Lords Trying to Survive: Strategizing from a Rundown Yard

Chapter 702: Kingdom Hearts, Founding and Thoughts

From now on, there will be two floating swords in the territory!

These two great swords also inspired combination skills, further strengthening the defensive and counterattack capabilities of [Sword of the Dome].

This thing is a complete blueprint, and the chosen anchor point is the lord's small building.

So there is no need to wait for Mariel, he can choose the anchor point for construction on site.

So after he learned and mastered the drawings, he opened the [Build] list, selected the newly obtained [Sword of the Dome], and selected the Lord's Fortress as the anchor point to build it immediately!

A large, slender sword phantom appeared above the anchor point.

Its hilt has wood grain like growth rings, and there are slightly curved cross guards on both sides that look like tree roots.

There are no clues about the sword body, but compared to the bulky [Fire Spirit Sword], the body of this [Wood Spirit Sword] appears to be more petite.

Of course, as a floating defensive building, "petite" here is a relative term.

Even the real size of the [Wood Spirit Sword] is much more exaggerated than the repaired [Dragon-Slaying Heavy Sword (Gold)].

That's why it can be split into small swords.

In the form of a big sword, let alone slashing people, it is no problem even if it is slashing a money-grubbing handsome boy or a hundred-eyed giant!

The complete drawing can be created automatically, so Zong Shen stopped paying attention after taking a look at it.

Next is the fifth item, which is also an [Unknown] level item.

Zong Shen took it out and could see that this item should be part of some kind of large emblem.

He couldn't tell which part it was.

The outline on the emblem seemed to be a map, as he saw marked lines representing mountains and rivers.

But I can't tell it more specifically. After all, the emblem in his hand is only as big as a palm.

Moreover, the corners are irregular, and you need to get a few more pieces to put them together, maybe you can see some clues, but to Zong Shen, it doesn't really matter whether you put them together or not.

He can completely let the strategy module describe the map information recorded on the emblem.

Before that, he had to look at the attributes and notes at the end of the strategy module.

After all, the name of this thing is very big. Just by looking at the name of the item Zongze, you can tell that things are not simple.

[Kingdom Hearts Fragments IV (Unknown)]

[Quality: unknown]

[One of the precious Kingdom Hearts fragments. Collect all the fragments with appropriate serial numbers to piece together a special item (Kingdom Hearts)]

[Kingdom Hearts: Nation-building props recognized by the will of the continent and the supreme rules]

[Only by obtaining Kingdom Hearts can a country be formally established, and the lord authority upgraded, and then the authority of the true king controlled]

(One of the fragments of the Kingdom Hearts emblem, a special prop, is an indispensable prop for establishing the kingdom.

There are a total of seven Kingdom Hearts in Endless Continent, which are scattered into 84 fragments. There are seven groups in total. Each group has a serial number from I to XII. There is no difference between the fragments, but the serial number is. Only the fragments with corresponding serial numbers can form Kingdom Hearts.

If you can collect all seven Kingdom Hearts emblems, then you will be the well-deserved true king of the Endless Continent.

After the kingdom is successfully established, the original lord's privileges and corresponding digital panels will be upgraded, and the lord's authority will become the authority of the king, unlocking more shortcut functions.

If you can become the true king of the mainland, you can further activate more authority.

That's why I can tell you only one answer to the supreme secret: strive to become the supreme lord)

The effects and background of this [Kingdom Hearts Fragment IV] are terrifying.

It is related to the future promotion of the lord, that is Jianguo!

A lord is the lord of a territory. If you want to go to the next level and become the lord of a country, you must obtain [Kingdom Hearts], and this crucial [Kingdom Hearts] has seven pieces in total, which means that the lords Up to seven kingdoms can be established in the future.

Then, lords who cannot establish a country may still belong to these seven kingdoms, and their respective territories will become part of the kingdom's cities.

Zong Shen guessed this and suddenly remembered a key point.

That is, there are exactly seven human kingdoms currently existing in the Endless Continent!

They are the [Kingdom of Swadia] in the middle, [Kingdom of Vaegia] occupying the northern part of the continent, [Kingdom of Nord] in the northeast of the continent, [Kingdom of Avalon] in the southeast of the continent, and [Sasha] in the southwest of the continent. Rand Sultanate], [Kujit Empire] in the west of the continent, and [Rodok Kingdom] in the northwest of the continent.

The Seven Kingdoms completely divided the entire continent like dividing a cake, establishing the current continental structure.

Their strong rise was so sudden that they even occupied the living space of the dominant races in the previous era. The dwarves who originally lived in the Kingdom of Nord all moved north to the south of the Strong Wall of the Gods.

Most of the elves who were once active in the Kingdom of Avalon crossed half the continent to the Silver Moon Forest, which was once the home of the branch of the elves. It did not suffer much damage during the Era War, and then became The final home of the elves.

Similar examples include orcs, goblins, and even seaside naga.

Basically, the races that still survived and thrived in that era gave up the most fertile places on the continent and contracted to thrive in a relatively small area.

This matter is still worthy of consideration.

At least according to Zong Shen's knowledge and perspective, it is full of doubts!

This gave him a bold idea!

That is the so-called epoch change, maybe it is a lord game with endless reincarnations!

The current Aboriginal people are the lords of the previous generation.

And those foreign races such as elves, dwarves, orcs may be the lords of previous generations.

The cycle of one generation after another, the replacement of one generation after another.

It's just that this cycle can easily last ten thousand years, which is a bit ridiculously long based on the time scale of humans on Earth!

But in the Endless Continent, it doesn’t seem like that long.

There are many immortality species and ways to increase your lifespan.

The shackles on human life span are not absolute shackles.

In addition, Zong Shen also has another doubt, and that is about the issues surrounding the change.

If this is a reincarnation-type lord game.

So the current rise of the human race is less than 7,000 years ago, and the war in the last era took place 18,000 years ago, which has a chronological difference of more than 11,000 years.

Of course, it is also possible that the time of reincarnation change is not absolute.

After all, every person, every race, and every civilization behaves differently.

Maybe ethnic groups or era civilizations that perform well and have a higher level of development can continue for a while.

These are his thoughts about the supreme secret, and the strategy module will never give clear answers.

But now that multiple clues were pieced together, he felt like he had guessed some secrets.

Era changes continue, who can break this terrible cycle?

Zong Shen asked himself, but he couldn't get a clear answer for the time being.

Only by taking one step at a time and obtaining more information can we conduct a more detailed analysis.

No matter what, let’s move towards the goal of becoming the strongest lord first!

He held [Kingdom Hearts Fragment IV] in his hands, and after pondering for a long time, he silently fed himself a bowl of chicken soup.

People must have goals, and they must also have three goals: growth, medium and short term.

These goals must be achievable.

If you set goals that are difficult to achieve when your abilities are insufficient, not only will you not be able to provide motivation for your efforts, but you will also lose confidence because the goals are too far away.

So Zong Shen wanted to know more information, but he didn't want to know too heavy information.

The fragments in his hand were like magic, making him unable to help but think deeply.

The founding of a country is of great significance, not only the change of the name of the territory, but more importantly, the two keywords "authority" and "upgrade"!

It is no exaggeration to say that the current lords are a group of "privileged" guys to the indigenous people of the mainland.

Things like "Quick Build", "Data Panel", "Loyalty", etc. are all part of the perks.

These are the rights given to everyone by the lord system, and they are also the fundamental basis for each lord to develop rapidly, and even Zong Shen is no exception.

If he only had the strategy module and did not have the convenience of lord privileges, it would be difficult to develop to the current level in a short period of time.

This is "authority", and after the founding of the People's Republic of China, this "authority" will only become greater!

Because of this, Zong Shen knew the importance of the king's authority.

Therefore, he must obtain at least one of the seven [Kingdom Hearts] to have the power to found the country.

This [Kingdom Hearts] should be able to plunder each other.

When the time comes, we will snatch them back in the form of a conquest, collect all seven, and become the true king of the endless continent!

Zong Shen can only ensure that he gets something, but he cannot prevent others from getting something.

When thinking about collecting all the pieces of [Kingdom Hearts], information is secondary and luck is the most important.

God knows how many fragments have now reached the hands of the lords through treasure chests, lucky bags, adventures, etc.

Although other lords cannot see the detailed information of the item, as long as the lord is a little more flexible, he can guess the function of the item through its name.


He exhaled heavily.

Put [Kingdom Hearts Fragments IV] into the storage compartment.

This matter is not urgent. Zong Shen estimates that no one will be able to establish a country within two or three years at least.

Even if there were, someone from his sect would be the first to establish a kingdom!

He is very confident in himself and in this small goal.

The tedious exploration and construction work in the early stage will eventually reach a stable stage.

By then there will not be the brutal and rapid development here like now.

It will enter a period of development with a gentle rise.

Time progresses frequently at the weekly and monthly levels.

This is all normal. The larger the territory, the longer the development cycle. This is the law of periodicity.

No one can avoid it and it is inevitable.

After putting away the fragments, he forcibly shifted his attention from the great cause of establishing the kingdom to the sixth item.

This is a rare quality piece of equipment, a relatively rare type of hand protection equipment, that is, gloves.

It looks more delicate, with various runes on the surface, and two prismatic transparent crystals embedded on the back of the hand. After inputting the magic value, the crystals will gradually turn into light blue.

This is the [Magic Storage Crystal], which is transformed from exhausted magic energy crystals.

Zong Shen has seen it in various items that can store magic value.

This shows that this pair of gloves has the function of magic power reserve.

He carefully inspected the appearance first, and then checked its properties.

[Singing Accelerated Caster Gloves (Purple)]

[Quality: rare grade]

[Hand Armor: 25]

[Active skill: Magic Reserve (can input magic value to be stored in the gloves, with an upper limit of 2000 points, and can reversely absorb the stored magic value through magic feedback, with a ratio of 0.75 times)]

[Passive skill: Chanting acceleration (reduces the magic singing speed by 20%, this effect is invalid for magic of higher order than fourth level)]

(The caster gloves used have a certain hand armor value, can store magic power, and reduce the cooling rate)

You must know that Zong Shen is still wearing the chain-type [Dispelling Gloves (Blue)] on his hand.

However, this glove obviously benefits the caster more obviously.

Therefore, Zong Shen did not intend to keep it for his own use.

He thought for a moment, and in this unboxing, Favid could get [Fire Cloak (Purple)], and Aysia could have her own legendary robe - [Salar's Spellcaster Robe (Orange) )].

To sum up, this pair of [Singing Acceleration Caster Gloves (Purple)] should be given to Tasia.

For these people who accompanied him all the way, he had to get both rain and dew.

Not to mention that he already regards the two sisters Aisiya, Tasia and Madeleine as his forbidden pets.

After deciding on the ownership of the glove, he didn't think much about it.

Immediately focus on the seventh item.

This item is also equipment, a piece of exquisite light armor.

It seems that [lucky bag] must be an equipment bag!

This light armor is a typical half-body armor, and its grade has reached the orange legendary level.

You can't tell whether it's a male or female model just by looking at the appearance. Anyway, legendary equipment can basically adjust its style and size to a certain extent.

Magical equipment in other worlds are different from clothes on earth.

The light armor is silver-gray in color, which resembles the starry sky after dusk and before nightfall.

The chest area is dotted with shining stars, which looks like a starry sky map.

It was already evening, night had already fallen, and the stars were shining in the sky.

The stars on the light armor seemed to echo the stars in the sky, and there was a strange resonance.

Bathed in the starlight, the surface of the armor even glowed, as if absorbing the power of the stars.

"What a unique armor."

"Just this kind of vision that can echo the stars is amazing!"

Zong Shen sighed. From his perspective, he could tell that this light armor had some characteristics that surpassed the legendary level.

Even some of the epic-level equipment on his body have strange phenomena or can echo the natural landscape. However, since this thing has been judged as legendary by the system, there must be a certain reason!

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