Lords Trying to Survive: Strategizing from a Rundown Yard

Chapter 540: Lion Guard Knight and Lion Charge Knight

If compared in terms of strength.

Naturally, these flesh-and-blood lion knights are more powerful in combat.

These lion knights are silent and only express their attitudes through actions.

The row in front is a fifth-level lion charge knight.

It's exactly the number of twelve people in a team.

The two rows at the back are the fourth-level Lion Guard Knights.

The two columns represent two squads.

Different levels have different equipment.

Zong Shen glanced at them and prepared to inspect them.

You can also take advantage of this time to upgrade the Lord's Fortress to another level.

The [Level 6 City Lord’s Mansion Upgrade Voucher] just obtained can be used.

This will turn it into a level six lord fortress.

I think the defense can be further improved.

Moreover, the upgrade of the city lord's mansion also takes some time.

Just save a few minutes.

Thinking of this, Zong Shen turned around and took out the upgrade certificate.

When Lord's Fortress is selected, activate it.

The upgrade certificate turned into a ball of white light, completely covering the entire lord's fortress and the small surrounding towers.

The earth trembled for a moment, then became calm again.

The upgrade process will take at least five minutes.

Now Zong Shen can review these lion knights with peace of mind.

He walked toward the side of the queue.

He looked at a fourth-level Lion Guard Knight standing aside in the second row.

They are all fourth-level cavalry in the Knights of the Lion.

It can be regarded as the mainstay of the legion.

As for the fifth and sixth levels, they are already considered advanced arms.

This specification configuration is a level higher than most of today's Kingdom Knights.

Take the Dragonborn Knights of the Kingdom of Avalon as an example.

The main force is third- and fourth-level cavalry.

The squadron that Kunir brought with him was the fourth-order dragonborn knight squadron.

According to the establishment.

A legion of knights consisted of six thousand men.

Divided into five brigades.

Three and a half of the brigades are third-order cavalry.

There is another brigade for the fourth-order knight brigade.

In the last half of the brigade, four squadrons are fifth-level dragonborn knights.

The remaining squadron is the sixth-order knights.

Of course, this is a common legion ratio.

In fact, the total number of Kingdom Legions is still very large.

On average, each giant city was garrisoned by 1 to 3 knight legions.

The stronger the giant city is, the stronger the Knight Legion will be.

For example, in some border areas, there are several powerful reinforced knights responsible for garrisoning.

Throughout the Kingdom of Avalon, the National Knights are very powerful.

It is also part of the powerful fighting force inside and outside the kingdom.

The scale is hundreds of times that of those local knights and church knights.

Just talking about the configuration and quality of the legion, it is not as good as the ancient and lost Knights of the Lion.

After all, the Lion Knights don't even have a third-level cavalry establishment.

The lowest level is the fourth level cavalry.

Two Silver Lion Knights and one Golden Lion Knights were also famous in those days.

These fourth-level lion guard knights are about 1.9 meters tall in armor.

Higher than the Immortal Lancers in the territory.

Wearing a silver lion-faced helmet, there are only openings for the eyes and nose.

The armor on his body is also bright silver, with a embossed sculpture of a roaring lion on the chest.

The armor covers the entire upper body, including the joints of the shoulders, elbows, and wrists.

All joint armors are snap-on and retractable.

The style is different from the common knight armor today.

The lower body is divided into three sections.

Hips and thighs, knees, calves and feet.

There is absolutely no doubt about the defensive power.

However, this style of armor will definitely affect your mobility when dismounting and fighting on foot.

The horses beside them are also very tall.

The toned back and neck form a perfect arc.

The limbs are long and powerful, with bulging muscles.

The mane on the back of the neck was very fluffy, and was gathered together by the knight into braids.

This is an authentic ponytail.

Wearing a half-covered spiked helmet on his head, two flexible horse ears were exposed.

They are equipped with coat-like plate armor on both sides of their necks and abdomen.

Horses also have thick hoofs with sharp iron spikes on the front and back.

Compared with the Immortal Lancer, the configuration of the war horse is much simpler.

The Immortal Lancer even has a long sword on the plate armor on both sides of the horse's hips.

There is also a rack for the lance on the right side of the war horse.

Hanging from it was a standard lance less than three meters long.

The knights raised their swords and carried a kite-shaped shield behind them.

The shield is painted with yellow-brown oil paint, and a lion is painted with golden paint in the middle.

As members of the Knights of the Lion, the emblems of their equipment are always closely related to lions.

[Lion Garrison Knight Arig]

[Qualification: Rare]

[Level: lv35]

[Hunger and satiety level: 80]

【Loyalty: 75】

[Attribute expansion]

【Strength: 58】

[Agility: 40]

【Wisdom: 15】

[Charm: 10]

[Health value: 1240]

[Puncture damage: 152~155]

[Chopping damage: 75~78]

[Head armor value: 45]

[Upper body armor value: 50]

[Lower body armor value: 40]

[Magic Resistance: 50]

[Shield defense: 550]

[Skill: Garrison Charge lv25 (set up lance, enter garrison charge state, speed increased by 20%, attack power increased by 20%. With an additional 15 points of armor-piercing effect, the attack will cause a huge puncture multiple of 3.0 times to up to three targets in front) Damage, lasts for 30 seconds, cooldown time is 1 hour. In the garrison charge state, every time an enemy target is killed, the skill cooldown will be reduced by five minutes)

Gun Shield Charge lv25 (holding the shield in the left hand and the gun in the right hand launches a round of charge, reducing non-magical long-range attack damage by 20%, increasing the charge speed by 15%, and obtaining a light and shadow shield with 1500 points of solidity and 55 points of dual resistance. Lasts 3 minutes, cooldown time is 2 hours)

Garrison Knight lv25 (raise sword and shield, dismount and fight on foot, movement speed reduced by 35%, double resistance increased by 25 points, basic slashing damage increased by 20 points, lasts for 30 minutes, cooling time is 4 hours)

Passive skill: Intermediate bloodthirsty (enters bloodthirsty state after health value drops below 50%, shields pain, slightly increases reaction ability and strength)]

[Team skill: Shield Wall Charge (it requires at least one team of Lion Knights of the same level to activate it. All members raise their shields and form a shield wall to form a shield curtain. The strength value is 1500 points × (the number of people in the team). Double resistance. 65 points, charge in unison, lasts 5 minutes, cooling time is 4 hours)]

(Lion knights who are good at garrison often cooperate with their own city defense troops in front of the fortress to clear out the enemy forces on the outside. They can form a shield wall and launch a charge. When necessary, they can dismount to fight and act as heavy armored sword and shield warriors.)

Overall, this garrison knight is pretty good.

The characteristics are very distinct and tend to be defensive.

Equipped with a knight's sword, kite-shaped shield, and lance, but does not have the ability to automatically mount the gun.

Forming a battle formation at a critical moment can condense the shield curtain, launch a team charge, and clear out the gathered enemy forces.

Gun-shield charge and garrison charge can both deal another wave of damage.

Especially the gun shield charge, which also has the property of reducing long-range damage, can be regarded as a unit with both offense and defense.

Both are fourth-level cavalry, and the attributes of these lion guard knights are higher than those of the immortal lancers.

His health points were also increased by several hundred points.

Strength, agility, armor, and damage are also higher.

This is all normal.

Because the initial level of these lion garrison knights is as high as level 35.

The matching equipment on his body was also the standard equipment of the Lion Guard Knights back then.

There is an era difference between the two.

The human knights in the last era were not so widespread.

The relative strength of a single entity is stronger.

The quality of standard equipment should also be better.

Armor and magic resistance depend entirely on the equipment's own resistances.

Therefore, these garrison knights are collectively stronger than the Immortal Lancers.

However, they still have very different characteristics.

The Immortal Lancer prefers pure attack.

It has the ability to automatically mount a gun and has independent charging skills.

Can charge repeatedly.

The garrison knight is more mediocre, an all-rounder capable of both offense and defense.

You can launch several waves of strong charges as appropriate.

At critical moments, it can also act as a shield to protect those long-range warriors and light infantry.

After all, they have extremely strong maneuverability when fighting on horseback.

In addition to the knights themselves, the horses they ride are also extraordinary. ,

[Armored Lion Blood War Horse: Mai Rui]

[Level: lv30]

[Race: Beast]

[Blunt damage: 51~54]

[Health value: 1000]

[Armor value: 45]

[Speed: 7]

[Skill: Collision (The lion-blooded war horse stimulates its own blood power, increasing its movement speed and collision ability by 30% within 30 seconds, with a cooling time of 1 hour)

Passive skill: Lion Blood Mutation (When the war horse's health drops below 30%, the lion blood mutation state will be triggered. The front hooves will mutate into double claws, grow sharp teeth and fangs, restore 300 health points, and have 65 Point bite damage, this mutation is irreversible, each lion-blood war horse can only trigger it once in its life)]

(I don’t know if it was the lion’s fault or the war horse’s derailment. Reproductive isolation in this world is so interesting. The power of blood and the hybridization of species make the species in this world more diverse.)

As expected, even the fourth-level war horses they rode were somewhat famous.

"The cavalry who prostitutes themselves for nothing is sweet!"

Zong Shen was very satisfied with the garrison knights.

It doesn't take up the control value anyway.

And the garrison knight is a bit of a snake oil.

More suitable for the future complex situation of the territory.

The territories of the lords are not like the cities of the aborigines.

The battle situation in the future will definitely be very complicated.

Under this premise, garrison knights are still very useful.

"Areg, from now on you will be the captain of the garrison knight in the territory."

"I hope you won't live up to my expectations."

Zong Shen walked to the side of the garrison knight whose attributes he had just checked.

She patted his shoulder and said solemnly.

These garrison knights all look meticulous.

He is also wearing heavy armor, and you can't tell any difference just from his appearance.

Only the different pairs of eyes under the battle helmets represent that they are all independent individuals.

Zong Shen randomly named someone and asked him to be the leader of the garrison knights.

Anyway, you can slowly inspect it in the future and replace it if there is anything inappropriate.

The lion garrison knight named Arig nodded.

He turned the sword over, stuck it on the ground, and knelt down on one knee.

Because of the shackles of the armor style, the movement of kneeling on one knee was very slow.

With the "clang" sound of the metal leg armors colliding, his knees fell heavily to the ground.

A small hole was created directly.

Seeing him kneeling down with such difficulty, Zong Shen finally understood why they all raised their swords in salute, because the style of the armor restricted their movements.

"Areg will do your will."

"All the Lion Guard Knights will defend your glory with their lives!"

His voice was loud and his breath was long.

All the Lion Guard knights also lowered their swords.

Holding the hilt of the sword, he knelt on one knee.

For a moment, the "clang" of the armor and the muffled sound of the knee's landing echoed over the territory.

"We will defend your glory with our lives!"

"The will of a lion never dies!"

The twenty-four Lion Guard Knights, led by Arig, shouted in unison.

It actually gathered into a sound wave, and there was a faint echo.

At this time, the lion and skeleton knights who were following Tasia were also stimulated.

They are located next to the living area of ​​the territory and are looked after by Tasia herself.

When the Lion Guard Knights shouted, the soul fire in the skull knights' heads shone.

They all turned around and rushed towards the central area of ​​the territory regardless of Tasia's instructions.

In place, Zong Shen had a confident smile on his face.

These Lion Guards are ruthless guys who don't talk much.

This kind of character expression is in line with Zong Shen's wishes.

As a soldier, it is your duty to obey orders.

Judging from their reactions just now, it can be seen that these garrison knights are extremely obedient.

Only in this way can we obey the command and burst out with stronger combat effectiveness.

When fighting, if one person has one idea, it is no different from a gang fight.

"Very well, everyone, get up."

"Someone will take you to the living area soon."

“There you will have shelter, food, and a change of underwear.”

Zong Shen said a simple greeting, preparing to have Colby or Howie come over later.

Now Vereesa, Luna, and Mariel are all out on missions.

Hearing this, the lion guard knights stood up using their swords inserted on the ground as support.

Looks very stiff.

Today's knight armor or infantry heavy armor are much more flexible.

The joints are telescopic structures similar to arthropod carapace.

The mobility is much stronger.

The difference between the two era armor styles is here.

The armor of the previous era sacrificed a certain amount of mobility.

Gained higher defense.

Fortunately, these guys have good physical attributes.

It's not like he needs help from his subordinates.

It's just that the movements will be somewhat stiff and slow.

These lion garrison knights stepped on their stirrups and mounted their horses again.

Sheathed the sword and continued to maintain a meticulous look.

At this time, Zong Shen looked at the first row of lion charging knights.

These charging knights correspond to the fifth-level lion and skeleton knights.

It's just that the overall strength is stronger than those lion and skeleton knights.

Except for the lower blood volume, the rest of the aspects basically have advantages to varying degrees.

In fact, health value, that is, blood volume, represents vitality.

The vitality of those skeleton knights is even more tenacious.

The combat power and attributes that the Lion Charge Knight, who is full of flesh and blood and has a strong soul and body, is naturally much higher.

Zong Shen moved a few steps to the side.

He looked at the lion charging knights in the first row.

As fifth-level knights, their equipment is more luxurious than that of fourth-level knights.

The battle helmet is a standard lion helmet.

It is made into the shape of a roaring lion, with the eyes just behind the "big mouth".

The lion's jaw can be separated to the sides to remove the helmet.

The styles of the battle armor are similar, but the painting is different.

The reliefs are also more detailed.

The lion emblem on the chest is golden and reflects light in the sun.

There are two types of weapons.

The main weapon is a three-meter threaded lance.

Also hanging on the right side of the war horse.

As before, Zong Shen focused his attention on the lion charging knight standing on one side of the queue.

[Lion Charge Knight: Kobol]

[Qualification: Rare]

[Level: lv40]

[Hunger and satiety level: 80]

【Loyalty: 75】

[Attribute expansion]

【Strength: 93】

[Agility: 65]

【Wisdom: 20】

[Charm: 24]

[Health value: 1950]

[Puncture damage: 211~214]

[Chopping damage: 78~81]

[Head Armor: 55]

[Upper body armor: 65]

[Lower body armor: 50]

[Magic Resistance: 60]

[Skill: Lion Cavalry Charge lv25 (set up the lance and enter the Lion Cavalry charge state, the speed is increased by 35%, the attack power is increased by 20%, and comes with an additional 25 points of armor-piercing effect. The attack will cause a huge puncture of 3.0 times to up to five targets in front. The damage lasts for 30 seconds, and the cooldown time is 1 hour. When the Lion Cavalry is charging, each kill of an enemy target will reduce the skill cooldown by 6 minutes)

Will of the Lion lv30 (activate the Will of the Lion, invigorate fighting spirit, increase fixed puncture damage by 50 points, obtain a shield with a maximum health value of 35%, and immediately reset the cooldown of a Lion Cavalry charge, lasting 10 minutes, the cooldown time 3 hours)

Summon the Lion Servant lv35 (Summons two Level 4 Lion Servants with level 35, lasts 15 minutes, and has a cooldown of 2 hours)

Heavy Armor Swordsman lv30 (raise sword, dismount and fight on foot, increase double resistance by 35 points, increase basic slashing damage by 30 points, lasts for 30 minutes, cooldown time is 4 hours)

Passive skill: Lion Cavalry automatically mounts its gun (when the mount keeps moving at high speed, it will automatically enter the gun-mounted state every 45 seconds, causing 3.0 times the puncture damage to up to two targets)

Lion Cavalry Healing (When the health value is lower than 50%, you can get a chance to heal, and restore 200 health points and the same amount of damage. This skill can only be triggered once every 48 hours)]

[Team Skill: Split Charge (At least one team of knights of the same level is required to activate it. The number of participants must be a multiple of 12. When launching a fission charge, the health points of all members are linked to each other. The charge damage has a split effect, which can cause damage to both sides. Splitting damage equivalent to 50% of charge damage, lasting 3 minutes, cooldown time 4 hours)]

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