Lords Trying to Survive: Strategizing from a Rundown Yard

Chapter 410: Goblin’s Motives, Fishing Tactics

This Goblin Shaman is just a captain-level monster.

But the level is relatively high, reaching level 38.

Judging from the dense wrinkles on its face, this guy should be an elder in the Goblin tribe.

The levels of indigenous monsters and indigenous warriors are often related to their age and combat experience.

In some giant cities, there are even warriors at level 50 or 60.

Some warriors are not of a high level, but due to their level, they are able to exert extremely high combat power.

But these warriors are at least forty or fifty years old.

In fact, level is also the embodiment of certain aspects of strength.

Zong Shen prefers to regard it as the accumulation of some kind of "experience".

He wore a battle helmet and silently looked at the Goblin Shaman.

This guy can only be regarded as an ordinary spell caster in the Goblin tribe at best.

Otherwise, he would not only be responsible for commanding a small team.

He raised his foot and gently kicked the Goblin Shaman.

It is now in a state of confusion.

The young man's attack was of no importance, it was a bit too real.

Zong Shen asked him to spare his life, but he really just spared his life.

In Zong Shen's eyes, this guy only had less than 15% of his health left.

This health range is between near death and serious injury.

There is no way to accept torture in this state.

But Zong Shen was not prepared to waste the Moon God Spring on it.

After thinking for a while, he took out a barrel of water.

It was poured directly on the face of the Goblin Shaman.

The wounds on its body were stimulated and immediately tightened.

At the same time, the Goblin Shaman finally woke up leisurely.

As soon as its eyes opened, it showed a frightened expression.

Especially after feeling that his hands and feet were restrained, he began to struggle violently.

When they catch humans, they tie their limbs like this.

Zong Shen wanted to ask some detailed questions about the Goblin tribe from this guy.

Since the low-intelligent tribesmen cannot communicate, then the intelligent casters should be able to communicate.

"Stop struggling."

"You are my prisoner now."

Zong Shen stood beside it, the shadow cast by his body completely covering it.

Just look at it condescendingly.

All lords will be able to automatically master the common language of the continent after landing.

Including what Zong Shen is speaking now, it is also the common language of mainland China.

Although it was called the common language of the mainland, he was really not sure whether the Goblin Shaman could understand it.

Many ethnic groups on this continent have their own unique languages.

Even the wise ones in the clan may not be able to master the common language of the mainland fluently.

Just look at those kobold prophets to know this.

The kobolds, even the kobold prophets, stutter when speaking Common Tongue.

Among the kobold tribes that Zong Shen conquered, only Chief Dutra could communicate with Zong Shen fluently in the common language of the mainland.

But it seems like this guy should understand Common Language.

Because after Zong Shen spoke, it stopped struggling.

He looked at Zong Shen with fearful eyes.

Its eyes were also red, but more cloudy than the two goblin scouts it killed before.

This is the trace of time.


"We...were just your territory...entered by mistake..."

"Please forgive me..."

Goblin Shaman stammered.

Not only is it stumbling, but the word order is also a bit confusing.

But as long as we can communicate, that's enough.



"So you despicable green-skinned bastards can also beg for mercy."

Zong Shen sneered and mocked mercilessly.

Through the information he collected, when facing such a lowly species.

The nicer you act, the more furious they become.

Only insults, intimidation, and coercion can make them temporarily surrender.

Sure enough, when faced with Zong Shen's ridicule, the Goblin Shaman's wrinkled face revealed an ugly, flattering smile.

"Tell me honestly why you came."

"As long as you cooperate, I will give you a pain."

"If you lie, you will suffer."

Zong Shen took out the [Dragon-Slaying Heavy Sword] and punched it on the ground with his backhand.

Although the Dragon-Slaying Heavy Sword was broken, the broad blade still felt very oppressive.

Faced with this naked threat, the Goblin Shaman no longer took any chances.

As an evil race, they have mastered many methods of torture.

Naturally, I understand what life is worse than death.

Compared with torture, death is a more comfortable ending.

Creatures like goblins don't have any backbone.

Their brain circuits are different from any intelligent creatures.

Otherwise, he wouldn't be called a failure of the evil god.

"We...came...to arrest people...\


"Here is the target..."


Goblin Shaman spoke slowly, its description incoherent.

But Zong Shen still understood its meaning.

The Goblin tribe is extending its claws into this area.

Especially the territories of the lords are regarded as soft persimmons by them.

Both men and women can become their mating tools.

It is also a food reserve for the Goblin tribe.

Just like the pigs, dogs, cattle and sheep raised by humans.

As for more information, based on this guy's communication skills, he probably can't explain why.

He could use the known clues to let the strategy module tell him more information about the Goblin tribe.

Now the motives of these guys are clear.

As expected, these guys are really aggressive and bad neighbors.

They are afraid of the strength of the state and are worried about being punished, so they will only attack small settlements.

After hearing what it said, Zong Shen said nothing.

He just tightened his grip on the hilt of the Dragon-Slaying Heavy Sword.

He raised the knife and cut off its head.

[Kill lv38 Goblin Shaman]

[Get 3600 experience points]

This guy's level is relatively high, so his experience value is relatively high.

"Tow it away."

"Bury it or feed it to the wolves."

"Based on the distance from the Goblin tribe to the territory."

"They won't send anyone here until at least tomorrow afternoon."

"Pay close attention to the dynamics in all directions of the territory."

"We just cut the flesh with a dull knife and hurt them slowly."

Zong Shen said in a calm tone, after experiencing many things.

The Goblin tribe can only be regarded as a small scene to him.

Vereesa and Doris nodded.

The surrounding wolf cavalry also saluted.

It was already past three o'clock in the afternoon.

The first day of winter was more peaceful than Zong Shen imagined.

After arranging the subsequent security matters in the territory.

He waved his hand and announced that everyone was disbanding.

This time Vereesa did not go to the tailor shop.

Instead, he and Zong Shen walked back to the lord's small building.

The atmosphere between the two was a bit dull before.

No one spoke first.

Vereesa followed Zong Shen, always keeping half a step away.

As soon as she entered the small building, she walked straight up the stairs.

The current fourth-level City Lord's Mansion has four floors.

Moreover, the floor height of the City Lord's Mansion reached 4 meters, so the circular terrace outside the fourth floor became a commanding height of the territory.

Standing on the terrace, you can have a 360° view of the entire territory.

Except for those advanced defense towers, epic buildings, and incomplete wonders.

There is basically nothing that blocks the view.

As a Windrunner, Vereesa had extraordinary enhanced vision.

Even in this blizzard day, she can still have super vision.

Just as they were returning, the snow outside suddenly became lighter.

The thickness of the snow has reached about forty centimeters.

It’s almost below a normal person’s calf.

If snow continues to fall on this trend.

At night, the snow can reach an extremely terrifying thickness.

Even short straw sheds can be filled in.

Therefore, the reduced snow intensity is in line with expectations.

Although the lord's challenge is not merciful, it is by no means too extreme.

Zong Shen did not go upstairs. He sat on the chair in the hall alone.

When Winter started, the differentiated compensation package was distributed to the storage compartment.

He never got around to checking.

Taking advantage of this moment, he was going to see what was in the compensation package.

At this time, the compensation package was placed in the first slot by the lord system arrogantly.

And its transformation is constantly flashing like a marquee streamer.

Not only fancy but eye-catching.

This thing has no sense of existence in the first place.

Most lords didn't expect much from this either.

But the more so, the more fancy the lord system will make it.

[Regional Differentiated Cold Warning Compensation Package]

【Temperate grassland climate area】

【(Click to open)】

A small square box appeared in Zong Shen's hand.

Zong Shen directly chose to turn it on.

The lid of the small box opens directly.

Several light groups emerged.

[Cold Warm Vest×8]

[Cold sleeping bag × 5]

[High-calorie food × 80]

【Fire Ginger Candy×3】

【Craft Vodka×8】

The same five items were all used to keep out the cold.

As long as it is a compensation package of the same area type, the contents and quantity are the same.

These cold-proof materials cannot fully meet the territory's cold-proof needs.

It can only be used as some additional supplements.

Among them, [Fire Ginger Candy] is a bit interesting.

It can be dissolved in a kettle and boiled.

You will get a pot of ginger syrup.

It can dispel dampness and dispel cold.

Because fire ginger is originally an excellent medicinal material that can keep out the cold with a small amount of fire element.

Other than that, there is nothing unusual about the supplies in this cold pack.

Including the so-called [cold-proof vest], which is the sleeveless version of the [double-sided sheepskin winter jacket].

Don't worry about the things in your head.

[Cold-proof sleeping bag] is made of sheepskin.

It can provide a temporary place that is not prone to hypothermia.

Zong Shen curled his lips and temporarily put away the supplies in the cold-warming bag.

He began to try to ask questions to the guide, preparing to find out the specific strength of the Goblin tribe.

"How many goblins are there in the goblin tribe near the territory?"

"Are there any strange treasures in the tribe?"

Almost as soon as he raised his question in his mind, lines of golden subtitles jumped out.

(There were a total of 3,976 Goblins in that Goblin tribe, including 142 baby Goblins without the ability to fight.

There are a total of 461 female goblins with low combat ability.

There are 2524 general Goblin Warriors of various types, 627 Goblin Bears, and 189 Goblin Shamans.

32 Goblin Heroes and 1 Goblin King

The tribe has some money and magic props obtained from plundering over the years.

There is also an Elf Key fragment that the Goblin found from the ruins.

There are also some unopened treasure chests scattered in the ruins of the tribe and the nearby Alliance army camp.

In addition, there were 86 human captives, including 29 males and 57 females, and 72 humanoid captives)

The strategy tips did not live up to Zong Shen’s expectations, and it was as good as ever.

The detailed member structure and number of the Goblin tribe are shown.

This goblin tribe is just a hair away from surpassing four thousand in number.

The overall strength is higher than Zong Shen had guessed before.

It can be considered a medium-sized alien tribe.

The Goblin Shaman is like the middle-level structure of the tribe.

Further up there are the so-called Goblin Heroes and Goblin Kings.

This Goblin King should be the tribal chief.

Judging from the size of this tribe.

Zong Shen estimated that its strength might have reached the overlord level.

Based on the current situation, Zong Shen is only suitable for fishing by sticking to his territory.

It is not suitable for taking the initiative to lead troops to attack the Goblin tribe.

After all, the strength of these goblins is generally greater than that of cave monsters.

The most important point is that the goblins are a group of imbecile people.

But it still has a complete structure and original social organization.

They are certainly much harder to deal with than the mindless crypt monsters.

In addition, Zong Shen cannot use demonic deterrence against them.

Zong Shen's current warriors combined together have not exceeded 200.

Even if you can get a one-for-ten ratio, it's still not worth it.

So now he directly rejected the proactive strategy.

It is most reliable to use fishing tactics.

In this situation and situation, it is better to attack than to defend.

With the geographical advantage, Zong Shen is fully capable of hurting them.

Gradually eliminate the gap in military strength between the two sides.

After the goblin tribe was crippled, it was time to take the initiative to harvest them all.

Zong Shen couldn't help but nodded.

Based on the latest intelligence, he decisively adjusted his strategy.

Decided to implement the fishing tactics to the end!

After clearing his mind, Zong Shen felt much better.

Just as he was about to walk upstairs.

The communication crystal on his chest began to glow.

Zong Shen took off the crystal, and number 8 appeared on it.

This is the communication crystal number belonging to Jiang Yi.

Looking at this number, he remembered that Jiang Yi seemed to have initiated a communication with him before.

But at that time, he was busy studying well drilling technology.

So I just chose to hang up.

Now that Jiang Yi sent another communication, he remembered this matter.

Fearing that Jiang Yi would encounter something, he quickly chose to answer the call.


"Master Zong, you are connected."

Jiang Yi's voice was very natural, as if she had not encountered any situation.


"Is there something wrong with the Legion?"

Zong Shen asked awkwardly.

"All is well with the Legion."

"It's just that I discovered another interesting place."

"I wonder if Master Zong is interested in exploring together...?"

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