Zong Shen had a smile on his face.

Favis, who survived the disaster, seemed like an extraordinary savior.

"The lord you served has died under the fangs of the mutant ghoul."

"My soldiers and I are a little late."

"However, after a hard battle, we still killed this rotten guy and avenged this poor lord."

"Now, are you willing to uphold the will of the deceased and be loyal to me?"

Zong Shen said straight to the point.

Upon hearing this, Favis stood up leisurely from the crowd of wolf cavalry.

He glanced at the corpse of the unlucky lord with a melancholy look.

He did not respond directly to Zong Shen, but walked slowly to the side of the corpse.

He raised his head and saluted Zong Shen and asked.

"Dear Lord, thank you for saving my life."

"Before I swear allegiance to you, can I first use the ritual of fire to protect the remains of the old master from desecration?"

Zong Shen nodded and stretched out his hand in a please gesture.

The corpse of this unfortunate man was in terrible shape.

Even Zong Shen, a very adaptable person, couldn't bear to look directly at him. He would feel nauseous after looking at it for a few more times.

After Favid obtained Zong Shen's consent.

He raised his staff and started chanting.

Two seconds later, a small fireball was condensed.

It hit the corpse directly.

The fire burned brightly.

The entire corpse turned into a ball of fire.

"Rest in peace, old master!"

Farvid lowered his head and said a moment of silence.

Then, he turned around and walked towards Zong Shen.

Kneel down on one knee, hold a fist against your heart with one hand, and punch the ground with a staff in the other.

"In the name of the God of Fire!"

"Fire mage, Favid reports to you!"

[Recruitment successful, default loyalty is 70]

After Favid swore allegiance, a system prompt also appeared.

Zong Shen nodded and patted his shoulder.

"Come on Farvid, let's continue exploring this dusty dungeon."

"After the exploration is completed, take me back to your old master's territory. I think other people in the territory also need to be resettled."

Zong Shen took a liking to the farmer in this unlucky man's territory.

Now is the time for great development in the territory.

Farmers and soldiers were both top priority.

Farvid stood up and nodded, standing quietly aside.

At this time, Zong Shen came to the burning corpse of the unlucky lord again.

This guy has looted a lot of good things in the dungeon on the left.

If he dies like this, what will happen to the things in his personal storage compartment?

(Now, his territory is unowned. You can declare occupation of the unowned territory to gain control of the territory. After that, you will be able to open the territory storage slot and get his personal storage slot by inheritance. items)

Zong Shen looked at the strategy tips.

I understand in my heart.

Sure enough, the light goes out after death.

No matter how many resources and treasures you acquire, if you accidentally die, everything will be used as a wedding dress for others.

Zong Shen was convinced of this.

Although he often takes action personally, in comparison, Zong Shen never does anything he is not sure of.

It seemed that after the mission was completed, it was really necessary to go to his territory.

Zong Shen looked away and turned towards the prayer platform.

There, there were the items Zong Shen needed, the two legs of the demon hunter Alteran Whisperwind.

The entire prayer room was filled with the burning smell.

Orange-red firelight illuminated the entire prayer room.

With a sense of desolation after death.

Zong Shen walked to the prayer platform.

His eyes swept over these two mission items.

[Alteran Whisperwind’s left lower limb]

[The left lower limb that has been desecrated by the blood-burning demon, one of the mission items]

[Alteran Whisperwind’s right lower limb]

[The right lower limb that has been desecrated by the blood-burning demon, one of the mission items]

He didn't look at it much. After confirming that it was correct, he waved his hand and put it into the storage compartment.

Now out of six bodies, he has collected five.

There is still one head left to finally complete the mission.

I don’t know what kind of monster will be guarding the last piece of my body.

Zong Shen looked at the rune iron gate.

Behind the gate is the only explorable route in the dungeon.

He turned his hand and took out the [Rune Iron Door Key] that exploded from the mutant ghoul.

"Let's go, next trip."

He greeted his soldiers.

Zong Shen drove directly to the door and inserted the key into the lock.

The runes on the entire door suddenly lit up.

He gently turned the key clockwise.


After a soft sound, the rune door slowly opened.

Behind the gate is what seems to be the living area of ​​a dungeon.

Here is also a wide walkway.

There are no more gaudy and scary graffiti on the walls.

It looks a lot neater.

However, there was a dark red drag mark on the ground that extended to the deepest part of the walkway.

"Is there any treasure here?"

Zong Shen started the treasure hunt as usual.

(There is a black iron treasure chest under the bed in the fourth room on the right in front of you, some scattered equipment in the fifth room on the left in front of you, and some scattered materials in the eighth room)

In an instant, Zong Shen knew all the treasures in this corridor.

It's like watching the strategy and playing the game, although it can't directly speed up the development of Zong Shen's territory.

But it can save a lot of time and get a lot of extra treasures.

Zong Shen followed the guide's instructions and found the black iron treasure chest.

The direct choice of familiar roads [Turn on]

[Opened the black iron treasure chest successfully]

[Elementary fertile farmland construction drawing (10×10)×1]

【Wheat seeds×100】

[Simple leather armor manufacturing drawings × 1]

[Elementary Fire Rune×1]

The four rewards were collected by Zong Shen.

Break down the treasure chest into 10 iron.

This time, among the rewards, I actually got the construction diagram of the primary fertile land and wheat seeds.

Although the current demand for food can be fully satisfied through hunting and exploration.

But if we want sustainable development, we still need to start farming as soon as possible.

Putting the reward away, Zong Shen was also not in a hurry to check it.

In addition to items such as equipment that can immediately increase combat effectiveness, it is not too late to examine other items in detail until the end of this exploration.

Finish opening the treasure chest.

Zong Shen went to the room with scattered equipment again.

This seems to be a small equipment warehouse.

But it was obviously looted during the dungeon turmoil.

The original weapons rack was empty.

There were only a few pieces of equipment scattered on the ground.

Zong Shen reached out and put all the equipment into the storage compartment.

Among them are four daggers of white quality.

[Azshara’s standard dagger]

There is also a round shield made of ivy thorns, green quality.

Sophisticated equipment.

[Buckler of Thorns]

It can be used to replace the [dented kite-shaped shield] that is on the verge of being scrapped.

Zong Shen took out the thorn buckler and began to check its properties.

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