Lords Trying to Survive: Strategizing from a Rundown Yard

Chapter 561: The Golden Banner Reappears, and the Strategy for Double Sleep

More than an hour passed quickly.

It's about seven o'clock in the evening.

The sky also darkened completely.

Due to the clear weather, a bright full moon hung in the night sky.

Spreading silver-white moonlight to the earth as much as possible.

The whole forest was coated with a layer of silver light.

Zong Shen lived very peacefully for more than an hour.

They deliberately hid and did not encounter any accidents.

As night fell, no villagers went out to move around.

In addition, this forest is relatively close to human villages.

There aren't many wild animals living in it either.

While waiting, Zong Shen asked the strategy system to display the changes in Balrog's blood volume in real time.

By now, the HP of the Balrog boss has changed from 57% when they arrived to 43%.

The time to take action is getting closer and closer.

Mapel sat quietly on the ground.

The two chatted for a while to pass the time.

They had simply had dinner just now.

The food was scones and jerky.

Zong Shen brought a lot of storable military rations with him.

Used to deal with marching or staying in the wild.

So he won't be short of food when he's in the wild.

He had also taken the time to use the communication crystal to send a communication to Mariel and Luna.

Asked about the situation in the territory.

The soldiers who went on the expedition returned to their territory smoothly.

Mariel’s schedule today also went smoothly.

At noon, two hundred farmers arrived safely in the mine.

Successfully conducted a handover with the kobold chief Dutra.

At the same time, the new wolf cavalry team has also settled in the mine.

Currently, among the mine's patrols and guards, apart from the kobolds, there are only two teams of wolf cavalry.

This small amount of troops is actually still not enough.

Zong Shen also began to think about the mine guards and prepared to send more soldiers there.

He even considered letting the gryphons and manticores take turns to patrol in the air above the mines.

These big guys are not suitable for entering the mine.

Because the mine seems narrow and narrow compared with the sky.

Activities in the mine tunnel will only affect their mobility.

Only on the outside can these guys perfectly shoulder the responsibility of being sentinels in the sky.

In addition, more powerful warriors can be sent there.

For example, those Lion Guard Knights were also a good choice in the past.

Originally, garrison knights were fourth-level heavy shield and sword cavalry.

Equipped with a standard lance, it can launch a charge when necessary.

You can also hold a shield and sword to enter a defensive state.

Once an intruder appears in the mine, they can charge directly along the mine tunnel.

The lethality is absolutely amazing!

A small team led by an ordinary lord cannot stop them at all.

In addition to the lion guard knights, some mages or long-range crossbow archer troops can also be deployed to station in the mines.

Build some temporary walls as bunkers.

These can be adjusted appropriately.

The garrison troops in those mines adopt a rotation system.

Each batch of garrisons rotates from three days to one week.

At present, this is only a rough plan, but Zong Shen attaches great importance to it.

After all, that mine is now one of the important outputs of the territory.

His protection of the mines had been relatively limited before.

Mainly considering that the strength of the lords is generally not very strong.

In addition, the troops in the territory were not sufficient before.

Now, as the strength of the lords slowly increases.

Zong Shen must start paying attention to the safety of the mine.

Time flies by thinking and chatting.

Another seventeen or eight minutes passed in the blink of an eye.

Zong Shen looked at the blood volume indicator in front of him.

At this time, the Balrog boss still has 40.62% of its health remaining.

There is only a thin line between the 40% limit.

According to this progress, it will be almost time to take action in five or six minutes at most.

So he decided to rush to the scene of the crusade now.

So, he and Mapel rode on the flying tiger.

He flew away from this small forest and rushed towards the crusade.

More than two minutes later, they arrived in the sky above the battle against the Balrog boss.

It was still very lively down below.

The pungent smell of sulfur hung in the air.

Many bonfires were raised within two or three kilometers of the Balrog boss.

The Balrog itself is a huge elemental luminous body.

The flame elements exposed on the body flow like magma, always emitting orange light.

On the broken ground beneath its feet, there was also magma flowing in the cracks.

These are the sources of light at night.

It illuminates the surrounding area very brightly.

Zong Shen and the others stayed at an altitude of three to four thousand meters.

There is no obstruction in the sky, and under that bright moon, only at such a height can it be considered hidden.

Zong Shen stared at the change in remaining blood volume.

When the Balrog boss's remaining health drops to 40.06%.

He immediately ordered Mapel to prepare for an attack.

At the same time, let Feihu start to lower his altitude.

Prepare to launch an attack about a hundred meters above the head of the Balrog boss.

Feihu followed his orders faithfully and immediately leaned down and started sprinting.

The predetermined height was quickly reached.

It stabilized its body, flapped its wings and floated in the air above the head of the Balrog boss.

The Balrog boss itself is over a hundred meters tall.

Feihu was more than a hundred meters above the head of the Balrog boss.

It is equivalent to a height of more than two hundred meters above the ground.

This distance will weaken most of the arrows fired into the sky.

Will not be accidentally injured by the attacks of surrounding lords.

At the same time, their appearance also attracted the attention of the lords.

But these lords didn't care much.

The battle against the Balrog boss is a time when the lords gather together.

Lords of all kinds will gather here.

Everyone uses their own methods to attack.

As for the HP of the Balrog boss, it is in the millions.

They don't think anyone can kill them instantly.

In their opinion, this guy riding a weird flying beast was just trying to get close enough to launch an attack.

Unless he is the guy named Zong Shen in the next area.

Otherwise, such behavior will not have any impact on the crusade.

Under such circumstances, Zong Shen's actions were not hindered.

Fortunately, his flying tiger mount has not yet spread to other areas on a large scale.

At the same time, Mapel also stood up, raised his long bow, drew out the blood-burning arrow, and took aim.

At this moment, the HP of the Balrog boss dropped to 40%!

Mapel shot the blood-burning arrow in his hand without hesitation.

The huge Balrog boss is like a living target in front of Mapel.

With her archery skills, there is no chance of missing the target!

I saw the blood-burning arrow accurately piercing the head of the Balrog boss.

After a brief stasis, green flames began to emit from outside the body of the Balrog boss!

This is the [Blood Burning] effect at work.

A high amount of damage appeared from the top of his head every second.


After one hit, Zong Shen let the flying tiger rise again.

The strange behavior of the Balrog boss also attracted the attention of the lords present.

They had no idea what was going on!

Compared with the lords in Zong Shen's own area, these lords acted even more panicked.

The head of the Balrog boss can deal 250,000 points of damage every second.

This damage value is really eye-catching!

For a moment, even the surrounding attacks stopped.

Human beings may not necessarily have the same joys and sorrows, but they are definitely the same when they are surprised.

"How is this going?"

"What did that person do just now?"

"That's impossible. There must be a mistake."

"250,000 points of damage per second! God, this must not be true."

"Damn it, is this cheating?"

"Am I hallucinating??"

The lords in the eastern region were talking a lot.

There are also surprises and doubts.

When such a shocking thing happens in front of you.

The first reaction of most lords was disbelief.

However, the [Burning Blood] damage was steadily depriving the Balrog boss of its life.

Such a high amount of damage lasted for eight seconds!

These eight seconds caused a total of nearly two million points of damage!

Directly clear all remaining HP of the Balrog boss to zero.

The Balrog boss turned to stone again and quickly pulverized and dissipated.

At this time, Zong Shen rode the flying tiger and swooped down at high speed.

Just like before.

After the Balrog died, there were many fancy things in its body.

Includes various metal arrows.

There are still some fragments.

So after the Balrog boss weathered and disappeared.

There was also a "crackling" of debris falling to the ground.

Zong Shen acted quickly.

Following the guidance of the strategy module, he quickly found the location of the [Blood-Burning Arrow] among a large number of arrows and debris.

At this time, the [Cruel Blood-Burning Arrow] was on the verge of being scrapped.

Its durability is still a little over 20 points.

The sword blade and arrowhead were already covered with cracks.

The mysterious flame jumping inside the arrow also became inactive.

From the looks of it, it can only be used once more as a long-range shot.

Zong Shen felt a little sigh in his heart.

But he didn't dare to stay where he was.

After collecting the arrow with quick eyes and quick hands, Feihu immediately let the flying tiger quickly increase the distance.

In a short period of time, it rose to an altitude of more than two thousand meters.

Then he flew away towards the south.

He did not run directly to the west. Such a confusing operation was still necessary.

This wave of action was extremely fast, taking less than 30 seconds.

Not long after waiting for them, an eye-catching silver banner appeared in the sky.

[Lord of the outer area: Zong Shen 1ss caused the final blow, causing 247921 points of damage, ending the second round of the Balrog boss crusade]

As soon as this silver banner came out.

All the lords in this area were caught in an uproar.

"What's going on? Why is this happening?"

"Lord of the Outer District? What does this mean?"

"Zong Shen? Why is it him?"

Everyone was stunned, no one thought that there was such a sexy operation.

Combined with the five words "Lord of the Outer Region" on the banner.

These lords reacted quickly and knew that it was Zong Shen who jumped into the area!

After beating the boss in his area, he still wasn't satisfied.

He also ran to the next area to grab monsters!

That's not the end of it, when the silver banner displayed in the area disappears.

Several golden banners actually appeared in the sky!

These banners shine with golden light, illuminating the dark night sky.

The golden banner is of extremely high standard and will be displayed in all lord areas throughout the continent.

[Lord Zong Shen 1999514 successfully killed the Balrog boss across regions, successfully killed two Balrog bosses within 7 hours and 42 minutes, achieved the final blow and caused high damage, completing a breakthrough behavior]

[Lord Zong Shen 1999514 will receive a special reward]

[Take a solid step on the road to becoming the strongest lord]

[In the area where Lord Zong Shen 1999514 is located, the challenge temperature will be reduced by 10℃, and all lords in the area will receive an additional reward of 500 points]

[Due to the special nature of this kill, the challenge boss will be temporarily adjusted, and subsequent cross-region attacks will not be able to obtain any challenge points]

At this time, Zong Shen had already left the scene of the crusade on a flying tiger.

They flew some distance south.

At this time, he also saw the five golden banners flashing in the sky.

Obviously, his cross-region killing of two Balrogs also triggered a breakthrough event.

In this way, he can also get a lot of points and item rewards.

Maybe you will also get a destiny series item of unknown grade.

This is something Zong Shen never thought of before!

He originally did this just to maximize the effectiveness of the blood-burning arrows before the lord system was adjusted.

Gather up all the wool from the challenge!

I didn’t expect to receive a breakthrough reward.

The subsequent lord system also made new adjustments to cross-regional strategies in a timely manner.

He will no longer be able to conduct cross-region attacks during the next challenge period.

Otherwise, actually take advantage of the current gap and add Feihu's high mobility.

He can let the strategy module screen and select an area Balrog with more remaining health.

Riding a flying tiger and rushing over, you can kill a Balrog boss with blood-burning arrows!

It just so happens that the blood-burning arrow can be used again in front of him.

But now he can only return obediently.

After these golden banners appeared, several more items appeared in Zong Shen's storage compartment.

These are awarded to him after achieving breakthrough events.

Before he had time to check, the time and space around him suddenly changed.

The targeted time-stop state came down.

The flying tiger just stopped in mid-air.

The wings that were originally flapping were also at a standstill.

"Damn, what's going on?"

Zong Shen felt something was wrong.

At the same time, a strange red cloud gathered in the sky above him.

This red cloud exudes a faint red light even under the night sky.

When everything around them is at a standstill, only these clouds can move.

They spin at high speed like a whirlpool.

A red light slowly projected towards Zong Shen from the swirling cloud.

This scene made Zong Shen feel a little familiar.

When the red light came out and condensed, a golden strategy prompt also appeared in front of Zong Shen.

This is the second time that the guide has shown up uninvited like this.

The last time was when I killed the underworld snake Apophis.

The golden strategy tips are also very simple, basically the same as the last time.

(To avoid high-intensity detection, the strategy module sleeps for 24 hours)

as expected!

This time is similar to the last time, both to avoid some kind of detection.

The golden subtitles flashed by, lasting less than a second.

Wait until the guide prompt disappears.

The beam of light projected from the red swirling clouds in the sky also shone on Zong Shen.

Zong Shen only felt a strong sense of dizziness.

It seems that it has lost all weight and is floating in the unknown void.

At this moment, there was a blurry feeling of detachment.

He could feel that he was flying rapidly towards unknown heights.

The surrounding scene also became extremely blurry.

This out-of-body feeling of losing the concept of time is almost exactly the same as the last time.

After he paused, hundreds of white lights flashed around him.

These rays swept over his body repeatedly.

In the surroundings, Zong Shen could vaguely see some data streams composed of inexplicable symbols flashing past at high speed.

All these scenes are very dreamy.

In addition, he himself was in a strange state of withdrawal.

Therefore, it looked very unreal, as if I had fallen into an illusion.

These white lights swept repeatedly, and I don't know how many times they were scanned.

Even later, the blood-burning arrow appeared beside him.

Scanned by white light.

At the same time that white light swept through the blood-burning arrows.

A blurry picture appeared on the side.

In this scene, he was digging under the crooked neck tree.

Until he pulled out the blood-burning arrow from the head of the elf.

The next moment, all the white light suddenly disappeared.

Zong Shen's surroundings turned into a state of red nothingness.

He couldn't see anything but his own body.

After a brief pause, there was an intense feeling of falling.

At this moment, the illusion of weightlessness appeared in his perception.

It was like falling suddenly from a height of tens of millions of meters.

This feeling is not only strange but also crazy.

If he hadn't been here for so long, his mentality would have been sharpened like a rock.

Now you may fall into the fear of weightlessness.

The feeling of falling to the ground lasts very short, not as long as the ethereal feeling of rising before.

Of course, the time between the two may be almost the same.

It's just that Zong Shen has lost his perception of time.

In short, by the time he reacted, he had already regained control of his body.

The red swirling clouds and light pillars overhead disappeared.

Everything around him returned to normal.

It seemed like something had happened, but it seemed like everything was still the same.

The flying tiger was still flapping its wings.

Behind him, Mapel wrapped her arms around his waist.

Everything is the same as before.

Their positions haven't changed either, just where they were before the stagnation.

The strange scenes that just happened were like a dream.

But for Zong Shen, who has experienced it twice.

He knew that what just happened was all true!

It was obvious that he was possessed by some unknown entity.

Maybe it was the mysterious Lord System itself that checked it.

Such a program is somewhat like an anti-cheat scan.

Fortunately, his strategy module is also very clever.

It proactively entered the dormant state in advance and was not exposed.

Moreover, the normal mechanism of action of the strategy is also very simple.

It does not produce any information, it is just a porter of information from the lord system.

Just told Zong Shen the information he wanted to know!


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