Lords Trying to Survive: Strategizing from a Rundown Yard

Chapter 592: The cold Rasma, the little Balrog arrives

The high-level skills Rathma masters are very powerful.

Other necromancers summon skeletons with two or three heads.

Fortunately for her, she could summon a team of skeleton warriors directly.

In addition, there are large-scale attack magic such as [Resurrection of the Dead], [Great Darkness], and [Sacrificial Fire].

He is also able to transform into a shadow when necessary, wield the Soul Sickle, and harvest the lives of his enemies.

Perhaps due to the characteristics of the Necromancer, the magic skills of the Necromancer system tend to focus on curses, interference and team battle harvesting.

It is not as biased towards attacking and killing as the fire, wind, and thunder types.

But this still cannot conceal the power of Rasma.

In addition to her densely packed advanced skills and talents.

Her four major attributes are also very good, more than 40% higher than Caniggia, the God of Wind's Favorite.

This is mainly due to the difference in attributes caused by the difference in mage levels.

Rasma's initial loyalty is extremely low, only 65 points.

The fact that there is such a low level of loyalty only shows that this guy has a cold temperament.

Coupled with his strong strength and divine talent, he is only a step away from becoming a seventh-level magician.

Although he is not a heroic talent, he is considered a rare genius among mages.

Such a character would have been highly regarded even in the last era.

It is inevitable to be arrogant and arrogant. In addition, the Necromancer lives with skeletons all day long and lacks respect for creatures and life. Naturally, there will be some indifference in his temperament.

In addition, the memories and experiences left in the previous era are also a very important factor.

These are all reasons why her initial loyalty is lower than average.

While observing her attributes, Zong Shen discovered several rare blind spots.

The first is that her hunger and fullness level turned out to be a symbol representing infinity, ∞.

The last time I saw this symbol, it was in the durability column of [Aegwin's Book of All Laws (Orange)].

Does this mean Rasma doesn't need to eat?

Or can she directly absorb shadow energy?

Judging from her ability to transform into a shadow, Rathma should have had her own opportunities in the previous era.

Making her different from ordinary necromancers.

Just the exaggerated bloody scythe behind her is enough to explain everything.

In addition to the weird infinite hunger and satiety, Rathma's Charisma attribute is also very off.

Her charm value is actually 0!

There is no explanation for this in the attribute information.

Then the conclusion is ready to come out. Her charm value may be related to some of her experiences in the last era. Her appearance is not ugly. Based on the expression of charm attributes, it can be speculated that she may have problems such as communication disorders. In short, Don't expect her to be too gregarious.

But it doesn't matter, as long as she is strong enough.

Now we must first strive for running-in and cultivating loyalty.

If she is really unsociable, then she can only be used as a tool to hack and chop her.

God's favored ones like this are the best choices to be promoted to hero-level talents.

Zong Shen now has four [Hero Crests (Orange)] left on hand.

We should consider the Wind God's Favorite Caniggia, Alsia, Tasia, Mapel, and Madeleine respectively.

The former has not been in the territory for too long, and his loyalty has not yet reached 90 points, so he is not suitable for transformation into a hero for the time being.

The latter's qualifications or military level are not enough, and they are still a little short of firepower.

Speaking of which, Caniggia's loyalty increases more slowly than that of ordinary warriors.

The more talented a guy is, the harder it is to gain their loyalty.

These all require hard work to break in slowly.

Zong Shen lowered his head and thought for a while. When he raised his head, the wolf cavalry and the long-range team that arrived first had all assembled.

Doris drove the Heavy Bearer to the living area and summoned senior cavalry and melee soldiers.

Luna introduced the two Night Dryads to the Night Huntresses and hurried over.

Zong Shen glanced around and finally waved to Tasia.

"Tasia, come and bring Rasma back to the team."

Upon hearing his call, Tasia froze on the spot.

After hesitating for a moment, he walked over nervously.

This look is completely different from her usual carefree image.

She was seen clutching the staff with one hand and the black robe covering the [Exposed Body with Abnormal Bones] with the other hand.

He walked quickly with a nervous expression.

She came to Rasma first, crossed her arms respectfully, and made a strange gesture.

"Lord Rasma..."

"Former Shadow Acolyte Squadron, Ninth Column Squadron Tasia greets you..."

Rasma lowered her head, the brim of her witch hat covering her face.

After hearing Tasia's greeting as if announcing her home, she raised her head slightly.

His gray-white eyes glanced at Tasia, and then he lowered his head leisurely.


He said "good" in a cold voice as a greeting to Tasia.

Tasia didn't seem surprised by this attitude.

She bowed and took two steps back before walking toward Zong Shen.

"grown ups…"

"Lord Rasma likes to act alone..."

Tasia reported in a low voice with some embarrassment.

A rare reserved expression appeared.

"I understand, then you can return to the team."

Zong Shen nodded sensibly, he had already seen that Tasia knew Rasma.

Maybe there was a strict class distinction between the two in the last era.

And the other party is quite powerful.

Even if they met here, Tasia was still a little timid and did not dare to be too presumptuous.

After Tasia returned to the team, Zong Shen turned to Rasma and said in a gentle but unquestionable tone: "Rasma, you will follow me later."

At this time, Rasma raised her head completely and turned her head slightly while standing there.

His cold eyes looked at Zong Shen like two gray-white cold lights.

"I want to go it alone."

Her words were simple and equally emotionless.

However, Zong Shen did not agree. He raised his eyebrows and shook his head.

"This is an order."

As soon as these words came out, a loyalty change prompt appeared immediately.

[Because of your orders and tough stance]

[The loyalty of Rasma, the Favorite of the God of the Dead, to you has dropped by 3 points, and the current loyalty is 62 points]

"Damn it, does this reduce your loyalty?"

"Zhen Nima is a arrogant glass heart!"

Zong Shen glanced at the prompt and immediately cursed in his heart.

No wonder Rasma's charm is 0.

Such a guy doesn't eat hard or soft food at all, and he doesn't eat oil or salt!

He was about to say something when Rasma spoke again.

"Then as you wish, I will go with you."

She gently pulled the brim of her hat and unexpectedly agreed.

This also made Zong Shen breathe a sigh of relief.

This guy's loyalty base is too low and he can't stand the trouble.

If it drops below the critical point and becomes neutral, Zong Shen will have to find a way to subdue her.

An attempt was made to recruit her again in the form of prisoner recruitment.

But this process will never be smooth.

A sudden attack by a great mage favored by the undead god in the territory would be absolutely disastrous.

Even if Zong Shen was confident enough to subdue her with force and the territory's many defensive arrow towers, the destruction and loss of the territory was unavoidable.

"Very well Rasma, I'm sure we will have a great day together."

Zong Shen thought, his expression changed, and he said with a smile.

He would personally take Rasma into action, and while wiping out the little Balrog, he would also show off his own strength and let Rasma see how powerful he was.

This might kill her pride and spirit.

To be honest, Zong Shen possesses [Demon State], [Holy Spirit State], and [Light and Dark State], and he is also a half-empty thunder mage.

With the blessing of various equipment, he is still confident that he can suppress Rasma.

As soon as Rasma's matter was dealt with, a strange phenomenon appeared in the sky.

Hundreds of thousands of fiery red light pillars soared into the sky.

Randomly fall into this area.

These light pillars are like the trails of meteors, which begin to dim and dissipate after landing.

At the same time, such scenes occurred in every area of ​​the continent.

Boneyard, mountain bunker, garrison ruins, and Goblin tribe in the north.

To the south are the grassland streams, poisonous mist swamps, and the abandoned commercial roads of Seakabang City.

To the east are the ruins of Odo Village, some surface ruins of Azshara, and the edge of Wuyu Forest.

The remains of the city wall on the west, the Bosbon Trade Road, and the open space around the village of Citano.

Almost all of these places have small Balrogs descending in varying numbers.

Of course, these little Balrogs are still visible only to the Lords, even the damage they cause to the environment.

Fortunately, the lord system was quite prepared and did not bring the little Balrogs directly onto the faces of the indigenous people. They were basically distributed in the surrounding open space.

At least there won't be any situation where the lords break into the village and start killing people in the "air".

But even so, the large-scale killing of the little Balrogs by the lords can still easily lead to unpredictable consequences.

For example, right now, the southern lords in the south of the area have their thoughts on the Poison Mist Swamp.

In the poisonous swamp that spanned more than ten kilometers from west to east in the south of the area, at least three to four hundred little Balrogs descended, which was an irresistible attraction to the lords.

Usually they are very afraid of Poison Swamp.

Not only is it covered by level 3 poisonous mist all year round, which requires level 3 and above anti-poison pills to resist, there are also a large number of monsters in it.

Including groups of red-scaled kobolds, strong iguanas, and spiny-tailed crocodiles lurking in the swamp, they are all the formidable enemies of the lords.

The lords from the south have always regarded the Poison Mist Swamp as a dangerous place since their arrival.

There are also rumors from lords that there are treasures and ancient ruins hidden in the Poison Swamp.

Just a few days ago, a small army led more than a dozen members deep into the poisonous fog swamp, but they never came out again. Their territory also became ownerless. The result is self-evident.

Therefore, Jiang Yi's ability to discover the abnormality in the poisonous fog swamp can only be said to be inevitable by chance.

But now, with the arrival of the Little Fire Demon, the southern lords are following the light beam when the Little Fire Demon arrives, casting their sights on the Poison Swamp, and their hearts are beginning to stir again.

Many lords have tacitly opened the [Market] or territory storage boxes, looking for suitable high-level anti-venom potions...

After the light beam is launched.

A striking reminder appeared in front of each lord.

[The release of the Little Balrog is completed]

The announcement surfaced and then disappeared quickly.

After Zong Shen came to his senses, a strange treasure box flashed next to him.

[Special Balrog Treasure Box]

[The key level determines the treasure chest level]

This is the special treasure chest that everyone gets in this challenge.

Zong Shen knelt down and put it away.

The current warriors in the territory are still forming temporary groups.

Specific strategies have been communicated.

The temporary combat team is used as a "tentacle" extending out of the territory, gradually extending to the periphery of the territory, strangling the little Balrogs encountered along the way.

At the same time, three teams of high-level cavalry will be led by hero-level talents to explore in three directions of the territory. In addition to killing the Balrog, the high-level cavalry team will also be responsible for supporting other combat groups in this direction to deal with possible threats. emergencies.

Zong Shen is responsible for the last direction and carries out free actions.

He waved to Rasma and walked towards the northwest of the territory.

The blood wolf Gugat didn't need his special greeting. As soon as Zong Shen stepped out, it followed him.

The strange trio left the central area and walked toward the periphery.

Zong Shen didn't seem to be in a hurry at all. The 100,000 Balrogs that descended from each area were enough for the surviving lords to deal with. He was not big-hearted. He just wanted to gather 1,250 Balrog keys and open a platinum treasure chest to enjoy himself. .

As for points and everything else, it’s just a cloud.

Due to the comprehensive adjustment of this challenge, he can calculate with his toes how many points he can gain this time. Compared with the last time, the points gain this time is destined to be limited.

One hundred thousand Balrogs are scattered throughout the area. Even if Zong Shen kills them without eating or drinking, he may not be able to eliminate many of them unless these guys can be gathered together, but that is impossible.

He walked forward at a steady pace.

The number of warriors stationed in the territory plus the lion skeleton knights is enough to form fifty or sixty temporary combat teams.

On average, each combat team only needs to eliminate 20 small Balrogs to complete Zong Shen's small goal. It is not too difficult for the team to defeat the captain-level Balrogs one by one.

What's more, there are three perverted finales, Zong Shen, Rasma, and Gugat.

Relying on Feihu's super high mobility, the perverted trio they formed was definitely capable of killing everyone.

Five or six minutes later, Zong Shen and the others saw Feihu.

At this time, Feihu was lying on the grass and taking a nap lazily.

When Zong Shen and the others approached within 300 meters, Feihu suddenly opened his eyes.

He immediately stood up, flapped his wings and landed in front of Zong Shen.

"You are quite comfortable."

"Have you had enough sleep?"

"It's time to get to work!"

Zong Shen raised his right hand and touched Feihu's chin.

Looking at the scorpion-tailed tiger that looked like a bus, the lenses on the Blood Wolf Gugat's battle helmet flickered slightly, sending out a ray invisible to the naked eye that swept across the Feihu's body, and he quickly obtained information including body length and weight. Such body data.

Although the lord system has made magical changes to Gurgat, it still retains its curiosity.

Rasma, who was standing a few meters away from Zong Shen, was very calm.

This kind of overlord-level monster would not cause any fluctuations in her mood.

Zong Shen stroked Feihu's chin. Every hair on Feihu's body was as thick as a French fries.

But he was very strong, so he could still move it.

After petting the big cat for a while, Zong Shen walked to Fei Hu's side.

Grabbing Feihu's tough hair, he climbed up nimbly, sat firmly behind Feihu's neck, and waved to Gugat and Rasma.

"Hurry up, come up."

"ready to go!"

After hearing his call, Gugat moved slightly, jumped up after a short run-up, and smoothly jumped onto Feihu's back.

Rasma made no special movements, but her body slowly floated into the air.

Suspended at a height of five or six meters above the ground, her feet covered by the mage's robe were shrouded in a hazy black light, and she floated directly onto Feihu's back.

He found a place near Feihu's tail and sat down cross-legged, always maintaining a vague sense of distance from Zong Shen.

"Tsk, I didn't expect Rasma to have such a skill!"

"If it weren't for the speed of levitation, I would have doubted her ability to levitate."

Zong Shen thought with wonder in his heart.

Then he patted Feihu on the back of his neck and shouted loudly at the same time.

"Let's go, hurry up!"

After Feihu received the order to take off, he immediately flapped his wings and flew towards the north of the territory according to Zong Shen's instructions. While killing the little Balrog, he also wanted to take a look at the Bone Burial Ground and the Goblins. tribal situation.

As for the remaining three directions of east, west and south, Colby, Doris and Luna will lead a team of high-level cavalry to patrol respectively.

In addition, Favid will take Caniggia, Tasia and the lion skeleton knights to form a special operations team and go directly to places farther away from the territory to kill the little Balrog.

After Zong Shen and the others set out, temporary combat teams appeared one after another in the interior of the territory looking for traces of the little Balrog in different directions.

After more than a minute, Feihu left the territory five or six kilometers away.

Zong Shen also easily found the target from the sky.

It is still more than ten kilometers away from the burial ground.

Under Zong Shen's instructions, Feihu controlled his flying altitude at about five to six hundred meters.

Looking from this height, one can vaguely see the burial ground in the distance.

The gray-white soil is like a striking dividing line, dividing the grassland into two.

Further away, you can still see the shadowy rolling hills and forests.

This is the unique advantage of a high-altitude perspective.

Especially when the weather is clear, you can have an extremely wide viewing angle at an altitude of two to three thousand meters.

When Zong Shen asked Feihu to stop, there were three or four small Balrogs within a few hundred meters of the grassland directly below.

Seen from the air, these little Balrogs look like small burning torches. Although they are not as powerful as the Balrog BOSS, they are still very eye-catching!

Zong Shen stood up directly and patted Feihu on the head.

"Let's go down!"

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