The so-called Crow Room is a stone hut attached to the castle.

Before you even walk in, you can smell the smell of poultry droppings.

It's just that this smell is dozens of times weaker than that of the griffin's nest.

The hut is just two rows of iron cages, and the cages are lined with straw.

There are about seventy or eighty messenger crows in the cage.

This is a clever bird that looks like a raven.

That is to say, the colors are different. The messenger crow has a tuft of white hair on its beak and neck.

They have a good sense of direction and can withstand long journeys.

The abdomen is full, firm and full of muscles.

These muscles are the secret to their ability to fly long distances.

When their energy is depleted and there is no food to replenish it, they will break down their muscles.

In this world they function as homing pigeons.

Every city and even some villages have a crow room.

But in fact, there are not many times when they can be used in Bangcheng.

In case of emergency, Bangcheng has a more convenient way to send messages.

It can be quickly transmitted to giant cities thousands of kilometers away in a very short time.

It would be too slow to rely on messenger crows.

However, this still does not prevent the existence of the letter crow.

The ground around here is barren.

Every few steps there was a pile of bird droppings mixed with a bit of white.

I don’t know if it’s because of the shade or the bird droppings that the grass doesn’t grow here.

Zong Shen walked quickly to the door, reached out and knocked on the metal door.


"Please come in!"

Baron Bezos's voice came from it.

Zong Shen unceremoniously pushed the iron door open.

When he walked into the hut, he saw Baron Bezos writing something at his desk.

There was an old man standing nearby, wearing a gray-brown cloth robe.

There is also a faint smell of bird droppings in the cabin, but it is not obvious.

"Lord Bezos!"

Seeing that the other person was writing with concentration, Zong Shen took the initiative to say hello.

Only then did Baron Bezos have time to raise his head.

"Brother Zong, you are here!"

He stood up quickly and greeted him warmly.

The old man in a cloth robe said nothing, but stood aside knowingly.

"Lord Bezos, I came here this time for the relics of the Knights of the Lion that you mentioned before."

"I have brought the elite warriors in the territory and a large gryphon. They are on standby outside the city."

Zong Shen said with a smile.

For him, this trip to Bosibon didn't have many plans. He just came to explore the ruins.

"I will notify the Bangcheng Army to bring people to pick him up."

"Brother Zong, why didn't you come here on a wild boar this time?"

Baron Bezos smiled and patted Zong Shen on the shoulder, pretending to ask casually.

Zong Shen reacted instantly.

There was no change in his expression, and he still maintained his previous smile.

"Mr. Bezos is joking."

"Wild boars are not as fast as griffins."

"And adults should know that my place is adjacent to mountains."

"There aren't many others. There are quite a few wild boars and prairie wolves."

"Including the big gryphon that rode here this time was also caught from the mountain forest."

Zong Shen said with a smile, and Baron Bezos nodded slightly.

"That's right. Compared with griffons, wild boars are not that rare."

"Brother Zong, you have to wait for me for a while."

"The report documents at hand are about to be finished."

As he spoke, Baron Bezos sat back on his seat, picked up the quill and dipped it in ink again and started writing.

He explained while writing.

"The governor of Bangcheng needs to write a report every month."

"Report the development of Bangcheng to Jucheng."

"The ancient method of conveying information through messenger crows."

"Of course we also have more advanced methods."

"But it's not available for daily use."

Zong Shen didn't say anything more and nodded silently.

Baron Bezos stopped talking and continued to write furiously.

About ten more minutes passed before he filled the entire page.

Carefully unfold the paper, dry the ink on it, and then roll it up after ensuring that the writing will not become blurry.

There is a candlestick on the desk with a metal spoon hanging on it, with some red sticky fire paint glue melted in it.

Baron Bezos rolled up the paper and carefully poured an appropriate amount of fire paint glue on the sealing area. After it cooled down slightly, he picked up the metal seal on the side and pressed it on the fire paint, leaving A mark.

Then he handed the sealed scroll to the old man in gray robe beside him.

The old man bowed slightly after taking the scroll, and then left the hut.

He was silent the whole time.

After dealing with the matters at hand, Baron Bezos stood up with peace of mind.

He stood up and hugged Zong Shen and left the Xinya hut.

When they left, they happened to see the old man stuffing the scroll into the mailbox on the messenger's leg.

Throwing both hands, the messenger crow was released.

Baron Bezos walked to the front of the castle with Zong Shen on his arm.

He waved to a housekeeper and asked her to inform the city army and take the patrolling light cavalry to look for the soldiers and the great griffon brought by Zong Shen outside Bosi State.

Zong Shen was relieved about this and followed Baron Bezos into the castle.

It's just afternoon now, just in time to prepare for a grand reception dinner.

After watching Baron Bezos give orders one after another in an understatement.

The two of them walked straight up the stairs.

The dinner takes time to prepare, and the soldiers and Eagle Sauce also need time to welcome them.

Taking advantage of this time, Baron Bezos was going to take Zong Shen to the study for a talk.

Discuss the exploration of the ruins of the Knights of the Lion.

The relevant information has long been sorted out.

Now you just need to take out the corresponding albums and information.

Zong Shen didn't care about this, but on the surface he still had to deal with it.

With the strategy module, what clues and information does he want but can't get?

Even if the strategy module makes real-time notes in the form of gold label prompts, it is not impossible.

When they entered the study, Baron Bezos first asked Zong Shen to sit in the guest seat.

He himself walked to the bookcase and picked out the rows of books piled on the shelves.

After spending five or six minutes, he found all the information he needed.

Put all these information and albums on the table.

Then he sat on the main seat, facing Zong Shen.

He took out an album first, spread it out on the table, and turned it 180 degrees.

This way the two of them could study the atlas together sideways.

Baron Bezos took out a long ruler about thirty centimeters long and began to draw.

"This is where the remains of the Knights of the Lion are located."

"It's about five hundred kilometers northwest of Bosibon."

"You need to pass through mountainous areas during this period."

In the meantime, Baron Bezos gave some pointers and used a long ruler to draw a straight line at two points.

Zong Shen nodded cooperatively and said yes repeatedly.

Although I felt a little impatient in my heart, my expression was still perfect.

After all, Baron Bezos is in charge this time. Even if he is indeed not interested in this information, he cannot reveal it.

Because he didn't bring too many people with him when he came to Bosibon this time, and there were only thirteen or four people including himself.

This small number of manpower can barely be regarded as a small team.

He was counting on asking Baron Bezos to bring more people there.

After confirming his position, Baron Bezos sat back down. He took out a piece of information bound in loose pages and began to summarize it seriously.

"The garrison ruins of the Knights of the Lion belong to the Silver Lion Legion, one of the three legions."

"The commander of the regiment at that time was Richardson, one of the three Silver Lion Knights."

"He disappeared during the final battle of Azshara. He must have been killed."

The information obtained by Baron Bezos also comes from some ancient books.

After all, this happened 17,000 to 8,000 years ago.

There is also a lot of information that has been lost without explanation. It is already a great thing to be able to get this information.

Just as he paused to turn the page, Zong Shen gently raised his hand.

"Mr. Bezos, I would like to excuse you."

"I have a question."

Zong Shen said softly. Although it was a question, he used an imperative sentence, which was more affirmative than a declarative sentence. It seemed that he was not prepared for Baron Bezos to refuse at all.

Tone is a good thing, it can reveal your thoughts in advance.

Baron Bezos tilted his head slightly, and he naturally understood the meaning of Zong Shen's words.

"Oh, Brother Zong, please tell me what you want to ask."

"It will take at least more than an hour before the dinner is ready."

"We have plenty of time to talk."

He said in a relaxed tone, and simply leaned back, leaning on the soft backrest in a comfortable position.

"Sir, how much do you know about the final battle that year?"

"I'm more interested in past history."

"The continent we live in is so diverse."

"There are not only humans, but also alien races, and even humans have many different appearances."

"The simplest example is you and me."

Zong Shen said straight to the point, with no intention of hiding anything.

After going through so many things, he actually found that his attitude towards the indigenous people was too conservative and cautious.

In fact, the lord system doesn't mind the sparks between lords and aborigines at all.

You can even tell the truth, but apart from the silenced part, the lord system will not care so much about whether the indigenous people will believe you, or what they will do to you after they believe it.

In Zong Shen’s view, this should be preparation for the comprehensive integration in the future.

Therefore, he did not have any worries and prepared to learn about what happened back then from the aborigines.

In addition, it can be regarded as a test from the side to see what these indigenous people think of the dimensional war.

Two people have two perspectives. For a guy like Zong Shen who observes the problem from a third party perspective, he should gain a lot.

Baron Bezos smiled when he heard what Zong Shen said.

He twisted his neck back and was silent for a moment, seeming to be thinking.

After dozens of seconds, he seemed to have sorted out some ideas and began to speak slowly.

"I don't know much about that final battle."

He spread his hands and summarized first. Seeing that Zong Shen had no objection, he continued.

"But I know that the battle was very tragic."

"Almost the entire continent has been affected."

"All races, all intelligent beings, are involved."

"It was also an era of unprecedented unity."

"The war only lasted ten years from its outbreak to its end."

When Baron Bezos said this, he paused for a moment.

Zong Shen listened patiently, and when he heard this, he couldn't help but narrowed his eyes.

He volunteered his opinion.

"Ten years is too short."

Baron Bezos is waiting for his response and opinion. Chatting is a thing that requires interaction.

If he were just left to speak slowly, it would be a boring lecture.

"Yes, it is indeed too short."

"That was a long-planned dimensional invasion!"

"With the size of the endless continent, it would be normal for it to last for thousands or hundreds of years."

"And after the demon invaded, it took the upper hand in the first year or two."

"When the mainland ethnic groups unite, they will be able to compete with those demon legions."

"The so-called Burning Blood Legion is indeed terrifying, but it is not yet capable of conquering the mainland in a short time."

"But in the tenth year since the outbreak of all-out war, the end of the world suddenly arrived."

"A violent explosion swept almost the entire continent."

Baron Bezos said in a thoughtful tone.

"big Bang?"

"Swept the entire continent?"

Zong Shen frowned and couldn't help but repeat.

"Yes, it's a big bang."

"Although the relevant records are unclear, I still know something."

"When I was young, I had the honor to visit the Royal City of Pendragon once."

"That imperial city is controlled by the king and is the most prosperous of the three imperial cities in the Kingdom of Avalon."

"Especially the library there, also known as the floating library."

"That is the pinnacle of magic technology and rune technology."

"Because of family reasons, I stayed in the library for three full years."

"There is the richest collection of books in the Kingdom of Avalon."

"That's why I know many strange things from ancient bygone eras."

Baron Bezos explained that he is indeed a relatively knowledgeable person among the new generation of nobles.

In addition to reading, he also loves exploring, especially those relics of the previous era.

To sum up, he will understand the past better than the average aborigines.

This has a lot to do with his personal experience.

Normal aborigines, even nobles with higher titles than him, may not have as deep an understanding of the previous era as he does.

Even in libraries, few people care about the collection of books about ancient times.

Zong Shen nodded slightly, indicating that he understood.

So Baron Bezos continued.

"That big bang was indiscriminate."

"Whether it was the blood-burning demons from another dimension or the coalition and resistance forces in the mainland, they were all turned into powder in the explosion."

"Since then, the war has entered its final stages."

"All the demons have disappeared, and the terrifying huge dimensional gate in the sky has disappeared."

"The mainland rebels also suffered heavy losses."

When he said this, he couldn't help but sit up straight. Although he didn't describe much, Zong Shen still understood that it was definitely a tragic era.

Tens of billions, hundreds of billions of lives have withered away.

Speaking of which, that dimensional war came about strangely.

There are solid barriers between dimensions.

It is easy to open a small-scale gap, but to establish a dimensional gate connecting the two worlds requires breaking down the barriers between the two worlds on a large scale.

It's like two grapes with intact skins, each with some skin torn apart, and then stuck together.

Compared with the dimensional war, the final war is even more abrupt.

The so-called indiscriminate big bang sounds more like a shutdown and restart.

Bring both warring parties back to the starting point to start the next new stage.

This is obviously a major artificial adjustment.

"Sir, that big explosion seemed a little abnormal."

"Has no one ever explored where the explosion came from?"

Zong Shen stretched out a hand and tapped the table gently.

Hearing him ask this, the expression on Baron Bezos's face remained calm, as if he was not surprised by this.

"Of course it was investigated, and even the craze after that investigation lasted for thousands of years."

"But the conclusion of the investigation is that it is inconclusive."

"The final battle left no trace."

"Brother Zong, you should understand that the current situation in the mainland is that humans are respected."

"Several human kingdoms are the continent's leaders in this era."

"Other ethnic groups, no matter how glorious they were in the last era, can only huddle in the corner now."

"And it was only six or seven thousand years ago that humans dominated the continent."

"But the Era War broke out seventeen or eight thousand years ago."

"There were nearly ten thousand years in this period. Do you know what happened?"

Baron Bezos leaned forward, his eyes filled with a searching and feverish light.

Seeing that Baron Bezos had entered the state, Zong Shen felt sober as never before.

He shook his head calmly and looked directly into those passionate eyes.

"It's okay if you don't know."

"It was a lost era. "

"Only few records remain."

"Does that brother of the sect know how the major human kingdoms were formed?"

Baron Bezos asked another question, to which Zong Shen shook his head.

In fact, he had already had some bold guesses in his mind, but it was hard to say now.

"Before the rise of the current human kingdom, humans on the continent were still weak."

"Until a group of chosen ones arrive."

"They merged with the original humans, and in just a few hundred years or so, they pushed humanity to its peak."

"After several years and thousands of years of mutual conquest, the current structure of the kingdom was finally formed."

"The real period of great development is the last few thousand years in modern times."

"During these years, there were no more large-scale wars."

"You know, there was no harmony between the original great kingdoms."

"God knows how those generations of hatred were eradicated."

"The royal families and major princes of various countries have not said anything about this."

"The little nobles and commoners below are naturally happy to see peace!"

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