Lords Trying to Survive: Strategizing from a Rundown Yard

Chapter 388: One night after returning, massive supplies

After listening to Mariel's report, Zong Shen was generally very satisfied with her performance.

Nearly two days have passed since leaving the territory.

The overall development trend of the territory is still very stable.

This gave Zong Shen hope that Mariel could be on her own in the future.

He couldn't keep worrying about everything.

Sooner or later he will die suddenly in the territory.

As the territory develops, he eventually just needs to grasp a general direction.

Like Baron Bezos of Bospengli.

Usually I only need to deal with major events and issue some administrative orders.

As for those trivial matters, naturally different departments will handle them according to their authority.

Besides, Zong Shen never thought that he was a very smart person.

After all, a person's wisdom and energy are limited. He needs helpers and more help.

He needs to cultivate a large number of heroic node talents and invest them in all aspects of the territory.

Form a complete territorial administrative grid and control node.

As the territory grows, the abilities related to these heroic node talents will be refined.

And he only needs to coordinate those heroic talents.

At the same time, the military power is firmly in his own hands.

Then rely on the information acquisition ability of the strategy module.

He is enough to shoulder the responsibility of a core leader of the territory.

This is Zong Shen's plan, and it is also the development direction he has given to the territory.

Mariel is a hero with excellent talents.

The performance and progress during this period are obvious to all.

Although the handling of some internal affairs still seems a bit obscure.

But the overall performance can be said to be flawless.

Zong Shen's most important principle in cultivating talents is that attitude is greater than talent.

Talent is only cost-effective, but attitude determines whether Zong Shen is willing to carry out subsequent training.

With his abilities, as long as his attitude is up to standard, Zong Shen is sure to be able to train even a pig into an epic-level heroic talent!

At this time, Howie had also sent Felix and his son to the residential area and returned to the inner city.

As a heroic talent in the territory, he was also assigned a fur coat.

"Okay, I'll leave this batch of supplies to you."

"Also, let's make a summary of the territory's inventory and supplies."

"Report to me tomorrow."

"After taking care of these things, you can go and rest."

Zong Shen watched the two of them for a day and completely handed over this task to them.

He himself stretched and turned back towards the lord's small building.

The night is silent and long.

The cold wind howled across the earth.

Zong Shen left Mariel and Howie to deal with the supplies.

He himself chose to go upstairs to rest.

The continuous trek made him physically and mentally exhausted.

The large bed in the room, which was originally a little loose, has been repaired and returned to its original sturdy appearance.

Zong Shen quickly took off his armor and closed the window in the room.

The whole person lay on the comfortable big bed.

Soon he fell asleep.

He had a dreamless night, and he slept extremely comfortably.

It's around 6 a.m., after four hours of sleep.

Zong Shen opened his eyes refreshed.

With his physical condition, a short sleep would be enough to restore his energy.

Lying on the bed, looking at the ceiling of the lord's building.

The gray stone pattern is very eye-catching.

It is obviously a new building that has been upgraded to level three recently.

But there is a simple flavor of time in it.

After seeing the castle of Baron Bezos and the manor and mansion of Evans.

The lord's small building, which was originally pleasing to the eyes, has become eclipsed.

But this is his home.

A golden nest or a silver nest is not as good as your own doghouse.

Zong Shen slowly turned his head and looked out the window.

Through the window, you can see the gray weather outside.

Because the winter challenge is about to begin.

Speaking of which, he hadn't seen the sun for several days.

This kind of bleak and hazy weather can easily make people depressed.

There is a sense of listlessness before winter.

This is a biological rhythm.

Zong Shen turned his head back silently.

He stared at the ceiling in a daze for a while.

Then he stood up, sat up, got out of bed and started putting on his armor.

After attaching the last buckle of the Li Mo Armor.

Zong Shen walked out of the room energetically.

Everyone is already up.

Free activities are taking place in the open space outside.

Zong Shen came to the living room on the first floor.

Mariel and Howie have been waiting here for a long time.

When Zong Shen went to bed last night, it was already past two in the morning.

It is conceivable that they did not rest for long.

Mariel was fine and managed to get some sleep before Zong Shen came back.

Howie followed him back from Bosbon.

At this time, Howie had a pair of panda eyes.

The obvious bags under his eyes were enough to illustrate his current mental state.

"Howie, go ahead and rest."

"I'll just ask Mariel to report to me."

Zong Shen sat on the chair in the hall with great dignity.

Looking at Howie, who looked tired, he waved his hand.

"Good Lord"

Howie was really tired and couldn't keep his eyes open.

After getting Zong Shen's consent, he didn't hesitate much.

After bowing and saluting, he left the lord's small building.

Prepare to go back to the house where you rest and take a rest.

"Mariel, please sit down. Why are you so reserved?"

Zong Shen smiled, pointed to the empty chair next to him, and motioned for Mariel to sit down.

Mariel, who was standing aside, sat on the chair obediently after hearing this.

She has already taken inventory of all the cold-warming supplies in her current territory.

"Sir, let me report to you the current material reserves in the territory."

"The food reserves in the territory are extremely sufficient now, followed by all kinds of fur coats."

"The detailed list is as follows, please take a look."

Mariel took out the list she had prepared long ago and handed it to Zong Shen.

The natives of this world are accustomed to writing with quills.

He also mastered the simple art of papermaking.

These things can be easily obtained through the market.

Some lords made profits by reselling some daily necessities from the indigenous people.

Zong Shen spread out the list, which was about the size of a card in his hand.

It has been written all over.

Mariel is different from those rough farmers. Although she grew up in the village of Citano,

But she has received a certain level of education.

Mariel even has a certain talent for learning.

Her handwriting is beautiful, and all her lists are written in mainland China's common language.

It just so happens that this language is also the language that all lords master by default after their arrival.

There are currently three main categories of cold-warming supplies stored in the territory.

Food: 120 boxes of Bosbon military rations, 9 large barrels of hard bread, 10 boxes of shelf-stable military rations, 3,767 portions of scones from church military rations equivalent to 12 luggage boxes and 5 small barrels, 2,312 portions of air-dried beef, and various types of frozen meat , cured meats, dried meats, sausages, etc., as well as about 15 standard wooden barrels, 23 baskets of eggs, 33 baskets of apples, 20 baskets of Boss melons, 50 barrels of refined flour, 10 barrels of shelf-stable beef, and wheat bran 2 buckets of cake.

The barrels here all refer to standard baggage wooden barrels.

One baggage barrel can hold enough food for a hundred people.

Similar to baggage boxes, these baggage barrels are made using the hoop-knocking process.

The contact surface is polished extremely smooth, and is relatively sealed through circles of metal hoops.

At the same time, a layer of tung oil and tree wax will be applied to assist sealing.

Unopened baggage boxes have a relatively long shelf life at room temperature.

The food currently stored in Zongshen's territory is enough to satisfy the consumption of thousands of people for half a month.

In addition, there are more than 100 cattle and sheep raised in the pastures of the territory.

These can all be counted as food reserves.

So far, the territory has not yet achieved self-sufficiency in food supply.

Mainly because the landing time was too short.

The cycle of developing agriculture and animal husbandry is relatively longer.

These survival challenges are also affecting the farming and animal husbandry development of the lords.

Under extreme climate, it is not only the lords and subjects who are affected.

Cattle and sheep in those farmlands and pastures may also suffer losses.

As a lord, Zong Shen could only choose to bear it passively.

After checking the food reserves in the territory, his eyes moved down the list.

Looked at the next category.

Bedding and clothing: 1,000 pieces of brand new sheepskin jackets, 973 pieces of washed sheepskin jackets, 529 pieces of sewn sheepskin jackets, 73 pieces of miscellaneous wool jackets, 1,170 pieces of double-sided sheepskin winter clothes, 2,959 pieces of ordinary sheepskin, and high-quality thick wool There are 562 skins, 379 various animal skins, 927 pairs of rabbit fur boots, 116 wool quilts, and 28 wool leggings.

This is the current reserve of all the cold-weather clothing in the territory.

In addition to the above-mentioned finished products, territorial tailor Alana is also working hard on sewing.

Because the quantity was too large, Alanna took the initiative to ask Mariel to dispatch a few smart female farmers to the tailor shop to help.

Although those peasant women are dull, they are still capable of some simple and tedious steps.

Alana does the main sewing work.

After all, these sewn sheepskin jackets are not particular about style.

Zong Shen just asked her to do as much as possible.

The size is one-size-fits-all based on strong adult men.

On average, each piece of sheepskin jacket sewing requires 2 pieces of sheepskin raw materials.

Currently, the territory’s tailor shop can produce approximately 1,823 pieces of sheepskin jackets per hour.

Excluding rest time, about 300 to 350 pieces can be produced in a day.

Among these quilts, the double-sided sheepskin winter jacket has the best effect in keeping out the cold.

This is Bospan's standard cold-weather clothing. The materials are very solid and the production process is very meticulous.

Next is the brand new sheepskin jacket that Zong Shen redeemed from challenge points and the hand-sewn sheepskin jacket that Alanna made.

Each of these sheepskin jackets requires more than 2 pieces of ordinary sheepskin, and the materials used can be considered conscientious.

The worst protection against the cold is those sheepskin jackets that have been washed.

Those are basically second-hand goods that Zong Shen collected from the market.

There are also some brought from the villages near Mariel and Tiezhu.

Most of these sheepskin jackets are old and have more or less wear and tear.

It is a low-grade item in the cold-proof quilt.

But for the majority of lords, this is basically the common stuff they can get.

After all, not everyone can get the standard cold-weather clothing of the indigenous forces.

It is even more impossible to spend points to redeem those brand new sheepskin jackets like Zong Shen did.

Besides, there is also a mid-level tailor named Alanna in Zong Shen’s territory.

Can continuously sew sheep fur into coats.

Zong Shen already had a good idea about the distribution of these cold-proof materials.

Then he looked at the third item.

Cold-proof items: 537 pine tar blocks, 142 sets of small heaters, 50 sets of medium heaters, 6 sets of large heaters, 27 copper kettles, 17 campfire stoves, 20 magic heat balls, and a heavy-duty sled .

Compared with the first two, the third item has much fewer types.

Most of the pine tar blocks and those heaters of various sizes came from the support of Baron Bezos.

A small amount comes from market purchases and purchases from nearby villages.

Things like kettles, hanging stoves, and heavy pack sleds all came from nearby villages.

One of the sleighs was brought by Tie Zhu from the village of Dinan.

I don't know which traveling merchant he got it from in the north.

It comes in handy now. Once winter comes, you will still have to rely on sleds.

As for those magic hot air balloons, they are products of magic energy and need to consume magic energy to keep warm.

Half comes from goblin merchant Boswell, and half comes from point exchange.

This thing is as stated in the function notes.

In a relatively closed environment, it can heat an area of ​​80 square meters.

Even in an open area with four sides open, it can provide a heating area of ​​15 to 20 square meters.

This effect is definitely very good.

The price of this thing is relatively expensive in terms of points redemption.

One requires 350 points, and it requires constant consumption of mana after activation.

The consumption per second is 012 points, which Zong Shen has calculated before.

If it is used continuously for 24 hours, it will consume 10368 points of magic energy.

This is also a big burden for ordinary lords.

In comparison, those heaters of various specifications are much more friendly to the people.

You can choose to burn wood or pine tar blocks to maintain heating.

The above are the main cold-proof materials stored in Zong Shen's territory.

These supplies are enough to ensure that Zong Shen's territory survives the cold winter.

Even at ultra-low temperatures of 50 to 70 below zero.

Roasting in the stove, wrapped in sheepskin jackets, drinking hot water, and squatting in the house, at least most of the casualties can be avoided.

Of course, in this situation, with Zong Shen's family background, it is not difficult to survive.

The hard part is going out and exploring to search for winter treasure chests, or fighting those snow monsters.

Going out in extremely cold conditions can be fatal.

Even if Zong Shen's body does not make some extra preparations.

Those exposed to such extreme low temperatures will freeze quickly.

After Zong Shen read the list, he already had a clear idea in his mind about the distribution of this batch of materials.

Before doing other processing, the territory's own needs must first be met!

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