Lords Trying to Survive: Strategizing from a Rundown Yard

Chapter 626: A letter of help from the gods, Jeanne d'Arc, the Maiden of Orleans

[I am the calamity of the Cold Wings. I am trapped in the icy valley of the barrier of the gods in order to seize the epoch and divine will. Anyone who helps me escape will be richly rewarded. This letter is written on my scales and has the trace dragon language on it. It belongs to the queen of magic. Can be activated]

(This is a distress letter left by an ancient white dragon before it was frozen by the frost god. The text on it is in dragon language. This scale skin is attached with tracking magic. When activated, it can guide you on the way to the Ice Valley)

The golden subtitles swayed slightly, translating the dragon language text of the distress letter into the common language of the mainland.

"The walls of the gods?"

"Isn't that near the place where the dwarves of the Three Castles live?"

"It is said to be a chain of mountains that blocks the northern part of the continent!"

When Zong Shen saw the name of the Strong Wall of the Gods, he immediately remembered what the dwarf uncle once told him. This so-called Strong Wall of the Gods was a super transverse mountain range that blocked the cold wind of the ice sheet.

The three castle dwarves live south of the strong wall of the gods.

According to what the dwarf uncle said, it is also a dangerous place on the mainland.

It is said that there are a large number of mysterious ruins, and the expedition team once discovered frozen mammoths and white dragons in the mountains!

Zong Shen quickly recalled this relevant information.

"White Dragon?"

"Isn't it the one who sent the distress letter?"

According to the dwarf uncle, apart from a few bold traveling merchants, there were only mountain barbarians with a low level of civilization.

A fancy and dangerous place like this always has a bit of a reputation.

However, Zong Shen will definitely not have time to go there in a short time.

Depending on how dangerous the walls of the gods are, few lords will be able to access the ruins inside within a year or two.

Zong Shen has a lot of time to harvest these high-level "dungeons".

In the final analysis, things like ruins still depend on strength.

It doesn't mean that you have found it.

Whether it can be beaten down is still a question.

Therefore, Zong Shen was not worried at all that other lords would get there first.

"Let's stop by when we go to find the dwarves of the Three Forts."

He quickly made a decision and put this special distress letter with dragon skin as the letter paper into the storage box.

He usually puts things like this that are not needed in the short term in the storage box.

Next comes the third item.

This item is also an "old acquaintance".

This is an iron-black emblem engraved with the emblem of an ax and a hammer.

Zong Shen also has two items like this, which have always been at the bottom of the box and have never been used.

Zong Shen rubbed the surface of the emblem with his fingers.

After taking a look at its attribute information, I secretly thought that it was indeed the case.

[Nord Knight Trial Badge]

[Use to open Nord Trial]

[Successful in the trial, you can obtain the knighthood of the Kingdom of Nord]

(I’m sorry, you have forgotten the two trial badges for a long time. I suggest you take some time to complete the trials in the past few days. Although the title of knight can only be regarded as half a noble, it is legally recognized by the kingdom. After your identity, it will be of great help to you in walking in the giant city.

Otherwise, when others ask for your name and origin, you can only tell them that you are Zong Shen from a certain wilderness. After obtaining the knighthood, you can still add a knight prefix.

This will help you build a good relationship with the aboriginal people, who are still very fond of this)

Under the badge, there are even more notes in the strategy module than the attribute information itself.

But it was full of complaints, which made Zong Shen feel ashamed.

But the guide was right in complaining, he got those two badges in the early stages of Advent.

However, he never had time to complete the trial.

These knight trials are equivalent to small "dungeons" that do not match the aborigines. They are entirely the work of the lord system. As long as you pass the trial, you can obtain the corresponding knight title by default.

"Well, it seems that I really need to find a time to deal with the trial badges in the past few days."

“It doesn’t have to be before the defensive challenge, it can be after the challenge.”

"Just a few days after the challenge, we should prepare to go to the giant city of Lentax, right?"

"The noble banquet and athletic conference that England said before should start eleven days after the defensive challenge, and the time that I, England, agreed to meet at the Lentax Mage Tower was seven days after the defensive challenge. He still has to leave early, and even if he has an aerial mount, it will take about a day to arrive if the flight stops."

Zong Shen estimated the time and had a rough idea.

He put away the [Nord Knight Trial Badge] with his backhand.

The fourth lucky bag item is three large bags of corn seeds.

Zong Shenti glanced around and saw that each bag of corn seeds weighed about fifty or sixty kilograms.

This batch of corn seeds seems to have been soaked in some kind of medicine, and the surface is red. It has special skills. This batch of seeds is just left for Salome Linyu to process. In the near future, he will be able to roast sweet potatoes with his left hand and roast corn with the right hand. , this is a two-piece set from the field. After eating it, your mouth will turn black.

The most important thing is that the territory will also have its own corn field.

The story of Baomi Di in those years is very popular.

The appearance of corn fields in another world can be regarded as Zong Shen's nostalgia for the past.

He placed three bags of corn seeds next to the wall of the city tower, and then started to look at the fifth item.

This is a special piece of legendary equipment.

It is different from the traditional common swords, guns, swords and halberds. This is actually a harp with a simple shape.

As a large plucked string instrument in classical music, this thing has its origins in the West on Earth.

However, Zong Shen feels that it is not as emotional as the erhu.

Looking at the endless continent full of western fantasy world style, he felt a little helpless.

I don’t know if there will be a chance to find an oriental-style continent or world in the future.

After thinking wildly for a while, Zong Shen put his mind back on the harp.

This is a large harp, as tall as a person, with a very elegant light yellow solid wood body.

There are a total of 47 vertical strings of different lengths on the string surface, and there are seven sets of pedals that can change the pitch of the strings.

The piano post, resonance box and base are all complete.

This is a large instrument that often appears in symphonies and opera performances.

Zong Shen didn't know why it was related to equipment.

With doubtful thoughts, he was ready to find the answer from the attribute information.

[Victory Harp (Orange)]

[Quality: Legendary]

[Sonic damage: 126~129]

[Durability: 1500]

[Sonic range: 320 meters]

[Requires Charm: 65]

[Wisdom required: 40]

[Requires prerequisites: Intermediate bard proficiency, intermediate musical instrument proficiency]

[This harp can only be equipped and used by those with talents related to bards and chanters]

[Skill: Play the victory song (pluck the harp to play the song of victory, which will boost the morale of all friendly units within a 320-meter radius, gain 5 points of health recovery effect per second, and increase the movement speed and attack speed by 25%. The caster You will gain a higher and more efficient meditation recovery speed, with a duration of 15 minutes and a cooldown time of 2 hours)

Rhythmic chaos (pluck the strings to condense 120 different rhythmic weapons (including swords, guns, swords, halberds, etc.). These rhythmic weapons have 5 independent durability points. Each attack consumes 1 durability point. Each rhythmic weapon's The damage is equal to 1.2 times the sonic damage. All temperament weapons will be controlled by the player until the durability is exhausted. They can exist for up to 1 hour and have a cooling time of 6 hours.)

Pluck the piano (pluck the strings and swing out an arrow of music, with a maximum range of 320 meters, which can cause 1.5 times the sonic damage to the target, and the cooling time is 3 seconds. If you plucking the piano more than 300 times in an hour, the risk of string breakage will be fixedly reduced. If the durability is 100 points, please control the plucking frequency reasonably)]

[Passive skill: Rhythm enhancement (the effect and range of rhythm/sound wave skills are increased by 10%)

Charm enhancement (increases charm attribute by 15 points)]

(You don’t need the rare rhythm weapon anymore. You can consider giving it to the bard Ingram to trick a good friend back)

"Melodic Weapon..."

Zong Shen repeated softly.

Strictly speaking, this harp is truly rare.

This was the first time he had obtained this type of weapon.

Driven by curiosity, he reached out and tried to pluck the strings.

But the forty-seven strings didn't move at all.

Zong Shen didn't dare to put in any effort, for fear of breaking the strings.

"Let's show it to England then."

"It's not certain whether I'll give it to him or not!"

He looked at the harp and thought silently.

This large harp was much larger than the viele that that guy in England carried.

If you want to take it with you, you either need a storage space prop or you need a carriage.

Moreover, England is only a bard with rare qualifications, so it would be a pity to give him this legendary piano.

"Let's wait and see after meeting England!"

Zong Shen shook his head and raised his hand to put the entire harp into the storage compartment.

Now comes the sixth item, which is a recruitment contract.

The yellowed pages were densely written.

Zong Shen took a closer look and found that the words on it were actually ancient French on Earth.

Each letter is exaggeratedly drawn, which is a very classical continuous writing method.

It was common among the gentlemen in foggy cities in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries.

There is also a simple rose flower painted on the upper right side of the contract.

Because it is written in consecutive strokes and the grammatical structure is different from Earth French, Zong Shen cannot understand it at all.

But he has a universal translator—the strategy module!

With the help of the strategy module, he read the text on the contract.

This was written by an archbishop to a young girl named Joan of Arc.

【To Joan of Arc——】

The title at the end proves this.

As a different-dimensional recruitment contract, this thing is similar to the contract for recruiting Gurgat.

They all recruit a warrior from another dimension to fight for him.

It's just that this contract seems to have fixed the recruitment target.

"Joan of Arc?"

"Isn't that the heroine of France?"

"She recovered the lost territory of France that was occupied by England and lifted the siege of Orleans."

Zong Shen frowned. He had naturally heard some allusions to Joan of Arc.

But the real Joan of Arc was a historical figure in the Central and Western parts of the earth.

There is no way it could be related to the power of another world.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but ask about the strategy module.

"Is the Joan of Arc mentioned in the recruitment contract the one from Earth's history?"

(Oh, my God, Joan of Arc is not exclusive to the earth. In fact, this Joan of Arc comes from an illusory dimension called the Iron Armor Continent. Since the power system of this dimension has a certain overlap with the underlying rules of the Endless Continent, More suitable for transformation into an extra-dimensional warrior that meets the requirements for advent.

However, Joan of Arc in the Iron Continent does have some of the same background as Joan of Arc in Earth.

No matter what, try your best to become the supreme lord, so that you can see a broader new world)

"Iron Armored Continent???"

A series of question marks popped up on Zong Shen's head.

There seem to be many secrets to be discovered between the different dimensions and the endless continent!

Especially the sentence left at the end of the guide, combined with the previous conclusions.

It seems that after becoming the Supreme Lord, you will have access to the secrets of the dimensional world.

Zong Shen scratched his head, summarized this information, and prepared to continue to pay attention to relevant situations.

There are some things that the strategy module doesn't want to explain clearly, so he can only write them down by himself and slowly figure them out.

The strategy module is not an emotionless little assistant.

In a few cases, he will also show his arrogant, expectant, earnest, or naughty side.

"Recruit first and then talk!"

"After all, he is also a warrior from another dimension."

"At least that guy Gugat didn't disappoint me!"

Thinking of this, Zong Shen decided to recruit on the spot.

Speaking of which, the quality of this recruitment contract is special, and the original contract to recruit Gujiat was of legendary quality. It is not yet clear which one is better between the two, and Zong Shen also has more expectations.

Recalling the news during Gugat's recruitment, Zong Shen resolutely left the Lord's Fortress and walked to the open space outside, where there was a lot of space for him to play.

His appearance also attracted the attention of the [Infancy Ancient Tree of Knowledge] rooted two hundred meters away.

Two smart eyes on the tree stared at Zong Shen, seeming to be observing his behavior.

The tree spirit is a very special existence, which is both a territorial structure and an independent spiritual intelligence.

They can serve their territory but are not bound by loyalty.

In other words, Zong Shen can use the functions of the tree spirit, but he may not be recognized by the tree spirit.

This [ancient tree of knowledge in its infancy] is in a wait-and-see state.

That's why it refused to communicate with Zong Shen.

Zong Shen walked to the right position, grabbed the contract and chose to activate recruitment!

In an instant, the contract in his hand spread out and turned into countless light spots flying towards the sky.

At the same time, large clouds gathered in the sky.

It turned into a palace made of clouds.

Golden sunlight hangs down from both sides like tassels.

The door made of clouds in the palace slowly rotated open.

A pink light cluster fell towards Zong Shen like a shooting star, trailing a trail of flowers.

The flowers behind the wake spread out into petals and scattered all over the sky.

Red, yellow, pink, orange...

The petals of various colors are like snowflakes of different colors, falling with the floral fragrance that fills the nose.

The rain of flowers completely covered Zong Shen's territory, creating a unique phenomenon.

"Tsk tsk, this vision is really girlish!"

At this moment, all the female citizens in the territory raised their heads and stared at the rain of petals in the sky with shining eyes.

They stretched out their palms, and petals fell into their palms and disappeared quickly, like melting snowflakes.

All that remains in the palm is a faint floral fragrance.

Such a spectacular rain of petals dissipated as the pink light cluster fell.

Only the fragrance on the tip of the nose witnessed the scene just now.

A pink ball of light fell silently in front of Zong Shen.

There was no shocking loud noise, nor did the earth collapse.

Everything is so quiet and natural.

The light shines and condenses, gradually shrinks and condenses.

Zong Shen happened to have time, so he patiently waited for the light group to condense and take shape.

After a full five or six minutes passed, the light group finally turned into a human-shaped light cocoon.

"—Gah bang"

The crisp sound of shell breaking came, and the pink light cocoon began to collapse, with cracks appearing on the surface.

A slender arm covered with silver-bright armor held up a spear with five colors of light and pierced the cocoon of light.

Then, the entire light cocoon quickly disintegrated and melted like solid ice under hot wind.

In the blink of an eye, the light cocoon disappeared completely, and there was only a slim girl wearing full body armor standing there holding a spear.

The dust floated up automatically without wind, and slowly flew away, as if a veil enveloped her.

"Is this the mysterious Maid of Orleans, Joan of Arc from the Ironclad Continent?"

Zong Shen looked at the girl wearing armor and did not step forward rashly.

With the experience of recruiting the blood wolf Gugat, he knew that such extradimensional warriors often have an adaptation period in the early stages of their arrival, which lasts about five to ten minutes.

The shot that broke the light cocoon just now was more like an instinctive reaction.

So Zong Shen waited patiently for several minutes.

Just as he thought, seven or eight minutes later, Joan of Arc moved.

Her armor made a crisp clashing sound.

The head under the full helmet slowly raised, looking at Zong Shen who seemed to be sizing up something.

After more than ten seconds, she took the first step.

The spear beside her was three meters long, and the tip of the spear exuded a five-color halo.

There was a distinct sense of contrast in her hands.

Joan of Arc came to Zong Shen and put her spear on the ground first.

Then he stroked his chest with one hand and opened the visor of his helmet with the other hand, revealing a delicate and beautiful face.

Zong Shen was relieved after seeing that there were no iconic freckles on her face.

This proves that Joan of Arc really has nothing to do with the surrendering country, and is a standard beauty from another dimension!

At this time, Joan of Arc slowly spoke.

Her voice was far less violent than her appearance, as clear as a stream in a mountain stream.

Round pebbles can be seen in the running water of Juanjuan.

The clear voice inspired Zong Shen's protective desire.

But at the moment he could only concentrate on accepting Joan's allegiance.

After completing this process, Joan of Arc truly joined his command.

“Come according to the will of the Lord.”

“I will guard the glory and await revelation from the Lord.”

"Great Lord, please accept my allegiance!"

"There are no subordinates in my army, only partners who live and die together!"


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