At present, the most preferred route for walking the eyeballs is still from the territory to Winterrobang City.

There is almost the limit of the teleportation distance of the [thousand-kilometer teleportation array (orange)].

With a distance of nearly 10,000 kilometers, even if the Eye of Cthulhu could fly at supersonic speed, it would still take a while.

After this walk, he will be able to return directly after two or three o'clock in the afternoon.

The evil energy of the Eye of Cthulhu can only maintain flight until tonight at most, which is not enough for it to complete another round trip.

So Zongze can just go back to the territory when the time comes. By then, the Eye of Cthulhu will be exhausted and fall on the road. As for whether any unlucky person will touch it, it will be cursed and become indescribable. Monster, that is not a problem that Zong Shen should consider.

This time he was ready to take a stroll around the city of Wintrobon while it was dawning.

Especially the dock area is worth visiting for a long time.

As a tributary of the Liujin River, the Nivare River Basin is the last inland port in Nord. It must be somewhat famous and worthy of Zongze's observation and study.

It just so happened that he had obtained the construction drawings of the ship before.

There are also items related to navigation such as [Tidal Mark (orange)], [Broken Mysterious Horn (Unknown)], [Explorer's Compass of the Storm Sea (Special)], and other items on the forehead of the Riptide Tribe.

Sooner or later, Zong Shen's journey will lead to the sea, especially since he has heard before that there is a mysterious Eastern Continent far away in the eastern sea of ​​the mainland.

At present, Zong Shen's territory belongs to the inland area, which is 30,000 to 40,000 kilometers away from the nearest coastline. .

If you want to go to the nearest giant city of The Hague, you have to cross the jurisdiction of three giant cities.

According to Yingjiang's speed, flying 10 hours a day would take more than a week at the earliest to fly to the eastern coastal area.

Of course, distances on the scale of tens of thousands of kilometers are not unreachable.

Especially when Zong Shen has mastered thousand-kilometer teleportation props and high-speed aerial riding.

Compared to those lords who were truly located inland, the distance of tens of thousands of kilometers was still acceptable to Zong Shen.

When he thought of Winterlow Bon City, he thought of the Bon City location of the Aldrich Dance Company, as well as those forced dancers and gigolos, as well as their relatives who were placed under house arrest.

He was thinking about whether to load up the territorial army with big bags and directly level the Aldrich Dance Troupe's residence.

All the dancing girls and gigolos were recruited to form their own dance troupe.

When the defensive challenge is over, the territory's commercial reforms, freedman reforms, and supporting agricultural reforms will all begin to be implemented.

At that time, these dancers and gigolos will be allowed to work in the territory's own tavern, and they will be paid as usual.

Of course, after the collection, there is no problem with dancing at night to cheer up the fun, but it is not appropriate to sell money nakedly such as bidding for the night.

It hinders the weathering of the territory!

A territory must not only build basic buildings and complete reforms.

Morality and quality education are not essential either.

The higher the quality of the population, the greater the per capita value. When they are gathered together, the faster the entire territory will develop!

Thinking of this, Zong Shen decided to join the Aldrich Dance Company!

You can wait until you return to work!

The Aldrich Dance Company mainly goes out to perform at night anyway.

They rested in the station during the day, and when the time came, they were ready to take away the ill-gotten gains accumulated by the Aldrich Dance Company!

These are dirty money earned through the blood, tears and humiliation of countless girls and boys!

Only by investing in the construction of the territory and giving it a noble meaning can the filth of these dinars be washed away!

After making up his mind, Zong Shen began to think about the candidates for the accompanying thugs.

Joan of Arc is definitely a must-have, she is not only a mobile wet nurse, but also a summoner of Big Cousin.

Just that group of ferocious cousins ​​could make Zong Shen and the others run amok in the city of Wintro State.

Secondly, Zong Shen’s number one close combat bodyguard, the Predator Gujat must also be brought along.

As for the Master, the original No. 1 Master, the Archmage of the Necromancer Rasma, is still locked up in the [Sealing Altar (orange)], and Zong Shen has not yet figured out how to deal with him.

I let it out at will, but I am worried that she will do evil in the territory.

The destructive power of a sixth-level spellcaster's rampage is still astonishing.

What's more, Rasma is a very special mage.

Mastered various necromancy spells from low level to high level.

From control, to displacement, to summons and curses, there's almost everything.

When necessary, he can even transform into a shadow and become a close-combat god of death.

Unless Zong Shen is sure of completely suppressing her, he will not release this dangerous guy.

Therefore, the most suitable candidate is Caniggia, the Favorite of the Wind God.

His [Wind Strike] and [Wind Roar] are both large-scale wind group attack magic.

Now that we have spellcasters and melee combatants, it’s time to arrange shooters.

When we took over the unclaimed territory caused by Xiao Heizi, we added 107 Avalon third-level [Dragon Ranger].

This brings the number of Avalon third-level [Dragon Ranger] in the territory to 124!

Zong Shen decided to dispatch five teams of [Dragon Rangers] to accompany them and serve as long-range shooters.

This is not over yet, he is also planning to bring all the lion knights with him.

There are four teams of fourth-level [Lion Guard Knights] and two teams of fifth-level [Lion Charge Knights]. As high-level knights, their ability to fight in formation is unquestionable.

At least the escorts composed of highland barbarian warriors in the Aldrich Dance Troupe would certainly not be able to stop the charge of the Lion Riders.

Those highland warrior guards are at the third or fourth level at best.

Among them, the squad leader level will be better.

But Zong Shen still has an absolute advantage!

With half an hour left, he immediately assembled.

He brought Feihu with him last night, and he will bring Yingjiang with him today. The air rider must also be wet with rain and dew.

As for Xiao Heizi, Zong Shen is planning to wait until he gets rid of the Eye of Cthulhu before dealing with him!

There was no fighting in the territory today, and the troops pointed out by Zong Shen quickly assembled in the open space outside the lord's fortress.

Zong Shen took out [Pascal Contract's Big Bag (Gold)]. Speaking of which, the most precious attribute of this thing is not the capacity of its storage space, but its ability to store living creatures.

This makes it a good tool for quickly transporting troops and launching surprise attacks on predetermined locations.

The premise is that you cannot encounter space disorder or magic interference.

Otherwise the large pocket may not open properly.

Except for Jeanne d'Arc and Caniggia, who were singled out by Zong Shen to take the Eagle Sauce together, everyone else entered the big bag and stood by, waiting for the bag to open.

After everything was ready, Zong Shen took Joan of Arc and Caniggia and sat on Yingjiang's back.

He put away his big bag and took out the [Thousand Kilometer Teleportation Gate (orange)], selected the beacon left last night, and with the blue light, a teleportation gate opened in the territory.

Zong Shen rode Yingjiang through the teleportation gate and arrived at a place two to three hundred kilometers away from Wintrobon City. This is the location where he teleported away yesterday, still within the scope of the Green Cypress Forest.

Hundreds of kilometers below are green cypress forests.

The most numerous trees in the forest are cypresses.

If a large lumberyard were built here, the daily harvest of wood would certainly be huge.

The types, years, and sizes of the wood collected by the lords themselves were different, and the final amount of wood produced was also completely different.

As the four basic resources most used in lord construction, wood is a kind of wealth!

If anyone can monopolize this forest and exploit it quickly, they can harvest a huge amount of wood.

Then exchange this batch of wood for other needed materials through the [Market].

So basic resources like wood are also equivalent.

In addition to the forest, the mines controlled by Zong Shen are also rich in resources.

There are also large quarries as well.

Even hemp can be cultivated artificially. After sowing hemp seeds, natural magic and fertilizer tools are used to promote growth. Hemp can be grown using agricultural methods on a large scale.

Hemp can be made into ropes and fibers, and can also be used to make linen clothing.

In theory, all four basic resources can be developed on a large scale.

The mining plan of the green cypress forest flashed in his mind.

This place is too far away from the territory, and there are many beasts, Warcraft and other intelligent races living in the Green Cypress Forest, and together they are quite powerful.

It is not so easy to conquer the green cypress forest.

This is also the home of many creatures.

After leaving the portal, Zong Shen waited for 5 minutes as usual.

It wasn't until the portal completely disappeared that he ordered Yingjiang to fly towards Wintrobon City.

It was only around ten o'clock in the morning, and the attack on the Aldrich Dance Company's residence was not urgent.

He was prepared to wait until he returned to take action.

After all, the Aldrich Dance Troupe is not far from Winterlow City. If the battle attracts the attention of the State Army, things will become complicated.

With Zong Shen's strength and this time's preparations, it would be easy to wipe out an Aldrich Dance Troupe's Bangcheng station. If the Winterlow Bangcheng forces were involved, it would most likely create a big trap.

Zong Shen came here just to walk around with his big eyes and clean up the Aldrich Dance Troupe, not to conquer Winterlow State!

Yingjiang was very fast, and in about twenty minutes he arrived at the suburban area thirty or forty kilometers away from Wentro Bang City. It was surrounded by farms, pastures and orchards, as well as some suburban strongholds built by forces mixed in Bang City.

A large state city is like a piece of fertile soil.

It’s not just grain that thrives, but also a variety of weeds.

Zong Shen left Yingjiang in a relatively remote location.

The huge dragon-veined griffin flying across the sky has attracted the attention of the farmers working below.

But it doesn't matter, as long as you don't enter the city on such a bombastic empty knight.

It doesn't matter in the suburbs, and no one cares about it.

After landing, Zong Shen opened the big bag and let Yingjiang enter it.

There are still dozens of kilometers away from here to the city of Winterrobang.

If you just rely on walking, you will be able to leave.

However, there are ranches and farms nearby, and Zongze easily bought two Nordic mountain horses, one for him and Joan of Arc, and one for Kaginia.

Zong Shen was free today. He negotiated the price of these two horses and spent a total of 900 dinars to get them.

This amount of money is simply worthless to him.

The horse from last night was still tied at the door of the tavern, and Zong Shen probably took it away from him.

Speaking of which, as long as Ram found out that Betty was running away with him, and combined with the fact that Betty's younger siblings were snatched away at the station, they would soon be sure that it was Zong Shen who was responsible.

And last night in the Little Ear Tavern, in order to fight for Betty, he also killed a mercenary.

But Zong Shen is not worried at all. His territory is tens of thousands of kilometers away from here.

Neither the Aldrich Dance Troupe nor the Tree Spike Mercenary Troupe would have traveled tens of thousands of kilometers just to settle a score with him. If they really found their way to his territory, Zong Shen would have wiped them out in minutes.

Riding mountain horses, they entered the city limits in about half an hour.

Pass the checkpoint on Commercial Road and enter the city.

This time he learned a lesson and put everyone in tattered leather armor in advance.

As expected, the soldiers guarding the checkpoint did not obstruct or extort.

They also watch people order dishes.

After entering the city, the one who was most curious about Bangcheng was Joan of Arc.

The otherworldly atmosphere here is completely different from the Ironclad Continent where wars rage endlessly.

Joan of Arc and Zong Shen were at the same time, and although she would not be pretentious to avoid suspicion, she always kept her distance.

As a French saint, she always kept a distance from direct contact between men and women.

Zong Shen didn't consider this matter at all.

He is using the strategy module to navigate his way to the Docklands.

The city of Wintrobon is not small at all, with streets stretching out and intersecting.

The terrain also has ups and downs, and from time to time you can walk up an uphill street.

Due to the overpopulation, the buildings inside Wintrobon City are still very compact.

Correspondingly, the prices of land and houses have skyrocketed.

When Zong Shen was in Bosibon, he had learned about the land prices there.

Now that he came to Wintrobon City, he also asked about it.

I found that the land price here is three times more expensive than Bosbon!

Homes closer to the city center are more expensive.

That means there are no real estate developers in the Endless Continent, otherwise Zong Shen would go back and study burning cement and making steel bars to build a high-rise building with separate floors and sell it for 500,000 dinars per household!

Of course, he just thought about this kind of thing.

It's not that tall houses can't be built in the Endless Continent. Engineering and earth magic can still build spectacular buildings.

If Zong Shen was lucky enough to go to major imperial cities or several major goblin cities, he would be able to see all kinds of incredible buildings.

Even in the last era, some ethnic groups tried to build floating cities.

Winterlow is much livelier during the day than late at night.

There are people coming and going on the road.

There are adventurers and travellers, well-dressed wealthy businessmen, and mercenaries carrying various weapons.

Traveling merchants were selling enthusiastically along the way, and villagers carrying baskets were walking in the city.

Zong Shen yearns for this liveliness and vitality!

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