Lords Trying to Survive: Strategizing from a Rundown Yard

Chapter 578: Different Dimension Recruitment Contract, Sword of the Dome

Now that the problem of points redemption has been solved, it’s time to sort out the loot.

He put his hand on the table, patted it gently, and took out a construction drawing of the fourth-level [Armored Arrow Tower]. He narrowed his eyes slightly and began to check its detailed attributes.

Only by understanding the attributes in detail can he have an idea and make the most reasonable combination.

He had just glanced at it briefly, as if he was trying to make up for the money.

The attributes of these Tier 4 armored arrow towers are as follows:

[Level 4 armored arrow tower construction drawings (purple)]

[Quality: Rare Orc Defense Building]

[Requirements: Fourth-level magic arrow tower construction drawing × 1]

[A complete building can be built without spending materials, please choose an area to place it]

[Construction time: 25 minutes]

[Occupy area: 80 square meters]

[Height: 30 meters]

[Range: 1500 meters]

[Shoot height: 200 meters]

[Piercing damage: 142~145]

[Attack interval: 5 seconds]

[Sturdiness value: 4500]

[Building Armor: 70]

[Building magic resistance: 65]

[Skill: Reinforcement lv10 (steel plates can be hung on the arrow tower to temporarily increase a certain amount of double resistance and solidity value, the upper limit is (0/10)). Roughly forged steel plates can increase 500 solidity points and 2 points of double resistance. Re-forged steel plates It can increase 1000 points of solidity value and 5 points of dual resistance. This effect can be superimposed. The fully clothed state can only be maintained for a maximum of thirty minutes, otherwise it will easily cause irreversible and permanent damage to the building structure)

Impact Arrow lv10 (After activation, the arrows fired by the armored arrow tower can be turned into impact arrows with impact, which can cause knockback, impact, shock and other effects, hinder the enemy's advancement, and cause additional damage to petite enemy targets. 20 points of impact damage that ignores armor)

Passive skill: Spike Counterattack lv5 (when attacked, spikes will pop up to counterattack, and the damage value is 15% of the damage caused by the enemy. Magic damage and chaos damage cannot be counterattacked)

Array defense (after 4/8/12/16/20 armored arrow towers of the same level within 100 meters are reached, the array defense state can be entered. Armored arrow towers within the range of the array will be able to have an additional 2000/4000 /6000/8000/10000 points of shared solidity value and 100 points of fixed dual resistance. When receiving damage, the shared solidity value will be deducted first. After leaving the battle, the solidity value can be restored at a rate of 5% per minute)]

(The characteristic defensive arrow tower of the Orcs is strong and durable, with average range and average damage. It is suitable for use on the front line of defense. It has good solidity value and double resistance. It can be equipped with additional steel plates to obtain temporary solidity value and double resistance. In battle Emergency “patching”

In the last era, the defensive arrow towers of the Orcs were also recognized as one of the most difficult to dismantle.

Its main structure is designed to carry as much armor as possible)

After reading the attributes of the fourth-level [Armored Arrow Tower], Zong Shen felt that it was worth the money.

These [Armored Arrow Towers] can effectively increase the resistance level of the territorial defense tower matrix and improve the shortcomings on the defensive side.

In Zong Shen's defense matrix plan, he regarded each defense matrix as a whole.

A defense matrix will be composed of multiple defense towers, and may also be equipped with additional defense facilities such as horse barriers, roadblocks, horse barrier ditches, and iron caltrops.

In this way, the combination of defensive towers has become a kind of knowledge.

Reasonable combination can make the advantages and disadvantages of various types of defense towers complement each other, so that the defense tower matrix can exceed the power of a single type of arrow tower combination.

This is Zong Shen's real purpose in establishing the defense tower matrix.

Enhance the defense strength in the four areas!

Zong Shen sorted out the various drawings redeemed and handed them over to Mariel for processing tomorrow.

During the process of sorting, he also found two golden treasure chests with Balrog patterns in the storage compartment. They were the two Balrog treasure chests that were equivalent to gold treasure chests he had obtained before!

Let's start it together tonight.

Zong Shen raised his hand and took out the two pieces of gold and placed them on the long table.

He brushed it with one hand and chose to open the treasure chest.

As the lid of the box slowly opened, light balls of different colors emerged.

[Opening the Balrog Treasure Chest successfully]

[Dimensional Summoning Contract (Orange) × 1]

[Wolf Rider Advanced Book (Purple) × 1]

[Large Illusion Projection Magic Disk (Purple) × 1]

[Prairie Warrior’s Leather Armor (Blue) × 1]

[Refined pasture (green) × 1 (bundle)]

[Opening the Balrog Treasure Chest successfully]

[Sword of the Dome (1/5) Construction Blueprint (Orange) × 1]

[Long-lasting Transformation Potion—Bird of Prey (Purple) × 1]

[Talent Extraction Box (Purple) × 1]

[Sweet wild honey (blue) × 1]

[Explorer's Compass of the Sea of ​​Storms (Unknown) × 1]

[Fresh cheese slices × 1]

Zong Shen looked at the information prompts after opening the boxes, and immediately knew the items contained in the two Balrog treasure chests.

This wave of unboxing harvest is pretty good.

The two Balrog treasure chests each yielded a guaranteed orange item.

There are also many purple rare items.

Zong Shen turned his hand, gathered all the reward light balls, and looked at them one by one.

The first thing he looked at were the two orange items.

One of these two legendary items is a contract and the other is an architectural drawing.

Zong Shen looked at the contract. It was about the size of a square rag.

It looks like a piece of tawny leather with a rustic charm.

[Dimensional Summoning Contract (Orange)]

[Quality: Legendary]

[(Click to activate the contract)]

[You can randomly recruit an interdimensional warrior equivalent to the fifth-level commander to fight for you]

[Recruiting warriors will go through the integration and digital transformation of the current world, so it will take five to ten minutes to arrive]

[Please choose an open space with an area of ​​no less than 500 square meters for recruitment, and ensure that it is cleared in advance. The dimensional barrier will appear abnormal during recruitment]

[Please stay at least 50 meters away from the center when recruiting]

(The magical recruitment contract from another dimension can recruit a powerful warrior from another dimension for you.

This type of recruitment contract is quite rare, and cross-dimensional recruitment is not easy.

But after these dimensional warriors arrive, they often have some extraordinary abilities)


"Interdimensional recruitment is out!"

"You won't call me a Terminator T800 holding a minigun!"

After seeing the detailed attributes of [Interdimensional Recruitment Contract (Orange)], Zong Shen couldn't help but start thinking about it.

Since it's recruitment from another dimension, aren't there infinite possibilities?

Zong Shen already knew something about the concept of dimensions.

Every world is not alone. In the void outside the solid space barrier, there are other dimensions.

Of course, under normal circumstances, only people with space talents or masters can sense changes in space, but different dimensions also exist.

This is also true in this endless continent!

The most powerful evidence is the blood-burning demon that led to the end of the last era in the Endless Continent!

Those big demons falling from the sky are invaders from other dimensions!

Although the outcome of the final invasion could not be said to be a win or loss, it completely shuffled the cards in the Endless Continent.

The giant light portal appearing in the sky, the hellfire falling from the sky, and the big demon with wings on its back and sharp horns on its head are the images that come to Zong Shen's mind every time he sees the words "different dimension" .

"No! I can't help it anymore!"

"Recruitment must begin now!"

Zong Shen raised his hand to collect all the light balls on the table.

The rewards drawn from the [Points Lottery] just now, the various blueprints redeemed, and the items opened from the treasure chest made his storage compartment almost full.

As usual, he would check all the items together before placing them in categories.

But now he couldn't hold it in any longer.

Zong Shen grabbed the [Alternate Dimension Recruitment Contract (orange)] and stood up, opened the thick fortress door, and walked directly towards the open space in the central area outside the tower.

To be on the safe side, he left the central area where the fort was located and walked towards the north of the territory.

There is a large open space here without any buildings. It is quiet at night and deserted, which is perfect for using the recruitment contract!

Zong Shen directly chose to activate recruitment!

The contract in his hand responded almost immediately!

At the same time, strange phenomena also appeared in the sky, and clouds began to gather rapidly on the zenith, covering the moon's shadow.

The clouds rotated slowly, forming a vortex, which was very eye-catching under the moonlight.

Zong Shen felt that the contract in his hand suddenly became hot, and then floated directly into the sky, shooting out a dark red light into the sky.

This ray of light was only as thick as an arm, and it accurately hit the center of the cloud vortex.

After seeing such a scene, Zong Shen naturally understood that recruitment had begun!

He quickly retreated to the rear, maintaining a safe distance of more than fifty meters.

He did not dare to take matters involving space lightly.

The collapsing space is unreasonable, and the chaotic void storm can turn everything into powder. Zong is not so swollen as to take the risk of no benefit.

After the dark red light pillars were connected, the floating contract completely turned into a ball of light, and it was gradually expanding.

The strange phenomena in the sky also began to stabilize, with only the swirling clouds slowly turning under the moonlight.

There was no lightning or thunder, no earth trembling.

The entire momentum was much smaller than Zong Shen imagined.

According to previous information, the recruitment process will take approximately five to ten minutes.

Taking advantage of this time, Zong Shen could continue to check the items in the storage compartment.

Although the recruitment movement here was not very loud, it attracted the attention of other heroes in the territory.

Due to personnel reorganization tonight, everyone has not rested yet.

At this time, a black shadow ran quickly to Zong Shen's right hand side, that is, to the east of the territory.

Its posture was light and there was no unnecessary sound of footsteps. In just over ten seconds, it crossed a distance of more than three to four hundred meters and came to Zong Shen's side.

This is a beautiful black panther with bulging muscles all over its body and short, soft hair. It also wears a battle helmet on its head, and its weak waist, abdomen and joints are also covered with light armor.

Riding on the back of this big black panther was a purple-haired night elf with a powerful figure.

She carries a huge three-arc moon blade on her back and wears slim silver light armor.

The skirt armor that protected her waist and hips could not hide her slender legs.

There is also a crescent moon headdress between the forehead.

Her figure was vague under the night, with an illusory and strange charm.

"My lord, haven't you rested yet?"

The purple-haired night elf flexibly rolled down the black panther, stood next to Zong Shen, hugged his arm affectionately, and rested his face on his shoulder.

Zong Shen turned around, kissed her forehead gently, and raised his hand to point to the recruitment contract not far away that gradually turned into light.

"Luna, you're here."

"That's a different-dimensional recruitment contract."

"Can summon powerful warriors from different dimensions."

"Are all the soldiers in order?"

It was Luna who came.

After hearing Zong Shen's words, she nodded obediently.

"It's all sorted."

"Today's crusade has made everyone very tired."

Zong Shen just nodded and said nothing more.

There is no technical content in the Balrog crusade and it does not require much tactical skills.

Everyone just needs to keep attacking according to the commander's rhythm.

The biggest problem caused by long-term mechanical attacks is fatigue.

Zong Shen knew this very well.

Luna hugged Zong Shen's arm, and the two of them remained silent in a tacit understanding, waiting for the recruitment results.

Zong Shen took out the architectural drawings with his other hand, turned his eyes, and began to look at them.

[Sword of the Dome 1/5 construction drawing (orange)]

[Quality: Orange (legendary) special floating defense building]

[Requirements: Dome Sword 1/5 construction drawing × 1]

[A complete building can be built without spending materials, please choose an area to place it]

[After the construction is completed, the five-part "Fire Spirit Sword" of the Dome Sword can be constructed]

[Floating height: 500 meters]

[Maximum lift-off height: 800 meters]

[Anchor point locking radius: 5 kilometers]

【Parts: 1/5】

[Can be built separately, with one additional connecting component, the corresponding attributes will gradually increase]

[After all components are constructed, the Dome Sword will become an epic defense building]

[Puncture damage: 429~431]

[Split puncture damage: 132~135]

[Skill: Disintegration (The Fire Spirit Sword can attack alone, or it can be divided into 12 split swords to attack separately, duration is 30 minutes, cooling time is 1 hour)

Passive skill: Patrol (the Dome Sword is in a floating state and can patrol within the range and actively attack enemy targets)

Elemental sword body (the sword body can be re-condensed after being destroyed)

Fire element damage (the attack of the main sword will cause 120 points of fire element damage, and the attack of the split sword will cause 10 points of fire element damage)

Fifth-level Eye of True Seeing (the scope of the Eye of True Seeing is a circular area with a radius of 200 meters, following the dome sword to patrol)】

[Combined skills: not activated]

[Combination status: 1/5]

[(Click on the selected anchor point to build)]

(Legendary defense building can build a fire-attributed sword that can fly in the air, cruise around the anchor point, and automatically attack all enemies within range.

There are five Dome Swords in total, divided into five attributes. Every time you build a Dome Sword with different attributes, the corresponding damage attributes will be significantly improved.

After collecting five of them, a set of Dome Swords will be fully formed, possessing the power of an epic defensive structure. They are the Sword of Damocles hanging above the enemy's head)

"Good guy, this Dome Sword is quite interesting!"

"A big sword that can float in the air and can also perform disintegration attacks!"

"The patrol range of this sword is a radius of five kilometers centered on the anchor point."

"Then it's most reliable to serve as internal defense."

"It wouldn't be appropriate to spread out."

Zong Shen thought about it and decided to choose the anchor point here at the Lord's Fortress. It would serve as internal defense to guard the Lord's Fortress.

After you get more Dome Sword parts in the future, or you have other defense needs, you can also consider migrating.

This thing comes with a fifth-level true seeing eye, and it can also play a role in reverse osmosis.

The sky is also an easily overlooked place.

Therefore, the Dome Sword can play a very sharp defensive role whether it is used to deal with enemies sneaking from the ground or those enemies in the air.

Especially the aerial cavalry break-in tactic that Zong Shen was quite familiar with, it also had a strong restraining effect.

A single main sword has more than 400 points of piercing damage and 120 points of fire element damage without being strengthened by components.

It can be regarded as a huge amount of damage to a single target.

Faced with such injuries, even the rough-skinned and thick-skinned Yingjiang couldn't bear it for a few times!

It can be regarded as making up for the lack of air defense in some territories.

Zong Shen clapped his hands and mastered the drawings.

Turning his head, he said to Luna with a smile on his face.

"Luna, I just mastered a nice defensive structure."

"While you are free now, it's up to you to choose and build it."

"Choose the anchor point next to the Lord's Fortress."

"This component of the Dome Sword is a complete blueprint and can be constructed automatically."

Zong Shen explained with a smile.

As a heroic talent, Luna also has construction options.

Following Zong Shen's instructions, she checked the attributes of the [Sword of the Dome].

He nodded slightly, turned around, mounted the Black Panther, and walked towards the Lord's Fortress.

After Luna left, Zong Shen looked up at the recruitment contract not far away.

Together with the dark red light gate of the mysterious different dimension, it has changed from the size of a washbasin to a diameter of two meters.

It seems that the recruitment ceremony should continue for a while.

So Zong Shen withdrew his attention and continued to check the treasure chest.

This time he took out a book.

[Wolf Rider Advanced Book (Purple)]

[Quality: rare grade]

[Can be used on the third-level giant wolf cavalry]

[Promote it to the fourth level of arms]

(Colby would definitely not be able to sleep if he found out.

Before Colby enters your hero-level talent reserve list, troop advancement will give him higher initial attributes)

This is a rare advanced book that can be used on Colby.

Now he has six [Hero Crests (orange)] on hand, and Colby has already been included in his hero promotion list.

It's just right to give him another boost before promotion.

As the leader of the wolf riders in the territory, Colby had to take the lead.

The Wolf Cavalry unit can be compared to a sword.

So as the commander, Colby is the tip of this sword!

If Zong Shen wants to have an invincible fighting weapon, he must hone it carefully.

He looked at the advanced book and raised the corners of his mouth slightly.


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