Lords Trying to Survive: Strategizing from a Rundown Yard

Chapter 686: Comfort Zoe and prepare to unpack

At this moment, this is the biggest doubt in Zoe's heart.

Before, she had regarded Zong Shen as an adventurer who did not stick to trivial matters and liked to eliminate evil and help the weak.

This persona had just filled up in her head, but now it collapsed.

Zoe suppressed her desire to question Zong Shen and stood behind him silently.

The reason is also very simple. After today's brief contact, she could feel that Zong Shen had no ill intentions towards him.

If Zong Shen really wanted to take action, the strength shown by him, Joan of Arc, and the spell caster named Caniggia would be enough to turn her into a corpse in a very short time.

In other words, if Zong Shen really wanted to be detrimental to her, there would be no need for him to go to all the trouble of leading her to attack the Aldrich Dance Company's headquarters, and even open the portal himself to bring her back.

Of course, it is not ruled out that Zong Shen became malicious after knowing her identity.

He managed to kidnap her here as a hostage and take the opportunity to demand a ransom from his father!

Although they heard the name Zoe Babbitt, they didn't show any strange expressions.

But knowing people but not knowing what they know, as the youngest daughter of Count Malen, her ransom is worth at least millions of dinars. This is a huge amount of wealth that anyone will be tempted by!

Zoe stood behind Zong Shen and began to think wildly. The more she thought about it, the more something was wrong in her mind.

"Howie, ask Vereesa to come to me at the Lord's Fortress."

"I have an important task and preparations to give her."

Zong Shen waved his hands to Howie and Betty.

He could probably guess what Zoe was thinking, so he was going to invite her into the Lord's Fortress and then have a good chat with her.

Zong Shen did not lie about the Breath of the Wild adventurer team.

He is going to immediately mobilize the warriors in the territory to form a [Breath of the Wild] adventurer team, and invites Zoe to be the first member of the team!

He planned to leave this matter to Vereesa. Before the team was officially formed, he planned to let Zoe hang out with him for a few days to cultivate some feelings before taking the opportunity to extend an olive branch and let Zoe become a territorial citizen, officially Step aboard the pirate ship.

If Zoe is unwilling, then Zong Shen will have no choice but to send her back to Wintrobon City.

Before that, he would send a letter to Count Mullen.

Tell the distinguished Earl that you only need to spend one million dinars in exchange for your precious daughter.

I think Count Mullen would be very happy to come.

As a handsome boy who is greedy for money, Zong Shen's principle is that if he can't become a partner, he can only make money.

This one million dinars should be used as a lesson to teach Zoe to forget her absurd adventure dreams, so as not to waste her future and youth like Baron Bezos.

After receiving the order from Zong Shen, Howie bowed again and said that he had remembered it.

There are now more than a hundred heroes in the territory and a population of tens of thousands.

Zong Shen basically asked Mariel or Howie to help convey orders.

If it is an emergency, he will call the other party through the [Communication Crystal].

After explaining, Zong Shen gave Betty an encouraging smile.

Then he turned to Zoe and said.

"Miss Zoe, I know you still have many doubts in your heart."

"Please come with me."

"All your questions will be answered."

Zong Shen pointed to the lord's fortress in front of him and said softly.

After all, it is a seventh-level city lord's mansion that has been transformed into a fortress.

In terms of area alone, it may not be comparable to the central castle of the ruler of the state.

But the defensive ability is not overly generous.

There are no fancy arrangements such as gardens and pastures, and it looks compact and solid.

It looks like a small fortress.

Hearing what Zong Shen said, Zoe nodded.

So someone from Zong took the lead towards the Lord's Fortress. Zoe behind him was entangled in her heart. As she walked, she raised her hand to touch the storage pendant and took out a precious space scroll.

The level is not high, but it is satisfying enough at critical moments.

[Level 3 Random Teleportation Scroll]

It is instant after activation and can randomly teleport Zoe to a place within a radius of 50 kilometers to 100 kilometers.

Even though it was only the third level, Count Malen paid a high price to get this scroll.

Its value on the market is no less than that of a fifth-level group attack magic scroll.

As for the kind of scroll that can be directed for tens of thousands of kilometers, don't think about it. Only kings, grand dukes and those top nobles have them.

Previously, King Ragnar used a high-level directional teleportation scroll to completely escape the pursuit.

Jean held the scroll in his hand, put on the linen robe to cover his body, and followed Zong Shen up the steps of the fortress and entered the fortress hall.

The fortress was empty at this time, not even the pregnant Luna.

As Zong Shen's woman, she has devoted herself wholeheartedly to the construction of the territory.

And after all, she also has the physique of a fourth-level Huntress. She is not as weak as ordinary people and is not so weak that she cannot go out.

As long as there were no combat issues involved, Zong Shen would let her go.

After entering the fortress hall, Zong Shen sat down at the round table in the living room.

"Miss Zoe, please have a seat."

"Want some water or some wine?"

"I got a batch of good wine from the cellar before. Miss Zoe can have a taste."

Zong Shen greeted warmly and said that it is a fine tradition of the Chinese people to show friendship to the landlord.


"I...I'm not thirsty yet..."

Zoe became restrained again, and Zong Shen was not surprised by this.

After all, she has not yet joined the territory and is still in a state of ignorance about many things.

Anyone will instinctively feel wary and vigilant about things and environments they don’t understand.

"All right."

"Then I'll just tell you."

"First of all, I have to admit one thing, that is, I cheated on you."

Zong Shen said calmly, but his eyes were looking at Zoe's right hand hidden under the hem of her robe.

Hearing what he said, Zoe frowned slightly.

Then Zong Shen continued.

"However, our meeting was indeed by chance."

"I know that you are the daughter of Count Malen, but I have no intention of doing so."

"As you can see, I am the lord here."

"Not so long ago, this was just part of the eastern grasslands of Avalon."

"Now it has been given a new lease of life."

"And I have also taken in a large number of homeless residents and given them a place where they can live safely."

Zong Shen told the truth. The origin of his subjects was very complicated. Most of the farmers among them came from unclaimed territories, and the farmers in the hands of most lords were mainly migrating refugees and small-scale traveling traders at the village level.

After listening to Zong Shen's words, Zoe frowned, and the expression on her face relaxed a little.

"But, you still deceived me."

"You are not what is called an adventurer, and there is no Breath of the Wild adventurer team!"

This is what bothers her the most.

Whether Zong Shen is a bad guy is only a matter of one aspect. What she is looking forward to is the adventure team!

Originally, she thought she had really met a powerful adventure team, and could start a passionate adventure life from then on, traveling across the endless continent like Tim Acklin!

As a result, what I got was deception!

When Zong Shen heard this, he immediately understood Zoe's core appeal.

Instead of arguing, he laughed.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

“It turns out that Miss Zoe is worried about this!”

"Then I can tell you very clearly that what I told you about the adventure before is all true, including the Lion Skeleton Knight Richardson. I can even take you to see it."

"It lingers in the Boneyard."

"The things about Azshara's mines, mountain bunker, ruins of Azshara's city, Goblin tribe, and Wildhoof tribe are all true!"

Zong Shen said confidently.

Because he does have the confidence.

The adventure stories he told Zoe before were all experienced by him himself!

It is those explorations and adventures that allow the territory to rise rapidly!

Zoe was speechless, but her eyes flickered.

So Zong Shen decided to strike while the iron was hot.

"Also, I decided to form a team of Breath of the Wild adventurers!"

"You are the first adventurer in the team!"

"I will fully support the preparation of the adventurer team and provide you with manpower, clues, and materials!"

As soon as these words came out, Zoe couldn't help but raise her head.

"You...are you telling the truth?"

Zong Shen nodded solemnly.

"Of course, the little lie above is just to get the opportunity to extend an olive branch to you."

"The development of the territory is inseparable from the development of the surrounding ancient ruins."

"I want to inherit the legacy of the civilization of the last era and build a great territory."

"So, my territory and I need an adventurer, one who is as passionate about adventure as Miss Zoe!"

After listening to his words, Zoe fell into deep thought.

She also understood what Zong Shen meant, which was to form a "Breath of the Wild" adventurer team immediately.

Although it didn’t exist before, it will now!

And she will also be entrusted with an important task and become the first member of the adventurer team.

She also had this thought when she was in Winterloo City.

In fact, with Bangcheng's strength, it is completely possible to form an adventure team.

It's just that her father, Earl Malen, doesn't agree with it. This is also a small wish of hers.

Now through Zong Shen, it seems that there is a chance to be realized.

Just as she was thinking, there was a knock on the door.

"grown ups."

Vereesa's voice sounded outside the fortress door.

"come in."

When there were no guests, Vereesa usually came in directly.

But this time Howie told him that there were guests in the fortress hall, so she knocked on the door first.

Vereesa came to him and bowed.

Zong Shen told her straight to the point.

"Introduction, this is Miss Zoe Babbitt."

"Her current appearance is just a disguise."

"I decided to form an adventure team in the territory."

"This adventure team is called Breath of the Wild."

"You can take Miss Zoe for a walk in our territory later."

Zoe stood up and shook hands with Vereesa.

"Then Miss Zoe, let Vereesa take you to the territory to relax."

"You will sleep in the fortress tonight. There are many empty rooms."

"I have an exploratory mission tomorrow, you might as well join me then."

Zong Shen accepted it as soon as she saw fit and did not let her make a choice on the spot.

First stabilize Zoe, let her think about it carefully, and then experience the life in the territory.

Zong Shen happens to have an adventure plan tomorrow, which is the Azshara sewer ruins in Poison Swamp.

As for the Azshara ruins below the rogue camp, he could only arrange it later.

After Zong Shen gave her a step down, Zoe breathed a sigh of relief and quickly nodded in agreement.

She felt a little confused and didn't want to make a decision right away.

Seeing Zoe and Vereesa leaving the Lord's Fortress, Zong Shen felt relaxed.

I suddenly felt a lot more relaxed and stretched out.

He didn't want to go out for a stroll today. Taking advantage of the [good luck] effect of the divination coins, he had to open the treasure chests he had accumulated in the past few days and the remaining 10 [Level V Lucky Bags].

Thinking of this, he opened the storage compartment and found that there were quite a few treasure boxes.

Among them, [Platinum Treasure Chest × 1], [Gold Treasure Chest × 6], [Silver Treasure Chest × 14], [Bronze Treasure Chest × 22], and [Black Iron Treasure Chest × 23].

These treasure chests have not been screened and come from the Goblin tribe, the ruins of the coalition garrison in the north, and the Wildhoof Centaur tribe.

Zong Shen took a quick glance and selected three trap treasure chests.

Usually trap chests only appear when there are several treasure chests in the same location.

So far, Zong Shen has not seen a separate trap treasure chest.

These three trap treasure chests are [Gold Trap Treasure Chest × 1], [Silver Trap Treasure Chest × 1], and [Black Iron Trap Treasure Chest × 1].

The traps in each trap chest are different.

The first is the [Golden Trap Treasure Box], which contains an undifferentiated fifth-level frost group attack magic.

When turned on, everything within a 30-meter radius will be frozen directly, forced to freeze for 0 to 36 hours, and causing 800 points of frost magic damage.

The reason why it starts with 0 is because the freezing effect will be affected by the actual situation and can be thawed in advance. It is not a mandatory freezing that ignores the basic rules.

This kind of trap treasure chest deals indiscriminate damage, but if Zong Shen can know the details in advance, there will be many opportunities to use them.

The [Silver Trap Treasure Box] contains a time trap.

After being turned on, the surrounding area within 100 meters will be in a time-stop state for 20 seconds.

It is also a non-differentiated time stop, but it is a one-time stop, unlike [Time Stop Orb] which is continuous.

In other words, during the timeout period, people outside the range can come in normally.

The purpose of this thing is a bit cheating.

Zong Shen hasn't figured out how to use it yet, so he can only store it first.

As for the [Black Iron Trap Treasure Box], it is simple and straightforward. There is an explosion trap inside.

Can cause 100 points of explosion damage.

For Zong Shen, 100 points of explosion damage is just an itch.

Even most ordinary lords are not afraid now.

Unless we go back in time and go back to when we first landed.

Zong Shen is going to let Mariel put this trap treasure chest up for sale in the [Market].

If you dispose of it as a blind treasure box, you can at least get some resources back!

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