Lords Trying to Survive: Strategizing from a Rundown Yard

Chapter 585: The strategic significance of the two pillars, a token hidden in the desert

Thinking of this, Zong Shen solemnly collected the seeds.

At this point, all the items obtained from ten consecutive draws at the 1000-point level have been viewed!

As of now, there are only ten consecutive draws at the 500-point level.

Among the ten consecutive items in this points level, except for the sweet potato vine.

That means there are only four items worthy of his inspection.

Needless to say other gray and white items, the Wolf Cavalry Recruitment Scroll is also a commonplace thing.

As long as these four items are checked, this round of redemption will truly come to an end.

The function of the first item is also very interesting, so Zong Shen pays special attention to it.

It's the size of an egg.

The surface is red and gray, as smooth as a stone.

【Wild Seed (Blue)】

[Quality: Excellent]

[Effect: Wild Invigoration (can only be taken by beasts or monsters whose level does not exceed the Commander level, with a 50% probability of advancing to the Commander level. If the advancement fails, the Wild Enhancement will be obtained, with a 15% increase in basic attributes)]

(Bajie Bajie, good-hearted, Bajie Bajie, silly and adorable)

That's right, this [Wild Seed] is not a plant seed, but a beast power-up item.

It can be used as long as the level does not exceed the commander level.

There are many beasts or monsters in the territory that meet the requirements.

Among the gryphons and manticores alone, there are a large number of captain-level guys.

However, as the strategy module suggests.

Zong Shen really prepared to use this [Wild Seed (Blue)] on Bajie.

Because of the Odo Village incident, and the subsequent contact with Bosbon more and more frequently.

There are also two flying beasts, Yingjiang and Feihu, which gradually make Bajie lose his usefulness.

And this [Wild Seed] is the opportunity for Bajie to return to the T1 beast riding lineup.

Putting aside other advantages, Bajie's rough skin and thick flesh are obvious to all.

After it is upgraded to the leader level, its characteristics in this area can be greatly improved.

After the upgrade, Bajie's size will also become larger.

When the time comes, load up some warriors and launch "Pig-tank coordination" with the [Earthshaker Chariot], turning it into a solid "city-breaking hammer" in front of the position, disrupting the enemy's defense line and formation.

Of course, the above reasons are based on practical considerations.

The deeper reasons include Zong Shen's personal emotional factors.

As a riding beast that accompanies him in battles, the naive Da Bajie is not only his riding beast pet, but also his trustworthy teammate.

Compared to strengthening a commander-level gryphon or manticore.

Zong Shen preferred to leave this opportunity to Bajie.

Although there is only a 50% chance of advancement, it is still worth a try.

Even if the advancement fails, the basic attributes can be increased by 15%, which is considered a little selfishness of his.

"This wild seed is destined for Bajie!"

Zong Shen silently made a note in his mind and collected the wild seeds with his backhand.

The second item is an advanced book!

The quality is also excellent, which can advance the second-level arms to the third-level arms.

Just in time to give the little Tiezhu who was "assigned" to Dinan Village some extra surprises.

[Nord Advanced Book (Blue)]

[Quality: Excellent]

[Can be used on any second-tier unit of the Nord Kingdom]

[Promote it to the third level of arms]

(Recite after me, iron iron iron iron iron, pillar)

The second pillar can finally be advanced.

To be honest, the scout team's operation in Dinan Village was not very smooth.

But with the funds and direction provided by Zong Shen, they still achieved part of their goals.

Some farmland, orchards, houses, etc. were acquired in and outside the village.

In addition, whenever the territory has additional material procurement needs, Tiezhu will also be responsible for purchasing in Dinan Village, which can be regarded as a backup plan for the territory to arrange in Dinan Village in advance.

According to Tiezhu's report, many lords have recently tried to contact the landowners, caravan leaders, and even the village chief in Dinan Village.

Through this period of time, most lords understood the importance of Aboriginal villages to development.

Aboriginal people are the biggest way to supplement the bottom population of the territory.

It's just that most lords don't have the strength to annex villages by violent means.

Even joining forces as a legion unit will not work.

Dozens of lords might join forces to conquer a village.

But later, for example, you will be retaliated by the city under your jurisdiction.

The previous Odo Village is a living example.

Bosbon's Bangcheng army came first to play the first round.

If the state army fails, the nearby local knights and giant cities will also send out a crusade.

This is a serious attempt to beat the younger ones and attract the older ones.

Therefore, most of the lords still need to hibernate and just try to have as much contact with the indigenous people in the village as possible.

First, you can see if any tasks can be triggered.

Secondly, building a good relationship will also help with future annexations.

As for Zong Shen, his plans have always been forward-thinking and bold.

His target has even set his sights on Bangcheng.

Just not necessarily Bosbon.

Compared to Bosbon.

The nearby city of Seakabang, which was in turmoil and at a low point, was obviously more worthy of his attack.

Just relying on Zong's advanced strength and vision, as well as the information gap brought by the strategy module.

He is very confident that he can annex a state city within a few months.

As for Bosbon, he had other plans and naturally he would not let them go.

It’s just that the means will be relatively mild.

After all, Baron Bezos treated him well.

Except for the hesitation on the distribution of the spoils obtained from the remains of the Knights of the Lion.

It's very generous in other ways.

In return, he would not use forceful means to deprive him of his rule over the city.

But with the rise of the lords, conflicts among the indigenous people broke out.

The antagonism between the natives and the lords was inevitable.

Lords with strong military strength would plunder the native people like a wave to strengthen themselves.

In the end, Bosbon's ending will not be too happy.

Zong Shen was ready to help at the most critical moment and accepted Bosbon with a moderate stance.

In addition, the villages of Dinan and Sitano near the territory have also been booked by him.

He will use scouts to infiltrate and add [Shapeshifter's Mask of Illusion (Purple)] to replace the village chief.

Achieve indirect control and strengthen cooperation between villages and territories.

When necessary, the merger can be completed smoothly.

The advantage of this is that it will not cause conflict between the territory and the Bosnian forces controlled by Baron Bezos.

At the same time, it will not increase the burden of governing the territory.

It is a flexible and controllable strategy.

Rather than having this wool stolen by other lords, it would be better for Zong Shen to take advantage.

It's a pity that there is only one [Fantasy Mask of the Shapeshifter].

If you can master the advanced level, no, only the intermediate level disguise technique can meet your needs.

With a scout team operating in the shadows, the requirements for a makeover will not be too high.

In short, Tie Zhu and the others were completely set up by Zong Shen.

It can also be understood as an "outpost".

While ensuring that the village of Dinan does not escape control, he tests the feasibility of his mild annexation plan.

There is Mr. Mars in the village of Citano, and he also has some friendship with the village leader Spike.

There are frequent contacts between the territory and Sitano Village.

So there is no need to send special manpower to pay attention.

Mariel and Mr. Mars are enough to become the "nails" in the village and help him control the current situation.

The situation in Dinan Village is different.

The strategy of annexing the indigenous people was a long-term strategy set by Zong Shen in the early days of his arrival.

In addition to providing the basic population at the bottom, the indigenous forces also have a certain proportion of heroic talents.

Although the qualifications of these hero-level talents are not very good, they can satisfy the construction of territorial control nodes and form a top-down control network.

Just like the structure on earth from grid members to community offices, county offices, municipal offices, and provincial offices.

And because hero-level talents are linked to command points, there is no need to worry about the structure becoming bloated, or that his instructions and policies will not be effectively implemented.

These are development strategic plans that Zong Shen has considered and deployed very early on.

Now it is almost time to start picking the fruits one after another.

These are Zong Shen's true intentions and arrangements.

So Tiezhu is not just playing tricks, their mission is equally important.

With this advanced book, coupled with the [Phantom Night Walking Suit (Purple)] obtained previously, it is enough to raise Tiezhu's strength to a higher level.

Zong Shen looked at the advanced book with a smile on his face.

Speaking of which, Erzhuzi was one of the three original farmers when he came.

He is also the cleverest among the "Three Idiots of Farmers".

First, he became a Nord Shadow Scout through a job transfer letter.

Later, he gradually received green and blue soul qualification enhancements.

And the strengthening of [Soldier Strengthening Beads].

Compared with the other two initial farmers, Tie Zhu's life is obviously on the road of counterattack.

The reason why he chose Tiezhu in the first place was simple.

The farmer Sansi is lazy and cowardly, and only Tiezhu can help him work steadily.

Therefore, iron pillars will naturally be valued.

Just like the three fat men who are self-disciplined farmers in the territory now, they have always been valued by Zong Shen.

In terms of farmers' mobilization rights, he is second only to the logistics hero.

Zong Shen is very interested in the self-discipline of Sanpang's active training.

Unfortunately, I don't have a suitable transfer letter on hand.

In addition, the three fat men have no interest in fighting.

So Zong Shen didn't have a good idea about this, so he could only let him remain a farmer.

After all, farmers are the real universal population and are extremely malleable.

When there is a suitable opportunity, the three fat men will also usher in their own counterattack.

Looking at the advanced book, Zong Shen's thoughts drifted away unknowingly.

The size of the territory is getting bigger and bigger, which makes the original poverty become a memory.

Smiling and shaking his head, Zong Shen suppressed his recollection.

He put away the advancement book and took out the third item with his backhand.

This is also the only unknown item Zong Shen obtained in ten consecutive draws at the 500-point level!

[Token hidden in the desert (unknown)]

[Quality: unknown]

[Effect: unknown]

[An extremely ancient token hidden in the desert]

(The Hidden Desert is located in the southern part of the continent. Today, Salander Sultanate is one of several restricted areas in the continent. This token may be traced back to the last era. Due to the lack of information, more information needs to be further investigated. Go explore

It should be noted that the Hidden Desert is a fully integrated demiplane, involving secrets tens of thousands of years ago, and is extremely dangerous)

The origin of this token seems to be greater than the Dream Bead.

Described as an "extremely ancient" token.

The years involved are even longer than the end of the last era, reaching tens of thousands of years.

To be honest, until now, Zong Shen has only some understanding of the situation in the current era and the previous era. As for the more profound eras, he has long been unable to trace them.

Now he actually got a related unknown item.

This token is a triangular pyramid with a square base.

It is divided into five sides and six layers, with an eye-shaped relief imprint in the center.

Other than that, there are no runes or carvings on the surface.

Zong Shen twisted and played with it in his hand, but did not find any mechanism.

It can only be treated as clues to hidden ruins and collected first.

The last item worth checking out is a rare architectural blueprint.

What is precious is not its quality, but the value behind it.

[Fourth-level deep salt well construction drawings (purple)]

[Quality: Rare special production building]

[Requirements: Fourth-level deep salt well construction drawing × 1]

[A complete building can be built without spending materials. Please select an area to place it]

[Maximum depth: 425 meters]

[Sturdiness value: 3500]

[Building Armor: 40]

[Building magic resistance: 35]

[Construction time: 15 minutes]

[Special production buildings, with restrictions on the placement environment and terrain]

(Salt is the most commonly used non-metallic mineral material. In addition to being edible, it is also an important chemical raw material)

This time, even the salt well was opened by him.

There is no need for industrial salt in the territory now, and the edible salt needed for cooking can be easily purchased from villages and cities.

This is the eastern part of the continent. According to the scale of the endless continent, it can also be regarded as an area near the sea.

The sources of salt can be divided into four main categories.

They are: sea salt, lake salt, well salt, and mineral salt.

Well salt is a method of digging wells to collect brine from underground salt mines in vertical shafts.

In addition to natural brine, brine production can also be increased by filling salt wells with water.

Naturally, there is no shortage of salt in the coastal area.

But it is also necessary for the territory to have its own salt-producing buildings.

However, this building cannot be built anywhere.

It seems that there are requirements for the environment and terrain.

I don’t know if it can be built in the territory. I’ll leave it to Mariel to be responsible for the details.

To be on the safe side, Zong Shen did not take possession of this blueprint.

If this area is not suitable for construction, he will consider transferring it to his brother Aze.

The probability of discovering underground salt mines in mountains is always higher.

If it is really of no use, let Aze package the drawings and sell them.

As a big brother, I didn't give Aze many good things.

The kid himself was not bad at it, and he rarely asked for things from him.

Every pair of brothers will encounter this situation.

The two brothers will always compare and compete with each other.

In this way, a "tacit understanding" is formed.

Whether it's Zong Shen or Zong Ze, these two brothers will never ask each other for help unless they really encounter difficulties.

Zong Shen shook his head, and a sentence came to his mind unconsciously.

"My stupid brother..."

He grinned and put the drawings into the storage compartment.

I have finally checked out all the items obtained from the points lottery.

With the addition of these items, the subsequent development of the territory will be smoother.

And the cards he holds and the foundation of his territory are getting richer and richer.


Zong Shen stretched. It was already past three in the morning.

There were only two or three hours left before dawn.

After a lot of fuss, it took more than two hours to review and classify these items.

But now Zong Shen still can't rest.

He has one more important thing to do.

That is to take advantage of the silence of the night to eat the [Super Strength Fruit (orange)] that I got before.

As long as he eats this fruit, he can increase his strength attribute by 50 points at once.

However, after consumption, there will be a negative state that lasts for two hours.

Symptoms such as muscle loss and body pain may occur.

And according to the description in the guide notes, this symptom will not be too comfortable.

Therefore, Zong Shen chose to take the power fruit during this time period.

He sat in his original position and took out the [Super Strength Fruit].

It is about the size of a coconut.

The peel is very hard and feels like the shell of a mangosteen.

As soon as you take it out, there is a strong fruity aroma in the air.


Zong Shen couldn't help but swallowed his saliva.

The aroma of the power fruit is too abundant.

The longer it is taken out, the stronger the fruity aroma becomes, which is sour and sweet like grapes.

He couldn't help but have a swallowing reaction.

"It smells so good!"

"But how should I eat this thing?"

"Bite directly on the skin?"

Zong Shen felt a little unsure.

Faced with such a novel "fruit", he began to worry about how to eat it.

His knowledge and common sense told him that the hard outer skin should not be eaten.

But he didn't dare to cut the fruit hastily.

If it affects the effect, wouldn't it be a loss of blood?

After all, it involves a 50-point increase in strength attribute, so he must be more cautious.

"Let's ask for the guide!"

Zong Shen decided to ask the guide and be careful not to make a big mistake by asking more questions.

"How to eat this power fruit?"

"Is its shell edible?"

(The shell is bitter, so it’s best not to eat it. Of course, if you are worried, it won’t kill you if you force it into your stomach. It will make you constipated for a few days at most.

Cut the fruit open, and there will be a piece of dark red round flesh about the size of an apple inside. If you eat it, you will gain strength attributes.)

After seeing the guide prompts, Zong Shen felt relieved.

After ignoring the complaints from the guide, he took out the [Acid-Etched Shadowfall Dagger] and cut it along the fruit shell.

Only then did I realize that the thickness of the fruit shell was amazing.

Among the coconut-sized fruits, there really is only apple-sized pulp.

The pulp is located in the middle, very firm and complete.

After he cut open the shell, he took out the pulp.

He wolfed down the fruit pulp into his stomach.

The pulp is very sweet but not very watery.

For the sake of attributes, Zong Shen did not care about taste, so swallowing it as soon as possible was the right thing to do!

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