Lords Trying to Survive: Strategizing from a Rundown Yard

Chapter 400: The thorn of the dead, the magic well

Zong Shen rolled his eyes and ignored the prompts from the strategy module at the bottom.

What kind of epic bad taste is Boar Girl?

This gave Zong Shen a magical sense of picture.

The honest and strong Bajie in his mind suddenly transformed into a graceful orc girl.

But the position of the head is a pig's head with big brown waves...

He was grunting and posing at Zong Shen.

Thinking of this, Zong Shen broke out in a cold sweat.

This also cast a shadow on him about riding Bajie.

In fact, this thing does not necessarily have to be used by Bajie.

It's pretty good for scaring people.

For example, you can grab any war horse and transform it into an earthly beast.

Anyway, any riding beast whose grade does not exceed the blue captain level can use it.

This includes third-level ordinary war horses.

After all, there is a 1.5 times body shape change range, and the overall maneuverability is quite high.

How to use it specifically needs to be discussed later.

After all, there is no urgent need for the beast-riding Zong Shen to transform.

Although Bajie looks attractive, as long as he hides in the mine, everything will be fine.

It just so happens that Bajie can help defend the mine area.

As a captain-level Bloodtusk Boar, Bajie's high health and armor values ​​are still remarkable.

Coupled with the four two-headed hell dogs and three crypt demons brought by Farvid, it is enough to meet the defense needs of the mine.

Besides, there are two to three hundred kobolds, and when combined in a group, they can also show their good strength.

It's enough to deal with most emergencies.

As long as he can resist for two hours, he can lead his troops to support.

Zong Shen was actually not worried about the mine's defense.

Because the indigenous people are not interested in this abandoned mine.

They feel that the risks are outweighed by the benefits.

At least that's what Baron Bezos thinks, as consul of the state.

His meaning can basically represent the highest administrative will within the jurisdiction of Bangcheng.

As for other aboriginal forces, they have no idea about the mine.

Spider web monsters and kobolds have been here for decades, even hundreds of years.

Their evil reputation has long spread.

Whether it is traveling businessmen or speculators.

Just because of this situation, they would not choose to enter the mine.

No one wants to be fed by a web monster or a kobold.

No one will spend energy to defeat them.

This is just a small mining area.

You must know that there are more powerful underground races and the undead from the battle deep in the mines.

This aspect of Aboriginal people can basically be ruled out.

The only ones who can threaten the safe production of the mine are the curious lords.

Most lords now know that there are dangers and huge benefits in the ruins.

Almost all of them adhere to the attitude of digging into the ruins when they see them, and calling people if they can't beat them.

This is what Zong Shen is most worried about.

Fortunately, winter is approaching, and Zong Shen doesn't believe that anyone has the leisure to venture out and explore the mines.

Dramatic changes in climate will make exploring outside dangerous.

The negative effects of extreme cold are also terrible.

What if someone really discovered the mine?

So with the current force in the mine, the intruders can definitely be beaten to death.

Zong Shen put the [Mount Transformation Bead] in his hand and played with it.

The beads are round and smooth, which makes them very suitable for playing with.

He shook his palm and put away the phantom bead.

Another thing was taken out, which was a manufacturing blueprint.

Zong Shen directly chose to learn and master.

[Transportation carriage manufacturing drawings]

[Requirements: [Basic Workshop], Wood × 60, Iron × 20, Copper × 8]

[Manufacturing time: 12 hours and 46 minutes]

[Dimensions: 2.5 meters width × 5.5 meters length × 2 meters height]

[Sturdiness value: 800]

[Common transport carriages use a wooden body with a small amount of metal reinforcement, and require two horses to pull at the same time under full load]

(A relatively common transport carriage, used by most traveling merchants)

This manufacturing blueprint can create a transport carriage.

Of course, Zong Shen discovered that many things could be made without drawings.

But creations without blueprints have many disadvantages for lords.

One is that it does not have special attribute effects.

Apart from anything else, houses and stone houses have a certain health recovery effect.

Self-built houses do not have this effect.

The second is that the construction period is very long.

Handmade things are really made one stitch at a time, brick by brick.

Take this transport carriage as an example.

Even the best workshop in the city cannot produce a standard carriage within 12 hours.

But the drawings of the lords can be made.

And the preparation is very simple and does not even require any technical content.

All you need is to master the drawings and have the materials that meet the conditions.

It can be successfully produced after spending a certain amount of time.

Where can I find such convenience?

Speaking of which, transport carriages can also be sold.

Especially for the aborigines, the lords had a bug-like advantage in handicraft manufacturing.

Zong Shen can produce large quantities of transport carriages and sell them to the indigenous people.

It beats ordinary aboriginal craft workshops in terms of man-hours consumed and production threshold.

However, in addition to materials, this thing also requires a prefabricated building.

That is [Junior Workshop].

There is currently no such building in the territory, so Zong Shen needs to spend some time searching for it.

After mastering the [Transportation Carriage Manufacturing Blueprint].

Zong Shen took out an item again.

This item has some tricks up its sleeve.

This is a strangely shaped pointed cone.

The total length is no more than 30 centimeters.

The handle is solid black without any fancy runes.

The front end is a sharp thorn.

Only as thick as a straw for oral liquid.

Also appears black.

Overall, it looks a bit like the thing used by the older generation to hook the soles of shoes.

Although it looks very strange, the quality of this thing is not low.

It can be considered a high-level magic item.

[The Thorn of the Dead (Purple)]

[Quality: rare grade]

[Skill: Suicide (Insert it into the corpse, the corpse can be briefly resurrected to fight for you, lasts for 30 minutes, the resurrected corpse cannot use magic skills, has 70% of the attributes of the corpse, and can fight up to no more than Used by orange overlord level corpses, each corpse can only be used once)

Insert it into the body of an undead monster whose level does not exceed the orange overlord level to gain control of the undead. The thorn of the undead will suppress the soul fire and make it available to you. This skill has no duration. , there is no cooling time, the effect is not absolute, and it is possible that the undead will be out of control due to conscious counterattack, please use it with caution and discretion)]

(Death is not the end, it is often the beginning of another blasphemy. The thorn of the dead can make the corpse of your enemy fight for you)

The effect of this item is as strange as its appearance.

It can resurrect corpses for a short period of time, turning them into things similar to mindless zombies.

It can also control the undead and forcibly suppress the soul fire that represents the will of the undead.

These two functions alone can clearly define the positioning of this thing.

This is also a combat auxiliary type thing.

A powerful enemy can leave behind a powerful corpse that can be used by one's side.

This is undoubtedly a desecration of the body.

Although it sounds very evil, it is undeniable that this [thorn of the dead] does have good practicality.

At this point, except for the recruitment scroll, all the items from the [Silver Support Treasure Box] have been reviewed.

Then there are only the harvests obtained from another ordinary [Silver Treasure Chest].

He placed his hands flat on the table, with a very relaxed expression on his face.

Speaking of which, Zong Shen hadn't thought about it like this for a long time, quietly checking the harvest.

This feeling made him feel relaxed and comfortable.

It was like a short vacation suddenly ushered in after living a high-pressure life of 996 every day.

Without any pressure, tasks or goals, you can have some time for yourself.

Zong Shen feels like this now.

For him, the Winter Challenge was a great challenge.

Under the severe cold of winter, affairs inside and outside the territory will be compressed.

Especially the first day of the challenge, which is the first stage.

It’s a rare leisure time.

There will be no snow monsters outside at this stage, and no winter treasure chests will appear.

Due to the impact of low temperatures and possible extreme weather conditions, the territory is also not suitable for construction and development.

Zong Shen and all the people in the territory can fish for a day with peace of mind.

At least that's the case now.

Of course, we don’t rule out encountering something in the first stage of winter.

Never mind it, just take it easy for a while.

A high-stress life is unsustainable and everything should be relaxed.

Zong Shen cleared his mind for a moment and took out the next item with a flick of his wrist.

This is an architectural drawing, and it is a rare architectural drawing that is currently rare in the territory.

[Magic Well Construction Drawing (Purple)]

[Quality: Rare level special mage building]

[A complete building can be built without spending materials, please choose an area to place it]

[Occupy area: 2 square meters]

[Sturdiness value: 1500]

[Building Armor: 35]

[A magic well that can gather magic elements and has a powerful auxiliary effect]

[Taking 1 ml of magic well water can restore 2.0 magic points]

[Maximum capacity of magic well water: 5l]

[Production per hour: 100ml]

[Skill: Magic Boiling (increases the capacity limit of the magic well to 2l, and increases the water production rate of the magic well by 300%, duration is 5 hours, cooling time is 168 hours)

Magic blessing (the magic well can perform a group blessing once a day, increasing the magic value recovery speed by 0.05 / second, lasting 2 hours)]

(The famous magic well is a magic building developed by the magic technology and rune technology departments in the City of Ten Thousand Laws based on the moon well of the elves. It can absorb the escaped elemental magic and condense it into magic well water, which can quickly Restore mana)

This is great stuff!

Its function is very similar to that of the Luna Well, the difference is that it can only be used to restore magic points.

The effect is not as comprehensive as that of Luna Well.

The audience is also limited to magicians with magical talents.

For ordinary citizens, the magic well water has no effect.

But for the mages in the territory, this thing is a truly strategic material.

Now Zong Shen gave each of the masters a small bottle of Moon God Spring, plus some [Magic Crystals].

As a standard carry-on material for territorial mages.

The [Magic Crystal] among them was originally exploded by killing those water elements on the island in the middle of the lake.

At that time, he was still in the novice stage, and Zong Shen also collected hundreds of them.

These [Magic Crystals] can also instantly replenish the magic value, but only one will be lost if you use one.

Not to mention the Moon God Spring. The three-in-one powerful effect is overkill just to replenish the magic value. Zong Shen does not advocate this kind of extravagant use.

But in the past, in order to ensure the battery life of the masters, they could only distribute the Lunar Spring first.

A master without magic value is like a tiger that has lost its teeth.

Although the recovery speed of meditating in situ is not slow, meditating cross-legged on the battlefield is tantamount to courting death.

Even though powerful magic skills have a high cooldown, mages can still continue to output through single-target magic without cooldown.

It is especially effective against targets with extremely high armor and relatively low magic resistance.

Now the emergence of this rare special building [Magic Well] can perfectly solve the problem of battery life of magicians.

And just like before, this magic well water can also be sold in the [Market].

Selling it as a mana supplement is also a profitable place.

Unfortunately, this special building with complete drawings can only build a magic well with one drawing.

Just like those drawings of defense towers, one building per picture.

Only some general-purpose buildings, such as houses, stone houses, city walls, and stone roads, can be mastered once and built throughout a lifetime.

Moreover, this kind of universal building also needs to be upgraded step by step.

Therefore, not all lords are "privileged".

Some balance restrictions are also far-reaching.

It is precisely because of the many balance restrictions that Zong Shen cannot complete the full development in a short time even if he cheats.

The *** here refers to the rapid development of the territory to the state and city level.

Of course, one point must be emphasized here.

That means it has only been thirteen days since landing.

During this not-so-long period of time, Zong Shen was able to develop his territory to nearly the village level.

This is already a very, very fast progress.

Those Aboriginal people were left without additional help.

It takes more than ten years of hard work to develop a settlement into a village.

Not to mention the aborigines, it will take at least several months for other lords to develop to the village level.

This time period roughly coincides with the arrival of the second batch of lords 180 days after landing.

Whether it is Zong Shen or other lords, this will be a long process.

They will establish their territory with their own hands and gradually gain a foothold in this world.

Zong Shen thought of this and took control of the [Magic Well] with one click of his hand.

Officially included in the territory’s [Build] option.


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