Lords Trying to Survive: Strategizing from a Rundown Yard

Chapter 471: Ultra-distance shuttle, small iceberg after the battle [Anti-theft]

Primary flash can be regarded as a new barrier-free travel method.

Help him catch Winter's tail and get as many benefits as possible.

As for the magic power consumption of using Flash, it is nothing compared with the income from the Winter Treasure Box.

There is now a [Magic Well] in the territory, which can steadily produce a lot of [Magic Spring Water] every day, which is enough for distribution without selling it.

Zong Shen stood there and put on the [anti-slip chain spurs], and then quickly walked into the yard.

As usual, the daily accumulated [Moon Spring] and [Magic Spring] were collected into cleaned glass containers and simply sealed with wooden corks.

Ensure that the quality and effectiveness of spring water are not reduced due to contamination.

In addition, he also took out some small bottles and filled them on the spot. This was not troublesome because there were clear prompts when extracting, and the appropriate amount could be extracted with just a thought.

This also comes from the convenience of digitizing the Lord System.

After getting the spring water, he returned to Reese's side. Because of the cold, her thin body seemed to have turned on the vibration mode and was shaking constantly.

Even with the warm clothes and the heat ball Zong Shen gave her, it didn't work.

Even though her body had truthfully reported her status, her expression still didn't change much.

Zong Shen gave her a cylindrical glass bottle.

This glass bottle is not well made, the bottle body is a little skewed, and even the thickness of the glass wall is different.

One side is thin, the other is thick.

But at least it has no cracks or chips and can ensure that the liquid inside will not leak, which is enough.

There is about 700 to 800 ml of magic spring water in it. Drinking it can instantly replenish more than a thousand points of magic value, which is enough for two people to perform seven or eight consecutive [primary flashes] at the maximum distance.

It is equivalent to covering a distance of thirty or forty kilometers in a short period of time.

The output of Magic Spring is not small. Even if the production increase skill is not activated, there is a fixed output of 2.4 liters every day.

After saving for several days and distributing a lot, Zong Shen still had a lot on hand.

At the same time, he also activated the buff skill [Magic Blessing] of [Magic Well].

Everyone in the territory will receive a 0.5 mana regeneration buff per second.

It lasts for 2 hours and can be activated once a day, so you don’t need to use it in vain.

This can passively increase Reese's magic value recovery.

The current small iceberg closest to the territory is 36.2 kilometers away to the south.

"Reese, you leave a space mark on the territory."

"Then it flashed me about 36 kilometers towards the south."

"These are magic springs that can quickly restore your magic power."

Zong Shen followed the direction pointed by the golden circle mark and pointed at the guide.

Reese nodded slightly, the cold making her limbs a little stiff.

She raised her staff and created a space mark. A strange blue-gray rune flew into the sky, suddenly lit up and then disappeared. It merged with the space above the territory.

Although [Basic Flash] is originally an efficient space shuttle skill.

But it's still a bit of a luxury for trekking dozens of kilometers or hundreds of kilometers.

She has 810 magic points of her own, and these magic points alone are enough to sustain four 5-kilometer flashes for two people.

The rest will be replenished with magic spring water, and when she reaches the small iceberg, she can recover by meditating in place.

Zong Shen can take out the [Magic Drilling Machine] to drill open the small iceberg.

Of course, before that, Reese can also take a look and see if he can flash directly into the inside of the small iceberg.

After Zong Shen was ready, he looked at Ruisi and nodded slightly to her.

The latter reached out and gently took Zong Shen's arm. The staff in his hand shone with light and began to flash continuously in the direction designated by Zong Shen.

More than ten seconds later, Zong Shen and Ruisi had arrived twenty kilometers away from the territory.

This is also a frozen land, with thick layers of ice covering the ground, and everything in sight is frozen.

You can also see the territories of other lords in the surrounding area.

"Sir, there is a place near here with strong mixed-state magic interference."

"There may be some deviations in the subsequent flash distance."

Reese Ulysses spoke slowly.

Then he uncorked the bottle and started drinking the magic spring water while sitting cross-legged on the ice.

Started to enter a meditative state.

Zong Shen looked at the surrounding environment. If he remembered correctly, the island in the middle of the abandoned dragon's nest lake was nearby, and there was an arcane crystal fragment from another dimension.

It has powerful arcane magic energy and can even activate water magic elements, causing a large number of water elements to be born around the island in the middle of the lake.

The mixed-state magic interference that Reese mentioned should come from there.

The power of arcane magic can trigger other types of magic to a certain extent, giving the attack a mixed-state characteristic.

It's not surprising that it can cause magic chaos. This also indirectly proves that Reese's spatial intuition is still very keen.

Zong Shen did not answer, he believed that Ruisi could make a judgment.

Therefore, he just waited quietly and looked at the scenery at the end of winter.

[Magic Spring] plus the effects of [Magic Blessing] and meditation recovery allowed Reese to fully recover her magic value in just two or three minutes.

As a space mage who doesn't talk much, she started the next round of flashing journey without stopping.

As expected, there were some deviations in the new flash, and the phenomenon of super-distance shuttle appeared. Fortunately, the deviations were not too many.

It is only a few hundred meters beyond the maximum distance of [Basic Flash].

In addition, during the flash, Zong Shen also felt an even stronger pulling feeling.

Rhys Ulysses told the unusual situation truthfully.

Space travel has always been risky, especially long-distance space travel.

Once strong magic interference occurs in the shuttle path, it will easily lead to "extra-distance shuttle" or "abnormal shuttle".

In extreme cases, the shuttle destination may deviate from the actual destination by tens of thousands of kilometers.

The most exaggerated ones may even travel to unknown demiplanes or unknown regions.

Of course, the fault tolerance rate of short-distance shuttle skills is much higher.

Even if there are interruptions and unexpected situations, the deviation will not be too far.

After a shuttle trip, they had left the area disturbed by the mixed magic power of the island in the middle of the lake.

The next two flashes went smoothly. When Reese let go, their position was less than one kilometer away from the small iceberg in the south.

From here you can see small blue icebergs standing abruptly on the ground.

There are two or three small territories within a few kilometers of sight distance on both sides of the surrounding area.

Now everything is frozen, and there are no signs of other people's activities for the time being. Zong Shen wonders why no one is digging this little blue iceberg.

He took a few steps forward, pointed at the small iceberg, and looked back at Reese Ulysses and asked.

"Can you flash directly into the inside of that iceberg?"

Reese didn't say anything, just closed her eyes. The space mage has unique space sensing ability.

After just a few breaths, Reese opened her eyes.

"I'm sorry, sir, but that iceberg is a little special."

"It does not have the characteristics of any element and cannot be penetrated by space. It is a very strange form."

She said truthfully, her blue eyes suddenly gained a lot of energy.

The unique nature of this small iceberg inspired her to wonder and explore.

In line with the virtue of frugality, Zong Shen took out the [Magic Drilling Machine]. He first climbed up to the cockpit flexibly, then grabbed the back collar of Ruisi's robe and directly lifted her up and put her down. Entered the cockpit.

When her body merges into space, in addition to being affected by time, it is also squeezed by changes in space.

By the time the body is separated, the spine has been permanently deformed.

This is the fundamental reason why she is rickety.

Zong Shen himself jumped into the cockpit, started the drilling machine skillfully, and headed towards the small iceberg ahead.

For distances less than a kilometer, there is absolutely no need to use flash, and driving the drill only takes a minute or two.

When the drilling machine stopped more than ten meters in front of the iceberg, Zong Shen couldn't wait to jump out of the cockpit, while Reese Ulysses stayed in the cabin and began to meditate.

After a short period of cooperative action, overall this intermediate space mage with a tragic experience is pretty good.

Although she doesn't talk much, she works very efficiently. Only five or six minutes have passed since she left the house.

This kind of efficiency of movement is unmatched by any means of transportation. This is the unique charm of space magic.

Zong Shen stepped forward on the ice, and the metal thorns inserted into the ice and made a crisp sound.

He circled the small iceberg and found traces of holes on the blue-white ice in three directions.

There are traces on one side that have been dug into the small iceberg three to four meters deep. It seems that the surrounding lords have not given up here.

They had been digging here tonight, and these traces are proof.

However, all the gouges are covered by white ice, which is the result of super-cold water ice rain, which formed another ice shell on the surface of the light blue iceberg.

The white ice shell cannot fill the small blue icebergs, which allows those gouge marks to show.

In addition, on the nearby ground, fifty or sixty centimeters beneath the new ice layer, Zong Shen also discovered bloodstains, broken fur coats, and fragments of some metal weapons.

These are important clues.

There are traces of the battle in more than one place, and in three directions. The ice formed by the super-cold water ice rain has preserved these traces.

Frozen in the ice, it became the most obvious display case.

According to his judgment, there have been at least three team-level battles here.

It is very likely that an armed conflict broke out between nearby lords over the small iceberg.

In this world where everyone has self-respect, it is normal to use force to compete for resources.

Including Hideki Mitani, who originally let the assassin take action, is a typical violent and predatory lord.

Later, because Zong Shen's development speed was always the absolute leader in the region, and the challenge of the crypt hindered the normal travel and communication of the lords.

Therefore, Zong Shen did not encounter any trouble. When the crypt challenge was over, his reputation reached its peak by killing the area challenge boss.

As long as he doesn't strike with his head, no one will give him an idea.

However, cruel fighting is still common, and strange lords and rival lords often fight for resources.

It seemed that the lords finally chose to retreat collectively and abandoned this small iceberg.

Based on human nature, once friction occurs or one party makes strong and unreasonable demands, there is no possibility of cooperation at all.

A winter treasure chest can be divided between two people or even three lords. Whoever gets the points, who gets the rare items, and who gets the ordinary items all need to distribute the benefits.

As long as one person wants to take a big advantage, or someone feels that they are at a disadvantage, this matter will not work.

Otherwise, humans would not have wars. Everyone knows that cooperation is good, and how many people are really willing to cooperate.

Reason is not worth mentioning in the face of interests. If you are rational, others may not be rational either.

Friendship also needs to be cultivated. Except for members of a legion, other lords lack the soil to cultivate friendship.

This is the current situation of the lords and the meaning of the existence of [Legion].

Zong Shen walked around and looked around, then returned to the cockpit, started the drill, and controlled the drill to drill the small iceberg.

He didn't care about the lords nearby. He had used the strategy module to patrol just now, and those lords were all staying at home.

Casualties will inevitably occur in squad-level battles. As long as a soldier dies during the winter, points will be deducted.

It is estimated that the lords fought back and forth but failed to come up with a solution. Under the shackles and competition from all sides, they had no choice but to give up and return to their territories to lick their wounds.

Then Zong Shen just smiled and accepted this treasure chest.

Now there are only more than 300 winter treasure chests left in the entire area.

There are more than three hours left before the end of winter, and if you can get one more during this period, it will be a bloody gain.

The alloy drill bit of the drilling machine drilled through tens of centimeters of surface ice shell with great force, and began to drill into the body of the small iceberg.

The hardness of these ice shells is lower than that of small blue icebergs. As the power of the drill increases, the drill opens a channel in a few minutes.

There were still five or six centimeters left before the middle hollow layer, and he began to dump the drilling machine out of the channel.

The guardian monsters inside this small iceberg are five direwolves.

These wolf cubs are about the same size as third-level prairie wolves, and they have already begun to pounce on the blue-white ice.

Zong Shen pulled out the [Cranial Roaring Hammer] hanging on his soft braided belt.

He held it in his hand and swung it in the air a few times, then began to hit the ice layer that was only a few centimeters thick in front of him. The brute force and the weight of the hammer head gave it a powerful breaking ability.

Under the blow of the hammer head, broken ice flew everywhere, and the thin ice layer was quickly broken open, shattering into pieces like an ice curtain.

Soon, there was a big hole with a diameter of 1 meter in front of him.

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