Lords Trying to Survive: Strategizing from a Rundown Yard

Chapter 520: Injured Farvid returns to Bosbon

It was moving very fast, like a dark meteor.

When it swooped down dozens of meters above Zong Shen's head.

The large eel defense towers distributed in other directions of the altar began to attack.

These attacks passed by Ying Jiang.

Its speed is too fast, and those attacks cannot keep up with its movement.

Eagle Sauce's super-speed dive is also its signature move.

When Zong Shen tamed it, he had already learned it from beginning to end.

Yingjiang didn't flap her wings until she was about ten meters above the ground and straightened her body.

Then it fell steadily towards Zong Shen.

Keep the front suspended two meters in the air.

Zong Shen directly grabbed its dragon-claw-like forelimbs and climbed up using the scales on its neck.

Then he patted its neck and rushed several hundred meters away.

The battle there has entered a very anxious state.

Vereesa and the others were almost immersed in the vast sea of ​​murlocs.

At this time, thunder flashed ahead, and blue-purple thunderclouds gathered above their heads.


Along with the huge thunder, thunderbolts as thick as arms fell down.

It hit the middle of the fishmen hard.

Vereesa used the fourth-level spell scroll he left behind...

This shows that the situation is already very critical.

A dozen people fighting against thousands of murlocs was simply a dream.

Even large-scale destructive magic is not easy to use.

Just now we were in the sky, but now we are on the ground facing them head-on.

The pressures borne by the two situations are not the same.

Needless to say, Yingjiang's speed goes without saying.

The distance of a few hundred meters was reached in less than half a minute.

It attempts to fall on the other side of the thundercloud.

While lowering the altitude towards where Vereesa and the others were.

At the same time, he opened his big beak and spit out wind blades about thirty centimeters long.

In a very short time, dozens of wind blades were spit out.

These wind blades swept away, relieving the pressure on the scene to a certain extent.

At the same time, it also spread its wings, like two shields, to resist some long-range attacks from below.

Blue-white water arrows and black harpoons hit its wings, making a "ding-dong-dang" sound.

Yingjiang's double resistance is as high as 95 points, and her skin is a mess.

The feathers on the wings have some scale-like properties.

Most attacks can't even break through defenses.

The few that can break the defense can only cause a few to dozens of points of damage.

It has thousands of health points and can withstand this level of attack.

In this case the eagle sauce was lowered to the appropriate height.

Vereesa and the others also grabbed Eagle Sauce's front and rear limbs and began to crawl onto its back.


Farvid appeared to be injured and cried out in pain as he climbed.

Compared to Vereesa and the rangers, the mages' climbing was much slower.

The same goes for those sergeants Rodok.

With no other choice, Zong Shen could only take out the [Floating Magic Rune].

Consume the number of collective floats again.

With the blessing of wind spirit magic, they successfully climbed onto Yingjiang's back.

In just half a minute, Yingjiang's blood volume dropped by thousands.

The attacks it withstood were like a gust of wind and rain.

No matter how strong Ling Yu is, she can't withstand such intensive blows.

Wounds began to appear on its wings, and large drops of blood dripped from it.

Because it is so huge, each drop of blood is as big as a basketball.

After everyone was ready, Yingjiang didn't dare to stay, and quickly flapped his wings to lift to a height of several hundred meters.

A fishing net also fell on Yingjiang during the lifting process, although it could not completely restrain it.

But it also caused some minor troubles.

Yingjiang's head, forelimbs, and left wing were all covered with a layer of netting.

Actions were slightly affected.

After reaching a safe height, Yingjiang immediately flew towards the south.

After gathering so much wool, it is inevitable to suffer some hardships.

They rode Eagle Sauce and quickly flew over the cliff on the top of the mountain.

Baron Bezos' medium-sized airship has taken off.

The cliff was already filled with fishmen.

The temporary tents were torn to pieces.

The murlocs were divided into two groups, one half chasing the top of the mountain, and the other half returning to support the tribe.

Yingjiang continued to fly, during which time Zong Shen made it stop and hover in place.

He used the levitation technique to remove the fishing net for Yingjiang,

He took out the Moon God Spring again and fed it several vials.

The soldiers all have different injuries on their bodies.

The final one is Favid.

On his left shoulder was a short black harpoon.

There are no conditions for healing here, so he can only use the Moon God Spring to stabilize his injuries first.

Avoid injuries caused by persistent wounds that continue to bleed.

The four Rodok sergeants were also in a very embarrassed state.

The heavy armor on their bodies had obvious dents and damage.

Especially the heavy square shields they hold.

It was riddled with holes, with four or five harpoons on each shield.

There were also marks of spikes and slashes.

The shield's durability is about one-fifth left.

This shows how intense the attack they had just endured.

This is the price of harvest.

The others were fine, basically still maintaining two-thirds of their health.

What was seriously damaged was the external equipment.

For example, the light armor on Vereesa's body has become tattered.

There were dark red blood stains on the damaged areas of the armor.

Even Caniggia was no longer calm.

The robe on his body also showed considerable damage.

"Dear Lord."

"The battle just now was really brutal."

"We will kill at least five to six hundred fishmen."

"But there are just too many of them."

"Especially those damn harpoon and water arrow attacks, which caused us a lot of trouble."

Caniggia saw Zong Shen checking their damage.

His talkative nature was stimulated and he started talking nonsense.

This guy was very nervous, but he also felt that the battle just now was really thrilling.

Zong Shen did not answer him, but just distributed the Moon God Spring to them again.

They were equipped with some before the expedition.

However, they were completely exhausted in the previous battle.

Now Zong Shen begins to understand the true cost of fighting.

In the past, it was all low-intensity battles involving small teams.

The wear and tear of equipment is quite acceptable.

Zong Shen didn't discover it until he actually experienced a high-intensity battle.

The most vulnerable thing to damage in battle is equipment.

Especially armor-type equipment is often on the verge of being scrapped after a high-intensity battle.

No wonder all major kingdoms and even slightly larger forces are equipped with standard equipment.

Moreover, the level of standard equipment is often one and a half levels lower than that of matching warriors.

This situation has shown that equipment is an indirect consumable.

Especially for standard equipment, when meeting certain attributes, the cost and mass production capacity must be taken into consideration.

This amount adds up to a very large expense.

This is especially true for those high-level fourth- and fifth-level ones.

It is not easy to feed an army that can endure continuous high-intensity battles.

Equipment support alone requires strong reserves.

He simply checked everyone's status.

Zong Shen asked Yingjiang to continue on his way.

He originally wanted to go straight to the territory, but considering Favid's injury.

He decided to go to Bospan again.

The two spikes of the harpoon were inserted into Farvid's shoulders.

There was also a sharp thorn that pierced through the shoulder, so I was lucky to get a bye.

Treating such an injury still requires some surgical experience.

Roughly pulling it out would most likely leave Favid with a disability.

Although this is a world of swords and magic, the mortal body is still fragile.

Farvid is a pure human being, not a monster covered in hard scales.

If such an injury is not treated properly, even using magic means to treat it will be very troublesome.

As for the lion and skeleton knight hiding in the mountains and forests to the west, they can only be released first.

In order to prevent being discovered by Baron Bezos, Zong Shen let the Skeleton Knight hide deep.

It needs to go at least 700 to 800 meters into the forest on the west side.

Although those fish-men looked like the mighty tide.

In fact, the number is still relatively limited after all.

It is estimated that those hidden lion and skeleton knights will not be found.

And the remaining sixteen skeleton knights are not little white rabbits.

They are all powerful knights at the overlord level.

When an attack occurs, a casual charge at the murlocs can cut through the entire murloc swarm.

Of course, the murlocs have a numerical advantage, and these skeleton knights will be seriously injured if they use force.

All in all, those skeleton knights are not so easy to find.

Besides, they are all undead, so they can sleep in place for a few days without any problem.

The challenge officially begins tomorrow at noon.

At that time, if the impact of high temperature is still acceptable, an airship can be sent over.

It just so happened that Tasia was able to use soul fluctuations to simply communicate with the undead.

At worst, I'll give her the [Lion Skull Ring] to wear first.

Anyway, someone in his sect has already made a decision.

Yingjiang was very fast and caught up with Baron Bezos's airship in about ten minutes.

The medium-sized airship had taken off for more than half an hour.

Zong Shen asked Yingjiang to accompany the airship as usual and made a gesture to the cockpit.

This can be regarded as saying hello to Baron Bezos.

A dozen black harpoons were inserted into the bottom of the airship's pod.

There are also many damaged gaps.

Fortunately, the airbag and the turbofan unit as the main power were not damaged.

After going through the motions, Yingjiang flapped his wings and increased his speed, quickly leaving the airship behind.

Thirty or forty minutes later.

Zong Shen and the others returned to Bosibon again.

He took out the previous flag and flew into the city with some ostentation.

It even landed directly next to the castle.

Baron Bezos had already said hello before.

So Zong Shen does have the privilege of action.

As soon as Yingjiang landed, the housekeepers in the castle had already walked out.

"Lord Zong..."

"Where is Mr. Bezos?"

Before Zong Shen got down from Yingjiang, the housekeepers all came over.

He waved his hand, pointed at the northern sky, and said urgently.

"Lord Bezos's airship is slower."

"It will probably take a few hours to get back to Bangcheng."

"Don't think about this problem now."

"My man is injured, please help me contact some doctors in Bangcheng."

"Even as an apprentice."

Zong Shen jumped off Yingjiang's body.

The grass was stepped on and dented.

This time he didn't care about being polite and directly made his request to the housekeeper.

Several butlers looked at each other, and finally the older butler made the decision.

"Okay, I'll contact you right away..."

"Please wait a moment."

As he spoke, he blew a whistle.

A group of lightly-armed rangers waiting near the castle surrounded them.

"Go and fetch Mr. Artuso..."

After receiving the order, the rangers lifted the reins and lightly stabbed the horse's belly with their riding boots.

He raised the horse's speed to the maximum and left the central area.

Zong Shen turned around and walked to the back half of Yingjiang.

Farvid is sitting here.

His face was a little pale, but he was in good spirits.

The harpoon on his shoulder was still stuck in it.

The blood has stopped flowing.

But his robe was soaked with a lot of blood.

Especially the upper body near the shoulders was completely soaked.

During the time that this blood was flying in the air and returning to Bangcheng, it turned into a hardened blood scab due to coagulation.

There was also some blood on Favid's face and he looked a little tired.

Zong Shen raised his eyebrows at Vereesa.

The latter immediately understood what he meant, carefully held Farvid's armpits, and lifted him up.

Putting it down next to Yingjiang, Zong Shen was waiting below, hugging Favid's legs.

In this way, the relay was completed and Farvid was placed on the ground.

"Sir, I'm fine..."

"It's just a minor injury."

"No internal organs were injured."

Farvid said a little coyly.

"Don't talk too much."

"I know your boy's life is not in danger."

"But this harpoon cannot be pulled out directly."

"Otherwise it will cause secondary harm to you."

"I don't want you to become disabled because of this battle."

Zong Shen naturally understood that this boy was still being stubborn.

He is just a mage, not a strong infantry and cavalry warrior.

The difference in physical fitness between the two is obvious.

Hearing his lord say this, Favid stopped saying anything.

Cooperate with his actions honestly.

I don't know where Zong Shen took out some thick furs and spread them on the grass.

They politely declined the butler's invitation to enter the castle to rest.

The purpose of his landing in Bosbon this time was simple, which was to treat Favid's wounds.

Favid's physical fitness is generally incomparable to him.

Therefore, it can only be treated with more caution.

If someone like Zong suffered the same injury, it could be easily solved.

As long as there is no serious damage to the muscles and bones.

When he was in the mine, he was struck by the Disaster Throwing Spear from the Spider Web Monster Lord Leopold.

The ribs were almost penetrated, and my heart was filled with chills and excitement.

He was able to heal his injuries smoothly.

This is the physical change brought about by strength and agility.

Everyone's vitality and damage recovery abilities are different.

Farvid covered his wound to prevent the harpoon from swinging.

According to Zong Shen's request, he sat on the fur cushion obediently.

About half an hour later.

The team of light cavalry quickly returned to the central area.

There was also an old man in his sixties in formal attire accompanying him.

The old man was wearing a suit of clothes woven with floral threads, and the workmanship was very exquisite.

The collar and cuffs are also meticulously arranged.

But this outfit doesn't look new.

He has a gray mustache that is neatly combed.

Seeing the light cavalry returning, the steward was the first to greet them.

He personally helped the old man dismount.

From this move alone, it can be seen that this old man still has a certain status in Bosbon.

"Where are the injured?"

The old man was riding a horse with a square medicine box on his back.

He raised his hand to take down the medicine box, and the first thing he said was to ask where the injured was.

At this time, he also saw Ying Jiang's huge figure.

Subconsciously, he was startled, but he immediately regained his composure.

This is Lord Bezos's castle.

It is also the most heavily guarded place in Bosbon.

This huge griffon will definitely not hurt anyone, otherwise it would never be possible for it to stay here safely.

At this time, Favid was sitting on the grass and was blocked by Eagle Sauce.

When Zong Shen heard the noise, he stood up and walked around Yingjiang.

At this time, the housekeeper immediately acted as a middleman and began to make introductions.

"Master Zong, this is Mr. Artuso."

"Mr. Artuso, this is Lord Bezos' best friend, Lord Zong Shen."

"The injured are Lord Zong Shen's soldiers."

Zong Shen nodded slightly to Artuso and extended his hand in a gesture of invitation.

The old Mr. Artuso didn't say anything, he just nodded in the same way.

Then he walked quickly from Yingjiang's side holding the medicine box.

Even though this old man has white beard and hair, his movements are very nimble and his steps are very brisk.

When he passed by Eagle Sauce, he kept observing its huge body with surprised eyes.

Until he saw the injured Farvid.


"Looks like a fish-man trick."

He turned his head and looked at Zong Shen with searching eyes.

Artuso's voice was very vicissitudes of life, but it was not hoarse and full of energy, just like that of a middle-aged man.

Zong Shen nodded and said calmly.

"Yes, it was the fishman who did it."

This Mr. Artuso still has some knowledge.

At least not the kind of person who has never left Bangcheng.

After getting a positive answer, he came to Farvid.

Kneel down on one knee and put the medicine box aside.

This posture is not for salute, but simply to facilitate observation of the wound.

After some inspection, he came to a new conclusion.

"Luckily, at least it's not Naga's poisoned harpoon."

"Those vicious sea elves are the most hateful."

Artuso said casually, his tone becoming more relaxed.

He opened the medicine box, and near the lid were knives that looked like willow leaves.

There was a hazy silver light in the moonlight.

After taking out a handful, he raised his head again and looked at Zong Shen, who was standing aside and observing.

"My lord, I may need to cut the wounded man's robe."

"Otherwise you wouldn't be able to see the condition of the wound."

Zong Shen naturally had no objection to this.

He stretched out his hand towards Artuso and bowed slightly.

"As you please."

After getting permission, Artuso didn't hesitate.

He turned to Favid, ready to tend to his wounds.

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