Lords Trying to Survive: Strategizing from a Rundown Yard

Chapter 385: Inspiration from crisis, meeting Hadro on the road

There are obviously countless crises lurking in this world.

But it was silently protected by a pair of invisible hands.

Not to mention the dimensional war that was enough to shake the entire endless continent and end the era.

Just these unknown areas dormant underground and terrifying and dangerous places such as the Boneyard.

There is also the evil god Forgotten who was transformed by the suture warlock Gu Lanqi that Zong Shen met in the Bone Burial Bunker before.

There are many more things like this in the continent.

These are all potential risk factors.

Once these factors erupt in full force, it will be the fuse that detonates chaos for the entire continent.

The simplest example is the Bone Burial Ground not far from Zong Shen's territory.

There are hundreds of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of undead in the entire bone burial ground.

It belongs to the last era, the remaining issues after the dimensional war.

If the undead in the Boneyard fully revive, not only Bosbon will suffer.

Even the giant city of Lentax will be implicated.

But the Burial Ground was suppressed by the Tower of the Dead left by the Blood-Burning Demon.

As long as you obtain three Demon King's Secret Orders, you can control the undead among them.

Under normal circumstances when no one disturbs them, those undead souls will not wake up.

It will only sleep underground in a semi-eternal state of sleep.

In the mainland, dangerous places like the Bone Burial Ground are not an exception.

At this moment, Zong Shen felt that the stability displayed in the entire continent was actually very fragile.

Zong Shen felt a very strong sense of crisis in his heart.

He stood there alone, thinking silently for a while.

It is obvious that the space node under the desert area is both a crisis and an opportunity.

Unknown regions often breed unique treasures with environmental characteristics.

Among them are some treasures that have long since disappeared from the outside world.

The native ethnic groups living in unknown areas are also a wealth.

As long as you are strong, you can kill them or enslave them.

After a while, Zong Shen recovered his thoughts.

He returned to the team resting on the roadside.

Everyone was resting in the open space nearby.

Patting the gray stains and dust left on the armor with his hands,

At the same time, Bajie, Sentinel Black Panther and the war horses started eating.

Replenish hunger and satiety and the energy consumed by continuous trekking.

At this rate, they should be able to reach the territory around early morning.

This was earlier than they expected when they set off.

After resting on the spot for twenty or thirty minutes.

Zong Shen was ready to hit the road again.

All the Immortal Lancers also mounted their horses.

Just as Zong Shen was about to put on his battle helmet, he saw sand and dust rising on the dirt road in the distance.

Even the ground beneath their feet was shaking slightly.

Going from west to east, the destination should be Bosbon.

He put his helmet on his arm and waved everyone to wait on the roadside.

Such a loud noise would have required at least a hundred cavalrymen.

Soon the cloud of sand came near Zong Shen and the others.

And without stopping, he sprinted across the dirt road beside them.

All are second-level Avalon light riders.

At least one squadron in number.

The leader was a young man with brown curly hair.

He didn't wear a full-face helmet, just a kerchief around his face.

Used to cover the dust during long journeys

The war horse under his crotch is wearing light armor.

It is taller than ordinary grassland horses, but inferior to dragon scale war horses and Andalusian war horses.

The entire cavalry team was divided into three rows and ran wildly in the direction of Bosbon.

A redbud flag was erected at the end of the procession.

The identity of this group of light cavalry is already obvious.

They were all Bosbon's troops who went to support Odo Village.

The curly brown-haired man leading the team should be the eldest son Hadro mentioned by Baron Bezos.

Zong Shen could understand the other party's identity even if he thought with his toes.

Seeing that the other party was busy on his way and didn't seem to notice it, Zong Shen put the battle helmet on his head.

A wave of his hand gave the order to move on.

Everyone came to the road from the roadside on their mounts.

Gradually increase the speed to the maximum and set off towards the territory.

The light cavalry squadron at the rear was stunned when Harold passed behind Zong Shen and the others.

It wasn't until he ran a kilometer or two that he came back to his senses.

Although he didn't see Zong Shen's appearance clearly, he still noticed the big wild boar under his crotch.

Harold made a gesture to the adjutant walking beside him to stop the entire army.

After seeing Hadro's order, the adjutant took out a red flag from his waist.

He raised it above his head and waved it gently.

The light rider behind starts to gradually slow down from the end to the front.

Hadro and his adjutant also reined in their horses.

If the cavalry march wants to stop, it also needs instructions.

Otherwise, if the front row stops blindly or slows down, it will be easy to be hit by the rear row.

Eventually causing massive chaos.

Therefore, the standard cavalry unit has a set of communication methods.

Used to command tactical commands such as charging, slowing down, detouring, and stopping. ,

Semaphore is a relatively common one.

After all the light riders had stopped.

Hadro stretched out his hand and pulled away the mask. The upper half of his face was obviously darker than the lower half.

Those are all dirt and stains picked up while traveling at high speed.

He turned around and glanced back in confusion.

Then he took out a parchment roll from the satchel on the side of the horse's back.

Unfolding this parchment scroll, it clearly depicts a man covered in armor.

It's a pity that there aren't many positive descriptions, because those dragonborn knights only saw the back.

But this man was also riding a giant wild boar that was more than five meters long.

This is a fairly obvious feature.

"That person just now..."

Harold looked at the parchment and muttered to himself.

The trek for more than ten hours had paralyzed his nerves.

Just now, he just glanced at Zong Shen who was walking by the roadside.

He didn't pay much attention to it, and the whole person was in a state of confusion.

He didn't react until now.

"Wild boar..."

"Raven Saint!"

"Hurry up and chase the guy riding the pig!"

"He's the guy that Lord Quinnir put a bounty on!"

"He was the one who took away the Raven Saint from the hands of the Dragonborn Knights."

Harold shouted loudly, the person depicted in the parchment is naturally our ancestor.

He didn't know that he had already entered the wanted list of the giant city of Lentax.

And the bounty is as high as 20,000 dinars!

After the crusade returns to the giant city, this wanted order will be spread.

There will definitely be many bounty hunters looking for the pig rider by then.

For Harold, catching the mysterious pig rider is even more important.

As a second-generation nobleman, his future is already shackled by the title of Baron Bezos.

He needs to accumulate some achievements in the giant city.

Only later will he have the opportunity to obtain a title and inherit Bosbon from Bezos.

Otherwise, wait until after Baron Bezos has passed away.

Bosbon will be reassigned to the Chebman family.

There are many outstanding heirs in each generation of a kingdom family.

He, Harold, doesn't even rank.

After receiving his instructions, everyone turned their horses and pursued the rear.

Unfortunately, it is doomed to be in vain. Even when lightly equipped, those prairie horses are simply not as good as Bajie.

The few minutes of delay are at least a distance difference of seven or eight kilometers.

It’s almost impossible to catch up…

Zong Shen rode on Bajie's back in front and led the team away without looking back.

When he saw Hadro, he felt something bad in his heart.

He had previously summarized the possible flaws in the Odo Village operation.

One of the most important points is Bajie.

Next is the power of the devil, but the power of the devil is relatively good.

Because he has exposed the power of demons in different identities.

Safuli only knew that the little fat man had the power of the devil.

But in Kunnier's place, Zong Shen used his own true appearance.

There is plenty of room for maneuver.

Safuri must not be allowed to know that she has demonic power while riding a pig.

Nor can Quinnir know that he is riding a pig.

So Zong Shen decided to hide Bajie in the mine after returning to the territory this time.

Let’s avoid the limelight first.

As for the city, it is also very dangerous.

The main reason is that Baron Bezos already knows that he is riding a pig.

However, after completing the task of investigating Evans, Baron Bezos's favorability has reached the maximum.

At the same time, he also received an upgrade certificate for the fourth-level city lord's mansion.

These rewards are completed by default after those victims in the folded space are taken out.

At that time, there was a prompt for a reward, and the corresponding reward was directly issued by the lord system.

That's why Zong Shen accepted the gift of materials with peace of mind.

He doesn't yet know what will happen to Max's favorability level.

Because Baron Bezos is still as enthusiastic about him as ever.

However, considering the loyalty of the citizens to Max, it must be very cool.

Moreover, the characteristics are actually not clear and far from being solid.

There are many large pig beasts in this world.

Including Bajie's blood-tusked wild boar, you can occasionally encounter it in the mountains and forests.

Although it is not common to think of large pig beasts, they still exist occasionally.

Zong Shen can only place his hopes on Baron Bezos now.

As the first aboriginal to have full favorability towards him.

There is no need for him to depend on her for life or death. It’s okay to open the back door to protect her.

You must know that those loyal citizens can sacrifice their lives for Zong Shen.

Zong Shen was thinking wildly while leading the team to run wildly.

He wasn't sure Hadro noticed him either.

Anyway, just run and that's it.

On this kind of dirt road, the traces are complex and the flow of people coming and going is not small.

It would be foolish to try to trace the traces.

Even the scouts who are famous for tracking and killing dare not guarantee it.

What's more, the two of them had almost no contact.

Even those tracking magics need magic beacons as guidance.

One thing is the speed advantage.

Those prairie horses had limited speed and endurance.

It is simply not comparable to Andalusian war horses, or even high-level riding beasts like Bajie and Sentinel Black Panther.

Behind him, Harold was chasing almost frantically.

Unfortunately, after chasing for more than two hours, I still found nothing.

They didn't even touch Zong Shen's shadow along the way.

You don't have the qualifications to follow behind and eat ashes.

"Damn it!"

"They're going too fast."

"There is no way to continue like this!"

The horse under Hadro's crotch had begun to pant.

You can feel its heart beating rapidly while riding on the horse.

Other ordinary grassland horses were even more miserable and exhausted.

Not only will there be no gains in pursuing this forcefully.

Instead, there will be non-combat casualties.

As a cavalry unit, they must always pay attention to the condition of their horses.

In desperation, Hadro had no choice but to give up the pursuit.

They met on the edge of the desert area.

The other party most likely went to Bosbon.

And he, Harold, is the son of Baron Bezos.

Using his father's authority as the governor of the state, it should be easy to investigate the clues.

Moreover, this wanted notice for the parchment was originally requested by Viscount Quinnier to be brought to his father for investigation.

Hadro thought of this and his mood improved a little.

But their trip was destined to be delayed.

After chasing for more than two hours, it was already past 5 o'clock in the afternoon.

It will be dark in another hour or so.

And if they want to return and pass through the dozens of kilometers of desert area, it will take at least more than three hours.

Even if they turned around and returned immediately, it was already too late.

Not to mention that the condition of all riders' mounts is not very good now.

"Just go to a nearby village and take a rest."

"By the way, let's get some clues about the mysterious pig rider."

Harold said softly, his voice a little hoarse.

Marching long distances is a very tiring thing.

Before chasing Zong Shen, they returned from Odo Village in the early morning.

The march has continued until just now. Although I rested several times along the way, it is still difficult to eliminate the fatigue.

Just now we turned back and pursued for so long.

It can be said that it is physically and mentally exhausted.

The only option is to find a nearby village to rest.

Hadro confirmed the position and everyone turned around.

They had passed a village just now.

Just go there to rest now.

So everyone slowed down and rushed towards the village.

On the other hand, Zong Shen still had no intention of stopping.

On the one hand, he feels like returning home, and on the other hand, he feels guilty about being a thief after meeting Hadro.

He decided to increase the mileage and reduce the length of rest periods.

After pushing on for another hour, Zong Shen asked Bajie and the others to stop.

At this time it was completely dark.

There are still more than three hundred kilometers away from the territory.

They rested on the roadside and each ate some food.

Replenish hunger and satiety, and solve the three urgent problems of people.

This time Zong Shen spent a lot of money.

He fed all his mounts a sip of the Luna Fountain.

Livestock and mammals drink a lot of water.

Zong Shen took out about 200 ml of Luna Spring and mixed it with his mount's drinking water.

Help them regain their energy quickly.

After adding water, all aspects of Luna Spring's effects were greatly reduced.

But if it's used to restore energy, it's okay.

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