You can tell by looking at it that you haven’t stepped on any snow.

How could Zong Shen float on the snow after wearing armor?

There is definitely some distortion in the walking posture.

This plot requires this sense of contrast. As for why, it involves spoilers.

There are so many things that are perfect.

This is a harbinger of a new scene.

Every change in the lord system will have a foreshadowing. Now the challenge is only visible to the lord, which does not mean that this will always be the case.

No matter how fancy the question is, it will easily be banned and deleted.

Many questions involve future space and settings.

The flaws that can be given are all for you to examine.

You question me about writing bugs, do I give spoilers or not?

In fact, if you search the whole book with keywords, you will know that many foreshadowing elements are reflected from beginning to end.

Ninety percent of readers can basically follow the thread. If you read the book by yourself, why should I take the blame?

Some of the foreshadowing settings have been buried for so long in advance. I read them all by myself and thought I was cheating on the word count.

The most carefully written part of this book is probably the various scene settings and prop settings.

Some of the narratives are indeed watery, I admit this, but any of my settings and data will not be watered down.

At most, the second order is occasionally written as the first order.

The so-called omen.

For example, the weather changes and rain occurs at the end of the novice period.

Then the closed crypt appears half a day in advance, which is also an early sign of changes in the winter climate.

In addition, regarding the indigenous people, it has been emphasized that it will not affect them. This does not mean that they are unaware of the situation, nor does it mean that they will face subsequent challenges.

Otherwise, how could the Sultanate of Salander have the first generation of wise man Sultan to leave prophecies?

Then the timeline is almost accelerating, and it will enter the accelerated timeline stage in 30 days.

I really don't want to explain.

From the early chapters, as long as there are any props that are not used in time, a lot of people will inevitably jump out.

There is also the part about the track marks. If you put it there, you will be wise.

Zong Shen is a human being, not a template, not a robot.

Remember this.

All my settings are more or less balanced.

I will give the incredible skills a specific cooldown, and also limit them with time-limited attributes.

Don't think the protagonist is too perfect, and don't think everything is too perfect.

You said that the author is not good at writing group portraits or writing in an epic sense. I can read the book and learn from it.

But I’m fed up with this kind of out-of-context questioning that’s ahead of its time and not fully developed in the length of the article.

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