Lords Trying to Survive: Strategizing from a Rundown Yard

Chapter 406: Swamp area, traces of dragon [Anti-theft Chapter 1/5]

Luna's body temperature was higher than usual.

This made her fair face look rosy.

Like a just ripe peach.

Her purple hair fell down like a waterfall.

Because I just woke up from a nap.

Her voice seemed very delicate, lazy and gentle.

Just like the little daughter-in-law who saw her husband return.

A sense of obsequiousness appeared naturally.

Zong Shen looked at Luna and swallowed subconsciously.

His eyes looked at Luna as if he were looking at a wonderful piece of art.

Fire was about to burst out of his eyes.

Luna looked at Zong Shen's appearance and couldn't help but feel a little confused.

Without too many words, you can feel the ambiguous atmosphere filling the air.

At this time, there were only two people in the lord's small building, Luna and Zong Shen.

This is a rare time for the two of them to be alone.

Don't worry about any light bulbs.

"grown ups…"

"Have you finished all your matters?"

Luna asked softly, still looking gentle.

It’s so shy that it’s unbelievable!

You must know that when Luna was on the battlefield, she was a ruthless hunter.

Whether it's a fierce battle against spider web monsters in a mine, or facing thousands of underground monsters.

Luna's performance has always been heroic and fearless, and she is a true hunter.

Only in front of Zong Shen would she show such a little woman attitude.

Zong Shen's lips curled up and he smiled without saying a word.

He walked over quickly and reached out to push away the sentinel panther.

Squatting down slightly, he put one hand under Luna's legs and bent her knees.

The other hand held her shoulder and gave her a princess hug.


The black panther beside him roared in protest.

However, he was directly ignored by Zong Shen.

Even the sentinel panther can't escape the fate of eating a big bowl of dog food.

Luna also let out an exclamation.

Then he wrapped his arms around Zong Shen's neck.

The two people looked at each other, and their hormones were completely detonated at this moment.

Zong Shen just carried Luna and walked directly up the steps.

There is no better place to spend the winter than a soft bed.

Today Zong Shen can finally show off his well-drilling skills unscrupulously.

Speaking of which, do hybrids of elves and humans look more like elves or humans?

Maybe Zong Shen can discuss this topic with Luna.

The snowflakes were flying wildly, and they rushed to the embrace of the earth.

Showing a kind of enthusiasm that belongs to winter.

Not far from the southeast of Zong Shen's territory.

There is a small forest.

The entire forest was originally an irregular circle.

However, by this time half of the forest had been cut down.

There is a medium-sized territory in the clear-cut half.

This is the territory of Lord Jiang Yi.

The size of her territory has also expanded these days.

During this period of time, Jiang Yi's life was pretty good.

Although it takes some time to deal with legion affairs every day.

But because of the material support provided by Zong Shen, her development became much smoother.

At the same time, she also received a task in Dinan Village.

Help the villagers go to the south to pick black marsh flowers.

A special herb of excellent quality.

The existence of that swamp is not a secret among the lords in the entire southern region.

But few lords dared to explore the swamp area.

According to rumors, there are many terrifying monsters in this swamp.

And the entire swamp was shrouded in turbid green poisonous mist.

The level of poisonous mist is not low, it has reached at least level three.

Ordinary people or ordinary animals will be poisoned and die immediately if they inhale even a little bit.

All the internal organs rotted into dark green rot.

These poisonous mist obscured the swamp area, as if bound by an invisible position.

Even if the strong wind blows, the poisonous mist will not escape.

Affected by this poisonous fog, the visibility was extremely low and it was impossible to see what was going on inside.

And there are ferocious swamp monsters living there.

In order to complete this task, Jiang Yi specially exchanged for an excellent quality antidote.

Venturing into the swamp, she easily spotted the Black Marsh Flower on the edge of the swamp.

The task was completed smoothly.

Even so, it was a scary place for her.

Underfoot was dirty, sticky black swamp mud.

There was a putrid smell in the air.

There was also a sour and irritating gas that was constantly irritating her nose and eyes.

She couldn't help but burst into tears.

Even if she took an antidote beforehand, the negative effects could not be completely eliminated.

There are also some swampy areas that are almost bottomless.

Bubbly and gurgling.

There are still skeletons floating among them.

At the same time, she also discovered some ruins left behind by the ruins.

Jiang Yi found a silver treasure chest in the ruins.

Just when she was so happy that she wanted to open it on the spot.

A terrifying pressure surged in like a tide.

This kind of coercion is a kind of pure mental suppression.

Jiang Yi's heart trembled, and strong fear inexplicably arose.

She had never experienced anything like this before, it was like there was some kind of terrifying creature appearing around her.

At the same time, deep in the swamp area, the sound of trampling water began to be heard.

The sound was very clear and dense, and there were at least hundreds of mysterious creatures approaching her.

After her mental suppression eased a little, she quickly put away the silver treasure box and ran out of the swamp.

Fortunately, this was only the edge of the swamp, and she quickly ran out of the swamp.

Come to a clear world without poisonous fog.

After Jiang Yi left the swamp area, the terrifying pressure disappeared immediately.

The other party didn't seem to want to leave the swamp, which made Jiang Yi sigh in relief.

There is no doubt that there is definitely a terrifying guy lurking in this swamp.

According to the theory that risk and return are proportional, there must be a lot of good things here.

Out of caution, Jiang Yi did not choose to enter hastily.

And he decisively evacuated here, returned to Dinan Village, and handed over the mission.

Successfully obtained permission to recruit villagers.

This happened two days ago, which was the first day after the Crypt Challenge ended.

At this time, Jiang Yi was standing on the terrace of the lord's small building.

This weather is not suitable for any outdoor activities.

The best option is to stay in the territory honestly.

Although after putting on their big coats, the soldiers were not afraid of this level of cold.

But there is growing snow on the ground, cold winds and other possible extreme weather conditions.

They are all warning the lords to avoid the cold and be cautious when going out.

Moreover, in the first stage of winter, there are no snow monsters and no winter treasure chests, so there is no point in going out.

Due to the influence of the climate, it is not suitable to go out to explore the ruins at this time.

Or fight any monster.

In the first stage of weather, the combat capabilities of the soldiers will be reduced by at least one to two percent.

This is a very unequal difference.

Therefore, smart lords will choose to stay quietly in their territory on this day.

Rest and hibernate.

Waiting for the second stage of the snow monster to arrive.

In the colder weather, they will rely on passiveness to fight.

After experiencing the point redemption of the Crypt Challenge.

All lords have various arrow towers arranged in their territories.

This is almost the standard configuration of every lord's territory today.

The difference is only in the level, type, and number of arrow towers.

So as long as they stick to their territory, they can make up for the disadvantage in combat power caused by the weather.

Even some radical and powerful lords can choose to go out to hunt monsters.

When it comes to strength, nothing is absolute.

Third- and fourth-level warriors are more resistant to cold because of their powerful physical attributes.

During the cold winter period, too much combat power will not be lost.

Jiang Yi was wearing a thick coat, looking at Luoxue and thinking.

She had just finished handling the distribution of cold-warming supplies for the legion.

More than four hundred pieces and other cold-weather supplies were sold to corps members at cost.

Almost every legion member is grateful to Zong Shen for his generosity.

Now the price of cold-proof materials on the market has increased four to five times.

This sharp contrast made all the members admire Zong Shen in their hearts.

Moreover, Zong Shen is now recognized as the strongest person in the region, and may even be the strongest lord in the entire region.

This obvious gap in status and strength makes them only envious but not jealous or hateful.

On the contrary, everyone still has a sense of pride because they are members of the legion.

As long as I have it, I will feel more confident in activities in the area.

Even Jiang Yi, who is the deputy commander of the army, is respected by everyone.

In the final analysis, all this is because of Zong Shen.

Jiang Yi knew this very well.

She chose to cooperate with Zong Shen because she wanted to hug him.

Even indirectly became his subordinate.

Now Jiang Yi and Zong Shen are like grasshoppers on the same rope. Zong Shen enjoys the glory, and she can also receive some care.

She just needs to expend some time and energy.

There is the great god Zong Shen sitting in charge.

Both in terms of prestige and fame, it is well-deserved to be number one in the region.

As long as Jiang Yi is not a fool, he can easily grow the army.

As for now, she is considering whether to tell Zong Shen about the situation in the swamp.

The danger level in that swamp is definitely not something that the current lords can bear.

But there will definitely be great gains.

Just on the outskirts of the swamp are sophisticated medicinal herbs and silver treasure chests.

These circumstances alone are enough to explain everything.

After thinking for a while, Jiang Yi chose to tell Zong Shen about the matter.

She raised the communication crystal and dialed number 1.

When the communication crystal lights up and communication is just established.

Suddenly it dimmed.

This means that the other party has chosen to refuse to answer.

"Zong Shen must have something going on..."

"Let's contact him later."

Jiang Yi looked at the communication crystal and muttered to herself.

He continued to lean on the terrace, admiring the rare snow scene.

Meanwhile, deep in the swamp area to the south.

A wide hole was dug here.

A behemoth, twelve or thirteen meters long, lies on its side.

Its entire body is covered with black hard scales.

The head has sharp horny protrusions that look like a spiked helmet.

The strong wings were half folded at the side, covering most of the body.

It is surrounded by gold and silver treasures.

Magic gems of various grades sparkle with different auras.

There was also a large amount of dinars, almost filling most of the cave.

It even became its bed.

This is exactly the money-grubbing handsome boy that Zong Shenji has been waiting for for a long time.

And it's a black dragon that loves destruction.

Judging from the size, he should be a strong young dragon.

It opened its eyes lazily.

The yellow eyes have black vertical pupils.

Its eyelids are double-layered.

After opening the outermost layer of solid scales, there is still a layer of transparent eyelids.

The first thing it did after opening its eyes was to pick up a handful of dinars with its strong forelimbs.

Watching these dinars flow from the fingers of the sharp claws, making a crisp collision sound.

As a young dragon that has just grown up, it has been living a low-key life since it separated from its mother.

The strength of pure-blood dragons is often linked to their age.

Before reaching their prime, most dragons choose to live in seclusion.

Steal some money and treasures, conquer some family members, and live a lazy life.

Therefore, this black dragon has lived peacefully in the swamp for decades.

This low profile ensures its safety to the greatest extent.

Otherwise, once the news is leaked, countless "Dragon-Slaying Warriors" will come.

It will even alarm the local giant city forces and be punished by the army.

After all, young dragons who have just grown up are a stage where dragons are relatively easy to bully.

When it grows up, it becomes difficult to deal with.

The powerful dragon language magic and dragon body will prove what the real top creature is.

The dragon's treasure and the reputation of being the queen who slayed the dragon are temptations that many people cannot refuse.

In this case, once the outside world knows where the young dragon is, it will definitely cause a sensation.

Especially these five-color dragons who behave evilly are the priority targets for crusade.

Black Dragon knew this very well.

It even knows that more than two hundred years ago, there was a mature evil dragon named Og Borcaiser Valyria occupying an island in the middle of the lake not far from here.

It is a strong green dragon, a species of dragon known for its cunning among the five-color dragons.

That senior had been challenged by countless dragon-slaying warriors, as well as attacked by the kingdom's knights and high-level mercenary teams.

It never tires of this until a dragon-slaying warrior named Renault appears.

They fought for three days, and the powerful Renault chopped off one of Boswell's forelimbs.

But in the end it became Boswell's ration.

Within the same level, dragons are often stronger than other ethnic groups.

In the end, the dragon-slaying warrior Renault became the dead soul of Longkou.

The famous epic weapon was also broken and damaged.

The evil dragon Boswell was injured and chose to move the dragon's nest and leave the area.

This deed has been used as negative teaching material by Xiao Heilong to warn himself.

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