Lords Trying to Survive: Strategizing from a Rundown Yard

Chapter 377: Temporary restraint, overlord-level Shadowfallen Demon

Zong Shen's hand that reached into the shadow turned over.

Take out Aegwin's Orange Book of All Laws.

With a thought in mind, I chose fire attack magic and started extracting it!

The extraction was completed quickly.

His magic value was immediately reduced by 70 points.

I picked up a second-level fire attack magic to resist the fire ring!

A ring of flame as thick as a thigh burst out from Zong Shen's body.

It quickly spread towards his body, repelling the approaching disguised mercenaries.

At the same time, it also caused a considerable amount of fire damage to surrounding enemies.

The dark shadow covering Zong Shen's hand also trembled.

Along with the sizzling sound of burning, Zong Shen could feel that the restraints on his body were immediately relieved a lot.

The ring of resistance fire spread very quickly, spreading about ten meters before disappearing.

This is a very practical second-level offensive fire magic.

Especially when Master is being approached, using the Fire Resistance Ring can gain more buffer time.

However, just the second level is still unable to completely dispel the black shadow transformed by Evans.

The resistance to the ring of fire just now only made the black shadow relax a little.

Zong Shen took a deep breath and started to rub the lightning arrow in the dark shadow.

Thunder arrows were condensed and exploded directly in the darkness.

The blue lightning magic rages in the black shadow, causing dozens of points of damage every time.

After rubbing four or five thunder arrows, Zong Shen exhausted the oxygen in his lungs early due to the forced chanting.

The black shadow finally left his body.

It landed in front of Zong Shen.

All the black shadows gathered together and re-condensed into shape.

Eventually he returned to his semi-demon form.

He never imagined that Zong Shen was a freak and followed the path of dual cultivation of magic and martial arts.

As a master with only half a bucket of water, Zong Shen can chop off the enemy's head with one blow of the Dragon-Slaying Heavy Sword.

You can also take out the Book of Ten Thousand Magics and create various magic spells.

Evans' neat white shirt was covered with scorch marks and wounds caused by lightning arrows.

The wounds were burnt black, and there was still a small amount of black blood.

After being transformed into a semi-demon, Evans has extremely tenacious vitality.

Not only does the upper limit of health points reach as high as 1085 points, but it also has a strong self-healing ability.

There were black granulations squirming around the wound.



He stared at Zong Shen with his blood-red eyes.

Indifferent, cruel, violent, and fearless.

I really don’t know what kind of demon the remnant soul of the demon inside Evans is.

He stood there for a while, and the disguised mercenaries around him didn't dare to move.

The originally luxurious hall on the first floor was now in a mess.

The dishes were scattered on the long table in the restaurant, and the plates were broken.

The clean floor was covered with puddles of dark sauce.

There is still a faint burning smell in the air.

Zong Shen stepped forward with his sword, jumped up, raised his Dragon-Slaying Heavy Sword high and struck Evans down.


Evans, who was on the spot, was directly split into two halves.

However, no damage value appeared.

Sure enough, the split Evans quickly collapsed like a melted black snowman.


It exploded into a ball of pungent black smoke in front of Zong Shen.

The black smoke had a certain degree of toxicity, and Zong Shen actually felt slightly dizzy.

10, 10 toxic damage also began to appear on the top of his head.

Fortunately, the black smoke dissipated quickly and should not cause any lasting damage.

But at this time.

Zong Shen was two meters away behind him.

Lines of black smoke emerged out of thin air, and a figure regrouped.

It is Evans after being semi-demonized.

He twitched his right hand on the waistband of his ceremonial pants.

He took out a black soft sword.

This soft sword was always hidden on his body as a belt.


The soft sword rebounded, vibrating continuously, vibrating the air at high frequency.

"call out!"

As soon as he revealed his figure, he drew the soft sword in his hand towards Zong Shen's lower back.

There was no sword whistle, but a swift sound like a whip breaking through the air.

Zong Shen suddenly turned around with his sword, but was a step too slow.

A soft black sword with fine lines, as tough as a whip.

When the sword tip swept across Zong Shen's body, the speed actually broke through the sound barrier and made a sonic boom.

This time he attacked Zong Shen's lower back.

Zong Shen was covered in armor, and there was no weak spot on his body.

The attack of the soft sword was very fierce, and in the blink of an eye, it broke through the red surface of the Li Mo armor that squirmed like a living creature.

Although the battle armor could not completely prevent the attack, it also blocked most of the damage.

In the end, the soft sword left a bloody mark on Zong Shen's lower back.

The wound was as thin as a blood line, but bruises quickly began to appear around it.


The damage was not high, but it still made Zong Shen feel a little nervous.

Because the upper body protection value of the Limo Armor has reached 65 points.

This shows that the actual damage value of the opponent's soft sword reached 109 points.

After the blow hit, Evans' figure fell back one after another.

Standing behind a disguised mercenary holding a long dagger.

And so far, it is only in this short confrontation of less than one minute.

Zong Shen has not caused any substantial harm to him.

In terms of attributes and combat effectiveness, he does have a crushing advantage.

But after being transformed into a semi-demon, Evans was not as fragile as Zong Shen imagined.

His various endless skills make him look like a demon assassin.

These skills are varied, and it can be seen that the demon body in Evans is proficient in concealment and assassination.

Those changes are real and fake, and very confusing.

It was clear that he was Evans' true body one moment, but the next moment he became the poisonous smoke substitute.

Now Zong Shen finally understands why the "Night Demon" has been able to do evil for so many years without leaving any flaws.

Just relying on this weird method of body movement, plus those requiem powders that can make people fall asleep.

If you want to rob a little girl, you can easily do it.

Just like now, even if the strategy module is marked, it still makes Zong Shen feel troublesome.

"Fire can strengthen!"

Zong Shen activated an auxiliary skill.

A layer of orange-red flame suddenly rose from the edge of the Dragon-Slaying Heavy Sword.

Evans, who was half-demonized behind him, was smiling slyly, and he obviously had other tricks up his sleeve.

However, the golden mark in front of him has proved that this is his true form.

He decided not to waste any more time and took out the Time Stop Orb with his other hand.

Raising his sword and charging forward again, Demonized Evans chuckled.

He reached out and pushed the disguised mercenary in front of him toward Zong Shen.

Zong Shen turned his wrist, pointed the sword's edge downwards, and used the broad blade of the sword to smack the mercenary away arrogantly like a racket.

His eyes were always firmly locked on Evans, and he took several big steps in succession.

He grabbed the dragon-slaying heavy sword with one hand and swept out.

At this critical moment, the golden mark began to flash.

Zong Shen activated the Time Stop Orb with his other hand.

The time-stop effect starts to take effect instantly.

All space within a radius of one kilometer is in a state of stagnant time.

The golden mark no longer flickered, and Demon Evans's trick of changing his body was forcibly interrupted.

The dragon-slaying heavy sword slashed directly on his body.

The cracked blade split Evans' chest open like tofu.

The muscles and bones were cut open, leaving a shocking injury.

Because it is in a time-stop state.

The self-healing ability belonging to the devil cannot take effect.

Through the wound, you can see that his abdomen has turned into a ball of black mud.

It was impossible to tell whether there was any damage to his abdomen.



Zong Shen thought, and the time-stop state ended.

An injury emerged.

The whole process takes three seconds.

The golden mark flashed in front of his eyes, and the next moment a fake Evans appeared on the spot.

The real Evans ran a few meters away from him again.

This time, his true form quickly appeared.

The sly smile on Demonized Evans' face froze, and he looked down at the gap in his chest.

When he raised his head and looked at Zong Shen, his face was already full of shock.

No matter how fast his skills are, he can't stop the orb quickly.

Zong Shen didn't say much nonsense. He flicked his wrist and shook off the black blood stained on the sword's edge.

After every drop of black blood falls on the ground, it will emit a faint black smoke.

The calmness on Magic Evans' face no longer existed.

He covered his chest with one hand and wanted to use his skills again to escape.

The disguised mercenaries around them were completely frightened.

From their perspective, they only saw the bodies of Zong Shen and Evans disappearing at the same time.

When the two figures appeared again, they all changed their positions.

However, Evans suffered an inexplicable injury on his chest.

This ever-changing battle was completely beyond their imagination.

These private mercenaries are not loyal to Evans.

They originally chose to follow Evans because of money.

These guys saw that Evans was no match for Zong Shen even in his demonized state.

At this time, there was no fighting spirit left, so they all ran away.

Zong Shen turned a blind eye to this, they were just little shrimps.

His eyes were clear and his eyes were firm.

His eyes were always on Evans.

"Cunning guy."

"You can't run away."

Zong Shen whispered, making Demon Evans feel a chill.

He is obviously the devil

But now I am afraid of a human being

To demons, humans are like pigs, dogs, cattle, and sheep.

This feeling makes it feel funny, and at the same time it feels very humiliating.

At that time, it was because it was besieged by more than a dozen elite fifth-level Moon Shadow Creed Assassins and a master thief from the Shadow Poison Assassin Alliance.

Finally, he died sadly, and the Shadowfell Demon's camp was also destroyed.

Only a part of the remnant soul was transformed into a core of fallen shadow, dormant in the ruins of the camp.

After tens of thousands of years of vicissitudes, the village of Piroya was established on the ruins of the camp.

This village is located south of Bosbon.

By chance, it was accidentally awakened by the villagers.

It has been dormant for many years and will not be reborn.

It chose a boy of sixteen or seventeen years old, took over his body and started killing him.

Absorb their life energy and use it to strengthen your own residual soul.

At this time, young Evans happened to pass through the village of Piroya with his caravan.

It happened that Evans had a small bottle of holy water from the Temple of Holy Light in his hand.

He poured the holy water on the boy whose body was possessed.

The powerful holy water and the power of demons repel each other, and the young man's body suddenly started to burn with a sizzling sound.

The skin and muscles were severely injured in the confrontation between the two forces.

In the end, the shadow-fallen demon's remnant soul chose to leave the boy's body.

This young man was Isido, the butler who followed Evans all the time.

The remnant soul of the Shadowfallen Demon, which had escaped from Isidor's body, actually pounced on Evans.

It initially rejected the generally weak body of human beings.

Because it is a great overlord-level demon.

He is the leader of the Shadowfallen assassin group responsible for the attack on Azshara by the Burning Blood Legion.

It, Shadow Damage Aserisasim, is a well-deserved overlord!

It was it that led the Shadow-Fallen Assassin Group to fight several times with the Shadow Poison Assassin Alliance among the indigenous people.

The Shadow Poison Assassin Alliance among the indigenous people suffered heavy losses.

It was also once listed as one of the must-kill targets of the Shadow Poison Assassin Alliance.

Both belong to the assassin type, and the strength of an ordinary Shadowfallen Demon is equivalent to that of a fourth-level aboriginal assassin.

They use cunning and changeable stealth methods to often gain the upper hand.

As for the guy in front of him who occupied Evans' body, he was even more notorious.

As an overlord-level Shadowfallen Demon, he has been practicing in the dimension of the Blood-Burning Demon for many years.

The demon race is similar to those giant dragons and undead, and they are all races that are relatively indifferent to time.

Although the speed of improvement in strength is slow, they cannot survive for long.

Coupled with the blessing of many demonic characteristics, its strength far exceeds that of the aborigines in this world who are more on the lawful side.

It has used its claws to cut off the heads of high-ranking rebels more than once.

At the same time, they also ravaged many beautiful female warriors of all races.

Back then, it was the god of death who was feared on the battlefield.

Shadowfallen are extremely lustful, violent and vicious.

Not to mention that it is still much more like an overlord.

Now it only has about one-third of its remnant soul left.

He can only share a body with Evans.

The most frustrating thing is that although it tries its best to take the initiative.

But most of the time, its remnant soul will be suppressed by the requiem soup.

I can only occasionally demonize Evans and make him fall into endless lust.

Express the manic desires of the Shadowfallen Demon.

Although he felt frustrated by this kind of life, at least he could still survive in the world.

But now, its keen demonic intuition told it.

The human in front of me with a damaged sword could really kill it completely!

Killing here refers not only to killing its human body, but to completely destroying its remaining soul.

Although it is controlled by the body, it cannot sense more information.

But it has decided to run away.

As for Zong Shen, he doesn't care what its origins were thousands of years ago.

The demon's remnant soul is just his snack.

Before the golden mark in front of him started to flash, he once again entered the time-stop state!

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