Lords Trying to Survive: Strategizing from a Rundown Yard

Chapter 587: Magic Coke, plan and arrangement

Zong Shen slept peacefully.

It wasn't until half past ten in the morning that Luna woke me up.

He stretched sleepily, wanting to snooze a little longer.

But in the end, I overcame my tiredness and got up ready to face today's challenge.

After dealing with the third round of heat wave, it means that the challenge month has come to an end.

Subsequent strategic development plans are basically scheduled after the challenge month.

In the challenges one after another, Zong Shen's strength continued to grow, and the foundation of the territory became deeper and deeper.

It has to be said that a challenge mode like this Seven Days Kill has brought many opportunities to the lords.

And allowed the lords to grow rapidly.

Each challenge is very compact, with points temptation on one side and challenge pressure on the other.

A two-pronged approach allows the lords to learn to adapt to the world and adapt to the battles or harsh environments they may face.

With the end of the challenge, points are the best reward.

Points can also be understood as a universal currency.

It's just that the lord system macro-controls the types of each exchange.

To sum up, the behavior of the lord system can be summed up in one sentence: everyone can become stronger, but they must become stronger under the control of the lord system!

At the same time, the challenge period also slowed down the progress of each lord in exploring the world.

It can be regarded as indirectly easing the intensification of conflicts between the indigenous people and the lords.

For Zong Shen, the end of the challenge period means great development of the territory.

This is a good opportunity to digest the harvest.

He sat on the edge of the bed and let his thoughts wander.

When you are still sleepy, thinking about these problems can always effectively relieve your fatigue.

Just like when a certain author doesn't want to type, he will take a look at the two-digit balance on his mobile phone, and then he will become more energetic.

At this time, Luna walked in holding a cup.

The cup is half filled with clear liquid.

It looks like plain water, but there are sparkling bubbles emerging from the water.

"Sir, drink some energy spring water."

"Mariel had people build the [Fountain of Energy (Purple)] early this morning."

Luna came to the bed and sat down, handed the cup over, and took the initiative to explain.

It seems that Mariel's concern for territory construction exceeds Zong Shen's expectations.

Without him taking the initiative to explain, Mariel looked up the changes in [Construction] on her own.

This [Fountain of Energy (Purple)] is a limited edition building that he just redeemed with points last night.

Unexpectedly, Mariel built it early in the morning.

Therefore, after waking up, he could try the effect of the energy spring water.

He nodded to Luna, took the cup, put it to his lips, and took a sip first.

The energy spring tastes bland, but it has a unique texture like popping candy.

Those sparkling bubbles burst out from the entrance.

In addition to not tasting sweet, this energy spring water actually has the feeling of a fat house's happy water.


Zong Shen picked up the cup and looked at the sparkling bubbles floating in the spring water.

There has been no innovation in his [market] for a long time.

What is sold is still a small amount of [Holy Water of the Moon] plus a small amount of training equipment produced by the dwarf uncle.

The bulk of the items for sale are various mineral resources produced in the mines and some low-level magic gems.

The price of [Holy Water of the Moon] has stabilized and is much cheaper than before.

However, it is still an exclusive operation by Zong Shen. Currently, no lord in the [market] can own [Moon Spring (Orange)]. For other lords, it may not be difficult to obtain [Moon Spring]. Those who want to meet a demon hunter The remnant soul is also possible, but it is not easy to combine the two into a legendary special building [Moon God Spring].

Only the combination of two small probability factors can create [Moon God Spring].

Currently, his [Holy Water of the Moon] is still very popular.

Every day, Mariel will sell some according to the production of [Moon Spring].

Almost every listing is sold out within ten minutes.

For the lords, the effect of [Moon Holy Water] still has great advantages over various healing potions.

After all, it is a rare "three tonifying" spring water.

In the beginning, Zong Shen relied on [Tears of the Moon God] and [Holy Water of the Moon] to accumulate the first pot of gold for the development of his territory.

Then the cup of energy fountain in your hand also has a lot of room for manipulation.

Especially now that the lords are getting richer and richer.

Efficacy is not entirely tied to value.

"If you add some honey, add some syrup, add some herbal water..."

"Then the taste of the energy spring can be close to that of cola?"

"The Coke produced in this world can be called Magic Coke!"

Zong Shen's eyes lit up and he immediately thought of a business opportunity.

Compared with [Moon God Spring], [Energy Spring (Purple)] is obviously easier to obtain.

And Coca-Cola has a deep mass base in the world.

If Zong Shen could really make a replica of Coke, even if the taste was only 50 or 60% similar, the lords would definitely rush to buy it.

Thinking of this, Zong Shen picked up the cup again and drank it all in one gulp.

Silently feel the sparkling bubbles bursting and jumping in your mouth.

His sleepiness was also swept away unconsciously.

"Clarissa has to look into it."

"The first task of a senior pharmacist is to reproduce Coke!"

The reason why Zong Shen came up with the idea of ​​making "Coke", in addition to the unique bubble taste of the energy spring, was mostly due to the addition of senior pharmacist Clarissa Theresa.

You must know that "Cola" on earth was originally a cough syrup.

Although Clarissa has never drank Coke, Zong Shen only needs to describe the general taste and ask her to make more samples. It doesn't need to be a perfect replica anyway.

Recently, he has only been focusing on gathering the wool of the aborigines, and has somewhat neglected the importance of gathering the wool of the lords.

Now it’s time to pick up this “craft” again.

Thinking of this, Zong Shen became energetic.

A senior pharmacist helps him make Coke, and a senior agronomist helps him grow sweet potatoes.

As for the senior engineers and senior blacksmiths, they can help him tinker with the "Colonial Griffin Bomber", "Magic Chariot", "Magic Eye Gatling" and the like.

If that doesn't work, let the blood wolf Gugat take off his armor and study it for them!

If mana technology is not enough, alien technology will make up for it.

He quickly got out of bed, put on all the equipment and went downstairs with Luna, arriving at the hall of the lord's fortress.

The first thing he has to do now is to ask Mariel to come and explain some development and construction matters to her, and at the same time hand over some items that need to be stored in storage boxes.

Secondly, for the three senior talents who have recently joined the territory, Zong Shen has tasks to give to them.

Finally, you have to call Colby and Farvid to receive the advancement book and [Complete Purple Soul].

After completing troop advancement and qualification improvement, they will be given [Heroic Crest (Orange)] by Zong Shen and will be given priority to be officially transformed into heroic talents in the territory.

Currently, he only has two copies of [Complete Purple Soul] left in his hand.

But it won't be long before he can have more purple souls.

As long as you have the [Soul Extraction Bottle (orange)], I believe you will have enough souls soon.

He had previously completed two consecutive breakthrough actions, allowing him to obtain five [Heroic Crests (Orange)].

In addition to the remaining one, Zong Shen has a total of six [Hero Crests (Orange)], which means that as long as the time is right, he can easily advance to six heroic talents.

As for who to choose to become a heroic talent, he actually already has it in mind.

He took out the communication crystal and started to contact Mariel and Vereesa.

By the way, ask her to bring Favid and the others together.

The crystal was quickly connected. At this time, Mariel was setting up a new defense matrix in the northeast of the territory. Zong Shen exchanged 144 defense towers last night, which was enough to raise the territory's defense level to a higher level.

Mariel discovered the changes in the [Build] list when she woke up early.

This is great news for this little workaholic like her.

So Howie and other logistics heroes were called early in the morning, and they led dozens of farmers to start a large-scale construction project, first building various springs and totems.

Then the workshop was built in the industrial area in the southwest, and the [Fourth-Story Double-Decker Tavern] was built in the commercial area in the northeast.

As for those [intermediate fertile fields], they will not be constructed for the time being, but their locations have been roughly planned.

It can be said that Mariel has not stopped since morning.

At this time, she was focused on the defense matrix.

Strictly speaking, Mariel is also the architectural planner of the territory.

The idea of ​​the defense matrix was proposed by Zong Shen and then implemented and perfected by her.

Therefore, she is well aware of the defensive gaps in the territory.

Building defense towers seemed to her like patching.

After receiving Zong Shen's notification, Mariel immediately took out the loader's mecha and notified the three senior talents as well as Colby and Favid.

After more than ten minutes, we rushed back to the Lord's Fortress.

She and Vereesa led everyone into the fortress to report to Zong Shen.

"Sir, everyone is here."

The two girls took the lead in bowing to Zong Shen, and Mariel's face was red with a smile.

There was a layer of sweat on her forehead, with a trace of her bangs stuck to it.

In order to build and develop the territory, Mariel has neglected her own image.

Zong Shen gave Mariel a positive smile.

Then his eyes moved sideways, scanning everyone, as if confirming whether everyone was present.

Others also kept bowing and saluting.

Only the goblin engineer Buckron Ironhand wiggled his hips restlessly.

For the impatient, such etiquette is a waste of time.

Now it wants to get into the [Earthshaker Chariot] every moment, carefully appreciate its structure and study its craftsmanship!

Zong Shen sat at the head of the long table, waved slightly and pointed to the seats next to the long table.

"Everyone, please sit down first."

"I have tasks and things to give to you."

After hearing the Lord's words, everyone naturally did not dare to neglect.

They took their seats one after another.

Mariel sat on Zong Shen's right hand side, while Vereesa, Colby and Favid sat on Zong Shen's left hand side.

As for the three newly joined senior talents, they walked around and sat next to Mariel.

The right side represents logistics, and the left side represents soldiers, making them clearly distinct.

Zong Shen crossed his hands and placed them on the table, his gaze became more serious.

He turned to look at Mariel first.

"Mariel, please arrange the construction according to the new architectural drawings during construction."

"The defense tower must be installed within today."

"That batch of intermediate fertile land has great uses. I plan to create an exclusive agricultural area for the territory."

"The specific matters will be discussed in a few days."

"In addition, inform Howie shortly and lead a group of Lion Guard Knights to the mine."

Zong Shen said this and took out a torn bag from the storage compartment and placed it in front of Mariel.

It was the [Pascal Covenant's Big Pocket (Gold)] that he got from the points lottery before.

"This is a storage item with an amazing capacity."

"Give it to Howie together later."

"Ask him to inform Dutra that the ore will no longer need to be transported by the Heavy Bearer mecha from now on."

"They are all stored in the mining area warehouse. Every three days, let Howie bring the space storage props to collect them. After using them, remember to put this big bag into the territory storage box."

"At some point, maybe I'll need it too."

After Zong Shen finished speaking in a calm tone, Mariel nodded and put away the big bag.

At this time, Zong Shen turned to look at Vereesa again.

"Vereesa, I need you to go to the ruins of the Lion Knights' station."

"There are fourteen fifth-level lion skeleton knights and two sixth-level golden lion skeleton knights in the woods to the left of the entrance to the ruins."

"Let Tasia pilot the airship. She knows the route."

"Just in case, contact the Griffin Nest first and bring Yingjiang, three commander-level griffins, and seven captain-level griffons to accompany you."

"When we return, let Yingjiang take the griffin to station directly in the forest near the mine."

"It just so happens that the scorpion-tailed tiger cage in Xitano Village has also been built. Then Feihu and Yingjiang can switch defenses."

"The goblin airship has been stored in the storage box. You can collect it yourself."

Zong Shen also gave Vereesa a task.

That is to take back the Lion Skeleton Knight.

It would take nearly a day to go back and forth at the speed of the goblin airship.

Just in time to get back before the heat wave challenge ends.

In the woods before, Zong Shen originally wanted to use the [thousand-kilometer level portal] to directly bring the Lion Skeleton Knight.

However, the height of the teleportation light door is equivalent to a five-story building.

And after the portal is opened, it will also emit an aqua-blue light.

Once opened, the portal will exist for five minutes.

Although Baron Bezos was focused on the ruins at that time.

But outside the ruins, he still arranged for a group of fourth-level strike rangers to patrol.

The strange behavior of the light portal cannot escape the eyes of the rangers.

With the agility of a fourth-level ranger, he could reach the location of the portal within two minutes.

At that time, it will inevitably cause misunderstanding by Baron Bezos.

Although the goblin airship is slow, it is more stable.

That's why he asked Tasia to fly at a low altitude and fly away from here under the treetops, so as to avoid being discovered by the rangers and fishmen.

This time he still chose to let Vereesa and Tasia drive the goblin airship.

There is only one portal, and he needs to use it himself.

This thing is a must-have item for most people to enter the game quickly.

"I understand, sir."

"I will contact her immediately, Siya."

Vereesa stood up and bowed to Zong Shen.

"Go ahead and be safe."

"First notify the Griffin Nest garrison and let Yingjiang set off. They are faster."

"You meet in the north direction to prevent the gryphons from discovering the flying tigers."

Zong Shen thought for a while and added some details.

Vereesa nodded and listened, then put one hand on her chest and bowed before slowly leaving the lord's fortress.

At this time, Mariel was about to stand up, but Zong Shen reached out to stop her.

"Mariel, don't worry, there will be something else that I need your help with later."

Hearing what he said, Mariel's expression became upright again.

Zong Shen looked at Salome Linyu, the natural druid sitting beside him, and said loudly.

"Salome, your task today is to cultivate sweet potato vines."

"I will ask Mariel to transfer Erya and Xiaoping to you."

"Within the scope of the Farm Tower, you can designate an area to place high-grade fertile farmland."

"In addition, this [Vine Box of Vitality] is also given to you."

"Let Mariel tell you the specific usage."

"There is also a [Paralysis Vine Seed] here, and it is also your responsibility."

Zong Shen took out the vine box that could strengthen plant seeds, pushed it along the table in front of the natural druid, and threw out another bean-like seed.

As the saying goes, there are specialties in the field, and agricultural arrangements must be left to Salome Linyu, a senior agronomist.

The tall natural druid immediately stood up, took the [Paralyzing Vine Seed] and the [Vine Box] and bowed to Zong Shen.

He lowered his head to look at the seed, then raised his head again and said in a deep voice.

"grown ups…"

"There is an ancient tree of knowledge outside your fortress."

"Maybe..., I think I can help you take care of it!"

Salome Linyu took the initiative to ask for help.

Hearing this, Zong Shen raised his head and took a deep look at him, showing a profound smile.

"Don't worry, you will be able to take care of the ancient trees when you have the opportunity in the future."

“The priority must be to cultivate sweet potato vines and paralysis vines.”

"I allow you to coordinate all resources."

"To be on the safe side, Mariel, you should simply take people to move the farm tower to the vicinity of the lord's fortress."

As Zong Shen spoke, he looked at Mariel again, who immediately nodded to show that he understood.

Salome Linyu didn't say much. She also performed a breast-stroking salute and sat down.

Then, Zong Shen looked at Senior Pharmacist Clarissa Theresa.

"Clarissa, I need you to research a special potion for me..."

There was a rare hint of excitement in Zong Shen's tone.


"You have to tell me first, what effect do you need?"

Clarissa frowned slightly. The size of the territory was unexpectedly small, and the various workshops and pharmacies were not perfect, and there were no medicinal fields.

You must know that senior pharmacists are often active in giant cities.

This contrast made her unhappy.

Zong Shen didn't care about her attitude, always with a smile on his face, he stood up proactively and made a gesture of invitation to Clarissa.

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