Lords Trying to Survive: Strategizing from a Rundown Yard

Chapter 418: The first night of winter, an inexplicably sunny day

"I really want to visit your hometown."

"Go and take a ride on the Ferris wheel that adults are talking about..."

"Take another look at the beautiful fireworks."

Luna couldn't help but said.

This is also the common thought in the hearts of the three women.

For people like them who live in the world of swords and magic.

The earth described by Zong Shen is simply a dream world.

The collision of different civilizations and different systems has produced colorful fireworks.

And the Earth described is not made up.

Everything comes from the most real situation.

As Zong Shen who was born, studied, and grew up on the earth.

Originally, I didn’t think life on earth was that strange.

But now after arriving in the Endless Continent, I have experienced the lifestyle of another world.

He still misses the convenience of life on Earth.

Tonight's topic can be regarded as completely detonated by Zong Shen.

The three girls were all in high spirits.

Even Vereesa, who had always been silent, spoke frequently.

Many details about life on Earth were asked.

They sat at the long table and chatted for two hours.

Zong Shen was finally able to escape and sat lazily on a chair in the living room.

Luna and Mariel were responsible for clearing the table and dishes.

Vereesa went upstairs to rest.

Take advantage of it before it's too late.

In order to guard against goblin attacks during the day, Vereesa took on the important role of sentinel.

Relying on the visual enhancement of Windrunner to act as a watchtower for the territory

The wind and snow have stopped now, otherwise the snow will seriously affect travel.

Especially after the snow reaches 70 centimeters, it will begin to accumulate due to its own weight.

Gradually transitioning towards wet snow, where a layer of frozen ice will appear on the ground.

And this bottom ice layer will become thicker and thicker as time goes by.

Overall, the first stage of the Winter Challenge.

This is the so-called "first coming of winter" stage.

Still seems very gentle.

The pressure of survival has not increased significantly.

It’s just that the normal collection and construction of the territory will come to a standstill.

After night falls, there is silence around the territory.

Zong Shen hugged Luna and went upstairs to rest.

Mariel also put on her pajamas and lay on the bed.

She bent her legs and placed a book of "Explorer's Notes" on top.

Holding a half-bitten apple in one hand, he kept turning it over.

The small magic lamp beside the bed exudes a warm yellow light.

Mariel was covered with a thick wool quilt and her body was very warm.

Enjoying the warmth in the cold winter, this contrast can bring incomparable comfort.

A warm quilt in winter and a cold drink to relieve the heat in summer are both comfortable enjoyments.

In the living area, Doris and Howie took the dragon-turned-gun-and-shield warriors to clear part of the snow.

A road several meters wide was opened to facilitate people walking in the snow.

Although in the next two winter stages, the climate will definitely worsen again.

The wind and snow will come again, but it is also a good thing to clean up in time.

Those snowpacks will also be lower in depth later.

Due to the distance and distance, even if a squad of goblins were annihilated.

The Goblin tribe would not react so quickly.

Those guys are not in the habit of raising riding animals.

When going out, most people rely on walking.

Therefore, their exploration efficiency and the tribe's radiation range are not too large.

Although sometimes those Goblin Shamans can use natural witchcraft to subdue some jungle beasts.

But there are not many of those beasts.

Many of them were served as dinner not long after they were conquered.

Even the slightly wiser Goblin Shaman or Goblin Hero can't do anything about this.

Because the nature of goblins is chaos, killing, and disorder.

Wisdom cannot defeat nature.

The formation of tribes is purely due to the worship of strength.

So wait until the goblin reacts and dispatch the goblin team.

At least until tomorrow.

After an entire Goblin squad is wiped out, they will most likely send back three to five Goblin squads.

Because the Goblin team is not yet strong enough to walk sideways in this area.

A single goblin team is more like a tentacle stretched out by the tribe.

Whether it was hunting or plundering, goblin squads were often wiped out.

Just like the two teams of goblins who died in the mines between the spider web monsters and Zong Shen.

At this time, they will often conduct reconnaissance, and then send a second wave of more Goblins to attack.

The same was true in the mines. After that, the Goblin tribe must have sent combat teams.

However, under the leadership of Leopold, the powerful spider web monster lord at the time.

Those goblins can only become food for the spider web monsters.

That's why Zong Shen decided to adopt this fishing method.

Let the Goblin tribe send people over to investigate or fight.

The flesh was cut repeatedly until it hurt.

The territory tonight is destined to be extremely peaceful.

Zong Shen energetically pulled Luna to exercise for more than an hour.

After he sweated profusely and released the last drop of essence.

Then he exhaled leisurely and leaned against the bed.

Luna's cheeks were red, her eyes were blurred as she lay there, not wanting to move at all.

There were water stains on the sheets.

The milky white essence is slowly flowing out from the source of the cave.

Then Luna wiped it with a clean handkerchief.

After entering the saint state, Zong Shen's thinking was extremely quick.

He suddenly remembered something.

After thinking briefly, Zong Shen first checked the [Territorial Level Ranking List].

Then I opened the [Legion Channel]

Select again to edit a message.

Because the authority of all Aite is limited to once per day, Zong Shen cannot use it temporarily.

Through the authority of the legion commander, he set the [Legion Channel] to enter a 30-minute mute state.

Even though it is already past ten o'clock in the evening, there are still night owls paddling and chatting in the [Legion Channel].

Nowadays, with the lack of entertainment facilities, men and women can only do exercises with their beautiful/handsome people in their arms.

I can only rely on water channels to pass the boring time.

Channels like [Regional Channel] and [Legion Channel] with almost no restrictions on speaking have become a good place for most lords to spend their time.

And after these few days of development, the number of legions in the area has also increased significantly.

From less than ten legions at the beginning, there are now hundreds of legions in the area.

But the largest number of people is Zong Shen’s [Legion of Guides], with 46 people firmly ranking first.

After all, after establishing a legion, recruiting legion members is linked to the level of the legion leader's territory.

The higher the territory level, the larger the area covered.

In the past three or four days, the [territory level ranking list] has also changed.

Chen Rui, the second oldest in ten thousand years, has caught up a little bit more, and his territory level is lv6.

He is only 2 levels away from Zong Shen.

The third place is a Japanese female lord named Yi Liai 1997122, with a territory level of lv5.

No one follows this level but her.

The fourth to the 326th place all belong to the first echelon, and their territory level is lv4, but the upgrade time is different sooner or later.

From now on, the 326th to the 376,792nd are all lv3.

When it first landed, the initial level of the territory was lv0.

It is enough to find that during this period, the strength of all the lords has improved to varying degrees.

The number of people in the same territory level is also increasing.

This means that upgrading is becoming more and more difficult.

The division of strength began to form intervals, and the lord class was initially reflected.

Judging from the current situation, there is still a process for the regional [legion] to usher in an era of great development.

This is also a constraint on development.

All lords are forced to develop according to the rhythm of the lord system.

Even a lord like Zong Shen, who has become recognized as the strongest in the region, cannot develop the [Legion] so quickly and brutally.

Zong Shen glanced at the channel and confirmed the effect of the ban.

Only then did he send the information he edited.

"Attention all legion members, the Goblin tribe entrenched in the northern mountains and forests has recently begun to wander near us. Please pay close attention to whether there are any suspicious traces around the territory. Once you are attacked by the Goblins, if you cannot resist it, please call immediately. Send a request for Legion support.”

This message from Zong Shen appears in light red and is the privileged font of the legion commander.

It is more eye-catching than the normal black font chat font.

Because the goblin's recent activity area happens to be near his own territory.

And those legion members are also distributed in the surrounding area.

Therefore, it was necessary for Zong Shen to remind him.

Judging from the situation during the day, those goblins should still be conducting preliminary exploration.

There were no large-scale combat teams dispatched to the area.

Throughout the day, he did not receive a report from Jiang Yi or any request for help.

[Legion Call for Help] is a legion function that ordinary members can only activate once a day.

After responding to support, you can gain a certain marching speed bonus.

Successful completion of support will provide certain rewards based on difficulty and level of contribution.

These rewards are designed to encourage legion members to help each other.

After sending this channel reminder, Zong Shen closed the [Legion Channel].

After half an hour, all bans will be automatically lifted.

He rarely bubbles up in the Legion, so his speech will definitely be widely publicized.

Many of the legion members are already familiar with each other.

New social relationships after landing are beginning to be born based on the territorial location plus the legion.

After dealing with this little matter before going to bed, Luna was already leaning against him.

The touch of the warm jade-like body temperature made Zong Shen feel extremely at ease.

He moved his head down, letting the solid buckwheat-filled pillow fully contact his cervical spine.

He closed his eyes and fell into sleep.

The Endless Continent is a magical world where the sun rises in the east and sets in the west.

Coupled with the vast territory, even if the entire continent appears flat.

But there is still an obvious time difference.

However, the time difference here is even smaller than on Earth.

The Kingdom of Avalon where Zong Shen is located is located on the east side of the mainland.

It doesn't get completely dark here until about seven o'clock in Bangcheng.

The Rhodok Kingdom, located in the west of the mainland, will not get completely dark until ten o'clock in the evening.

A three-hour time difference is extremely unscientific for such a vast continent.

No one knows how this world works.

To the naked eye, there is both the sun and the moon.

And it looks similar to the one on Earth.

It's hard to imagine the dimensions and distance of that little sun.

Spreading light and heat throughout the endless continent.

But anyway, as night falls.

Every lord will spend the first night of winter.

The next day, it's 8 o'clock in the morning.

The sun is shining brightly today.

The rising sun exudes the sunshine of Hexi.

It reflects the dazzling morning glow, just like the molten steel in the steel furnace, as bright as fire.

Zong Shen woke up at around 6 o'clock in the morning.

So does Luna.

However, neither of them got up. Instead, they started a new round of morning exercises with the energy brewed by the morning light.

By the time morning exercise was completed, it was already past eight o'clock.

The sunshine at the end is excellent and the weather is very clear.

In Zong Shen's perception, the temperature is gradually rising.

This change in weather is a bit abnormal and does not seem to fit with the theme of the winter challenge.

After lingering, Zong Shen put on his armor and warm clothes.

Walked out of the lord's small building.

Luna has now entered the role of little wife.

I am humbly asking Mariel for advice.

Try to learn how to make some food that is suitable for human taste.

Yesterday's tomato soup was the result of Luna's consultation.

The night elves don't have such fancy cooking methods.

They believe in the moon god and are close to nature.

The daily diet is extremely light and simple.

They often eat fruits from the forest as their staple food.

Delicious fungi are also collected and made into food.

Sometimes they hunt, and they often consider themselves guardians of nature.

Those raptors and monsters that seriously disrupt the ecological balance will be hunted by the Night Rangers.

Then it will become food for the tribe.

There is no overt aversion to meat.

In their eyes, meat and plants are alive.

But in terms of eating habits and hobbies, they don't have any preference for meat.

It belongs to the kind of situation where I can eat, but I don’t like to eat very much.

Now Luna is trying to adapt to Zong Shen's habits.

I started researching various recipes for cooking meat.

Love is the greatest power to change a woman.

Zong Shen was fully armed and pushed open the door of the lord's small building.

White sunlight with a pale golden halo shone into the lord's small building.

Make the hall of the small building bright.

Clouds cannot stop the sunshine from pouring down.

Heat is carried to the earth along with sunlight.

The dry snow absorbs heat and begins to melt.

The bottom ice begins to solidify and the snowpack becomes less dense and becomes heavier and more compacted.

At the same time, it is also because the snow absorbs heat and melts, making the ground very cold.

This climate change is very wrong.

The winter challenge has not yet ended, how can it be possible for the weather to clear up immediately?

He looked at the five or six centimeters of snow that had collapsed under the steps.

He couldn't help but frowned deeply.

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