Lords Trying to Survive: Strategizing from a Rundown Yard

Chapter 566: Zongze’s current situation, the beginning and end of the chaos

These spears are moderately heavy, and these troll spear throwers can easily throw them over a hundred meters away.

The forging cost and purchase cost of these throwing spears are higher than arrows of the same grade.

There is a cost gap of nearly three to five times.

After all, the raw material used to forge a metal spearhead can almost be used to forge seven to eight arrowheads.

Any special unit has advantages and disadvantages.

The same goes for the Wolf Cavalry.

As lightly armored rangers, they have advantages in maneuverability.

This is especially true when facing enemy light infantry and long-range troops.

But if the wolf cavalry were to face heavy armored infantry and heavy armored cavalry, they would have to fall into passivity.

In addition, the HP of the Steppenwolf and Cavalry is not low either.

However, once they are baptized by high-level magic or arrow rain, they will also cause heavy casualties. These are the shortcomings of the Wolf Cavalry.

Basically, in the continent, each area has some special arms.

These special arms are not the mainstream arms of the local human kingdom.

Usually it is a special unit of a certain extinct tribe that once lived in the area.

Everything seems to have been designed.

The second round of Fire Demon Boss in Zongze's area was probably killed around nine o'clock in the evening.

This killing speed can be ranked at the upper level in the entire region.

It was only more than three hours slower than the area where Zong Shen was.

Since integrating [Arcane Heart], Zongze has become stronger every moment.

His current talent is equivalent to that of an epic arcane mage.

His affinity and sensitivity to arcane energy have reached a very high level.

Not inferior to those favored by God at all.

Moreover, [Arcane Heart] also comes with the original inheritance of the arcane spirit.

As the fusion deepens, Zongze will continue to become stronger until the fusion is completely completed!

Only then will he encounter a bottleneck.

Compared to other lords, Zongze is undoubtedly on a fast track.

In addition to the growth of his own strength, the development of his territory is not slow at all.

I have to say, this guy is really lucky!

Other people's exploration of ruins depends entirely on finding them.

The ruins Zongze discovered were basically found while wandering around in the mountains and forests.

He regarded exploring the ruins as mountain climbing and outing, which was full of fun.

A few days ago, he even discovered a deserted valley with mineral veins at the foot of a mountain not far from the territory.

This valley is different from the ready-made mine that Zong Shen picked up.

This valley vein has not been mined at all and is still virgin land.

Excavation requires a lot of manpower and material resources.

In addition to common human farmers, Zongze also has many strong orc warriors and laborers under his command.

These guys are physically strong and simple-minded.

Not only can it lift a rough black iron axe, but it can also carry the mine to develop the mine tunnel.

After a few days of simple excavation.

Two simple mine tunnels have been opened.

There are some natural tunnels in the rock formations below.

As long as it takes a while, it should be able to enter the mining stage stably.

Compared with Zong Shen's clear-step development strategy.

Zongze's development plan needs to appear more Buddhist.

In fact, before Advent, Zongze was a fan of strategy games.

This is true for both real-time strategy games and developmental strategy games.

Of course, there is still a certain gap between games and reality.

This is true even in this different world where the lord system has been semi-digitized.

Zongze's strategic style is extremely patient, not radical enough but more than stubborn.

But he is also working hard to become the strongest lord in the region.

In more than five months, the second batch of lords will arrive.

There is no telling which of the two brothers their parents will end up with.

Zong Ze and Zong Shen have always had a good relationship.

After arriving, he also targeted Zong Shen.

The development competition between the two brothers has never stopped.

Of course, this is one-sided.

Because Zong Shenke never regarded Zong Ze as the target of pursuit.

In recent times, the contact between Zong Ze and Zong Shen has also decreased a lot.

Brothers are not conjoined twins.

The development of a territory is like starting a family and starting a business.

In addition, the two brothers are in different areas, so they have to be busy with development or exploration every day.

There was simply no time for small talk.

As the size of the territory continues to expand, there are more things to worry about.

Not to mention Zong Shen.

There are not enough hours in almost every day.

So now, except for important matters, the two brothers rarely send each other messages and chat.

They are all working hard for their future.

When Zongze merged into [Arcane Heart] before, he had glimpsed some secrets about different dimensions, which are secrets that belong to the world.

Given time, Zongze may have the opportunity to leave the Endless Continent and go to other dimensions.

But that doesn't mean he can return to Earth.

It can only be regarded as exploring some secrets outside the world.

Zong Ze once told Zong Shen frankly about this.

He believed that his elder brother also had an adventure.

Although their brothers' development trajectories were completely different.

But their purpose is the same.

That is, Zong Ze and Zong Shen will be able to fight side by side one day in the future.

Join hands to explore the highest secrets of this world!

Zongze firmly believes in this.

His elder brother is developing very well now, but he also believes that he will never lag behind Zong Shen too much in the future.

Zongze's territory was built on the mountainside.

There is not much land available for development and construction.

Most of the farmers under his command are humans, and there are also a small number of orc laborers.

These orc laborers come from recruitment rolls.

Their lower jaws have two protruding canines, which are also the signature facial features of the orcs.

In addition, their bodies are stronger than human farmers.

It's just that they are not as intelligent as ordinary humans.

Looks a little stupid.

The reaction is not as fast as that of human farmers, but it is very advantageous in heavy physical work.

The initial strength of these orc laborers is almost twice that of human farmers.

Whether it is collection or transportation, he is a good hand.

Zongze was also digging frantically on the mountainside these days.

A lot of open space was opened up.

In addition, he also connected the opposite mountainside dozens of meters away by building a rope bridge.

Due to terrain restrictions, in the future his territory can only be built on the mountains like most of the mountain fortresses in the Rhodok Kingdom.

It is impossible to build a magnificent city directly on the plains like Zong Shen did.

Of course, mountain fortresses have natural defensive advantages.

Which one is better or worse can only be judged by the benevolent and the wise.

Zongze did not rest after returning to his territory. His City Lord's Mansion had been upgraded to level four, but it was not a fortress-type route, just an ordinary City Lord's Mansion.

The first thing Zongze did after returning to the bedroom was to take off his somewhat damaged leather armor and put on a loose lavender mage robe. He went to the large terrace on the third floor and sat down cross-legged, entering with his eyes closed. In the state of meditation practice.

A few minutes later, some lavender and gray light spots began to condense around Zongze.

These light spots are like fireflies, gathering together little by little. They are the energy of arcane magic elements.

Meditation is also one of Zongze’s daily practices.

Since his territory is located in the mountains and forests, the air is exceptionally fresh.

Zongze opened two flower beds in the courtyard of the City Lord's Mansion.

The flowers are growing beautifully and blooming beautifully.

Like a red wine glass.

The refreshing fragrance of flowers filled the entire city lord's mansion.

The core of the flower is covered with a layer of sticky honey.

It never looks like an ordinary flower.

Nine times out of ten, they are some special plants, and those honeys and floral scents may have magical effects.

Just like the [Magic Well] and [Moon God Well] in the courtyard of the main fortress of Zongshen City.

The flowers in the flower bed emit a light red halo under the moonlight.

The faint fragrance of flowers can be smelled in every corner of the lord's mansion.

Zongze quietly closed his eyes and meditated, which was an essential practice process for him every day.

Compared with the busy day, he usually practices at night, because the master's meditation can effectively replace sleep.

Just when he entered a state of focused meditation, several mage girls wearing mage robes and graceful cat-eared girls and rabbit-eared girls appeared from the room behind him and walked to the terrace.

They carefully took out the lavender arcane magic gems.

The arcane magical energy inside these gems is like purple-gray clouds, constantly churning.

This situation shows that the grade of these arcane magic gems is at least level three.

It can be regarded as a rare high-end product.

And these mage girls and beast-eared girls gathered around Zongze. They took out a dozen arcane magic gems in one go and arranged them in a circle around him.

As Zongze's meditation deepened, the arcane elemental energy in these magic gems was also aroused.

They were like strands of silk threads, and like thin smoke drifting towards Zongze's body.

Most of these mage girls are water mages wearing blue robes.

One of them had gold threads embroidered on the edge of her robe, and a light blue wave emblem on her chest.

It looks as calm as water, as quiet and gentle as a lake.

The adjectives "virtuous", "gentle" and "dignified" are the best descriptions of her.

She turned out to be a water-type divine favored person!

Speaking of which, Zongze and the water mage's wife have always been close.

After these mage girls and beast-eared girls arranged the arcane magic gems next to Zongze.

Then he quietly left the terrace.

It seems like this isn't the first time I've done this.

The elemental energy within these arcane magic gems gathers very quickly.

Looking at it this way, I can probably sustain meditation practice for five or six hours.

It has to be said that Zongze's method of using magic gems to assist his cultivation is also a very extravagant behavior.

If his meditation practice every night had to consume more than a dozen arcane magic gems.

So over the years, the amount of gems consumed is not a small amount.

It seems that in addition to the inheritance of the arcane spirit, Zongze should also have obtained other things left in the ruins, such as a batch of arcane magic gems used for practice!

Otherwise, the origin of these arcane magic gems cannot be explained at all.

After all, Zongze was not like his brother who directly destroyed a griffon nest and took away all the gems that the griffins had accumulated over decades or even hundreds of years. By the way, Zong Shen also discovered a natural gemstone vein nearby. .

Under normal circumstances, it is not easy to obtain magic gems.

Not even through the [Market]. Not only does the cost required be a huge amount, but the quantity is not large either.

Instead of thinking about acquiring it from the lords, it is better to consider obtaining magic gems from the indigenous people.

After all, the current lords are very poor.

Even if some magic gems are occasionally obtained from some explorations, their number will not be too many.

Therefore, the prices of the magic gems currently on sale in the [market] are not cheap, and the types and quantities are not large. This situation can only gradually change after the lords continue to increase their strength.

At least the price of gemstones in the [market] right now is so outrageous.

Speaking of which, the two brothers were surprisingly consistent in their squandering.

Brother Zong Shen has the luxury to use high-level ice magic gems to attack the Fire Demon Boss.

The younger brother Zongze is a little more pragmatic and chooses to use arcane magic gems to speed up his meditation practice.

If the actions of these two brothers were known to other lords, it would definitely cause a sensation!

Because magic gems are extremely valuable among lords!

Zong Shen has also recently sold some low- to mid-level magic gems.

He had previously acquired many [market] buildings from the unclaimed territories he had taken over.

Just right for selling magic gems.

However, the current demand among the lords for magic gems is not great.

After all, these magic gems are used to forge related magic equipment or build magic arrays.

Most of the lords are not old enough to use it yet.

However, single items that cannot be sold with gemstones are highly profitable.

So the overall income is quite considerable.

However, in terms of sales volume alone, selling magic gems is not as easy as selling ore resources.

In short, both brothers are outrageously extravagant.

Under the night in the forest.

From time to time, loud roars of beasts can be heard from the distant mountains and forests.

There are many nocturnal beasts that always hunt at night.

Mountain forests have never been an exclusive zone for humans.

These beasts and monsters are also part of the mountain forest.

Zongze's eyes were still closed, and he continued to meditate and practice calmly.

This calm comes from his confidence in the defense capabilities of his territory.

Whenever night comes, there are strong orc warriors, mountain troll pitchers, and goblin pilots driving various magic mechas patrolling the nearby mountain roads and territories.

In addition, there are forty or fifty [Armored Arrow Towers] covered with spiked metal plates inside the territory, as well as some special high-level defense towers.

These have brought the defense capabilities of his territory to a very high level.

Zong Ze and Zong Shen are both passionate about tower defense.

Suddenly, Lord survival and construction and development were turned into Lord tower defense.

Zongze's breathing became more and more steady, as peaceful as the night.

As the night deepens, the territory becomes quieter and quieter.

Only the footsteps of soldiers patrolling echoed leisurely.

Just at this time.

Far away in the Jackdaw Valley on the ice sheet border in the north of the continent.

This is one of the two giant city-level jurisdictions under the control of the Calamity Raven Church.

Raven Saint Safuri now resides in Jackdaw Valley.

In the previous Operation Odo Village, the church failed to complete its mission as expected.

A large number of church believers, deacons, elders and soldiers of the Jackdaw Apostles were also lost.

The church has spent a lot of effort excavating the bone burial ground, trying to obtain the remaining soul left by the Dread Lord Balnazzar.

Unfortunately, it was one step short in the end.

Odo Village was captured by the Lentax Giant City Crusade Army in advance.

The resources they spent on building the Raven Tower and excavating the ruins, as well as the half-month of painstaking planning, were all ruined.

The three church elders who had gone deep into the ruins of the Boneyard were also missing.

This is undoubtedly a very failed operation!

Although this operation was already prepared for failure when it started.

After all, Odo Village is the territory of the Kingdom of Avalon.

The risks are self-evident.

That’s why more careful preparation and calculation is needed.

Although the operation failed, the crusade in the giant city of Lentax was not having an easy time either.

Those guys were almost wiped out.

Dozens of the fourth-order dragonborn knights in the squadron brought by Kunir were killed or injured.

But the greater losses are still on the side of the Calamity Raven Church.

In addition to losing a large number of believers and warriors, it also consumed a huge amount of resources.

The most important thing is that the church's plan did not succeed.

They failed to sacrifice their remaining souls to create a new raven spirit.

This had a great impact on the subsequent development of the church.

Including the strategy for the Kingdom of Avalon, the Calamity Raven Church has also fallen into a passive position.

Fortunately, His Majesty the Pope was extraordinarily tolerant of Saint Safuri, the person in charge of the Odo Village operation. He blamed her too much and instead arranged a new task for Safuri to carry out.

This time the mission is also related to the giant city of Lentax.

The main base of the Calamity Raven Church is actually in the north, but they are thinking of extending the church's tentacles to the eastern part of the continent.

Especially in the giant city of Lentax, there is a burial ground in this place, where you have the opportunity to obtain a large number of remnant souls of demons and the souls of strong men who died in the Era War, and sacrifice ravens to the Calamity Raven Church. The spirit is of great help.

In addition, there is the most important situation, which is the real reason why the Calamity Raven Church is obsessed with the Kingdom of Avalon, and that is the crisis within the Avalon royal family.

The contemporary King of Avalon, Gurther Pendragon, is old.

Originally, he could live longer, but it was a pity that his dragon vein baptism failed.

Every king of Avalon will receive the baptism of dragon vein.

Use red dragon essence and blood from old dragons or above to infiltrate yourself.

The blood of the red dragon is domineering and hot, containing abundant power.

For the Kingdom of Avalon, it is not difficult to obtain dragon blood that meets the requirements.

However, baptism is not 100% successful and can only be done once in a lifetime.

A lot of preparation work needs to be done to ensure that lives will not be harmed if failure occurs!

Once the baptism is successful, the lifespan can reach the level of an old dragon. There is no problem in living for five or six hundred years!

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