Lords Trying to Survive: Strategizing from a Rundown Yard

Chapter 40: The desecrated right-hand man

After a continuous control and beating.

The blood-burning demon skeleton was directly fucked and exploded by Zong Shen and others.

Zong Shen also began to experience the fun of blocking monsters and controlling them.

[Kill the lv16 blood-burning demon skeleton]

[Acquire 880 experience points]

[Obtain broken blood-burning light armor × 1]

[Get a complete soul ×1]

[Obtain the hard demon tibia x 2]

[Obtain the hard demon humerus x 2]

[Obtain the heavy chopping skill book (green) × 1]

With a flash of white light, Zong Shen rose to level 6.

It's a pity that Iron Pillar and Wolf Cavalry were not upgraded.

There are several gray and white rewards, as well as a green skill book.

Other rewards can be put away first, but equipment and skill books cannot be put away.

Zong Shen thought of this and took out the green grade [Swift Leather Boots] he had obtained before.

Take them all out of the storage compartment and place them in front of you, ready to arrange them first.

[Broken blood-burning light armor]

[Quality: damaged]

[Body protection: 30]

[Durability: 50]

[Strength required: 16]

(After the war and the erosion of thousands of years, the blood-burning light armor has been severely damaged, but it still has good protective capabilities)

Broken gray equipment.

However, the defensive ability is not bad, and it can increase the upper body armor value by 30 points.

It just so happened that the leather armor on Colby was about to be scrapped, so he could make a transition first.

Zong Shen instantly made an arrangement in his mind.

Waved and summoned Colby.

He took out the broken light armor and handed it to him.

"Colby, replace the leather armor you're wearing that's about to expire. Wear this light armor first."

After hearing this, Colby turned over and got off the wolf, obediently taking off his leather armor, which had only a few durability left, revealing his strong and powerful muscles.

He put on the [broken blood-burning light armor] given by Zong Shen.

He bowed to Zong Shen.

【Because of your care and reward】

[Wolf Cavalry Colby's loyalty to you increases by 3 points, and the current loyalty is 93]

Zong Shen nodded, waved Colby back to his original position, and then began to study the other two green equipment and skills.

[Swift leather boots (green)]

[Quality: Excellent]

[Leg protection: 17]

[Durability: 150]

[Skill: Passive skill Swiftness lv1 (increases movement speed by 5%)]

[Requires agility: 6]

Great equipment, it even comes with a passive skill.

Leg protection has also been increased by 17 points.

Much better than the [tattered leather boots] on Zong Shen's feet.

Zong Shen directly chose to equip it.

Leg protection and movement speed have been improved.

Zong Shen had almost replaced all the "tattered" equipment on his body.

It can be called a shotgun exchange for a cannon.


Zong Shen's eyes moved again and looked at the skill book.

[Heavy Splitting Skill Book]

[You can master the skill after learning: Heavy Splitting lv1]

[Heavy chopping lv1 (use the whole body's strength to chop a knife, causing 1.3 times the chopping damage, 10% chance of causing equipment damage, durability reset to zero, cooling time 10h]

[Required power: 30]

[(You can learn after meeting the conditions)]

"Bah, I can't learn yet!"

Zong Shen cursed and put away the heavy split skill book.

The heavy chopping skill actually requires 30 points of strength to learn.

Even the current strong men of the Wolf Cavalry cannot meet this strength condition.

I can only put it on the bottom of the box first.

As for other harvests, it is better to put them away first, and then sort them out after completing the tasks and returning to the ground.

The big monster blocking the road has been eliminated.

All that's left is to find Alteran Whisperwind's scattered body in the execution chamber.

Zong Shen led everyone to move away the iron bars that had previously been used as roadblocks in the corridor.

He quickly walked into the execution chamber.

"Tasia, ask your two skeleton archers to come in quickly and help me illuminate them before they disappear."

Zong Shen waved to Tasia.

The execution chamber was dark.

Can't see anything.

It just so happened that the duration of the two skeleton archers with residual health was almost up.

Quickly get a strong man to use as a light.

As two skeleton archers walked into it.

The red soul flames dancing in their eye sockets illuminated the execution chamber.

Light red spots of light reflected on the wall, and everyone's shadows were pulled out of a strange state.

The execution chamber was filled with all kinds of torture instruments.

Those iron torture instruments were covered with a thick layer of dark red paste.

One of the iron shackles.

Hanging on two strong arms.

These two arms are covered with dark red lines.

Likewise, it was also filled with steel nails.

This is a similar sacrilegious ritual to the torso.

It seems that these blood-burning demons hate the demon hunter Alteran Whisperwind to the core.

Even after he died, he never missed the opportunity to desecrate his body.

This is a ritual belonging to demons from another dimension. Zong Shen doesn't know whether the deeper meaning is just to vent his anger or if it has other motives.

However, as long as there are no problems with the task and it is indeed a task approved by the lord system, Zong Shen can complete it with confidence.

He quickly stepped forward and took a closer look.

[Altera·Whisperwind’s left arm]

[The left arm that has been desecrated by the blood-burning demon, one of the mission items]

[The right arm of Alteran Whisperwind]

[The right arm that has been desecrated by the blood-burning demon, one of the mission items]

He waved lightly and put the two bodies into the storage compartment.

Now, he has recovered three of the six bodies.

There are still left and right legs and heads left. As long as they are collected, the task will be completed.

The execution chamber is at the end of here.

Apart from this, there seems to be no other place worth exploring.

"Let's go back to the intersection of the corridor and check out the dungeon on the left."

The words just fell.

Two skeleton archers continue.

They immediately collapsed into two teams of skeletons, and the execution chamber returned to darkness.

After Zong Shen finished speaking, he took the lead and walked out of the execution chamber.

Return to the T-shaped intersection along the corridor you came from, and head directly towards the dungeon on the left to explore.

The layout of the dungeons on the left and right sides were similar. The only difference was that Zong Shen saw that at the end of the dungeon on the left, there was another fork that turned left. Obviously, there was a cave inside the left side.

No wonder the guide recommends exploring the right side first.

Because the right side is a dead end, you can go directly to the left after exploring, so you don't have to go back and explore again, which will affect your progress.

Since their temple came down from the entrance under the coffin, they have traveled a long way underground along the corridor, and now they don't know where the top of the dungeon is.

Anyway, it must have been some distance from the temple.

Zong Shen advanced slowly.

The aisle on the left is still two rows of cells.

Not taken lightly.

There are many undead monsters in the dungeon.

Who knows if something weird might pop up.

He took a few steps forward, but vaguely felt something was wrong.


Suddenly, there was an extremely eye-catching explosion at the end of the left aisle.

At the same time, there was a faint flicker of firelight.

"Stop first."

Zong Shen raised his hand and led the soldiers to stop where they were.

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