Lords Trying to Survive: Strategizing from a Rundown Yard

Chapter 717: Hidden mission, resentful deformed skeleton

After Zong Shen sorted out the purpose of this thing in his mind, he put it into the storage compartment.

The only thing left on the table was the branch-shaped staff.

The things of the elves have more or less elements like flowers, trees, moon, and sun.

So this staff looks very elf-like.

Zong Shen picked up the staff and looked at it carefully.

[Emerald Staff of Vitality (Orange)]


[Quality: Legendary]

[Magic damage: 72~75]

[Blunt damage: 29~31]

[Singing speed: +15%]

[Durability: 726]

[Active skill: Emerald Vitality (allows a circular area with a radius of 100 meters to receive the blessing of vitality, and obtains the blessing of vitality, causing the plants within the range to grow rapidly, with a cooling time of 12 hours)

Emerald Green Fruit (produces three emerald green fruits, each fruit can restore 800 health points, 200 magic points, and a small amount of damage after taking it. The cooldown time of this skill is 24 hours)

Wall of Solid Wood (Summons a wall of solid wood with a length of ten meters and a height of three meters. It has a solid value of 10,000 points and a double resistance of 65 points. The wall of solid wood can exist for up to one year when it is not destroyed. This skill is When cast in a land environment, the cooling time is 48 hours)]

[Passive skill: Forest Whisperer (holding this staff can listen to vague plant thoughts)

Emerald Messenger (can obtain a 15% singing gain and reduce the casting cost by 20% when casting spells in a forest environment)】

(A staff that is very suitable for natural druid. Its effect is biased towards the auxiliary system, and it can play a good role in the cultivation of plants and crops.

[Green Fruit] is also a good supply fruit. Three fruits can be condensed every day and distributed as strategic materials.

The rest of the skills also have strong auxiliary effects)

After Zong Shen read the attributes of this staff and the notes on the strategy for Mo Ke, he already knew its function.

The auxiliary function of this staff is particularly obvious.

[Emerald Vitality] can promote the growth of plants within the range. For natural spellcasters and elves, the forest is an advantageous home ground.

The specific birth-producing effect is unknown, but as a legendary weapon, it is definitely not much different!

It is excellent for farming or planting trees.

It happens that there is a senior agronomist and natural druid Salome Linyu in the territory.

This staff suits him very well.

The fruit produced by [Emerald Fruit] can restore health and magic points, and as for some injuries, its effect is equivalent to the fruit version of [Moon God Spring].

It can be a supplement to the territorial supplies.

However, only three can be condensed every day, and the output is destined to be unable to increase.

You can only save some of it and distribute it to the fighting heroes in the territory.

As for the [Wall of Solid Wood], it is more interesting. This thing can summon a wooden wall with good solidity. The most important thing is that the wooden wall can last for one year as long as it is not destroyed.

In other words, as long as he has enough patience, he can use this skill to build a temporary wooden wall of defense. It takes a lot of effort to build one side in two days, but this thing is not costly after all, so don't give it up!

Finally, there are the effects of the two passive skills.

[Forest Whisperer] can allow the stick holder to sense the vague thoughts of plants. Crops and fruit trees are also plants, so this skill can come in handy. If there is a shortage of water, add water in time, and if there is a shortage of fertilizer, add fertilizer in time. It is absolutely fine. Carry out precision agriculture.

In addition, if you are in the wild, this passive skill can also be used to obtain rough information, so it is very practical.

On the contrary, [Emerald Messenger] is relatively mediocre, it is a buffing skill for terrain environment.

When the pre-environment is in a forest, the stick holder can gain certain spellcasting benefits.

Zong Shen has already considered this staff, so he should give it to Salome Linyu. Only in his hands can it play its greatest role and create more benefits for the territory.

At this point, the search for this golden circle marked location has been completed.

There was still a golden circle mark left in the passage. Zong Shen put away his staff and walked towards it.

The location of this mark is not in the compartment, but at the end of the passage.

There was a corpse leaning against the wall.

In its hand, it held tightly a yellow-brown parchment roll.

Zong Shen walked slowly to the skeleton, bent down and pulled out the parchment in his hand.

After thousands of years of ravage, this parchment roll has become brittle.

The surface is covered with a layer of faint spiritual light, which is in a state of appearing and disappearing.

Zong Shen carefully spread it out, trying not to break it.

Even with the protection of spiritual light, this parchment is on the verge of being broken and damaged.

After spreading it out, Zong Shen discovered that it was a complete map of Azshara's sewers.

All the passages underground in Azshara are mapped.

Two of the locations are marked with strange little hearts.

Maps were of little use to Zong Shen. After all, he had a strategy module, and automatic pathfinding and filtering markers were better than any other map.

But since this parchment map will be classified as a golden circle mark, it means that it has a unique role and value recognized by the strategy module, and is not just a map.

With doubts in his heart, Zong Shen narrowed his eyes slightly and stared at its attributes.

[Azshara Sewer Strategic Map on the verge of damage (Special)]

[Quality: Special]

[A strategic map depicting the sewers of Azshara]

[This item comes with a hidden mission]

[Hidden Mission: Repair Azshara Sewer Underground Fortress]

[Task requirements: Clear out the monsters in the underground fortress of Azshara's sewer, incinerate the bones of all elven warriors and throw them into the forest, and interrupt the collapsed passages in the underground fortress for rest]

[Task rewards: (ownership and restoration rights of the underground fortress in the Azshara sewer), (opening some special building construction permissions), (reputation +50000), (special reputation of the elves +10%), (special title: Azshara Pull the Rebuilder)]

[Special title: Azshara Rebuilder]

[Effect: All construction activities within the old site of Azshara will reduce material consumption by 15% and increase the solidity value by 2000 points]

[Your deeds will spread among the elves, and you can gain the reputation and favor of some ethnic groups]

(A hidden mission not to be missed. After completing it, you will become the true master of the Azshara Sewer Underground Fortress. Create a three-dimensional territory circle above and below the ground, so that no enemy can raid your territory from underground.

In addition, after completing the mission, you will also receive the construction permission and special title of some underground fortress-exclusive buildings. Having this title will gain the prestige and favor of the elves)

"Become the master of the underground fortress..."

"Do you like the special title and ethnic prestige?"

valley jaw

“It sure looks like one not to be missed!”

Zong Shen murmured to himself and carefully put away the sheepskin roll that could be broken at any time.

I really didn’t expect that this thing actually came with a lord system mission and became a carrier of mission adventures!

As long as he completes the mission, he will be recognized by the lord system as the master of Azshara's underground fortress!

The relevant mission rewards are temptations that Zong Shen cannot refuse!

Including that special title, it can actually reduce 15% of the construction cost within Azshara's old site!

After adding [Dinar Privilege] and [Artisan Divine Will], the building consumption will be reduced a lot!

His territory happens to be within the former site of Azshara.

As for this place, it is correct to say that it is a sewer and an underground fortress.

This place was indeed a sewer, but was later transformed into a strong underground fortress by the elves.

After discovering the hidden mission, he became even more excited to explore Azshara's underground fortress!

He ordered his soldiers to burn the skeleton together, and asked others to check every corner again to make sure nothing was missed.

After he was done, he led the people and continued walking towards the passage on the right.

That's the end of the branch in this direction!

As for the ashes, it won't be too late to collect them when the priest returns. Then they will be scattered in the northern mountains and forests, and part of the task will be completed!

The passage on the right is deep and long, and it took a full kilometer or two to reach the last branch on the right.

Along the way, Zong Shen also saw several collapsed places. The protective magic was missing and the walls collapsed, exposing black moist soil.

These are all areas that need to be fixed in the future.

He must completely clean out Azshara's underground fortress before he can be granted permission to repair it.

Here is a wide hall with a total of five gold circle marks and a dark red circle.

In the middle was a giant round table that was mostly decayed, and there were many chairs around it.

The height of the hall is twenty to thirty meters, and the area is as big as three or four basketball courts.

As soon as I walked out of the passage, I didn't have time to find the gold circle mark, but I saw the red circle mark first...

This time the red circle mark is dark red and looks dangerous.

A terrifying monster stands in the middle of the hall.

It is the source of that crimson mark.

This monster's entire body is made up of various bones.

The upper part is densely packed with skulls, and it looks like a tomb made of bones.

This guy has no limbs and looks like a ball of bone.

It is conservatively estimated that it would take at least a hundred skeletons to condense such a guy.

The middle of the bone ball shines with red soul fire.


When it sensed the arrival of the crowd, the curled-up bones on the bone ball began to expand.

Accompanied by a horrifying crisp "crack" sound and a "rustling" sound similar to grinding teeth, the bone ball turned into a skeletal giant more than ten meters tall!

Its body surface is covered with a layer of black light, like black armor.

The Lion Guard Knights have entered the [Garrison Knight] state one after another, with their movement speed reduced, double resistance and basic slashing damage increased, guarding everyone.

"Swish, swish, swish!"

The dragonborn rangers drew their arrows one after another and got ready to shoot.

The masters in the back row also raised their staffs and entered a state of silence, ready to chant spells at any time.

Zong Shen also took out the [Dragon-Slaying Heavy Sword (Gold)] with his backhand and held it with both hands.

His eyes swept over the skeletal giant and saw the attributes of this guy.

[Converged Resentment Distortion Skeleton lv49 (Orange)]

[Orange Overlord Level]

[Caster status/Aberration status]

[Race: Undead/Aberration]

[Magic damage: 119~132]

[Blunt damage: 162~169]

[Health value: 6500]

[Magic value: 1200/1200]

[Armor value: 0]

[Magic resistance: 75+999 (297 seconds remaining)]

[Active skill: Multiple Undead Arrows lv40 (consumes 150 magic points, can summon 3 to 6 Undead Arrows to attack the target without chanting, each Undead Arrow can cause 3.2 times of magic damage, cooling time is 5 minutes )

Necromantic Ball lv40 (consumes 500 magic points to summon a Necromantic Ball, which can randomly fire a Necromantic Bomb at targets within a hundred meters around every three seconds, causing 2.0 times the magic Damage, lasts for 5 minutes, cooldown time is 5 minutes)

Curse of Aging lv40 (consumes 200 magic points, instantaneous, reduces the target's attack speed and movement speed by 80%, lasts for 60 seconds, cooldown time is 1 hour)

Bone Absorption (can absorb bones to restore their own damage)

Cage of Rage (turns itself into a skeleton cage, causing 100 points of necromantic magic damage per second to the target wrapped in it, lasting for 30 seconds. During this period, the target will be transformed into a part of the aberrant skeleton of Rage after death)

Aberration/Spellcaster (currently in the caster state, it can be transformed into a skeletal aberration. The maximum health value is increased by 5000, the armor value is increased by 150 points, and the bludgeoning damage is increased by 80 points. The skeletal body grows sharp bone spurs, which is effective against melee attacks. The target causes a 10% counter-injury effect. The two states can be switched freely. The caster's status stone armor value will be cleared)]

[Passive skill: Armor of Resentment (In the caster state, it can form an additional Armor of Resentment with 999 points of magic resistance effect on the surface for 5 minutes, and can only be activated once every 72 hours when switching states)

Infinite aggregation (the resentment gathered together forms some kind of terrifying core, which can infinitely absorb and aggregate bones, and increase the strength without limit. The higher the strength of the aggregated bones and the stronger the strength in life, the stronger the strength of the aggregate. )

Distortion (each time it is transformed into a distortion, it will have a different distortion form. This form is non-directional and random, which can have a certain impact on the strength of the body)

Rage caster body (each time it transforms into a spellcaster state, it will master different necromancy spells. The level of the spells it masters cannot exceed its own level, which can have a certain impact on the strength of the body)]

(The weird core formed by the aggregation of thousands of years of anger, evil, unwillingness, perseverance and other emotions, absorbed the bones here and became a strange aggregate.

As long as you kill it, you can get this weird core with unlimited cultivation potential. Through the prop [Pet Contract] of the lord system, you can use the authority of the lord system to forcibly conclude a contract with the weird core.

As long as enough bones are cultivated and aggregated, it has unlimited possibilities)

"Good guy, what kind of weird stuff is this?"

"A monster that can assemble bones and transform into casters and aberrations?"

Zong Shen was a little surprised. He raised his hand and greeted behind him.

"The mage team retreats to the passage, and the rangers prepare!"


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