Lords Trying to Survive: Strategizing from a Rundown Yard

Chapter 528: Level 5 Lord’s Fortress, Frost Magic Gem

He is always arrogant in front of others and clingy in front of Zong Shen.

This is a preference.

Zong Shen touched her head and felt very happy.

He said to Tasia with a smile.

"There are still some skeleton knights left there."

"When the challenge is over, it's still up to you to pick him up!"

Originally, he wanted to leave a space beacon and use the portal.

However, because of concerns about Baron Bezos, he finally chose the stupid method of traveling at a constant speed back and forth.

Anyway, the territory now has strong soldiers and horses, and there is no shortage of combat power on its own territory.

Whether there are nineteen lion and skeleton knights or thirty lion and skeleton knights in the territory does not make much difference to him in a short period of time.

At that time, he only focused on concealing the fact that he could tame the lion and skeleton knight.

None of this was considered at all.

His mind was spinning so fast that it was almost overclocking.

This is not a life-threatening matter.

The undead do not need to eat or drink. They will obediently follow the instructions left by Zong Shen.

Waiting quietly in the mountains and forests unless disturbed.

Therefore Zong Shen is not worried.

Tasia is very petite.

What a typical childlike face.

Especially in front of the heavily armed Zong Shen, there was an obvious height difference.

This makes Zong Shen's head-touching look a bit doting.

Fortunately, Aisiya is not here, otherwise she would definitely be jealous.

Only on such occasions would Zong Shen make some appropriate and intimate gestures.

"Hey, don't worry, sir."

"Sir, you must fulfill your mission!"

A soft smile appeared on Tasia's face.

The two dimples loudly declare their presence.

It's hard to imagine that such a cute little girl is actually a necromancer.

This inherent image gap gives Tasia an obvious contrast.

"Okay, you go and wait."

"We will be gathering in less than an hour."

"Don't go anywhere."

"If you want to drink some water, there's some in the house."

"Everyone will be here later."

Zong Shen retracted his hand and said softly.

When she heard about the expedition mission, Tasia also put away her playful expression.

She nodded repeatedly and returned to the Skeleton Knight.

Grasping the rotten and old reins, he climbed onto the skeleton horse and began to emit soul fluctuations.

These skeleton knights did not move.

He continued to stand where he was, seeming to be waiting for Zong Shen's instructions.

Their obedience also has priorities.

The reason why they followed Tasia's orders was entirely because of the orders Zong Shen left for them.

Now that Zong Shen is present, they will naturally give priority to listening to Zong Shen.

At this time, someone from Zong also noticed the changes in the Skeleton Knight.

He took off the chain glove on his right hand, revealing the Lion's Ring, and raised his right arm high.

The skeleton knights immediately dismounted and knelt down on one knee facing Zong Shen with their swords in hand.

When Tasia saw this scene, she immediately pouted...

Only in front of Zong Shen would she show her little girl-like side.

Zong Shen glanced at her with a half-smile, and began to use his soul waves to give clear instructions.

The lion and skeleton knights stood up in unison and rode back on the skeleton horse in stirrups.

Walking to the corner of the inner city, two queues formed next to the original North City Gate.

Meticulously maintaining their formation, neither the scorching heat nor the cold wind could waver them.

After settling these lion and skeleton knights, Zong Shen directly took out the [Level 5 City Lord's Mansion Upgrade Voucher].

"Come and see what the so-called fortressization is all about..."

He said to himself with some anticipation.

He was always interested in the unknown.

With a flick of his wrist, he chose to activate it.

The upgrade certificate in his hand suddenly turned into a ball of milky white light and disappeared into the small courtyard.

At the same time, the entire lord's courtyard, the so-called lord's mansion, also changed.

Completely covered by a twisted light.

In an instant, Zong Shen felt like his eyes were blurred.

It seems that there has been a spatial displacement just now.

The surrounding scene has not changed, but the area of ​​the light group has expanded a lot.

It's so hazy that I can't see clearly yet.

Each upgrade and conversion takes about five to ten minutes.

Zong Shen turned his head and looked at the original wooden walls in the inner city.

Each of the four directions originally had its own side.

Including the city gate, the length of one side is exactly 200 meters.

These walls originally surrounded the city on all sides.

There was significant stretching and expansion in all four directions.

There is a gap of tens of meters between the city walls.

This is because of the changes that occurred after the expansion of the city lord's palace.

A mysterious spatial change.

Zong Shen has seen situations like this before.

The expansion of the city lord's palace will have a slight impact on the territory area and existing buildings.

For example, a territorial building one or two kilometers away may move one or two meters.

Because the area expanded by the City Lord's Mansion appeared out of thin air.

Zong Shen couldn't explain the corresponding principles and was too lazy to study these things.

In front of the extraordinary power of the lord system, I am just a younger brother now.

The upgrade of the City Lord's Mansion lasted for six or seven minutes.

When the light dissipates and the scene in front of you becomes clear, the upgrade is completed.

The current City Lord's Mansion is very different from the original one.

The first is the outer courtyard wall.

It can no longer be called a courtyard wall, it is almost a small tower.

The height is about five meters and the width reaches two meters.

There are also battlements distributed at intervals above.

This tower is square, with each side being 50 meters long.

From the outside, it looks like it is made of bluestone bricks.

There is also a black and gray adhesive line in the middle.

The original entrance to the small courtyard was directly transformed into a lift-type gate with built-in iron bars.

Zong Shen took a closer look and saw that the sturdiness of the tower was quite high.

[Fifth level fortress tower]

[Sturdiness value: 8000+1500]

[Building Armor: 65]

[Building magic resistance: 65]

[Fifth level fortress gate]

[Sturdiness value: 4000+1500]

[Building Armor: 85]

[Building magic resistance: 80]

Whether it's the lift-type city gate with built-in iron bars or the fortress tower,

All have amazing sturdiness and building resistance.

You must know that the strength value of [Level 4 City Wall] is only 3000 points. Even if the effect of [Artisan Divine Will] is added, it is only about 4500 points, and the double resistance of the building is only 35 points.

There is a big gap compared with the fortress-type buildings in front of me.

The iron gate is open.

Below are sharp metal spikes.

As long as the city gate is lowered, these ground thorns can be inserted into the grooves in the ground.

Zong Shen walked through the city gate, and there was a round winch next to it.

There are thick ropes on the winches that connect the tensile structure at the top of the gate.

As long as the winch is relaxed, the city gate will fall quickly.

Likewise, tightening the capstan can keep the gate open.

The original buildings inside the courtyard still exist.

Including gem cellar, two springs, water cellar and ice cellar.

Only the location has changed slightly.

The biggest change is the original lord's building.

It should now be called Lord's Fortress.

In front of Zong Shen is a five-story fortress-shaped building.

The foundation alone is two meters high, and the original three steps have become seven.

The entire foundation is made of huge square stones.

Each piece weighs at least several hundred kilograms.

It looks perfect.

The total height of the fortress is about 17 meters.

There are reserved shooting openings and battlements on the second floor, fourth floor and top floor respectively.

It can be used to place shooters and mages and attack from a high position.

You can also use the fort as a cover.

The building area is also much larger than before.

The whole body is built with huge square stones.

The surface is rough with gravel.

The appearance looks sturdy and rugged.

In terms of aesthetics alone, it has deteriorated a lot compared to the original.

After climbing the steps, there is also a wide eaves.

There is an external promenade along the building on both sides.

The same fortification style can also be used as a bunker when necessary.

As for the gate of the fortress building, it is even more exaggerated.

It turned out to be solid wood double doors.

It is now a bronze-colored steel gate.

It is a steel gate that opens outward.

Equipped with two internal and external locks.

External locks are relatively simple rivet locks.

The internal lock is two wide and thick steel bolts.

As long as the door bolt is placed on the fixed door slot and then embedded in the steel frame on the wall, it is equivalent to double insurance. Each steel door bolt is two fingers thick.

The length is about 1.5 meters and the width is 30 centimeters.

It was very difficult to lift.

As for the thickness of the steel gate, it is even more exaggerated.

Like a baby's head.

This kind of door is really full of security.

If Zong Shen is willing, he can gradually add some defensive rune magic arrays in the future.

It can also make the lord's fort stronger.

After looking at the door, he followed the stairs back to the ground.

We walked around the fort.

After sacrificing the sense of luxury, what you get in exchange is a rare sense of security.

Anyway, Zong Shen doesn't care about where he lives.

There are still rooms in the fort.

Beds and everything else are available.

That is to say, the appearance becomes more solid and plain.

Giving up face in exchange for lizi.

Standing in the courtyard, Zong Shen's eyes swept across the entire fortress.

[Level 5 Lord Fortress]

[Sturdiness value: 50000+1500]

[Building Armor Value: 100]

[Building magic resistance: 95]

[Level 5 Lord Fortress Steel Gate]

[Sturdiness value: 15000+1500]

[Building Armor: 120]

[Building magic resistance: 110]

Sure enough, the corresponding solidity value has also been greatly improved.

Compared with the fourth-level city lord's mansion.

The solidity value jumped more than ten times.

"really not bad!"

Zong Shen was extremely satisfied!

As a pragmatist, he disliked gaudy buildings the most.

No matter how beautiful the city lord's mansion is built, it can't be used as food!

He still likes a castle like the one where Baron Bezos lives.

Because the castle is also a fortress-type building.

It can serve as the last line of resistance during wartime.

After the City Lord's Mansion was upgraded, Zong Shen turned his attention to himself.

After experiencing the battle of the Riptide Tribe.

His current level has reached lv30, and his experience value is [27375/232420]

After reaching level 30, the required experience points reached more than 200,000.

The difficulty of upgrading becomes more prominent as the level increases.

Zong Shen also has 4 assignable attribute points, 8 assignable skill points, and 40 assignable weapon proficiency points.

He firmly follows the strength route, and what he lacks most now is the strength attribute.

Taking into account the balance of attributes and the need for skill points, Zong Shen decided to allocate all four attributes to intelligence.

The intelligence attribute reached 60 points.

The number of assignable skill points has been increased to 8 points.

After thinking for a while, he decided to add four of the points to [Item Management].

In this way, his [Item Management] skill reached 12 points.

It has 92 portable storage compartments.

It is convenient for him to carry all kinds of spare equipment and props with him.

The remaining 4 points were added to [Rescue].

I maxed out the [Rescue] skill to the upper limit.

10 points of [Rescue] can have a 40% chance of hanging.

This is a lord skill that can change one's fate against the odds.

In other words, if there are 100 casualties in a battle.

With Max's [Rescue] effect, the lives of 40 soldiers can be saved.

Despite the fact that Zong Shen's soldiers did not suffer too many casualties.

It was all because of his prudence and caution.

Coupled with the territory's overall strength, combat supplies, and logistical support, they have all done well.

Therefore the casualties were relatively small.

This is the result of hard work.

It involves all aspects of issues and is a reflection of the territory’s soft power.

Wait until a large-scale battle breaks out in the future.

Only then can the effect of [Rescue] be truly brought out.

As for the 40 points of assignable weapon proficiency, it is easier to deal with.

The highest item in his [Weapon Proficiency] is [One-Handed Weapon].

After this period of combat experience, it has naturally increased from 197 points to 225 points.

Other proficiencies have also improved slightly.

Consider having regular and backup weapons on hand.

Zong Shen decided to add these proficiencies to [Two-Handed Weapons] and [Pole Weapons] respectively.

Add 20 points to each item.

[Two-handed weapons: 155]

[Pole weapon: 139]

After adding the points, Zong Shen clenched his fists.

I just feel that I have become stronger again...

Still seem a little thirsty?

He asked about the specific time of the strategy module and found that it was already 11:16 in the morning.

The weather was unbearably hot.

Looking up at the sky, there were not even a single cloud.

The sun is bright and red, spreading light and heat to the earth.

Such temperatures make people feel irritable.

Within a few hours, the temperature rose by more than ten degrees.

Zong Shen exhaled a heavy breath and walked towards the [third-level cellar] where the gems were stored.

The cellar building is hidden deep underground, except for a small triangular cabin on the ground.

The entrance is in the cabin.

After entering the wooden house, open the wooden door on the ground to reveal a dirt step.

The [Third-Level Cellar] is much larger than the [First-Level Cellar].

Even the authentic entrance is like this.

At least three people can enter at a time.

Zong Shen took out the only remaining [Magic Flashlight].

Turn on the second level of brightness as lighting.

Walked down the stairs.

The main body of the cellar is approximately three meters below the surface.

It's much cooler here than outside.

There are round wooden barrels stacked in the cellar.

There is a faint halo of various colors shining even without lighting.

The entire cellar is divided into two areas.

One piece is for ordinary gems, and the other is for magic gems.

Zong Shen's target is those magic gems.

Each type of magic gem is classified and stored according to the element type and grade.

There are written remarks engraved on the round baggage box.

So it's very easy to find.

In order to sort this batch of gems, hundreds of people were mobilized.

In addition, heroes like Vereesa and Mariel worked hard all night to complete it.

According to the text notes, Zong Shen quickly found the luggage boxes where the frost gems were stored.

The first level has the largest number, with two baggage barrels, all filled to the brim.

There appear to be two barrels in the second stage, but in fact only one barrel is full, and the second barrel is only about a quarter full.

Each baggage barrel can hold approximately three to four thousand magic gems.

The number of third-level, fourth-level, and fifth-level ones is even smaller.

As for the sixth level, it is even more pitiful. Its number is only in single digits.

This is not surprising, because the sixth level magic gem is equal to the epic level.

Even in a medium-sized gem mine, don’t even think about digging in large quantities.

Zong Shen thought for a moment.

In the end, 500 first-level gems, 250 second-level gems, 100 third-level gems, 30 fourth-level gems, 10 fifth-level gems, and 2 sixth-level gems were taken away.

These frost gems will become his experiments, used to try to deal with the Balrog Boss.

These gems are worth a lot of money.

This is true whether it is placed among the aborigines or sold in the [market].

Who made Zong Shen now rich and wealthy, with mountains of gems in his territory?

If these frost gems can really cause damage to the Balrog Boss.

For Zong Shen, it is a matter of blood.

Despite the high value of gems, Zong Shen also had a lot of them.

The stock of these gems has exceeded the normal consumption of the territory.

Only by using these gems as soon as possible and converting their value can they become a driving force for the development of the territory.

If there are no eggs in these frost gems, then bring them back.

The reason why Zong Shen brought some frost gems from the first to the sixth level was for testing.

See if it works. If it works, then observe which level of frost gems is consumed to get the most cost-effective kill.

These are all things to pay attention to.

Frost gems, as the name suggests, are gems that contain frost magic.

Zong Shen took out a fifth-level gem and played with it in his hand.

This gemstone is also about the size of an egg, has not been polished, and is far from beautiful.

The shape is approximately elliptical, larger at the top and smaller at the bottom, somewhat irregular.

There are some rough black stone skins attached to the back.

The other side is a blue-white crystal surface.

Delicate and smooth to the touch.

There was also a hint of coolness oozing out.

After all, it is a fifth-level frost magic gem.

It contains abundant and pure ice magic power.

However, these frost magic powers are firmly locked in the gems.

Because gems are their carriers, magic power will not leak out so easily.

Unless a magic circle or engraved runes are used as magic guidance, there is no way to directly use frost gems to cool down.

This is a very stable form of magic power storage.

Zong Shen played with it for a while and then put the gem into the storage compartment.

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