Lords Trying to Survive: Strategizing from a Rundown Yard

Chapter 508: Zong Shen’s first exploration, Baron Bezos arrives

The main body of these cabins is generally intact.

However, there are still many cases of partial collapse.

There are also some that are completely filled with soil, and even the doors cannot be pushed open.

Like a wooden box filled with dirt.

Fortunately, none of those cabins were marked by golden circles, so Zong Shen didn't hesitate and went directly to the next one.

It took him nearly two hours to explore all the cabins exposed to the soil.

I have to say that the strategy module is indeed very efficient.

That marked five cabins, all of which did have good stuff.

However, a lot of soil has been poured into these cabins.

After Zong Shen ensured that the sound insulation here was good, he took out the [Magic Drilling Machine].

He went directly into the cab to start it, turned on the two-speed drill power and started drilling.

Under the excavation of the drill, the semi-petrified wooden house body and the soil were drilled out.

In order to prevent the items from being damaged, Zong Shen was very careful when advancing.

Almost every twenty or thirty centimeters forward, it would stop for a while.

Make sure there is nothing before continuing drilling.

It was under such circumstances that he spent so long.

Three of these five cabins are treasure chests.

Two silver and one gold.

One of the silver treasure chests contained a trap, but he didn't check it carefully and put them all away.

So far, plus the two treasure chests he found in the cave.

He has obtained four pieces of silver, one piece of bronze, and one piece of gold.

After eliminating the trap treasure chest, what is left is a good harvest.

Especially the golden treasure chest made him feel good.

This means that he has obtained at least one legendary item.

The most important thing is that gold treasure chests are extremely rare, and even if you encounter them in many cases, there is a high probability that they are traps.

This time the golden treasure chest can enter the soul at once, which is enough to make Zong Shen jump for joy.

As for the remaining two rooms, one stores a large number of Lion Knight armors.

They are sealed in the soil and indirectly isolated from external erosion.

It was preserved like a mummy in the mire.

It just doesn't look pretty on the surface.

These armors were originally supposed to be silver, but now there are many black spots on them.

There are 36 sets of armor in total, all of which are full-body armor, including helmets and leg armor, but no boots.

These equipments belong to the standard armor of the fifth-level lion knight.

The grade is rare, but its attributes are better than ordinary rares.

Zong Shen dug out these armors one by one from the mound.

Shovels, pickaxes, and even the trident were used.

It's like an archaeologist digging into the ground to survive.

Now that these armors have been dug out, he is naturally ready to take them all.

To this end, he deliberately used a drilling machine to completely collapse the cabin.

Then backfill the soil and compact it quickly.

The light here is dim, but there is no need to be too detailed.

After everything was taken care of, he was able to take a look at the attributes of these armors.

[Silver Lion Knight Armor (Purple)]

[Quality: rare grade]

[Body protection: 65]

[Magic Resistance: 65]

[Durability: 537]

[Required power: 40]

[Demand agility: 30]

[Skill: Summon lv20 male lions (summon two lv20 fourth-level male lions to help out, lasts 10 minutes, cooling time is 1 hour)

Lion Healing Level 25 (emits a healing light, healing itself or reinforcements with a total of 350 health points, cooling time 2 hours)

Passive skills: Lion's power (strength +10, health +100)]

(The standard equipment of the fifth-level lion knight, with attributes ranging from rare to legendary.

Due to long-term burial, there is a slight loss of durability.

Maybe you can consider equipping these armors on those lion skeleton knights)

To be honest, the attributes of these armors are really good.

The double resistance is as high as 65 points, which is 10 points higher than the armor of the violent bear.

It comes with two active skills and one passive skill. The effect is very practical and can indirectly improve combat effectiveness.

After checking the equipment, Zong Shen finally understood why the Lion Skeleton Knight was missing two active skills.

Because their armor was so badly damaged that it was almost like a dog chewing it.

Either it's broken this way or it's broken over there.

Moreover, it is also subject to the erosion of time. Any item can only be preserved for a long time in a relatively sealed environment.

This was the case for these battle armors. Muds and rocks flowed into the hut, forming a solidified mud shell.

In short, Zong Shen has confirmed the uses for these armors.

With a move of his hand, he put away all the armor.

After returning to the territory, these dusty battle armors still need to be cleaned.

By the way, bring it to the dwarf uncle for a look, maybe you will find more.

As for the last room, Zong Shen did not find any equipment.

But a metal box was dug into the soil.

Different from the common treasure chests among lords, this thing is a magic storage box.

Just like the one left in the wine cellar by Father Mars.

It has a good solid value and requires some kind of verification or token before it can be opened.

However, this magic storage box is not too big, only as big as a trolley suitcase.

The quality is not low, reaching the rare level.

The solidity value is as high as 871110000. The surface is slightly damaged, but the main body is intact.

The contents inside should also be intact.

Zong Shen studied it and found the lion mark on the lid of the box on one side.

It should be opened with [Silver Lion's Ring].

But he didn't have time anymore.

It took him two hours to explore the cabins.

It is now past twelve o'clock at noon, and there is still more than an hour before Baron Bezos is scheduled to arrive. He must deal with the ruins site and deal with the lion and skeleton knights at the same time.

He backfilled all the cabins and smoothed the track marks and footprints on the ground with his feet.

He even removed most of the horse hoof prints and traces of the Lion Skeleton Knight.

Only he in the passage ignored it.

It is still necessary to leave some traces when necessary.

Because having no trace is the same thing as having too many traces.

According to the golden thread, there are still many places in the ruins that have not been explored.

Including some locations that need to be excavated on both sides of the channel.

The current hall is far from the end.

Those corners shrouded in shadow contain mysteries and passages.

Zong Shen didn't have time to eat this part alone, so he could only wait for Baron Bezos to arrive and explore together.

As a legion station, the scale must be more than twenty or thirty cabins.

The Knight Legion, the Mage Legion, and the Infantry Legion are different.

Generally speaking, an infantry corps consists of ten brigades, which is 12,000 people.

In fact, the number of legions and mage legions is only half of this number.

That's five brigades, about 6,000 people.

Since it is a garrison, it means that it should be able to withstand a legion-level garrison of up to 6,000 people.

Including weapons, equipment and supplies, as well as the raising and replacement of war horses.

Both cavalry and mages are expensive units.

These full-body knight armors alone cost more than ordinary infantry heavy armor of the same level.

On Earth, the heavily armored knights of the past could not even wear armor on their own.

That's why there was a knight's retinue, which was essentially a retinue that put on the armor for the knight, helped him mount his horse, and served him in daily life.

When necessary, the retinue can also wear armor and go into battle.

However, in this world, high-level warriors are quite powerful and are fully capable of wearing armor on their own.

It is also worth mentioning that there are still Lion Knights in the continent.

They were an emerging knighthood established later and reached the level of the Kingdom Knights.

Although the names are similar between the two, they are actually completely different.

The Knights of the Lion should have been completely destroyed in the war that year.

I don’t know the situation of the other two legions.

Zong Shen is more concerned about the location of the [Golden Lion Ring].

He already knew that the Knights of the Lion were divided into three legions.

Then it should be a structure of one master and two auxiliaries.

Richardson is obviously one of the sub-group, otherwise he wouldn't only be wearing the silver lion ring.

Zong Shen hurriedly dealt with the traces in the ruins, and then gave instructions to the Lion Skeleton Knight.

The first priority is to leave the ruins immediately and enter the woods on the west side.

During this period, you have to avoid being discovered by those shallow water fishmen.

So it's best to leave the ruins pits one by one.

Don't look at those shallow water fish people who are very wary of this place.

In fact, it can be seen from the state of the Skeleton Knight and the Fishmen that they have not had any friction for a long time.

This is also normal. These lion skeleton knights will fall asleep most of the time when they are not disturbed or receive clear instructions.

Only after being alarmed will the killing instinct be stimulated and a killing spree begin.

Therefore, those shallow-water fishmen were actually very slack, and no matter how great the threat, they could not withstand the passing of time.

Therefore, as long as you are careful, you should not be discovered.

In order to ensure that the plan was foolproof, Zong Shen personally led the lion skeleton knights towards the woods to the west. It took more than ten minutes to get all 29 skeleton knights into the woods.

It's now less than an hour until 2pm.

This time is very urgent, the style of that airship is different from the goblin airship.

Not only is it a central airship, it also has a top mainsail wing. If there is a tailwind, you can use the wind to increase some speed and reduce some mana consumption.

As long as the wind is slightly favorable, Baron Bezos can arrive early, so Zong Shen must hurry up.

When leading the skeleton knights into the forest, Zong Shen used the communication crystal to contact Vereesa.

She was asked to take Tasia to find a place to go down the mountain from the west side of the cliff and meet in the woods.

The woods to the west are equally dense, and most of the trees are thick.

There is almost no disturbance here, which allows the trees to grow freely without being cut down.

Zong Shen went hundreds of meters deep into the forest, and the lion and skeleton knights followed him through the dense forest.

He stopped when he felt the distance was close.

I found a place with relatively sparse trees nearby.

Order the Lion Skeleton Knight to start cutting down trees and clear a place for the goblin airship to take off and land.

At the same time, Zong Shen used the communication crystal to guide Vereesa.

When Vereesa came here with Tasia, a suitable open space was cleared.

The wooden piles on the ground were somewhat jagged.

As soon as the airship was taken out, the pod was tilted off the ground.

Therefore, Zong Shen arranged for the skeleton knights to repair it again.

Cut those wooden piles down to a height of thirty to forty centimeters.

This finally allows the pod to be placed relatively smoothly.

I saw Zong Shen commanding twenty or thirty lion and skeleton knights to work.

Vereesa and Tasia were stunned.

Zong Shen ignored the explanation and waited until the venue matters were settled before giving instructions to Tasia.

"Tasia, take these guys back to the territory."

"I'll teach you how to drive it."

With that said, Zong Shen opened the pod door and stepped up.

Tasia was stunned and quickly climbed up.

The drop of thirty to forty centimeters is equivalent to a higher step.

It's not difficult to enter the pod.

Zong Shen went directly to the cockpit and began to explain quickly.

Tasia also suppressed her surprise and began to study seriously.

It only took her five or six minutes to memorize the functions of each fader and button.

Also understood the corresponding operating steps for takeoff and landing.

"After a while, you will levitate at a low altitude and maintain an altitude of 60 to 100 meters."

"Don't fly too high, otherwise you might be discovered by those fishmen."

"Keep a low altitude and fly at least five or six kilometers away from here before taking off."

"By the way, this is a simple map I drew."

"The territory is to the southwest of this direction, and the range is about 1,000 kilometers."

Zong Shen gave her final explanation and gave her a simple map.

This was temporarily drawn based on the navigation path of the strategy module.

There is no problem with the general direction and distance, Tasia should be able to find it.

After making the arrangements, he filled the airship with magic energy and left some extra magic energy crystals as backup.

According to the direction, Tasia will never meet Baron Bezos.

Just when Zong Shen was about to leave the pod anxiously, Tasia called out to him again.

"Sir, those skeleton knights..."

Zong Shen had to stop and turned around to explain.

He stretched out his right hand and pointed at the finger wearing the Lion's Ring.

"With this lion's ring, they all have to obey me."

"In addition, I have mastered the method of communicating using soul waves."

In the latter sentence, he conveyed the message to Tasia through soul fluctuations.

This operation left Tasia stunned on the spot.

Zong Shen didn't have time to explain anything anymore.

Immediately arrange for those lion skeleton knights to enter the pod.

There are 29 lion and skeleton knights in total, which cannot be accommodated in the pod.

Although they only have skeletons left, they still have some bulk.

After all, there is a skeleton horse under his crotch.

Finally, 19 lion and skeleton knights were arranged to enter the pod.

The remaining 10 people can only catch the next wave of airships.

No matter what, it’s good to bring back a wave first.

Zong Shen issued new instructions to the 19 lion and skeleton knights, asking them to obey Tasia's orders.

This indirect transfer of command comes with certain risks.

Comparatively, [Silver Lion's Ring] is the main token of power.

However, Tasia can also communicate through soul fluctuations, and she is a necromancer. She has a certain amount of undead death energy and shadow abilities, which will not make the Lion Skeleton Knight too resistant.

This is the reason why Zong Shen arranged for Tasia to pilot the goblin airship.

Others may not be able to suppress these guys.

Especially normal humans.

If there is no token of power, it is easy to arouse the instinctive hatred of the Skeleton Knight.

After all, the undead hate almost all living things.

As for the remaining 10 lion and skeleton knights, they are easy to deal with.

Just let them stay quietly in the woods.

This place is not close to the ruins at the foot of the mountain, and it is blocked by woods.

Just be careful if Baron Bezos runs towards here if nothing happens.

Because Zong Shen arrived several hours in advance, he had every reason to seize the right to guide.

Provide guidance to Baron Bezos and consciously avoid the mountains and forests to the west.

Moreover, the mountains and forests to the west have little exploration value.

Zong Shen first gave the order to the remaining skeleton knights to wait where they were.

Then he and Vereesa watched the airship slowly take off into the sky.

It was Tasia's first time flying an airship.

The operation was a bit awkward at first, and the airship shook violently.

This is the reason why the turbofan power does not match, and the power gear needs to be increased.

Fortunately, Tasia was smart and quickly got the hang of it.

The airship slowly rose to a height of more than eighty meters.

This altitude is low and will not be discovered by the fishmen in the sentry tower.

Zong Shen and Vereesa just watched the airship gradually go away.

It wasn't until the flight became stable that Zong Shen breathed a sigh of relief.

"Let's go, Vereesa."

"Let's go back to the cliff."

"Baron Bezos should be arriving soon. "

Zong Shen said softly, and then took the lead towards the top of the mountain.

Vereesa nodded respectfully and followed him quietly without saying a word.

Follow the mountain path up to the gentle slope on the west side of the cliff.

It was just after 2 o'clock in the afternoon when they arrived at the top of the mountain.

It seems that Baron Bezos has not arrived yet.

This situation is somewhat unexpected.

Zong Shen decided to take the initiative to ride on Yingjiang to take a look.

He turned over and sat on Yingjiang's back, patted its neck gently, and signaled it to fly in the direction it came from.

When Yingjiang raised his neck and was about to chirp, he suddenly remembered something.

He suppressed the screams in his stomach.

He fluttered his wings and stayed at a low altitude until he flew away from the area. Then he quickly rose to an altitude of about 2,000 meters and began to accelerate.

The general direction was correct. About five or six minutes later, Zong Shen saw the airship of Baron Bezos.

Their flight altitude is about 1,500 meters, which is lower than Yingjiang.

Zong Shen stretched out his hand and gave the command to approach quickly.

Yingjiang began to dive and came to the front of the airship cockpit.

He turned around, looked at the airship behind him, and stretched out his right hand to make a forward gesture.

This was a signal to Baron Bezos to follow him.

After all, he arrived several hours early, so Baron Bezos naturally trusted him.

So the airship followed Yingjiang steadily.

The speed of the airship was far inferior to that of Eagle Sauce, and it took more than half an hour to reach the top of the mountain.

Under Zong Shen's instructions, the airship was parked in an open space on the cliff.

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