Lords Trying to Survive: Strategizing from a Rundown Yard

Chapter 630: Evil Eye Gatling Type I, Points Redemption Ended

Speaking of revolving firearms, the earliest one on earth can be traced back to the early sixteenth century.

At that time, it was still a revolving matchlock gun.

It was not until the early 19th century that Collier invented the revolving flintlock pistol.

However, it was Colt who truly promoted revolver firearms.

From the first flash cap-fired revolver to the first rifle with practical significance, the Colt repeating rifle, also known as the first type of ring lever revolver.

These can be called the originators of rotating firearms.

As for the minigun, it is just an extension of this structure.

Facts have already proven the significance of rotating firearms to the development of firearms history.

The most significant advantage of this structure is that it can greatly improve the burst performance and shooting speed of the firearm.

This principle can naturally also be applied to the characteristics of [Evil Eye].

Magic energy is equivalent to ammunition, and the evil eye only converts the magic energy into [evil eye rays].

As long as the principles are clearly explained, the dwarf uncle and the goblin engineer will naturally be able to build a prototype very quickly.

So now it’s time to put this “Evil Eye Gatling” to the test.

He bent his knees slightly, leaned over and picked up the handle on the back half, lifting it up.

I have to say that the appearance and structure of this thing are indeed a bit bloated.

For Ironhand Barenque and Uncle Dwarf, it is not difficult to reproduce a firearm with a rotating wheel structure.

But it's not easy to compress its volume.

Especially in Endless Continent, there is no concept of fine craftsmanship.

No matter how bloated the magic machine is, there are always a lot of stupid, big, black, thick-muscled warriors who can use it freely.

Zong Shen held the "Evil Eye Gatling" like he was holding a strange-looking machine cannon.

Before that, he even planned to let Iron Hand Barenke design it as a manual crank.

Unexpectedly, that guy directly connected the wheel system and the magic core in parallel, and could use the magic power to drive.

This feels a bit like an electronic wheel.

He lowered his head and stared at it, checking its detailed properties.

[Homemade magic weapon (orange) (can be named)]


[Quality: Legendary]

[Single shot fixed damage: 20]

[Mana consumption per shot: 18]

[Maximum rate of fire per minute: 540 rounds]

[Attack range: 30 meters]

[Single barrel durability: 1800]

[Magic energy reserve: 20000/20000]

[Strength required: 55]

[Requires agility: 40]

[Every 10 evil eye rays fired from each barrel will reduce the durability by 1 point]

[Skill: None]

[Passive skills: (Burning), (Corrosion), (Pain), (Disease), (Frost), (Wailing), (Strangulation), (Grief), (Dirty), (Cruelty)]

(The trial-type Evil Eye Gatling has not yet been engraved with magic runes, and only has nine passive damage characteristics of the Evil Eye)

"The damage has not changed, but the range seems to have increased by more than 50%."

Zong Shen quickly checked the attributes and looked up at the goblin engineer Ironhand Barenque.

Hearing his words, Iron Hand Barenke became excited again.

"The lord is so discerning!"

"The reason why these barrels are made thick is that I applied an alloy coating on the inside of the tube wall that is a 3:1 fusion of mithril and fine gold. This coating can effectively focus the rays and make them difficult to dissipate. Therefore, The range has also been improved!"

"If there is enough time, let this dwarf forge the [Toughness] and [Smooth] runes on the barrel of the gun to further increase the range!"

Iron Hand Barenke explained the issue about the range increase of [Evil Eye Ray].

After certain technical modifications, certain characteristics of the material itself can indeed be improved.

This is probably the unique charm of engineering and rune forging technology.

"The 20,000 mana reserves are a bit low."

"Based on its consumption, even if the consumption of magic energy by the wheel system is not taken into account, it can only be fired continuously at the maximum shooting speed for about two minutes."

"In battle, it can only cause slightly more damage than the equivalent amount of magic energy."

Zong Shen raised a second question.

However, Iron Hand Barenque seems to have already thought of a solution.

"The solution to this problem is very simple."

"That's further increasing the size."

"It can even be installed on some magic energy vehicles."

"For example, your loader mecha is a good modification carrier."

"After being installed on the vehicle, the volume of the energy storage component can be increased unscrupulously."

"Theoretically, I can transform it into a weapon platform with hundreds of thousands of magic energy reserves!"

Its words made Zong Shen's eyes light up.

Here I have to say that there are specializations in the art industry.

Although Zong Shen has the scientific and technological concepts of the earth, he is really not as good as Iron Hand Barenque in the extension of his thinking. According to this professional spirit, even if these goblin engineers are put into the earth, I am afraid they will soon be destroyed. Can master the essence of earth's technology.

He himself stopped thinking about vehicles for a while, and only thought about making a handheld long-range individual weapon.

In fact, for lords with storage compartments, making them into vehicles is the best choice.

At that time, the vehicle can also be handed over to other warriors for use.

Moreover, the mobility of the vehicle and the high rate of fire of the "Evil Eye Gatling" simply complement each other!

Even the problem of mana battery life can be solved!

[Evil Eye Ray] is different from conventional firearms and ammunition in that there is no overheating loss when fired.

However, long-term firing will gradually affect the durability and life of the barrel.

According to the current situation, the firing life of a single barrel can reach 18,000 rounds!

This kind of durability is probably unique on earth.

After basically finalizing the trial-type transformation strategy.

Zong Shen waved his hand first and took out an idle [Heavy Bearer Mecha] and the [Armed Container Mecha]. One was a crawler-type transport type magic mecha, and the other was originally purchased from a goblin merchant. The container mecha brought by Boswell.

Then he used the naming authority to officially determine the name of the weapon as [Evil Eye Gatling Type 1]!

Then he placed [Evil Eye Gatling] on the ground.

"Then let's transform it according to the idea just now."

“Hopefully we’ll be able to see the finished product in four or five days.”

"And I'll give you these evil eyes."

"At least make two Evil Eye Gatlings first."

Zong Shen took out more than twenty evil eyes. In addition to the evil eyes he had given to Iron Hand Barenke before, he had handed over all the more than thirty evil eyes he had accumulated.

What limits the development of [Evil Eye Gatling] is not the craftsmanship, but the material itself.

If you want to further expand the production of [Evil Eye Gatling], you need to find more [Evil God Forgotten]. Zong Shen even wants to start with the epic [Evil God Forgotten] so that he can obtain higher quality ones. [Evil Eye].

"Oh, there are so many guys that need beating."

"I really hope the defensive challenge ends soon."

Zong Shen sighed in his heart.

The dwarf uncle is still studying the [Demon-Slaying Glaive of Azzinoth (Gold)], and he can't bear to disturb him.

However, the goblin engineer Ironhand Barenque was not so polite.

It came directly to the dwarf uncle, raised its foot and kicked him.

"You damn green clown!"

"Don't think you can be arrogant around the lord!"

The dwarf uncle cursed angrily, and after standing up, he directly grabbed the collar of Ironhand Barenque.

Obviously it has been patient for a long time. In terms of force alone, the dwarf uncle can definitely press the goblin engineer to the ground and rub it.

Only then did Zong Shen realize that it was no wonder that Ironhand Barenque had been mocking the dwarf uncle since just now.

He initially thought the difference was caused by their different styles.

I never thought that the goblin engineer was trying to show off his power.

But leaving aside what is right and wrong for now, the [Evil Eye Gatling Vehicle] has not been completed yet, and Zong Shen does not want them to get into trouble at this time.

As a lord, when it's time to make peace, you have to make peace.

"Okay, no bickering!"

"Especially iron, it's your best choice."

"Go to work!"

Zong Shen gave a few lectures with a straight face.

The dwarf uncle immediately let go of his hand, and Tiezi didn't dare to say anything anymore.

I saw the dwarf uncle lifting [Evil Eye Gatling Type 1] from the ground with some difficulty, but his eyes were fixed on [Azzinoth Demon-Slaying Warblade (Gold)], with his heartfelt love and desire for knowledge. Shen felt ashamed.

"Uncle Bronzebeard, I will lend you the war blade in a few days to study it carefully."

Zong Shen saw this scene and said comfortingly.

The dwarf uncle suddenly nodded and nodded slightly to Zong Shen.

The same goes for the goblin engineer Ironhand Barenc.

After saluting, they turned and walked towards the [Earthshaker Chariot].

Zong Shen withdrew his gaze and bent down to pick up the [Demon-Slaying Glaive of Azzinoth].

I waved it gently, but it always felt a little unsmooth.

He bypassed the [Earthshaker Chariot] and walked straight to the open space ahead.

With a thought, he tried to communicate with the Demon-Slaying Blade and emitted the [Demon-Slaying Blade Light].

After trying for a long time, the Glaive didn't respond at all.

Only after inputting the power of the devil, the sacrificial fire can be ignited as usual.

"Something's not right!"

Zong Shen was puzzled and opened the attributes of the war blade again.

Among them, the [Required Agility: 120] line is suddenly red.

This shows that Zong Shen's agility attribute fails to meet the equipment requirements.

Seeing this, he slapped his forehead and finally understood why he could hold the war blade, but couldn't activate the skill of the war blade.

The reason is that the agility attribute does not meet the requirements, so strictly speaking, the equipment this time is unsuccessful.

Currently, Zong Shen's [Strength] attribute has reached 238 points, while his [Agility] attribute is only 50 points, which has reduced him to the bottom of his four attributes.

When I arrived, I promised to take the force-sensitive flow.

Unexpectedly, Agile fell offline in the end.

Zong Shen also became a reckless lord who launched a group in the flesh.

However, his "recklessness" is actually part of his strategizing. Zong Shen will only be "reckless" if he has sufficient strength and means as his trump card.

No matter what, Zong Shen's [Agility] attribute is currently 120 points away from meeting the equipment requirements, and there is still a long way to go. He needs to work hard to catch up with the 70-point attribute gap.


"This is a bit disappointing!"

"It seems that I need to collect some items that can increase the agility attribute in the future."

Zong Shen sighed and whispered.

I originally thought that [Dragon-Slaying Heavy Sword] could take a back seat.

I didn’t expect that I couldn’t equip [Demon-Slaying Glaive of Azzinoth (Gold)] myself!

"I can only store it for now!"

"After all, there is a long way to go. We can talk about it in the future. When our attributes accumulate over time, we will be able to know how powerful we are, morning and night!"

Zong Shen made some nonsense to relieve his depression.

Judging from the current situation, this war blade will have to gather dust for some time.

In line with the principle of out of sight, out of mind, he simply put away the war blade.

The dwarf uncle and Tiezi had already left the central area in the [Earthshaker Chariot].

But Zong Shen knew that they had to come back.

Because the [Heavy Bearer Mecha] and [Armed Container Mecha] used for vehicle modification are still here.

He shook his head indifferently and walked back to the courtyard of the lord's fortress.

After redeeming five [Level 5 Lucky Bags], his point balance was 104,579 points.

In other words, Zong Shen can exchange for 10 more [Level 5 Lucky Bags].

The previous five blessing bags were pretty good, and the [Demon-Slaying Blade of Azzinoth (gold)] alone could recoup the cost of points.

Although he cannot equip it yet, there is still no denying the value of the war blade.

"At this time, we need to sing "Good Luck Comes" to calm down the panic."

Zong Shen rubbed his hands, trying to bring out some European energy.

Then he opened the [Points Lucky Bag], gritted his teeth and filled up the [Level 5 Lucky Bag] with 10,000 points.

As the points were deducted, his points balance instantly decreased by 100,000 points and became 4,579 points.

Several hours have passed since afternoon.

He first opened the treasure chest and then redeemed points.

After this wave of lucky bags are redeemed, it also means that the heat wave challenge has officially come to an end.

Zong Shen had been running around from last night to this morning in order to take over the unclaimed territory yesterday. He had not slept for long when he returned to the lord's fortress. The noon hour arrived, and the announcement of the end of the heat wave challenge and the pre-announcement of the defense challenge came one after another.

He couldn't sleep when he thought that the recent trophies had not yet been sorted out.

Now he can finally breathe a sigh of relief.

After finishing this batch of lucky bags, the remaining four thousand points can be exchanged for anything.

All that remains are statistics on the supplies, people, and buildings brought back from unclaimed territories.

Fortunately, there are many heroic talents who can share the affairs of these territories for him.

If he did everything as he did before, he would die suddenly sooner or later.

Just when he was about to open these lucky bags, he suddenly remembered something!

He took out a coin with a masked witch on the front and a snake wrapped around a rose on the back.

It is the [Anna's Divination Coin (Special)] that was exchanged for ten consecutive draws from the last round of points.

"It's a miscalculation. These lucky bags and those treasure boxes can be kept forever."

"You can definitely pick a good day and flip a coin!"

"If it's a good day, we'll open it again, but if it's a bad day, we won't open it!"

"It's a pity that this coin can only be used once every day at twelve o'clock at noon. The time has been missed today!"

Zong Shen exclaimed in his heart that it was a pity that he almost forgot about this special prop that can change luck!

In theory, this thing can have an impact on anything that requires luck.

The same goes for operations such as point lottery and treasure chest opening!

If in a "good luck" situation, the minimum quality limit of the items issued should be effectively increased!

Even if you are thrown into the "big danger" of snakes and roses, it doesn't matter. At most, don't do things like unboxing.

After all, the so-called "good luck" and "bad luck" of coins fluctuate based on luck.

With his luck, even if there is a "big bad" blessing, as long as he acts according to the information in the strategy module, he will not overturn.

When you win the "good luck" lottery, it's not too late to open the box or lucky bag!

But today, he opened all the treasure boxes at hand.

Even the exchanged [Level 5 Lucky Bags] opened five.

Then Zong Shen doesn't plan to open the remaining ten [Level 5 Lucky Bags] now.

Let’s wait until a masked witch comes along in the next few days for good luck!

After making up his mind, Zong Shen collected all these lucky bags.

As for the remaining points, it's easy to deal with them. If you don't decide, you can exchange them all for cotton and linen clothes.

One point for a set is almost like free money, who knows who can exchange it.

As a result, Zong Shen redeemed 4,579 sets of cotton and linen clothing, completely reducing his points balance to zero.

This wave of points redemption has finally come to a successful end.

While it was still dark, Zong Shen planned to go to the living area to see how the personnel were being reorganized.

Judging from the previous situation, the living area at this time is probably in a mess.

Just when he was about to win over Xiao Heizi.

A loud chirping sound came from the southeast.

Yingjiang returned with the ten gryphons fluttering their wings.

However, they did not stay in the central area, but flew directly to the northwest area of ​​the territory.

That is the farming and pastoral area of ​​the territory, and it is also where Feihu often stays these days.

"No way?"

"What are you afraid of?"

Zong Shen covered his forehead. He already knew why Yingjiang flew to the northwest with the gryphon.

It must be because Feihu is there!

They often hunt and attack each other in the wild.

Naturally, enemies are extremely jealous when they meet at this time.

Otherwise Zong Shen wouldn't have gone to great lengths to separate the manticore and the gryphon.

For this reason, he specially asked Mariel to take the dwarf uncle to Xitano Village, borrowed open space from Mr. Mars, and built ten iron cages to temporarily house some manticore tigers.

Sure enough, after the eagle flew over the central area with its chirping, a loud and powerful roar came from the farming and pastoral area.

Then the flying tiger also rose into the sky. In Zong Shen's eyes, the flying tiger in the distant sky was like a small black dot.

It looked at Yingjiang from a distance, who was about to attack it in a group, as if it was waiting and watching before running away.

When two rookies are about to start pecking each other, the best way to resolve the issue is to introduce a middle man who can take advantage of both parties.

And the role of this middle "man" is naturally none other than Xiao Heizi!


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