Lords Trying to Survive: Strategizing from a Rundown Yard

Chapter 645: Monitoring Point System, Aboriginal Countermeasures from Different Dimensions

The giant city of Wolffang is a giant city located at the junction of the Kingdom of Nord and the Kingdom of Avalon.

It is also a fortress guarding outside the mountains and forests and on the cliffs of the canyons.

As long as you go south through the mountains and forests that stretch for two to three thousand kilometers, you can reach the Kingdom of Avalon.

This forest is the mountain forest in the north of Zong Shen's territory.

It is also a buffer zone between the two kingdoms.

It can be regarded as a kind of natural geographical isolation.

The area near the south of the mountain forest, which is within Avalon, is basically grassland.

To the north of the mountain forest towards the Kingdom of Nord is a stretch of undulating canyons and hills, with the largest drop reaching more than a thousand meters. .

Wolf Tooth Castle is located on a cliff facing the mountain forest at a commanding height.

The land here is scarce, the rocks are exposed, and the terrain is uneven, with sometimes crisscrossing ravines and sometimes towering rocky cliffs. This geographical environment is not suitable for farming and animal husbandry.

Even if you can use soil magic to improve the terrain and natural magic to shorten the growth cycle of crops.

This place is still not suitable for large-scale population reproduction.

After all, if large-scale natural transformation is to be carried out, it is better to directly let the cities in the rear transport food to Wolf Fang Castle.

Although this is a remote place in the kingdom, it is an important place in the throat of the south.

Fortunately, the relationship between the Kingdom of Nord and the Kingdom of Avalon has always been pretty good.

After so many years, Wolf Fang Castle is still majestic, but the number of troops stationed in it is much smaller than that of other border fortresses.

At this time, in the mage tower of Wolf Fang Castle.

The tower keeper and earth mage Bloomer Kun noticed it immediately after the monitoring ball lit up.

He was sitting cross-legged on the top floor of the mage tower, which was also the commanding heights of Wolf Fang Castle.

The deep purple light reflected from the monitoring ball made him frown.

"Dark purple..."

"Is it a void dimension that is good at arcane power?"

"Or is it the shadow plane?"

"It doesn't seem right..."

He murmured to himself, naming several dimensions and planes whose energy feedback was purple.

But they were all rejected by him.

As a seventh-level mage, he is also a hero.

Commands the spellcaster troops stationed in Wolf Fang Castle.

Due to the natural terrain advantages here, Wolf Fang Castle is easy to defend but difficult to attack.

It is also suitable for earth spell casters to show off their power here.

As a Grand Magister, Bloomer Queen has a longer lifespan than ordinary humans.

I have also read a lot of books and know a lot of knowledge and legends.

Especially in the practice of earth magic, he is a knowledgeable instructor.

But even he was not sure for a while which dimension the energy in the monitoring ball came from. After all, according to records, there are many worlds where the dimensional energy appears as purple or deep purple, and the monitoring ball is just a kind of waiter. A low-level induction artifact.

In addition to receiving dissipated energy from different dimensions and emitting warning signals, it can also guide the location of energy sources within a range of 100 kilometers.

As usual, he took out the photo crystal and recorded the light of the monitoring ball.

After doing this, he stood up and walked to the desk.

"Looking at the location, it should come from the Rotten Bone Forest area."

"The approximate location is in Avalon, within the jurisdiction of the giant city of Lentax."

"In this case, it is not suitable to directly send out an investigation team."

"I think the giant cities nearby in the Kingdom of Avalon should have noticed it, right?"

"Anyway, let's report to the Imperial City first."

"Speaking of which, there was news from the Imperial City earlier. It seems that the king will arrive at Wolffang Castle through the teleportation array tomorrow. I wonder if Marquis Sodor has made arrangements properly..."

He thought about it for a moment and soon came up with an idea.

After carefully observing the position, he took out a quill pen from the ink bottle.

Then he pulled out a piece of tough yellow letter paper from the letter stand.

The response time, color, location, and orientation of the monitoring ball were faithfully written down.

After writing everything clearly, Bloomer Queen folded the letter paper a few times.

Then, he melted the magic fire paint on the candlestick, opened the drawer, and took out the magic seal representing the Wolf Fang Wizard Tower.

Holding the lacquer pot, he poured some magic fire paint onto the seal, and then stamped it directly with the seal.

The emblem of Wolffang Castle appeared on the paint.

As the fire paint cooled, the mark solidified, and an earthy-yellow luster flashed across the letterhead.

It has a variety of magical properties.

Including [self-destruction when touched by non-openers], [waterproof], [fireproof], [sturdiness], etc.

These effects are all accompanied by the magic fire paint mark.

After finishing processing the letter, he snapped his fingers on his right hand.

A few seconds later, the sound of flapping wings was heard.

A huge commander-level blade-winged falcon landed on the top of the mage tower.

The edge of this blade-winged falcon's wings is as sharp as a knife. When it is gathered and flying, it looks like a curved wing blade. Its claws are as long as hooks and can easily kill prey. It is considered a raptor with good combat effectiveness. .

Of course, the reason why the Blade-Wing Falcon was chosen as the messenger raptor of the Nord Kingdom was naturally not its combat effectiveness, but its flight speed and endurance.

I saw a silver-white letter box tied to the claws of this Blade-Wing Falcon.

Bloomer Queen placed the letter in the mailbox.

After whispering a few words softly, the Blade-Wing Falcon seemed to understand its destination.

After nodding in a rather humane manner, he flapped his wings and flew towards the north!

Its destination is not the Imperial City, but a huge city with a teleportation array that leads directly to the Imperial City.

Even the nearest imperial city here is hundreds of thousands of kilometers away. If we only rely on blade-winged falcons to fly, we may have to fly continuously for less than half a month without eating or drinking.

When it took off, its wings were folded to both sides, keeping smooth lines and flying through the wind!

After passing the letter, Bloomer Queen sat back down, looking at the light emitted by the monitoring ball and continuing to think hard.

At the same time that the monitoring bead of Wolf Fang Castle sensed the energy of another dimension.

The Mage Towers in the giant cities of Lentax and Dagarisni in the Kingdom of Avalon also simultaneously monitored this scene.

The guardian of the mage tower in the giant city of Lentax is a rare seventh-level dragon-speaking mage.

As the name suggests, the dragon language system is a spell caster who has mastered the power of dragon language.

Some of the spellcasters in the giant city crusade brought by Kunir were earth mages and some were dragon spell mages.

Speaking of which, Dragon Mages can be considered a unique spellcaster unit in the Kingdom of Avalon.

To become a Dragon Master you must meet the following requirements and conditions.

First of all, you must have magic talent above the excellent level.

Secondly, the age must not be more than 35 years old, and the body must not have scars exceeding three centimeters in length.

As long as the above conditions are met, you will have the opportunity to receive a special baptism.

The dragon whispering power of the dragon crystal is derived through a special magic circle and combined with the recipient's magical talent to create a dragon whisperer.

Each dragon crystal of the epic dragon can baptize five thousand spellcasters of fourth level and below under normal circumstances. As for higher level mages, it is not suitable for baptism.

After the baptism is completed, they can be transformed into dragon wizards of the corresponding level.

There are almost no dangers in baptism, and the conversion rate is almost 100%.

The dragon magician can sing in dragon language to increase the speed of condensation of corresponding elements.

At the same time, it can also produce an amplifying effect on some magic skills.

In addition, the lifespan of Dragon Magister is about 50 years longer than that of mages of the same level.

Physical strength has also been slightly improved, and can also be promoted through meditation practice.

These are the advantages of Dragon Master.

What limits the number of transformations of the Dragon Master is the Dragon Crystal.

This thing can only be condensed by epics and pure-blooded dragons above epics.

Young dragons like Xiao Heizi have not yet condensed their crystals.

The location of the dragon crystal is in the dragon's head, which can greatly increase the power of dragon language magic.

In fact, when a giant dragon enters adulthood, what increases most is not its physical strength, but its spellcasting ability. Including those ancient dragons and ancient dragons, they basically have sage-level spellcasting abilities.

Each dragon has only one crystal in its skull.

After being taken out, the dragon will lose its ability to cast spells. In other words, behind each dragon crystal, it means that a dragon has been slaughtered.

As usual, the Kingdom of Avalon specifically selects five-color dragons.

He rarely hunts metal dragons and maintains a good relationship with them.

After all, the belief in the five-color dragon is Tiamat, the mother of dragons.

Only metal dragons directly believe in the nine-faced dragon god Io.

One yard owned by a yard.

Therefore, the five-color dragons in the mainland are very disgusted with the Kingdom of Avalon.

Every once in a while, there is always an irresistible lord dragon who comes to cause trouble.

They attack the cities of the Kingdom of Avalon.

These all have historical origins.

The tower guard of the mage tower in the giant city of Lentax is also the leader of the spellcasting force in the giant city. He is a rare seventh-level dragon language mage.

The tower guard also sat cross-legged on the top floor of the mage tower and meditated with his eyes closed.

When the monitoring ball lit up, she noticed it immediately.

The black hood was lifted, revealing a head of golden hair and a cool face.

She is Longfellow Amy, the tower keeper of the great city of Lentax.

If her face were not covered with fine red scales, she would definitely be able to enter the king's palace and become a noble princess based on her appearance.

"Well, the induction source is probably more than four thousand kilometers to the east."

"If I remember correctly, that's already the eastern edge of the giant city."

"It should be between Bosibon and Seakabang City."

Longfellow Amy said softly.

Behind her stood several sixth-level mages who also wore hoods.

Including a sixth-level dragon language archmage, two sixth-level fire mage and a sixth-level water mage. They stood silently with Longfellow Amy behind them without saying a word.

"Nehemiah, immediately organize an investigation team to go to the location of the induction source. Once a gap in the space is found, immediately report to me through the giant city-level magic crystal."

"Tell Lord Hobbs to allocate a squadron of dragon hawk knights to accompany the investigation team."

"Let's set off now. If we go quickly, we should be able to arrive by night!"

"Bring the monitoring scroll and the image crystal. Even if the induction disappears, you must find the exact location and on-site conditions so that you can establish a monitoring station later."

She gave the order after a moment of silence.

One of the sixth-level archmage whose name was called bowed slightly and left the top floor quickly.

Then she said in a deep voice.

"Yilaisi, it's up to you to write a letter and deliver it to the nearest giant city with a teleportation point directly to the imperial city. Do it immediately."

Another sixth-level mage took a step forward, saluted respectfully and then left.

It is the responsibility of the Mage Tower to monitor the dimensional energy reactions in the area.

The tower guards do not need to report to the lord of the giant city and have the privilege of allocating troops to form an investigation team.

Subsequent investigation results need to be reported back to the Imperial City in a timely manner.

This is the consensus of every kingdom!

In fact, after the establishment of major human kingdoms, they monitored the entire continent in the form of monitoring points.

Make sure there are no intrusions from extradimensional forces.

In the thousands of years of kingdom history, there have been several small-scale invasions from different dimensions on the continent.

Most of them are due to the gaps squeezed out after the dimensional barriers overlap.

This gap is extremely unstable and may allow some creatures from other dimensions to break through the boundary.

There are also invasions from different dimensions caused by beacons or dimensional wormholes opened up by imprints from ancient times.

You must know that the destruction of the last era is inseparable from the invasion of the blood-burning demons.

The second is the so-called dimensional curse.

In order to deal with large-scale invasions from different dimensions, monitoring points with giant cities as nodes were established.

Based on this premise, each kingdom's dynasty has an organization specifically designed to deal with this situation.

An organization affiliated with the Kingdom of Avalon is called the Celtic Eyes.

This is a very loose organization with many members from all over the kingdom.

There are many high-level space mages and various spell casters among them.

There are also powerful Avalon Dragon Swordsmen and Three Bauhinia Dragonborn Knights.

As well as those mysterious legendary strongmen, adventurers, loners, dragon warriors, etc.

Upon receipt of the findings, Celtic Eye immediately assesses the hazard.

Then, according to the hazard level, relevant levels of elimination missions are issued near the location where the extradimensional reaction occurs. There is a long-standing set of rules of action.

When the giant city of Lentax was operating, the mage tower of the giant city of Dagalisini, which was located further east of the kingdom but was also within the monitoring range, also responded.

According to the Monitor's Code, they can go to the sensing points within the range to conduct investigations, even if the sensing points are not within their jurisdiction.

If different-dimensional induction occurs in overlapping monitoring areas, they should be recorded simultaneously.

In this regard, the tower guard of the Mage Tower in the giant city of Dagalisini also immediately reported and recorded.

At the same time, an investigation team was formed from the giant city and rushed to the location of the sensing point to investigate.

The above is what happened in the ten minutes after the Goblin King activated the Eye of Cthulhu.

And now, Cthulhu's alien god projection is still killing the Goblin tribe.

Facing the rest goblins, it does not need to use skills at all.

As the tentacles swung, the goblins they encountered were either dead or injured.

It just needs to pick up the pace and catch up.

Just behind it, the French cousin Gil de Rey was leading the remaining eight French swordsmen to chase the projection of Cthulhu.

However, Cthulhu's projection moved like a ghost.

Moreover, it only cares about killing goblins and has no interest in its French cousins.

After all, the French cousin came from the summons of the rallying flag and was not a flesh and blood creature.

Even if it is killed, it cannot contribute the power of flesh and blood and soul.

What's more, these French swordsmen are not easy to deal with.

The Cthulhu projection doesn't bother to bother with them!

It has a very clear goal, so naturally it won't delay anything more.

Is it possible to project across borders? Naturally, it is not purely for killing.

Otherwise, it would not allow Zong Shen and others to evacuate calmly.

These green-skinned goblins were the failed products created by the gods of the old rulers.

Their flesh and soul have special evil qualities.

After all are slaughtered, the Cthulhu projection can use this to plant a secret beacon.

Through this beacon, when the two dimensions come closer in the future, there will be an opportunity to open the dimensional door and gradually expand the dimensional door to invade the world on a large scale!

Zong Shen, who had fled more than ten kilometers away, was not idle either.

Just now Xiao Heizi took the initiative to warn him.

The so-called projection of external gods was mentioned, and apparently it was something inside.

So, while waiting, Zong Shen first asked Xiao Heizi about the "foreign god projection".

"Little Heizi, did you just call out the projection of an alien god?"

"Then you should know what that thing was just now, right?"

Zong Shen patted Xiao Heizi's neck behind him and asked carelessly.


"It doesn't hurt to tell you!"

"Outer gods usually come from other dimensions or planes in the astral world."

"Each dimension and plane has relatively independent world rules."

"And the so-called alien gods often have weird abilities."

"Once it appears, it can cause disaster-level damage."

"These are records inherited from my bloodline."

"According to the bloodline memory of the ancestral black dragon, it seems that every era changes, there is inevitably a protracted dimensional war."

"So all living beings in the continent are extremely wary of foreign gods, including black dragons."

Xiao Heizi snorted and blew out two plumes of smoke from his nose, sounding a little proud.

After listening to its words, Zong Shen felt thoughtful in his heart!

The vast continent in his mind seemed not to be so big anymore.

Beyond the dimension is the so-called star realm?

He couldn't even imagine the scale of this.

"So do you know Cthulhu?"

Zong Shen asked again.

This time, Xiao Heizi didn't answer for a long time.

There was a thoughtful look on its thin head.

After a while, he shook his head.

"There seems to be no record of Cthulhu in my bloodline inheritance..."

"Maybe I can't get the answer until I get older and awaken more inheritances, right?"

Xiao Heizi's tone this time was a little uncertain.

After hearing its answer, Zong Shen immediately knew what was going on.

He was going to ask the strategy module to see if he could get any useful information!

His intuition told him that this guy named Cthulhu was not simple!

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