred times since I was a child."

Stephen first raised his wine glass to the projection of his grandmother, and then raised his glass gently to Zong Shen.

"Let's drink to Grandma."

"Cheers to the young adventurer Mr. Zong Shen!"

Hearing this, Zong Shen picked up his wine glass and clinked it with her.

At this time, Baron Bezos appropriately began to introduce Zong Shen.

"Oh! Dear brother Zong Shen."

"The young girl sitting across from you is my beloved daughter."

"Her name is Stephen Chibman, and her hobbies are reading and painting..."

"You are about the same age, I think you will become good friends."

Baron Bezos said that for this reason, Zong Shen could only stand up and stretched out his right hand.

"Hello, Miss Stephen."

"Nice to meet you."

Stephen reached out his hand and shook Zong Shen gently.

"Nice to meet you too."

"Though you look a little tired."

"But still handsome."

She complimented rather boldly, not sure whether it was flirting or being polite.

Zong Shen just smiled politely.

The Miss Stephen in front of me looks very sweet.

Because she has been pampered for a long time, she has a peaceful temperament.

As Bezos's daughter, it stands to reason that many nobles from surrounding cities would come to propose marriage.

But judging from Bezos' intentions, it seems that some people want to bring him and Stephen together.

Do you really consider yourself your biological father?

Zong Shen had some doubts in his heart.

This Baron Bezos is indeed different from the nobleman in his impression.

Before him, Zong Shen had also come into contact with the knight captain Quinnier.

Kunir gave him the impression that he was a calculating, deep-rooted, and ruthless guy.

But Baron Bezos is completely different from Quinnier.

This is true both in terms of character and style of doing things.

She is simply a fool among the nobility.

In fact, it's normal if you think about it carefully, now that there is so much material wealth.

How can any noble be willing to go on adventures and pursue so-called ideals and honors?

From this we can see Bezos’ personality.

This is the nature of a person.

Baron Bezos was in a good mood, and the three of them chatted for a while.

Zong Shen is a good young man from the earth.

Know a lot of weird things and knowledge.

He screened some as appropriate, and let Bezos and Stephen listen with interest.

They all thought these were his adventures!

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