Lords Trying to Survive: Strategizing from a Rundown Yard

Chapter 656: For whom are the storms in the mainland turbulent?

This was something very attractive to Ragnar.

As for how to find it, the old King Guther or the Pendragon family has their own way.

Through some of the relics and hair and blood left by King Arthur.

They asked many magisters and great magisters to conduct research, and finally produced a kind of induction magic disk.

This kind of magic disk comes with special induction magic, which can sense items directly related to King Arthur within a certain range.

Originally, the [Dragon Roaring Knights of the Round Table Emblem (Special)] was in the king's hand.

The Sword in the Stone has been staying quietly on the boulder on the King's Choice Mountain near the Imperial City.

The original intention of making the induction magic disk was to find the lost [King Arthur's Ring of Dominance (gold)]. .

They had sent people to search everywhere, but unfortunately they found nothing.

The entire search process lasted for two thousand years.

After several generations of kings, he still couldn't find it.

Those court mentors and wise men all believed that [King Arthur's Ring of Dominance (gold)] should have been lost in a certain demiplane, space gap, or even the star realm.

Therefore, the Ring of Dominance is the item that the Pendragon family has been troubled by.

Unexpectedly, the most stable sword in the stone was also pulled out!

Originally three were missing and one was missing, but now it became three missing and two were missing, which made the old King Guser very depressed who had only a short lifespan.

Thinking that the guy was a typical Nord race, he took the initiative to contact Ragnar and asked him to meet him in person as soon as possible.

It was precisely because of the combination of these two things that Ragnar Lodbrok didn't even care about the secrets in the Sancha Valley.

Only a dedicated exploration team was left responsible for the follow-up investigation.

I don’t know when this news spread, and it attracted the attention of all major forces.

Including the Trevaxin family and some church forces.

The main force of the Bloodfang Mercenary Group is employed by the Trevasin family, and one of them should be under the instruction of Queen Sandina. In addition, it is said that an unknown number of dwarf exploration teams were discovered near the Sancha River Valley.

At present, the large cracks in the Sancha River Valley have been widened.

But we still haven’t been able to see the full extent of the hidden ruins.

Below there are only some small independent ruins.

As you can imagine, the next excavation will definitely be a big project!

All places are deploying magic energy mechas and equipment for mining.

Such as drills and crushers to assist in excavation.

The reason why digging is so difficult is simple.

The surrounding areas of the Sancha River Valley are covered with a thick layer of fertile soil.

It is fertile soil brought from the upper reaches by the magnificent Liujin River, containing thousands of years of floating accumulation.

When the cracks appear, there is a dark rock face beneath the fertile soil.

These rock faces are at least several hundred meters thick and have a matte surface.

The hardness reaches an absurd level.

After consulting the classics, the exploration team found that this rock surface was probably the massive slag accumulated by the dwarves of the Three Forts.

The dimensional war back then was very brutal, and the blood-burning demon army was extremely powerful.

This was originally a basin with a relatively low altitude.

The King of the Three Castles, also known as the King of Extraordinary Hills, had no choice but to pile a large amount of slag outside the city and forcibly changed the terrain, so that the main city of the Three Castles was covered by a slag dome with a thickness of hundreds of meters!

These filter residues include both refined slag of various minerals and residues left after forging.

Dwarves have always been good at forging. This kind of thing has been accumulated for generations. Stacking it together can change the terrain and quickly create a slag dome, hiding the main part of the main city underground.

This plan was quite bold, and everything now shows that the dwarves did it.

Therefore, this black crust, which is blended with various metals and rock foundations, is hard to a terrifying degree.

It will take at least a year and a half to dig through.

They also tried to burrow in from other directions.

However, this proved to be in vain.

The dwarves had done more than create a slag dome.

All directions, including deeper underground, were completely covered in slag.

This is a giant ruin completely wrapped in a layer of hard slag!

No matter which direction you need to dig out the slag layer, it is better to start from the top.

Anyone who sees the scene of the ground fissure in the Sancha River Valley will marvel at how crazy the group of Sanbao dwarves were back then.

It is not yet clear how well the interior of the river valley remains has been preserved.

Judging from the thickness and diameter of the slag layer, the remains within it should be relatively well preserved.

As for the exploration team sent by the dwarves, they did not go to the front line, but just lingered around the crack for a few days.

At the same time, some samples of the slag crust were dug out, and it is said that they were returned to the dwarf habitat on the south side of the Gods' Strong Wall. This is actually very abnormal. If the valley ruins are really the secret treasure left by the dwarves of the Three Forts in the ancient era, then These dwarves will never give up.

However, even if these dwarves try to seize the treasure, they will not be able to succeed in the Kingdom of Nord.

To sum up, when King Ragnar received the urgent letter from King Guthera, he kept it secret throughout the whole process and only leaked the news when he was leaving.

It just so happened that Queen Sandina also chose this time to attack King Ragnar.

The incident occurred suddenly, and the Bloodfang mercenary group was busy excavating the ruins. Even if they used the teleportation array to travel quickly, their final movement speed would not be faster than the king.

The Bloodfang Mercenary Group could only mobilize two epic-level mercenaries obtained in the southern border area of ​​Nord to participate in this assassination operation.

Then mobilize the manpower ambushed in the giant cities along the line to assemble.

At the same time, use the crystal to contact the giant city where the transmission node is located on the path.

You should use special methods to wait for opportunities to interfere with the teleportation array.

Waiting for the first batch of Ax Hammer Shield Guards to be teleported away smoothly, King Ragnar interfered with the teleportation when teleporting, causing the teleportation to be interrupted and fall into the marked location on the path.

The ambush troops are those Nord royal guards and two Bloodfang mercenaries. With the help of four high-level space mages, they will quickly reach the predetermined location through the [Shadow Wormhole]!

Queen Zandina took advantage of the time lag between the crystal communication and the actual teleportation trek.

In addition, she knew the routes to the borders of Nord in any direction.

King Ragnar travels, no matter how fast he travels, it will take at least two or three days to reach the border due to the teleportation and preparation step by step in the giant cities along the way.

As for tampering with the teleportation array, this was an assassination plan she had considered before.

In fact, the guards in a giant city-level teleportation array are very tight.

Once the teleportation array is seriously damaged, a space storm will easily occur.

It will cause extremely horrific damage to nearby areas.

Therefore, every giant city will place a teleportation array outside the city and send heavy troops to guard it.

But this can't stop the inner ghost from secretly causing trouble.

If you want to disrupt the normal operation of the teleportation array and change the teleportation location to somewhere in the middle of the path, you will need the cooperation of at least a sixth-order space mage. You will also need to use sixth-order space magic gems and various precious magics. A wonder made from the material.

In short, in order to successfully complete the assassination plan, Queen Sandina had been planning for more than ten years.

Unexpectedly, the assassination went smoothly in the beginning, but the development behind it exceeded her expectations.

Hundreds of sixth-level Nord royal guards, a Nord royal guard captain, four space archmages, and two Bloodfang mercenaries. This kind of combat power is basically the ax and hammer left by King Ragnar. The shield guards are more than ten times stronger, even including Ragnar himself and the accompanying magister, they are definitely no match for them!

Space chaos will occur after the transmission fails.

This is also part of her plan.

What was not calculated was that the teleportation point had shifted.

There were other spatial interferences on the path, making the scope of the disorder wider.

This caused the Kingdom of Ragnar to land in a location that was far from the ambush point.

The biggest variable is actually the appearance of Zong Shen!

But it's too late to say anything now. Fortunately, Sandina has a backup plan and is ready to break up at any time. It is foreseeable that the situation in the Kingdom of Nord will be very exciting in the future.

The love and hatred between King Ragnar and Queen Sandina could not be finished even for three days and three nights, and the root cause is related to the curse of the era.

The so-called Era Curse is probably an important factor in causing trouble to the Kingdom of Nord.

It's just that Queen Sandina became the carrier of the curse of the era and the one who flipped the table.

This is like the blood baptism of the red dragon of the ancient king Thera of Avalon not only failed but also suffered backlash.

There is also the caliph of the Salander Sultanate who met a concubine who was alluring to the country and stopped paying attention to the affairs of the kingdom.

The same goes for the Kingdom of Vaegia on the ice sheet. The Lister family is ready to move north of the Great Wall in an attempt to develop the resources there.

The Kingdom of Vaegia is similar to the Kingdom of Nord in that they also like to fight with axes.

In particular, the Moon Blade Ax and the Two-Handed Great Axe are also the signature arms of the Kingdom. As a shortcoming, the Kingdom of Vaegia does not have a good shield infantry.

This is also a hidden danger in several kingdoms around the Kingdom of Avalon that Zong Shen knows about.

In fact, other kingdoms in the continent have also been invaded by the curse of the era.

But right now, Zong Shen is more concerned about the next fight!

After he dropped the goblin airship, he put it back into the storage compartment.

At this time, two cyan figures were flying towards him quickly at low altitude in the distance.

Finally, he suddenly stopped two or three hundred meters away from him, and the cyan wind magic elements surrounding him dissipated.

It should be that the effect of the rune has ended.

Zong Shen stood there, taking out the [Wind, Fire and Thunder Roaring Bear's Shield (orange)] in one hand, and carrying [The Bearded Hank's Explosive Warhammer (orange)] in the other hand, ready to fight at any time.

A few hundred meters away, Gurta and Letay fell to the ground.

"Damn, it was just a hair away."

"But that guy doesn't seem to be planning to run away!"

Gurta twisted his neck and looked at Zong Shen, who was holding a shield and carrying a hammer.

At this time Letai narrowed his eyes.

"Look at him, he seems to be ready for battle!"

"What is this guy's background?"

"Speaking of which, he punched us in the Ball of Thorns."

"It seems to be quite painful!"

As Letai spoke, he lowered his head and looked at the scorching hammer marks on the side of his night clothes.

The big Gurta didn't feel anything at all. He scratched the armor at his waist. That was where Zong Shen hammered. There was a crack the size of an apple, exposing the bronze skin.

"It's quite strong."

"At least it can break my armor."

"I have to find a way to make up for it when I go back this time."

Gurta said in a complaining tone.

His body is so big that it is not easy to find suitable armor.

Even if some high-end armors could adapt to the wearer's body shape to a certain extent, they would not be able to stretch to the extent he did.

After all, the larger the body, the larger the defensive area, and there are limits to adaptability.

Therefore, his armor can only be customized, and its grade is not high, only rare.

Before this he was even used to fighting naked.

Judging from his body shape, the equipment of trolls and ogres is more suitable for him.

The two stood there muttering for a while, both feeling that there must be something wrong with Zong Shen not running away!

In addition to their strong desire for revenge, as mercenaries, they are also good at seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages.

Zong Shen ran away, and they were in a bad mood. Zong Shen didn't run away, and they were suspicious.

While the two were pondering the discussion, Zong Shen also showed a puzzled expression.

"Why don't those two Bloodfang mercenaries come over?"

"Are you waiting for reinforcements?"

They couldn't understand Zong Shen's operations, and Zong Shen couldn't understand their behavior either.

Since the opponent is outside the visual range of observing attributes, attributes and weaknesses cannot be visually observed.

But since these two guys haven't moved, Zong Shen might as well ask directly through the strategy module.

"Please tell me the origins and weaknesses of those two guys!"

With a thought in his mind, Zong Shen asked the strategy module a question.

After a brief pause, lines of golden subtitles quickly emerged.

(Half-armored giant Gurta: A member of the Bloodfang mercenary group, his combat power is at the epic level. He has a thin bloodline of ancient giants in his body. His body is very powerful, and his strength attribute and physical resistance are extremely high.

However, his mobility and reflexes are average, he cannot fly independently, and he has no long-range means. His attack method is a double-edged giant axe, which can cause huge chopping damage. It is not recommended to fight him head-on. You can use long-range attacks or high mobility. Come and deal with him

Black Blood Scout Le Tai: Formerly a member of the Black Blood Rose Society, he is now a member of the Blood Fang Mercenary Group. His battle strength is epic level. He has received training as a seventh level black blood scout. He has average physical resistance, agility and The reaction ability is extremely high. It can maintain the fourth-level stealth state for a long time and the sixth-level stealth state for a short time. It masters the black blood assassination method. The attack method is stealth assassination. It can cause fatal damage when it hits a vital point.

You can use control skills and props to constrain his movements and disrupt his assassination rhythm. As for stealth, it is not worth mentioning. This guide will always indicate his position for you. As long as you can disrupt his rhythm, launch a One round of melee attacks can pose a serious threat to him.

The two can complement each other in some aspects, which is why the Bloodfang Mercenary Group lets the two of them act as a team. In other words, you can use your mobility to deal with Gurta, but you will inevitably be hidden in the dark. Le Tai waited for an opportunity to assassinate

You can use your physical strength to fight Le Tai, but Gurta will never give you a chance to calmly attack from the front, so this battle is not easy to fight, and you may need to use all your strength to win.)

The strategy module describes the origins, levels, combat styles and weaknesses of the two characters.

Gurta is a guy with the blood of ancient giants.

Even without armor, the body's resistance is frighteningly high.

Zong Shen can consider entering the demon state, turning the attack into chaotic damage that ignores armor, which should pose a sufficient threat to Gurta.

No one is more suitable to deal with heavily armored units than demons, abyss race, and hell race. The chaos damage mastered by these races is a very domineering attack type.

Moreover, after transforming into a demon, Zong Shen will be able to possess certain flying abilities and long-range attack capabilities, making him a match against Guerta.

As for Letai, it's easy to deal with. The biggest threat to the assassins is their stealth ability.

But any stealth ability is useless in front of the strategy module.

As long as Zong Shen can know in advance and let the strategy module lock his real-time location.

When Letai gets close, he can use [Time Stop Orb (Gold)] to interrupt Letai's attack rhythm, and then counterattack him by surprise.

As a violent lord who has muscles on his head and is ready to start a fight every minute, he will never give in to a scout in a melee fight!

Zong Shen finished reading the guide, while Gurta and Letai were still dawdling in the distance.

After they discussed for a while, Letai entered the stealth state.

Gurta walked towards Zong Shen slowly.

Under the golden circle mark, Zong Shen could see Le Tai approaching quickly and quietly!

"Dong dong dong!"

Just when he quietly took out the [Time Stop Orb] with the hand holding the shield.

From behind, where he saw the dark green forest from the air before, there was an exciting and loud drumbeat.

The forest is on the edge of the rock base area, only a few kilometers away.

"Dong dong dong!"

The drum beat continued, and there was even a lingering sound, sometimes rapid and sometimes gentle.

After the drumbeat appeared, Le Tai, who was sneaking, and Gurta, who was approaching step by step, both stopped.

Even Zong Shen, making sure that the two of them did not act rashly, turned his head slightly to look at the forest behind him in confusion.

"Boom boom..."

"Dong dong dong!"

The drum beat continued, but there was another roar like a torrent.

The rocky ground was actually shaking, and the frequency of the shaking was becoming more and more obvious.

Because the terrain here is highly undulating, the visual distance is affected.

But intuition and experience told Zong Shen that something must have come from somewhere!

He put away the warhammer without hesitation and replaced it with [Leiro's Horn (orange)]. After chanting softly, he performed [Levitation Technique].

The whole person soared into the air and rose to a height of two to three hundred meters. Only then did he understand what was coming!

Below, Le Tai also noticed something was wrong. Compared to the careless Gurta, his reaction was faster. When Zong Shen cast the spell, he turned around and ran back!

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