Lords Trying to Survive: Strategizing from a Rundown Yard

Chapter 663: The honorary family crest of Paca Gris

The last marked location is actually not far from the Centaur tribe.

It's just over ten kilometers southwest of it.

According to the size of the centaur tribe and their footpath, it should be within their range of activities.

I just don’t know what good stuff there is that deserves to be specifically marked.

In fact, after Zong Shen learned the whole story of the battle between the centaur and the tauren, he became more interested in the tauren's tribal totem. Although he hadn't checked it out yet, he knew from past experience that the tribal totem was definitely a good thing.

After transforming into a gryphon, he was able to fly independently and became much more comfortable.

This [Illusive Mask of the Shapeshifter (Purple)] has always been ignored by him. .

They are even planning to use it to implement the village chief replacement plan.

In fact, this thing is definitely a very powerful auxiliary prop.

The action time is long, the cooling time is short, and the deformation effect is also very good.

It only takes a thought to mimic the shape and shape, and it can also possess some characteristics.

For example, now, he can soar in the sky like a griffin, but it is not as fast as a normal griffin, but it is also much more convenient than an airship.

Zong Shen even wanted to try to see if he could turn into a swimming fish and see if he could have the ability to dive.

He quickly flew to the woods to the north of the Centaur tribe.

After landing, he changed back to his human form, took out [Pascal Covenant's Big Bag (gold)] and opened the space door again. This time, the first thing that appeared was also a point of light.

However, its expansion speed has increased a lot, and the expanded light gate has also become larger.

Letting these soldiers come out before was originally a preparatory measure.

Now that Zong has successfully completed the search, they are no longer needed on standby.

Moreover, the intensity of space disorder gradually decreased, and Zong Shen could freely use space props and portals, so he naturally had no worries.

He didn't want to destroy this centaur tribe. Even if he wanted to destroy it, it wouldn't be at this time.

He's been a bit stuck recently and needs to find some decent monsters to kill.

At that time, through the teleportation beacon here, you can open the teleportation gate and lead the army to conquer or annihilate the centaur tribe, which will be used as materials for upgrading.

After collecting the warriors, Zong Shen tried the [Fantasy Mask] ability again. This time he used Xiao Heizi as the prototype and mimicked a black dragon.

It's just that the body length is only four or five meters, not as big as Xiao Heizi.

After all, [Shapeshifter's Illusive Mask] is only a rare item. If Zong Shen can obtain higher-level mimicry props, he will have a larger upper limit for mimicry adjustment.

Zong Shen, who turned into a "mini" black dragon, flapped his black wings, rose into the air, and flew towards his destination.

The speed is a bit slower than the griffin mimicry. It seems that the griffin still has an advantage in flying.

This time he took off first and reached an altitude of seven or eight hundred meters before officially flying far away.

At this height, a figure of four or five meters is just a small black dot.

If flying at low altitude, the centaurs would probably cause an uproar if they spotted a petite black dragon flying by.

At this time, because the Wild Hoof Totem disappeared, the entire Centaur tribe was already in chaos.

A few elite centaurs ran towards the rock base area, preparing to go to the battlefield to report this important situation to the Centaur Khan.

Every tribal totem is a blessing from the God of the Wilderness.

Under the blessing of the totem, the original Wildhoof tribe even had the opportunity to expand the tribe to tens of thousands, becoming the largest centaur branch in the Kingdom of Nord.

They and the tauren both migrated across the border from the edge of the Karag Red Desert.

Those stubborn tauren are very interested in transforming the barren red desert.

This made the centaurs living among them very angry.

In fact, in Swadia, centaurs are simply notorious.

In addition to the large tribes scattered in the Gobi, there are also scattered centaurs who team up with human horse bandits and bandits to form centaur raiders.

They plunder traveling merchants and villages with swagger, using their mobility to escape.

During the kingdom's hegemony period more than 2,000 years ago, Swadia joined forces with the Tauren tribe and sent a crusade deep into the Karag Red Desert to wipe out the Centaur tribe.

There are numerous rift valleys in the Qaraq Desert.

Just when the coalition forces were halfway through their advance, the projection of the God of the Wilderness fell from the sky.

Cenarius, who was half man and half deer, shook his head gently, and green light shone on the antlers.

Endless vines grew out of all the rift valleys.

This caused great obstacles to the coalition forces that continued to advance.

The battle finally ended near the Sepuru Rift Valley near the center line of the Karag Red Desert.

Cypru means "divine blessing" in Low Common.

This is the blood blessing of the God of the Wilderness.

It is different from foreign gods such as Cthulhu. The God of Wilderness depends on the endless continent.

The appearance of the blood blessing of the God of the Wild also proves a rumor among the night elves, that is, the centaurs are a despicable bastard race left by Zaltar, the son of Cenarius.

Cenarius is one of the gods of the wilderness. His upper body is like a night elf, and his lower body is that of a forest deer. He has huge antlers on his head and his hair is like green vines. It is said that he is the embodiment of the essence of life in the endless continent.

The tree demons of the night elves also have a certain relationship with it.

It is also for this reason that the night elves cannot deal with the centaurs.

After all, the centaurs are bloodthirsty and brutal, completely unrelated to lawfulness. They are a group of guys full of plunder and killing desires.

The tree demons and jungle guardians both belong to the camp of the Dark Night Clan.

In comparison, ethnic groups like Centaurs are definitely failures in their bloodline.

In short, there are also very complicated origins.

The centaurs and tauren here migrated here only more than ten years ago.

Needless to say, the relatively lawful tauren will naturally not cause trouble, but the centaur is different.

Originally, there were seven or eight villages and settlements nearby, and even a large cypress forest farm.

But since the centaurs moved over, these villages have been in bad luck.

The state cities and giant cities within its jurisdiction also sent expeditionary troops, and at one time half of the centaurs were killed and the tribes were razed to the ground.

But the remaining centaurs ran very fast and took the wild hoof totem into the forest, and they would be able to regain their strength within a few years.

Like a stubborn patch of psoriasis.

Later, I simply didn’t bother to clear them out, so there were no villages nearby.

Anyway, the tauren and centaurs have to fight every once in a while.

Consuming each other's elite warriors.

Even the lords who descended around here were quite unlucky.

They were like the lords who descended near the Goblin tribe in the area where Zong Shen's territory was located.

Basically, they were plundered by centaur warriors a few days ago and turned into food.

Therefore, luck at arrival is also very important.

If Zong Shen had landed next to a Goblin tribe or a Centaur tribe, the first suggestion would have been to have him run away immediately.

When it is impossible to move the territory, it is also a good choice to decisively abandon the territory and become a free citizen. Losing the privileges of the lord is much better than losing one's life.

Even an omniscient strategy module cannot create things out of thin air. Landing next to a centaur tribe or a goblin tribe means losing the opportunity for development.

Even if one or two of them are not discovered by luck at first, they will be exposed in the future.

Therefore, Zong Shen often sighs, feeling that billions of people will encounter any situation.

There are naturally many unlucky ones, and there are also many lucky ones.

Due to survivorship bias, the deceased cannot speak again.

As for Zong Shen, others had worked hard to open up wasteland, but he could see the ready-made strategies.

It can avoid many development detours and accumulate development advantages.

Zong Shen sighed while maintaining his flying posture.

The feeling of mimicking a mini black dragon is worse than that of a gryphon.

Flying is much more difficult, and he needs to mobilize more power to keep flying.

This proves that real dragons relied more on strong muscles and strength for flight.

Ten minutes later, he finally arrived at the last gold mark location.

Below there is a stream that flows from the northwest.

This stream is about ten feet wide and gurgling.

Due to the undulating terrain, there is a drop of more than ten meters in front.

The stream flows almost vertically along the stone wall at the drop point, forming a small waterfall and a deep pool formed by the impact of the water.

This stream flows from the southwest of the centaur tribe.

The source is likely to be in the bedrock area, where the soil beneath the rock formations is very moist, and there may be underground water sources deep down.

Judging from its location, this stream should also be a water source for the Centaur tribe.

But the location pointed by the golden circle mark is in that pool.

Zong Shen flapped his wings and observed the situation below.

The woods on both sides of the water source are not dense, and you can easily see where the stream passes.

After confirming that there were no centaurs and other monsters below, Zong Shen slowly descended towards the waterfall.

The light on the surface is much dimmer, especially when it is about to get dark.

The orange-yellow sunset shines its afterglow on the earth, passing through the layers of treetops, casting spots of yellow light.

Zong Shen, who was in mini black dragon form, returned to his human form after landing.

Standing next to the deep pool, he squatted down, picked up a handful of water, and wiped his face.

The water in the pond is very cool and has no impurities. It is a very high-quality source of living water.

The entire pool is only about thirty or forty meters in diameter.

There is a smaller tributary that continues to flow southward, and it is unknown where it converges.

Streams have their own journey.

In fact, no matter where you find similar high-quality living water, you can always find traces of humans or other animals if you walk along it.

However, Zong Shen came here not to study the geographical environment, nor to explore the relationship between water sources and settlements. He came here to hunt for treasures.

This place is not far from the Centaur tribe, and there is a high probability that the Centaur tribe also gets water from the stream.

So they have lived here for so many years without finding any treasure, which means that the treasure is hidden very deep or is very inconspicuous.

The scope of the golden circle mark further narrowed, pointing directly to the bottom of the pool.

"Looks like we still have to dive!"

"Just try using [Illusion Mask] to mimic an aquatic animal."

Zong Shen thought in his mind, standing beside Tan and trying to imitate.

Speaking of aquatic animals, the first thing that came to his mind was not fish, but those fish-men.

Under the illusion in his heart, his body quickly changed.

The head turned into a fish head, the flag turned into fins, and the body was slightly stooped and turned into scales.

After he was sure that the mimicry was complete, he dove into the pool.

He tried to inhale a large amount of water.

This water is quickly discharged from the gills of the shoulder blades, filtering out oxygen.

However, the mimicry could not be compared with the original version after all, and he still felt a little bit of discomfort.

This form cannot sustain him breathing underwater for a long time.

It can only last for seven or eight minutes at most.

After confirming the situation, he stopped delaying and began to dive downwards.

The light in the pool was extremely dim, making it appear quiet and dark. Without the noisy sound source from the outside world, it seemed as if we had entered another world.

The lighting problem was not difficult to solve. Zong Shen casually took out a [Level 4 Fire Magic Gem], and the fiery red light suddenly illuminated a small area in front of him.

[Fire Magic Gem] As the name suggests, it contains stable fire magic elements.

Because of the gem shell, it will not react violently with the pond water.

As Zong Shen swam around, the pond water also stirred up some soil impurities.

It took more than half a minute for Zong Shen to fall to the bottom of the pool.

A thick layer of silt accumulated underneath.

In addition, there are a large number of bones.

There are some that are broken and fragmented, and some that are relatively complete.

These bones were piled together and covered with sand.

Zong Shen observed it for a while and quickly came to a conclusion.

These bones should be left by centaurs washing their prey upstream and discarding leftover bones accumulated over time, as well as corpses abandoned in the stream for various reasons.

Among them he found some skulls.

There are those of the centaurs themselves, as well as those of humans, tauren, and other animals.

After he entered the pool, the scope of the golden circle was further reduced.

The target was in the pile of bones, so Zong Shen didn't waste any time and took out a wave-like mark with his backhand.

It is the [Tide Mark (Orange)] from the Riptide Murloc Tribe.

The skill [Summon Tidal Sea Spirit LV30] is activated.

Suddenly, twelve groups of tidal sea spirits gradually condensed at the bottom of this deep pool.

They are similar to water elements, except their bodies are green.

He is two meters tall. Has elemental limbs.

"Move these bones!"

Zong Shen gave the order in his mind.

The twelve tidal sea spirits immediately took action to move the bones away.

Very efficient and rough in action.

In just two or three minutes, a pothole was cleared at the location he designated.

The smaller the scope of the golden circle mark is, the smaller and smaller it is, which means that the goal is becoming more and more clear.

When the cleaning was almost done, he asked the tidal sea spirits to stop. He swam into the hole under the bones and soon found a strange emblem of an eagle holding a branch in its mouth.

What was marked by the golden circle just now is this thing.

After getting it, he didn't waste any time and immediately swam upwards. He returned to the ground half a minute later, threw the emblem on the ground, and Zong Shen returned to his human form.

It's very quiet here and a good place to rest.

He noticed that the Eye of Cthulhu was only over 2,900 kilometers away from here.

It will be here in two hours at most.

When the time comes, Zong Shen can use the portal to return to his territory and can walk it for another six or seven hours.

As long as he keeps walking until tomorrow, when the evil energy of that thing is exhausted and it can no longer fly, Zong Shen can find a way to recycle it. In fact, it doesn't matter if he doesn't recycle it.

That thing is so evil that if you accidentally touch it, you will suffer disaster.

The most reliable method is to use storage compartments or other storage space props to capture objects from a distance.

Anyway, let’s see when the time comes.

Now he focused his attention on the strange emblem in front of him.

Hui Ji didn't know how long he had been soaking in the pond, but a layer of sticky freshwater floating water and sediment had already adhered to the surface. Zong Shen rubbed it lightly with his fingers and wiped off this layer of underwater impurities, revealing the Smooth emblem body.

It can be seen that this emblem does not have any rust or damage, and the entire body is pale golden.

It should be made of fine gold.

The image of a mountain eagle holding a branch in its mouth is more like the emblem of a certain noble family.

The specific origin has to wait until its properties are observed before we can draw a conclusion.

Thinking of this, Zong Shen looked at the emblem attentively.

Its relevant information and properties soon appeared in the field of vision.

[Paca Gris’ honorary family crest (special)]

[Quality: Special]

[Honorary crest of the Gris family]

[Returning it to Marquis Trang Gris in Wolffang Castle will gain the friendship of the Gris family]

(The eldest son of the Marquis of Trang Gris was ambushed by a centaur during his training four years ago. This is his family crest and a token of friendship.)

This is a special item, similar to the various "Bezos" items Zong Shen picked up in the mine.

As long as you bring this family crest to Wolf Fang Castle, you can gain the friendship of the designated Aboriginal family.

Speaking of which, Wolffang Castle seems to be a huge Nordic border fortress-type city nearby.

The title of Marquis is already able to command a huge city, and it is very likely that he is the ruling family of Wolffang Castle.

If Marquis Trang Gris knew that his eldest son died at the hands of the centaurs, he would probably immediately lead the giant city army to attack him.

As you can imagine, the Wild Hoof tribe that lost the [Wild Hoof Totem] has long been dead in name only.

It would be even worse if they were to be suppressed by the giant city's crusade again.

This time they probably won't be able to run away with the totem in their arms.

The best ending is that most of the centaurs died in the hands of the giant city army, and a small number of centaurs escaped and became centaur marauders.

And Zong Shen will gain the friendship of an aboriginal boss.

In particular, Wolffang Castle is a border city between the two countries, and it is only one or two thousand kilometers away from Zong Shen's area than the giant city of Lentax.

After all, this place is thousands of kilometers away from Wolf Fang Castle.

The territory, Wolf Fang Castle, and rock base area formed a triangle!

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