Lords Trying to Survive: Strategizing from a Rundown Yard

Chapter 440: Short-term construction needs, points redemption begins

Take care of the injuries of the two wargs and think about the next solution.

Zong Shen asked Vereesa and Luna to drive the loader mecha and take the soldiers and the injured warg back to the living area and [Magic Palace] respectively.

Doris also left the central area happily after receiving praise from Zong Shen.

They will have more than three hours of rest throughout the afternoon until they meet again at three o'clock.

After they all left, Zong Shen returned to the small courtyard through the snow.

Mariel was wearing a thick fur coat and was busy collecting supplies in the [market] while the gusts of wind and heavy snow stopped.

The arrival of winter has restricted the actions of most lords, and indirectly made the [market] more active. The rotation rate of goods has become faster, and the types have become more and more abundant.

Precisely because it is inconvenient to travel, both the Water [Channel] and the Water [Market] have become good choices for the lords to spend their time.

Now is a good opportunity to collect those rare materials.

Mariel's mind was immersed in the vast array of products in the [Market].

Even Zong Shen didn't even notice that he was behind her.

"What luck!"

"Finally it's all together!"

Just when Zong Shen was about to greet her after waiting for a few minutes,

Mariel suddenly let out a soft cry of surprise.

"Ah, sir, you are back!"

As she closed the [Market] interface and returned her attention to her side, she found Zong Shen standing behind her.

"What have you gathered together?"

Zong Shen looked at Mariel with a smile.

She flipped her little hand and took out six or seven runes and a translucent gem two knuckles long.

"Look, sir, these are primary space runes and intermediate space gems!"

"Now we have gathered all the construction materials needed for a hundred-kilometer-level space magic array."

"We can build the first two-place teleportation node at any time!"

Mariel was in a good mood, with the word joy written all over her red face.

The construction plan of this kind of space teleportation array is not "one plan, one building".

It is a permanent blueprint, and as long as you can gather the materials, you can build many of them.

However, it is not easy to collect suitable space materials.

Four or five days have passed since I got this drawing.

Mariel was just able to gather the first batch of materials.

With this material, a two-way teleportation array can be constructed.

The main formation must be placed around the territory, and the corresponding secondary formation must be placed inside Bosbon.

This made it much easier for him to travel to and from Bosbon.

At the same time, it can also further develop Bospan’s follow-up plans.

Of course, just one node in two places is far from enough to meet Zong Shen's needs.

He also needs more [100-kilometer-level teleportation arrays] to build teleportation nodes in the cities along the way to the giant city of Lentax.

According to Zong Shen's estimation, as long as there are four or five nodes and multiple transmission transfers, the giant city of Lentax can be reached quickly.

After breaking through the shackles of distance to and from the giant city, he was able to obtain the resources of the giant city in an all-round way and develop aboriginal social interaction and commerce.

In addition, Zong Shen is also preparing to explore the neighboring state to the south, the gradually declining Seaaka State.

He had high hopes for it. The declining situation and large number of refugees gave it the potential to become a source of population for the territory in the future.

These plans require the construction of a large number of [100-kilometer-level teleportation arrays], so Mariel must continue to collect the required materials. The more the better, even at a high price.

"This is really good news!"

"We will need more teleportation arrays in the future."

"We must continue to collect the materials needed to build the space teleportation array."

"When we get the [thousand-kilometer level teleportation array] or even higher-level teleportation array blueprints in the future, these materials can also be used."

Zong Shen reached out and patted her shoulder gently.

Low-level materials can be synthesized into higher-level materials in a ten-in-one way.

Therefore, there will be no loss in collecting more space system materials.

After Zong Shen stopped talking, Marier nodded seriously.

The little girl always paid attention to every instruction he gave and would remember and complete them meticulously.

"By the way, if you see time-related materials, you can collect them in advance."

"The same goes for other common rune materials or magic materials."

"For those common types, if there are affordable ones, just buy them decisively. There is no need to consider the inventory. These materials will be used as reserve resources for the territory."

"In addition, there is a more urgent construction task."

"That is to build the [Giant Wolf's Lair]. The most urgent needs right now are the intermediate wooden runes and complete purple souls. I need to find a way to collect them as soon as possible. I need to use them to recruit third-level giant wolves."

Zong Shen warned that complete souls are in short supply now, because the explosion rate of souls has been reduced a lot, especially purple souls, which can only be obtained with a certain probability by killing leader-level monsters.

Zong Shen still has to think of a solution in this regard. He now needs two to three [complete purple souls].

In addition to what was needed for the construction of [Giant Wolf Lair], he also kept a [Hero Crest] on hand. He needed a purple soul to improve the qualifications of his subordinates and then transform them into heroes.

In fact, there are occasionally souls for sale in the [market], but the number is relatively small, and the price is not cheap.

Let Mariel pay attention, and maybe you can gain something. Anyway, the territory is currently not short of money or resources.

Zong Shen chatted with Mariel for a while and explained some things about the development of the territory.

At present, in terms of population size, the territory has reached the standard of a village-level unit.

However, judging from multi-dimensional factors such as trade, economy, farming, floating population, and territorial influence, the territory is still at the stage of a large settlement.

The next development will focus on these aspects.

When this round of challenges is over, Master Mars begins to build a ranch, and caravans begin to travel, many problems will be solved.

In addition, these lord challenges are also one of the reasons that restrict the normal development of the territory.

However, according to the rules for the end of the novice period, it seems that there will be a defensive challenge on the 30th day after landing, and after that, there will be a challenge-free development period.

The month with weekly challenges is called a "challenge month".

Each challenge month consists of three weekly challenges and one defensive challenge.

It is an exercise and training for all lords.

In fact, you can only survive one challenge after another and continue to survive.

Everyone’s strength will indeed be significantly improved.

It’s not just the rewards of redeeming points, but also the experience of dealing with various crisis events and battles.

Only by maintaining a certain amount of pressure can everyone have the motivation to fight tenaciously.

So now Zong Shen can only choose to let nature take its course and work hard to complete every challenge.

Earn as many points as possible in the challenge and improve your strength.

He already has a clear plan in mind for the development path of the territory.

It's just a matter of combining and adjusting this ideal plan with reality.

While the two were talking, twelve o'clock noon arrived.

This marks that the Winter Challenge has passed the halfway point, and the second phase of Winter has officially entered the second half.

At this time tomorrow, the third phase of winter, which will last for 24 hours, will begin.

White light once again filled the field of vision without warning.

When the light dissipated, the time-stop state appeared as always.

Mariel in front of her remained stagnant, her eyes still looking at Zong Shen.

There was silence in the world, and there was no sound at all.

Lines of system subtitles began to appear.

[The Winter Challenge will be open for 48 hours, and a temporary points redemption mall will be opened]

[The items that can be redeemed in the redemption mall for each current challenge will be different]

[Duration: 30 minutes]

[After the announcement is over, all lords will be provided with a 10-minute exclusive exchange time]

[Please remember that in this world, every effort will be rewarded]

The first set point redemption of the Winter Challenge has started as scheduled.

I don’t know if there will be any new categories in the points mall for this round of challenges.

Zong Shen opened the [Winter Points] option, which included a sub-option of [Points Exchange].

From yesterday to today, Zong Shen killed a total of 32 winter snow monsters. This alone earned him 32,000 points.

In addition, there are 1,200 basic survival points for 24 hours in the first stage and 1,800 basic survival points for 24 hours in the second stage.

In other words, Zong Shen currently has a total of 35,000 points.

This point is all he can use in this temporary point exchange.

Ignoring the countdown on the side, he directly opened [Points Redemption].

A line of light screen interface expanded, and this time only four options appeared.

[Resource Materials], [Special Props], [Auxiliary Props], [Points Blind Box]

These four options are all different from the redemption options during the crypt challenge.

The two redemption categories of [Weapons and Equipment] and [Defense Blueprints] are missing, and there are more [Special Props].

In addition, the original [Points Lottery] has also become a points blind box.

The essence should not have changed, but the gameplay has changed.

This time the challenge does not have huge monster siege pressure like the crypt challenge.

Therefore, there is no corresponding [Defense Blueprint] exchange.

As for the cancellation of the [Weapons and Equipment] classification, it should be that the lord system adjusts the direction of the lords' next strength improvement.

Zong Shen opened [Resource Materials] as usual, and the exchange ratio here did not change much.

Even the types have not changed, they are still the more common resources.

The same is true in the rune category, which is still the common five-series elemental materials of metal, wood, water, fire, and earth.

Not to mention the two rare elements of time and space, even elemental runes such as arcane, frost, undead, holy light, wind spirit, and thunder are not exchanged.

The five series of magic runes are all primary. Each type is limited to 30 pieces, and the exchange price is still 25 points per piece.

In addition, there are common five series of primary magic gems, each of which is limited to 10 pieces, and the exchange price is 50 points per piece.

Zong Shen didn't care about other materials. It was necessary to stock up on magic runes and magic gems this time, because these were magic materials commonly used in buildings.

It can be used in the subsequent establishment of rune magic arrays and mana technology.

So Zong Shen directly waved his hand and spent 3750 points to exchange 30 primary runes of each of the five series.

Then he spent another 2,500 points to redeem all five series of primary magic gems.

This batch of magic materials can alleviate the imbalance of territorial resource reserves to a certain extent.

After spending 6,250 points, Zong Shen had 28,500 points left.

He focused on [Special Props], this was a brand new category, maybe there would be something good.

When I first opened this category, the first thing I saw was a row of limited-purchase items, both orange and purple, and each item was valuable.

[Type 5 Goblin Bomb] The redemption price is 1,200 points.

[Magic Drilling Rig] The exchange price is 1,000 points.

[Level 4 Group Holy Light Healing Spell Scroll] The exchange price is 500 points.

[Level 5 Lightning Storm Spell Scroll] exchange price is 1,000 points.

[Bloodfang Werewolf Mark] exchange price is 600 points.

[Skill Experience Book (Purple)] Exchange price is 500 points.

[Magic Jammer (Orange)] Redemption price is 2,000 points.

[Level 5 Eye of True Sight Spell Scroll] exchange price is 800 points.

There are many types of these special props, including magic items, spell scrolls, alchemical products and magic energy products. Except for those magic energy machines, most of them are one-time items.

They range from high-level to low-level, but those above the purple level are limited to 1 to 3 copies.

This time, Zong Shen was dazzled.

After carefully examining it, he finally selected a batch of items.

[Type 2 Goblin Bomb] × 10, [Type 3 Goblin Bomb] × 5, [Type 4 Goblin Bomb] × 3, [Type 5 Goblin Bomb] × 1.

These goblin bombs are all good stuff, and Zong Shen bought the maximum quantity of each type.

A total of 7,800 points were spent, among which the type 2 goblin bomb was the same type that he got from Boswell. The exchange price was only 200 points. Unfortunately, the purchase was limited, otherwise Zong Shen would have to exchange more.

The larger the number of symbols on the bomb prefix, the higher the power and grade.

Type 5 among them is even more terrifying in power.

【Type 5 Goblin Bomb】

[Quality: Legendary]

[drop bomb, pull out the fuse to drop and detonate]

[Explosion damage: 1000 points]

[Explosion range: 60 meters]

[Note, the damage of the bomb will ignore the enemy and ourselves]

[Passive skill: Explosion lv20 (causes 3.0 times explosion damage to buildings within range]

(Explosion is art)

That's right, the explosion damage of this thing is as high as 1,000 points!

The explosion range reached 60 meters in radius, equivalent to an area of ​​11,304 square meters.

Zong Shen had already felt the power of goblin bombs before.

This kind of damage attribute is worthy of the orange level. In terms of power alone, it is even more powerful than ordinary fifth-level group magic!


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