Lords Trying to Survive: Strategizing from a Rundown Yard

Chapter 531: The whole army attacks, gem tactics

These lords are like a colony of ants that have discovered a candy bar.

Let the dots form a line and move towards the same goal in their own way.

Zong Shen controlled Yingjiang to land.

Take out the [Thousand Kilometer Portal (Orange)].

Beacon number 1 was chosen without hesitation.

Opened the portal to the territory.

A tall blue light door emerged.

The first to come out was Roaring Colby.

He was howling and leading the wolf cavalry as they filed out of the portal.

The entire portal suddenly trembled like water ripples.

In just one minute, all the warriors walked out of the portal.

They gathered outside the portal, waiting for Zong Shen's order.

At this moment, the Griffin team also began to land.

The movement here attracted the attention of many surrounding lords.

After all, it was a gathering of one or two hundred people, which was quite powerful for these lords.

In the current area, the strength of the lords varies.

The differences tend to widen significantly.

Lords that develop slowly usually have 10 to 20 warriors.

A moderately developed lord can have between 20 and 35 warriors.

Lords who are more interested in challenges can have 35 to 55 warriors.

Further up are those like Jiang Yi, who not only take the initiative but are also keen on exploring.

There are basically sixty or seventy soldiers.

If we were lucky, there would even be 180 warriors.

This is the current status of the lord's strength.

It is very rare for a lord like Zong Shen to have strength in numbers.

After a short gathering.

Make sure everyone is present.

Zong Shen asked Colby to leave a team of wolf cavalry to stay behind.

Because this portal is bidirectional.

We must wait until the portal disappears before allowing this team to join together.

Make sure that no stupid young man enters the portal while they are leaving.

To avoid unnecessary misunderstandings.

Anyway, according to the nature of Balrog, melee soldiers may not have a chance to take action.

After Zong Shen settled the portal.

With one order, the whole army attacks!

At the front are the nineteen lion and skeleton knights.

Then came the twelve Immortal Lancers.

After that, in addition to the remaining team, there were three teams of wolf cavalry and the huntresses led by Luna.

Vereesa and Tasia sat in front of a lion and skeleton knight, riding a horse.

This is the first echelon.

After that, there are the melee infantry, shooters and mages of various departments.

They followed at a trot, led by Farvid, Caniggia and Doris.

The distance of four to five hundred meters is not too far.

Soon they were within an attack range of 100 to 150 meters.

Occupying a position southeast of Balrog.

The nearby lords who had arrived retreated and attacked the Balrog from another direction.

A lord like Zong Shen who has the strength of a regional hegemon is not only powerful in numbers but also has great single combat power.

Most lords will consciously avoid it.

To avoid getting into unnecessary trouble.

Wait until everyone has set off.

Zong Shencai rode Yingjiang and led the griffon team to catch up.

"Griffin Squad Free Fire!"

He first gave orders to the crossbowmen riding griffons.

As a ranged unit, they can attack from the air.

After receiving his order, the griffins screamed and accelerated towards the Balrog.

Stopped seventy or eighty meters away from the Balrog.

The crossbowmen began to fire.

The Balrog is so huge that it can hit even with its eyes closed.

"Taka-chan, let me down, and you can attack freely!"

After the Griffin team launched the attack, Zong Shen issued another order to Yingjiang.

Eagle-chan looked at Enma with some fear and some eagerness to try.

It quickly lowered its height to three or four meters above the ground.

This height is enough for Zong Shen to jump back to the ground safely.

In fact, Zong Shen did exactly that.

He jumped off Yingjiang's back gracefully.

The height of three to four meters is almost equivalent to a floor.

However, given his current physical fitness, the impact of landing was nothing more than water.

After Zong Shen jumped down, Ying Jiang also chirped and flew towards Balrog.

While flying and lunging, it opened its big beak and spit out a stream of light blue wind blades.

Each wind blade is like a curved short knife.

Scrambling to hit Balrog's body.

As a wind-type raptor monster.

Another overlord-level dragon-veined gryphon.

Its level is as high as lv45.

The spitting wind blade comes like a machine gun.

There is no need to chant, it only costs 35 magic points to shoot.

Each wind blade can cause 2.0 times magic damage.

Eagle Sauce has 1,200 magic points, enough to spit out 34 wind blades continuously.

In fact, it does so.

The wind blades shot out continuously, hitting the Balrog and exploding into a cloud of sparks.




Ying Jiang's wind blade is quite powerful.

Each one can cause nearly two hundred points of damage.

After all 34 wind blades are fired, they will be able to cause at least five to six thousand points of damage to the Balrog.

These can only be considered appetizers.

Zong Shen fell back to the ground, and the soldiers also had a backbone.

He was in no hurry to give any orders.

Instead, he waved his right hand first and summoned a battle signal.

The battle flag above fluttered in the wind, making a rustling sound.

He planted the war banner on the ground, and a pale golden halo instantly appeared at the feet of the soldiers.

On the flag is a roaring golden dragon.

It looks similar to the current emblem of the Kingdom of Avalon.

There are just some differences in details.

This is, after all, Arthur Pendragon's royal election.

When King Arthur reigned supreme, the Kingdom of Avalon was still in its infancy.

The king's battle banner shines brightly, which boosts people's morale and makes them excited to fight.

All friendly forces within range will receive a 20-point double resistance and a 20-point basic attack bonus.

This is a rare group gain skill.

"All shooters attack freely!"

After Zong Shen finished planting the flag, he first issued orders to the archer troops.

From now on, until the Balrog's health drops below 70%, it is the best output time.

You can output without hesitation.

Let’s get rid of this round of damage quickly first.

Damage value = points!

The more you hit, the more you earn!

All the shooters started shooting.

Two rounds of arrow rain formed from below and above, hitting the Balrog continuously.

Its body was like boiling magma, rolling and surging with flames.

"Asia summons the Holy Spirit."

"Canigia summons the wind spirit."

"Tasia summons hellfire to descend."

"Doris summons the Fire Spirit Warriors!"

"Other mages attack freely, use the most powerful magic first!"

Zong Shen, the promoted person, issued orders to the masters.

First summon those powerful elemental spirits.

The hellfire among them is somewhat special. It is not considered a spiritual warrior, but it is also a powerful fourth-level summoning skill.

This wave must deal explosive damage.

There will be no way to output so smoothly in the future.

Now is the best opportunity to earn points!

The masters whose names were called all began to sing.

The remaining masters also began to cast second- and third-level magic.

The lord has spoken, and naturally they will not hold back.

What was more embarrassing were the cavalry units and melee soldiers.

Because the area within a radius of sixty or seventy meters below the Balrog was completely torn to pieces.

The earth cracked open and was filled with criss-crossing cracks.

The widest one is two to three meters long.

All the cracks are filled with red and hot magma.

Only the land and bedrock next to the crack can still stand.

But the temperature there alone is terrifying enough.

Forming a natural high temperature barrier.

So Zong Shen first arranged the shooters and magicians.

Only their attacks can advance unhindered.

Looking at the other lords at the scene, they basically did the same thing.

Long-range warriors have become the main force now.

Whoever has stronger long-range firepower will have higher killing efficiency.

The big guy in front of me won't resist yet.

These points are like picking up for free.

All the lords showed their special skills, and various long-range attack methods were thrown upward as if they were free of charge.

Of course, the one with the greatest momentum is Zong Shen.

Dozens of long-range shooters, plus dozens of magicians.

There is also the eagle sauce that spits wind blades and the accompanying griffon team.

It can cause thousands of points of damage to Balrog every second.

This is the advantage of strength in numbers.

However, this round of output will only last for ten minutes at most.

Because both arrows and magic power need to be replenished.

Even if there is a magic spring, it is not easy to use, but if it is used hard, it will not last long.

Judging from the situation on site, most of the lords will arrive between 2 and 6 hours.

After all, the distance within the area lies here.

Zong Shen was too lazy to think about it that much.

Before ensuring that you can kill, you should first reduce the 30% health volume to almost the same level.

Then shake people.

Anyway, you have 24 hours, earn what you should earn first.

However, Zong Shen's refusal to sway does not mean that the other lords present will not sway.

Especially now that Balrog is completely passive and being beaten.

Those lords took the opportunity to output while shouting on the [Regional Channel].

Of course, more lords like Zong Shen chose to make a fortune in silence.

Less than ten minutes have passed since the Balrog Boss was refreshed.

There were only sixty or seventy lords gathered.

After Zong Shen and others joined the battle group, the HP of the Fire Demon Boss began to decrease rapidly.

This situation becomes more and more obvious as the number of participating lords increases.

All our arrangements have been completed and we are maintaining a stable output.

Several main magic masters are also chanting fourth-level summoning magic.

Only the cavalry and melee soldiers had no chance to take action.

The lava near the Balrog is no joke.

A careless person can be seriously injured.

Zong Shen naturally understood this, and he was thinking about how to arrange it.

After being silent for half a minute, he decided to go out and see the situation himself.

"You stay where you are."

"Protect shooters and mages with stable output."

"Wolfriders can throw short spears."

Zong Shen turned to Calby and the others and said.

At present, the most stable people on the scene are the lion and skeleton knights.

They stayed where they were, motionless.

It's like a rock of skulls.

After hearing Zong Shen's instructions, Colby moved his mouth slightly as if he wanted to say something.

But in the end, nothing was said.

Zong Shen is very powerful, he is a tyrannosaurus in human form.

In the mine, he violently beat the spider web monster Lord Leopold, and in the forest, he beat the dragon-veined gryphon in hand-to-hand combat.

The Forgotten One who completely defeated the Evil God in the Bone Bunker...

All kinds of achievements are very proud.

If Zong Shen can't deal with it, they will be even more unable to deal with it.

He himself knew this well.

I saw Zong Shen taking out the [Dragon-Slaying Heavy Sword].

After the last repair, the Dragon-Slaying Heavy Sword was already the weapon with the strongest attributes in his hand.

This shows that he attaches great importance to the Fire Demon Boss.

In addition, he personally took action this time, not only to find opportunities for close combat soldiers to attack.

It was also to try out the effects of the frost magic gem.

Although the form of the magic gem is very stable, there is almost no leakage of magic elements under normal circumstances.

However, Zong Shen can intervene manually, such as using a sharp weapon to knock a gap out of the gem.

There is some risk in doing this, but it's worth a try.

Because he is sure of self-preservation.

Zong Shen grabbed the dragon-slaying heavy sword with one hand, and took out a first-level frost gem with the other hand.

After getting ready, he launched an assault on the Balrog Boss.

His agility attribute is not low to begin with, and after clicking [Run] a few times, he still moves very quickly.

After advancing about thirty or forty meters, we entered the area where magma is distributed.

His feelings also changed, from simply being hot to scalding hot.

However, there was no pause in his steps, and every step landed on the black bedrock.

There is magma on both sides, flowing in the gaps, and a few rolling magma bubbles pop up from time to time.

Sparks burst out.

Not to mention, in such an environment, even Zong Shen had some palpitations.

If one accidentally falls into the lava pit, even the cost of cremation will be saved.

If it is treated in a pollution-free manner, not even the dregs will be left.

His health points are as high as over a thousand points, but he doesn't dare to bet that he can take a lava bath.

Zong Shen observed the changes in the surrounding environment, but the speed of his advance did not slow down much.

In such terrain, there is no need to count on cavalry charges.

The infantry can get closer if they are careful.

Unless he uses means to cool the magma again.

With an inquiring mind, he reached the Balrog's body in half a minute.

The 100-meter-tall Balrog is equivalent to a twenty or thirty-story building.

Zong Shen looked very small standing at its heels.

Any fingernail dropped from its body can crush Zong Shen.

The body of the Balrog was also hot.

Its body is like a combination of magma and obsidian.

The deadly heat is exuding all the time.

Zong Shen stood two or three meters away, his hair starting to curl.

"This is too much!"

He now felt like he was standing in front of a furnace of molten steel.

Endless heat is constantly radiating out.

Zong Shen didn't dare to get close to attack, because he was afraid that he would become a little bald.

Even now, the armor on his body has become hot.

If it weren't for his rough skin and thick flesh, and his equipment would have good magic resistance.

Can withstand some violent fire element attacks.

Zong Shen was afraid that several layers of his skin would be burned off.

Melee attacks have been rejected, so we can only consider active cooling.

If there is a problem, solve it.

If there are no output opportunities, we have to create opportunities.

If the tree is moved, it will die, but if the person is moved, it will live.

Zong Shen's idea is very simple.

He stuck the Dragon-Slaying Heavy Sword on the ground.

The black bedrock was like soft tofu under the Dragon-Slaying Heavy Sword.

Then he threw the first-order frost gem high with his backhand.

The other hand drew out the [Cranial Roaring Hammer].

When the gem fell, he swung the hammer suddenly and hit the gem like a home run.

There is no need to say much about Zong Shen's power.

When the hammer head covered with spikes hits the gem.

Immediately there was a crisp cracking sound.

"Bang bang!"

The gem turned into three parts under the blow of the hammer.

The blue-white frost magic element escapes like water mist.

However, most of the energy is still attached to the remains of the gem and is radiated to the Balrog's body.

"Zi la..."

It made a sizzling sound upon contact.

The frost magic element spread out and was suppressed in an instant.

There was a continuous "sizzling" sound.

There was still water mist evaporating, but it evaporated quickly.

This situation is like pouring a glass of water on a red-hot iron.

The reaction was very violent.

Zong Shen was not focused on his reaction.

He turned on the system's damage prompt.

Flicking through the constantly adding damage data, I found the damage caused by the frost gem.




The frost gem just caused three different amounts of damage to Balrog.

Belonging to three gem fragments respectively.

Because each fragment contains different elements of frost magic, the final damage is also different.

As for the notes about damage in the system.

[Elemental conflict causes damage XXX].

This shows that the frost gem can indeed cause considerable damage to the Balrog.

You must know that this is only the first-level frost magic gem.

Converted to the finished level, it is a blank-level magic gem.

The energy contained is not too much.

And I don’t know if it was an illusion when the gem fragment hit Balrog.

Zong Shen felt that the heat wave that hit Yan Mo's face subsided briefly.

This first-level frost gem caused a cumulative damage of 593 points.

Converted into points is 59.3 points.

In the last round of challenges, the redemption points for the first-level gems of the five elements were 50 points.

Count it up and make a small profit!

But the actual value cannot be calculated like this.

Because Zong Shen has a lot of gems in his hands.

Use it to attack Balrog and then convert it into points.

Then use the points to exchange for urgently needed items or supplies to complete a reasonable transformation.

Balance the territory’s resource reserves.

Let it create value quickly.

Otherwise, Zong Shen would not be able to use them all in a short time if there were so many gems stored.

Even if it is listed for sale in the [market], it can only be sold slowly.

It is better to spend it reasonably on the Balrog.

After all, the freedom of consumption of points is much greater.

After making up his mind, Zong Shen turned his hand and took out another frost gem.

This time he took out a second-level frost gem.

Or throw it with one hand and hit it with a mace!

His violent blow shattered the second-level gem into six pieces of different sizes.

Each gemstone trailed a trail of blue-white smoke.

It hit the body of Balrog in scattered form.

Suddenly six clouds of smoke came out.

A violent reaction ensued.

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