Lords Trying to Survive: Strategizing from a Rundown Yard

Chapter 62: The Power of the Arrow Tower, the Prairie Wolves

He immediately clapped his hands and shouted.

"All the farmers stopped working and returned to their small courtyards to avoid injury. All the soldiers dispersed and gathered around the building."

"Get ready for the territory expansion mission!"

The lord himself spoke.

All the farmers did not dare to neglect, put down their resources, and trotted back to their territories with their tools.

All soldiers were mobilized.

The three Wolf Riders and the Night Huntress all began to wander around the newly built buildings.

Tasia and Favid stood behind Zong Shen.

Mapel and Madeleine, the ranger sisters, nimbly jumped onto the roofs of two nearby second-level houses.

He drew out a silver-white arrow and placed it gently on the long bow. His sharp eyes were like a hawk, scanning the surrounding land illuminated by the setting sun.

Zong Shen nodded with satisfaction.

Then open the [Territory] function.

[Territory: None]

[Lord’s Mansion: Level 1]

[Current expandable range: 1,000 meters in radius, expansion will be successful after completing the land expansion task]

[Click to start expansion]


Zong Shen directly clicked on expansion.

[The territory expansion mission begins]

[Remaining hostile targets: 10]

here we go! But no change seems to be happening!

Suddenly, the top of the elemental arrow tower in the small courtyard behind him suddenly lit up.

This means that a hostile target has appeared within a 500-meter warning range.


"call out!"

After a loud sound, a long arrow covered in flames shot out from the top of the arrow tower and hit a knee-deep grassland hundreds of meters away.

This range far exceeds that of the Dragonborn Ranger's longbow.



Zong Shen could see two damage values ​​popping up.


A melodious wolf howl came.

The voice was obviously much louder than the wolf cub that Zong Shen killed on his first day on the ground.

The grassland also undulated, as if something was crossing rapidly.

After 3 seconds, the elemental arrow tower shot another arrow, this time no elemental damage was attached.


The long arrow shot out again.


It only dealt the same amount of piercing damage.

The elemental arrow tower's puncture reached 60-69, but after hitting, it only caused 32 points of damage, which shows that the visitor's armor value is as high as 30 or more!

Combined with that wolf howl, it seemed that the person attracted by the expansion mission this time was a serious giant prairie wolf.

The giant wolves ridden by the Wolf Riders are the same species.

Finally, Zong Shen saw silver-gray figures running across the grass and towards the territory.

All giant prairie wolves are over three meters in length and about one and two meters above the ground. They are serious giant wolves.

In terms of quantity, no more, no less, exactly ten.

The leader of the giant wolf was exceptionally tall, with two long arrows stuck in its body, swaying in the wind.


Another arrow shot out!

The arrow tower launched another attack. Its attack had the advantage of a long range and was extremely accurate and stable.


The leader of the giant wolf let out a cry of pain.

The pace did not stop.

Leading the pack of wolves behind him, the wolves came running howling!

I used to squint my eyes slightly.

These giant wolves entered the detection range.

[Adult Steppenwolf Leader lv10 (Green)]

[Level: lv10]

[Race: Beast]

[Bite damage: 45~51]

[Health value: 435]

[Armor value: 35]

[Speed: 5]

[Skills: Bite (causing an additional bite damage), bleeding (after biting, causing the opponent to bleed for 3 seconds, the damage per second is one-tenth of the bite)]

[Adult Steppenwolf lv10]

[Level: lv10]

[Race: Beast]

[Bite damage: 35~41]

[Health value: 335]

[Armor value: 25]

[Speed: 5]

[Skills: Bite (causing an additional bite damage), pounce (the prairie wolf jumps up, leaps at the target across a distance of several meters, and suppresses it for 0.1S to 3S depending on the size and opponent)]

Adult coyotes are quite large.

Especially the steppe wolf leader, its attributes are comparable to those of the wolf cavalry giant wolf.

The pack of wolves was charging, and although there were only ten of them, they still had some momentum.

The alpha wolf was hit by three arrows from the arrow tower in a row, and still had 330 HP points left. It originally wanted to lead the charge, but it finally learned its lesson.

Slowing down a bit, he blended in with the wolves.

Finally, the wolves approached the Dragonborn Ranger's attack range.

The two ranger ladies drew their longbows to full capacity and began to shoot in an orderly manner.



Two injuries appear on top of different wolves' heads.

The second round of shooting began with almost no pause.

The attack speed is very fast, and an arrow can be fired in an average of two seconds.




The string force of a longbow is quite large, and it requires a lot of strength to pull it easily.

This is especially true for continuous shooting. Each dragonborn ranger is equipped with a quiver of 40 arrows.

It needs to be replenished after consumption.

The same goes for the Wolf Cavalry's short spear.

They are all consumables that cannot be refreshed.

Of course, if Zong Shen is willing to spend money to equip high-quality short spears and arrows, their lethality can also be enhanced.

Because soldiers can also change their equipment, the equipment they currently use is the standard equipment for soldiers of their profession, which is between white and green quality.

As battle wear and tear and injuries occur, equipment will wear out, and Zong Shen will provide replacement equipment at that time.

Now that the number of soldiers is small, they can take the elite squad route, but after Zong Shen establishes a mature and stable recruitment system, the training and arming of soldiers will become a very complicated problem.

Unfortunately, Zong Shen only had two ranger ladies and could not form a large-scale rain of arrows.

Otherwise, the wolves will be completely wiped out by the rain of arrows without the need for two rounds.

At this time, the Wolf Cavalry, Huntress and Claw Druid were wandering within about 20 meters of the territory.

An armed buffer zone was formed around the perimeter of the building.

The wolves continued to advance despite the shooting from the arrow tower and the two dragonborn rangers.

Finally came within a hundred meters.

Zong Shen stood with his hands behind his back, unmoved.

This kind of battle does not require him, the lord, to personally take action.

There was an elite wolf with nine whiteboard wolves. If they couldn't handle an attack of this level, they wouldn't have to mess around here.

The two mages took a step forward in unison, raised their staffs, and began to chant.

A palm-sized fireball and two black undead arrows were shot out at the same time.

Facing such discrete enemies, Favid wisely chose short, flat, and fast fireballs.

These wolves have no magic resistance attribute, and magic attacks can cause full damage.




Three damage values ​​appeared one after another.

The wolves broke into the 50-meter range with difficulty.

At this time, the wolves were extremely embarrassed.

Almost everyone was injured.

If it hadn't been for that inexplicable summons, these wolves would never have had the courage to attack Zong Shen's territory!

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