After listening to Zong Shen's words, Master Mars opened his mouth slightly.

He seemed hesitant to speak, but finally nodded.

Because something like this sounds a bit like human trafficking.

However, if it is in the form of employment, it should be able to meet his requirements.

"Lord Zong, I will pay attention."

"But there aren't many talents in the village of Citano."

"There are some farmers who are good at planting and breeding."

"As for the blacksmith, there is only one in the entire Citano village."

"That guy is rude and only forges some crude farm tools."

"And do you plan to recruit these people on a hiring basis?"

Mr. Mars said with some embarrassment.

Only Bangcheng can fully meet Zong Shen's requirements.

There are too many ordinary farmers in the villages.

It is very difficult to find so-called "talent".

Hearing Master Mars say this, Zong Shen nodded gently.

"Just for hire."

"For talents who have mastered planting and breeding techniques."

"I will pay you 50 dinars for each one you bring."

"As for the blacksmiths and tailors, as long as they have mastered the basic skills, I will pay you 300 dinars for each one."

"By the way, there are also refugees, each of whom is paid 15 dinars."

"If you are over 50 years old or under 14 years old, you don't want it."

"There are no other requirements, just that the limbs are sound."

Zong Shen said casually that his expectations for this were not high.

It can be regarded as an attempt to expand the territory's population.

"I understand Master Zong."

"Sitano Village can still receive some refugees from time to time."

“Refugees often enter the country from the direction of Seakabang in the southern part of the area.”

"The development of that state city is not very good."

When Mr. Mars heard the reward, his fat face suddenly became more cheerful.

There are not many other talents, but the refugees still have a lot of them.

Especially in the past few months, refugees from Seakabang often travel hundreds of kilometers to cross the border.

Xitano Village has already received five to six hundred refugees.

The village chief, Spichi, had a headache about this.

There is also a certain burden involved in settling these refugees in the village.

Some basic production materials need to be provided.

These refugees are often poor people.

Once the village chooses to receive it, it must solve their living problems.

Fortunately, there is no shortage of land in this world, as long as it can protect the world for a few months.

Allowing them to cultivate wasteland and then establish themselves in the village.

If they are not accepted, these refugees will easily take risks.

They entrenched themselves near the village and gradually turned into rogues.

The numerical advantage poses a threat to nearby traveling merchants and outgoing villagers.

So it may be difficult for other talents.

But the refugees are still easy to deal with.

Mr. Mars can more or less get some.

The most important thing is that the old village chief Spike also knows Zong Shen.

No one cares where these refugees are taken.

There are big loopholes that can be exploited.

In fact, many slave traders will try their best to take away these refugees through various channels.

There is even a special slave-catching team that wanders in the wilderness all day long, attacking those poor refugees.

Not every area is as peaceful as Bospan.

Even in this world, aboriginal nobles generally accumulated a lot of wealth.

Live a luxurious life of fine clothing and fine food.

But that may not necessarily be the case for those residents within the jurisdiction.

Their standard of living depends largely on the abilities of their consuls.

If you encounter a consul who does not act, both the city and the villages under his jurisdiction will gradually decline.

Because the area of ​​this world is huge, Bangcheng is the only core within 700 to 800 kilometers.

Once Bangcheng is unable to play its role as a regional center, it will revitalize the economic development of the entire region.

Then the Great Depression in the region will be inevitable.

But the Great Depression at the bottom does not affect the top.

Those bandits, bandits, and church heretics will also become more rampant.

If Bangcheng does nothing, they will take away everything from the villagers.

Eventually, the villagers lost all their means of production and savings, left their homes and became refugees.

Seaka State, south of Bosbon, is in such a depressed situation.

Not all nobles are as obsessed with governing as Baron Bezos.

And Seakabang is a negative example.

It must be said that this is an extremely cheap way to source slaves.

But ultimately it’s a dark job.

There is no shortage of profit-seekers in this world.

As long as it is something that can make a profit, it will breed industry.

The slave trade is an out-and-out gray industry, and regulations and tolerances for this vary from region to region.

At least in Bossbonne, it's quite strict.

This made the entire villages under Bosbon's administration adopt an accepting attitude towards the refugees.

Moreover, the regional economic conditions and public security environment in Bosbon are very good.

It is indeed better than the unsatisfactory neighbor to the south.

Just like when Odo Village was attacked by the Calamity Raven Church.

Baron Bezos immediately dispatched a squadron of state troops

After the state army was completely annihilated, he immediately sent a request for help to the giant city of Lentax.

This sense of responsibility alone is enough to explain everything.

It is precisely because of the efforts of Baron Bezos that the development of this area is relatively prosperous.

The security in the area is also relatively good.

Accepting refugees requires a certain amount of pressure.

It also means that the population of the village can expand rapidly.

This can be understood by referring to the population size of Citano Village.

After listening to Master Mars' words, Zong Shen just nodded silently.

He didn't say anything because he had already said all that needed to be said.

Mr. Mars saw Zong Shen lowering his head and thinking about something, so he wisely did not disturb him.

Zong Shen now has a strong interest in the city of Seakabang in the south.

The area he is in is based on Bosbon's jurisdiction.

It is located towards the west of the mainland, almost on the edge of Bospan.

So it takes seven to eight hundred kilometers to get to Bosibon from here.

"How far is Seakabang from here?"

"How many villages are there within its jurisdiction?"

Zong Shen asked the guide prompt in his mind.

What Mr. Mars said just now gave him a lot of hints.

Compared with Bosi State, which is developing stably, Seaka State next door seems to have an easier time gaining population.

Therefore, he prepared to learn about the situation and information of Seakabang in advance.

The golden subtitles are like little elves shining with golden light, jumping out one after another.

Arranged neatly in front of Zong Shen

(Seakabang is located in the southeast of your territory, with a straight-line distance of 727 kilometers and an actual path distance of 779 kilometers. It had thirty-two villages at its peak in the past 100 years, and currently only thirteen are left.

Among them, only three have more than 1,000 permanent residents.

There are a total of 239,367 people in the city, making it the weakest city under the jurisdiction of the giant city of Lentax.

Now run by 52-year-old Baron Edie Nichols

He is a heavy drinker and the craziest gambler in Ceakabang)

Zong Shen carefully read through the guide tips.

I have a general understanding of Seakabang City in my mind.

The governor of this state city is a drunk and gambling guy.

The city's jurisdiction is relatively shabby, with only thirteen villages left.

There are only three villages with a population of more than 1,000 people.

Including Bangcheng, the population is only over 230,000.

You must know that the nearby cities are basically semi-open.

In addition, the terrain is mainly flat grasslands and basins.

The constraints on development are relatively small.

But look at the situation in Seakabang City, even a fortress-shaped city located on the border of the Kingdom of Nord.

The Gotti Castle where Howie once lived was inferior.

Although there are only seven villages in Goti Castle.

But the population sizes are all in the range of 1,500 to 2,000 people.

You must know that Goti Castle is a fortress-type city located in the border mountains and forests.

The development potential of different terrains is completely different.

Plain areas have inherent development advantages.

Mountainous areas have advantages in war defense.

Goti Castle just guards a throat in the northern mountains and forests.

That location is the only way to enter the Nordic Kingdom from here.

The scale of development of the city of Seakabang is so sluggish that it cannot even compare with Goti Castle, which is really a bit too much.

It seems that when I have free time, I need to make a trip to Seakabang City.

Zong Shen casually dismissed the subtitles and raised his head.

The sky outside is getting darker.

The wind and snow finally stopped completely.

Mr. Mars was holding Mariel's hand, sitting in the living room, and whispering something.

I saw two red clouds floating on Mariel's face.

He also raised his head slightly and glanced at Zong Shen.

When she saw Zong Shen looking at her, she lowered her head shyly.

"Master Mars, it's already dark."

"Why don't you just stay here tonight."

"I still have a lot of empty rooms here."

"Let's have dinner together by the way."

Zong Shen stood up and said to Mr. Mars.

As a host, these are basic etiquette.

Hearing what Zong Shen said, Mr. Mars also took a look at the sky outside.

But he waved his hand unexpectedly.

"Master Zong is too polite."

"Let's wait for another day."

"Now that the location of the ranch has been finalized today."

"Then I have to return to the village now to mobilize manpower for preparations."

"Please take care of the more than 20 pregnant cows I brought back today."

"The materials and craftsmen were ready beforehand."

"But the new batch of cows are still on their way to transportation."

"I'll come back in about three days."

"We will start work directly then."

Master Mars stood up and touched Mariel's head lovingly.

Explained to Zong Shen.

His words made Zong Shen frown.

For the lords, the efficiency of the Aboriginal people was too low.

But in Mr. Mars' opinion, this is already an absolute expedited construction.

Their concept of time for development and construction is completely different from that of the lords.

"Well, in that case, let's meet another day."

"Please be careful on your way back."

"I will assist you in moving those cows to pasture."

After a brief consideration, Zong Shen nodded.

It’s not a bad thing to avoid the challenges of winter when building a ranch.

Zong Shen was worried that it was because of his own investment in the cooperation.

The ranch will also be involved in the winter challenge.

In this case, he would change his previous attitude of trying to stay.

The aboveboard mode of seeing off guests was started.

Mr. Mars stood up happily and said his final goodbyes to Mariel.

Zong Shen took the initiative to walk over, holding Master Mars's hand and walking towards the door while greeting him.

Behind him, Mariel followed reluctantly to the door.

"Go back, kid, and follow Mr. Zong well."

"We can meet often in the future."

Master Mars turned back and said.

I saw Mariel standing by the door, nodding slightly.

Her eyes filled with tears.

Mr. Mars also had a sore nose after watching this scene.

The relationship between the parents is still very deep.

Especially in this moment of separation.

Zong Shen let go of his hand and stood there waiting.

I saw Mariel running down the steps and hugging her father through the snow.

Master Mars patted her back gently.

After several more minutes, the father and daughter reluctantly parted.

Zong Shen also reached out and touched Mariel's head comfortingly.

Then he took Mr. Mars and left the lord's courtyard.

He activated the loader mecha and headed towards the farming and pastoral area in the northwest of the territory.

Because of the winter challenge, most of the people in the territory stayed in the house.

This made Zong Shen's territory look very deserted.

After nightfall, there was no light at all.

The confidants brought by Mr. Mars and the three traveling merchants directly lit the torches.

All the calving cows were unloaded from the stock wagons.

There are twenty cows in this batch, and the belly of each one is obviously bulging.

At this time, they were all led to the original pasture of Zong Shen's territory.

This small ranch looked very strange to them.

Not only are they surrounded on all sides by simple wooden walls.

The pasture is filled with various bundled haystacks.

Several straw sheds were built in the middle.

That's not the strangest thing.

The weirdest thing about it is that there is a stove burning in the pasture.

It obviously went through the extended exhaust pipe, which discharged the smoke from the heater three or four meters into the air.

There were cattle and sheep, more than a hundred in total.

At this time, they were all lying lazily next to the hay in small groups.

This listless look is what those cattle and sheep look like only when the weather is cold.

Look at Zong Shen wearing a fur coat.

They all opened their mouths slightly, not knowing what to say.

At least based on their knowledge, this problem cannot be solved.

At this moment, Master Mars spoke.

"Let's all return to the village of Sensitano."

“The construction of large ranches is urgent.”

"There's still a lot to prepare for."

"Mr. Sherwood, you three will stay at my house tonight."

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