Lords Trying to Survive: Strategizing from a Rundown Yard

Chapter 722: The Awakening Bone of the Sin Realm

It often takes more than twenty or thirty minutes to incinerate the bones in a passage.

Zong Shen couldn't wait so long, so he started to rectify the soldiers in advance.

When preparing to return, clean up the ashes remaining after the incineration in this passage.

The two Evil Fallen he just killed allowed him to harvest a batch of [Shadow Pearls], which was considered an additional gain.

This is already the penultimate branch of the left branch, and there is only one last branch left, which will also be the end of the left branch. Zong Shen estimates that there should be a large area of ​​collapse and congestion, but After all, this is only part of the ruins of the underground fortress in Azshara's sewers.

For future exploration here, in addition to continuing to search for other sewer gate entrances, some manpower must be arranged to clear the blockage at the end of the channel.

Doing so also complies with the requirements of [Hidden Mission: Repair Azshara Sewer Underground Fortress].

The incineration of bones takes a relatively long time.

In fact, cremation is not a simple operation.

For example, crematoriums on Earth have specialized incinerators, which are industrial-grade furnaces that can maintain a temperature of 870°C to 980°C to ensure that the body can be disintegrated.

The cremator has a built-in burner for incineration through a diesel fire, and a blower to ensure sufficient combustion. The exhaust fan takes away excess smoke and dust. It usually takes about an hour to incinerate the body into ashes.

And it was still a flesh and blood corpse based on the earth.

As for the skeletons here, they are roughly divided into two types. The largest number are jade skeletons, followed by amber skeletons.

The darker the color of the skeleton, the stronger it was during life.

After all, the elven warriors who died here were much stronger than those on ordinary earth, and the corresponding bones were stronger.

Ordinary white skeletons cannot withstand the erosion of tens of thousands of years and have long since turned into a puddle of ashes.

So it was not easy to incinerate these bones. Fortunately, Doris came along this time.

She used the [Fire Breathing] skill of the staff to cooperate with Favid and other fire mages. She first poured some [Fire Oil (green)] on the stacked bones and then used fire magic to incinerate them.

The incineration time takes at least twenty or thirty minutes.

So Zong Shen will not wait here any longer. After several piles of bones were set alight, his team was sorted out. Next, there are four golden circle marks in the last passage of the underground fortress ruins on the left. and a purple-red marker, which is also the tiebreaker for this quest.

After everyone completely solves the last passage, it means that this exploration is over!

After the formation of the team was completed, Zong Shen put away the bulky [Dragon-Slaying Heavy Sword (Gold)]. It’s not that he couldn’t hold it, but it was too big, which was not conducive to opening a path in the passage. A muscle like this Weapons are only suitable for violent group start.

He took out [Wind, Fire, Thunderstorm, Bear's Roaring Shield (orange)] and [Patrol Axe (orange)].

Holding an ax in one hand and a broad shield in the other, he moved forward cautiously.

The lion garrison knights followed behind him, forming an arc defensive formation.

After walking along the left branch for three to four hundred meters, Zong Shen saw the exit of the passage not far ahead.

There was actually a faint red light emitting there, and the style of the painting seemed to change suddenly.

You must know that the Azshara Sewer Underground Fortress has its own lighting, and the magic circle emits milky white light, so the red light at the end of the passage ahead is definitely not the light source of the magic circle.

Maybe it has something to do with the purple mark, I don't know for sure.

Zong Shen was not afraid at all. Although the epic opponent was difficult, he was not invincible.

Especially since there are still two dying epic-level mercenaries in his prisoner space.

Soon everyone came to the end of the passage. Zong Shen made a gesture behind him to ask everyone to stop and wait for his further observation.

I saw Zong Shen walking slowly to the entrance of the passage, and there was a hall in front of him.

As he had guessed before, the passages extending in both directions were severely damaged, and even the hall itself was seriously damaged.

The dome, which was several meters thick and reinforced with runes and steel materials, collapsed, and the dark soil accumulated here to form a slope. It was precisely because of the filling of the soil that the remaining part of the hall was not filled with black mud.

This place is located one to two hundred meters deep underground, and the thickness of the soil layer has reached a very exaggerated level.

The amount of soil that has fallen now is not even enough to make much of a depression in the ground.

It seems that this place has been hit by a huge external force. The specific method is not clear yet, but it must be related to the blood-burning demon.

The hall is relatively empty, and there are no traces of the past.

Most items from ancient eras have either been corrupted by time or are covered in black dirt.

There were two treasure chests among the four golden circle marks, and Zong Shen saw them at a glance.

There is another one that seems to be buried in the mud. The last golden circle mark is the most outrageous right next to the purple mark. It can be understood that the "boss" has a good thing with him!

Zong Shen, who was standing at the entrance of the passage, also saw who the purple-red mark was.

Generally speaking, the monsters in underground ruins are mainly undead and crypt races. What Zong Shen encountered here were basically undead monsters.

The purple-colored monster in front of him is also a skeletal undead monster.

But it is different from the previous ones that were huge and weird in appearance.

Gu Ji

This guy is only slightly taller than the average human.

Many people have misconceptions about skeletons. In fact, humanoid skeletons are generally much shorter than normal people.

Because the skeleton has lost its flesh, skin, and synovial cartilage between the bones, it will appear to "shrink" a lot.

After the tall man of 1.8 meters turned into a skeleton, he would only be 1.5 or 1.6 meters tall at most.

However, the purple-red-marked skeleton in front of him is as tall as a normal person.

Its head is burning with red flames, which is why red light is reflected in the passage.

This guy is wearing a red cloak with a stand-up collar. There is a red orb the size of a basketball in his abdomen. In addition, there are large curved horns on the top of his head that look like bull horns, and there are also two in the middle. The orb is there.

I could see that the hand bones of its arms were holding a broken magic book with black edges and red letters. It looked like a skeletal spell caster, with its head lowered like a statue.

And its skeletal body seems to have its own force field to isolate it from the dust and dirt. There are no stains five or six meters away from the center, and even the ground reveals its original color thousands of years ago.

It's as if time has never left any trace on that place.

Behind it is a seat made of green vines.

That seat is the item marked by the last golden circle, which is obviously an item left behind by the elves in the past.

Elements such as green leaves, vines, flowers, trees, the moon, and the sun are all related to the elves.

As if sensing Zong Shen's prying eyes, the strange skeleton suddenly raised its head.

The head burning with red flames made it look like a messenger from purgatory.

There is also light blue soul fire dancing in the two eye sockets.

It and Zong Shen looked at each other in the air, and strangely enough, Zong was actually able to detect this guy's emotions from the soul fire dancing in its eyes.

It was obvious that the strange skeleton in front of him was different from the ordinary skeletal undead.

He did not act in a hurry or launch an attack. The entrance to the passage was at least fifty or sixty meters away from the strange skeleton, which was beyond the detection range of the lord system.

So Zong Shen used the strategy module to query its attributes.

[The Awakening Bone of the Sin Realm·Bone Sky lv1 (Gold)]

[Golden Epic Level]

[Race: Undead/Self-Awakening/Alien]

[Magic damage: 293~319]

[Health value: 3000]

[Magic value: 6000]

[Armor value: 35]

[Magic Resistance: 65]

[Active skill: Mastery of Necromantic Magic 5 (Quantity Mastery: 128 kinds of first-level necromancy magic, 64 kinds of second-level necromancy magic, 32 kinds of third-level necromancy magic, 16 kinds of fourth-level necromancy magic, 8 kinds of fifth-level necromancy magic) magic)

Evil Bone Storm lv1 (Chant for 5 seconds, consume 500 magic points to summon 100 bone spears. Each bone spear has piercing damage of 1.5 times its own magic damage, and can carry out precise strikes and covering targets within a range of 300 meters. Projection attack, the number of bone spears increases by 5 for every level of this skill, and the damage conversion multiplier increases by 0.1 for every level of five, and the cooling time is 2 hours)

Sin Realm Arena (No need to chant, you can select yourself or a friendly unit and an enemy target to enter the Sin Realm Arena. The arena is in the consciousness position and will not be interfered by the outside world. The arena can be changed according to Gu Tian's will. into different terrain environments, lasting 30 minutes. After the duration is over, the corresponding fighting results will be reflected in reality, and the cooling time is 48 hours)

Bone Prison of All Beings lv1 (Chant for 30 seconds, consume 800 magic points to lock an area with a radius of 100 meters within the field of vision, and extend a spherical bone prison of all living beings from the ground, completely binding the targets within the range, and can produce undead elements Interference hinders space teleportation. It has 35,000 solid points and 80 double resistance points. Every time this skill is upgraded by 1 level, the range increases by 5 meters, the solid value increases by 1,000, and the double resistance increases by 3 points. The duration is 15 minutes and the cooling time is 4 hours.)

Elemental Bone Shield Technique lv1 (chant for 10 seconds, consume 100 magic points, use bones and random elements to condense a bone shield around the body, with 3500 points of solid value, 35 points of double resistance and random element characteristics, and can actively To resist attacks, the strength of the bone shield will be increased by 200 points for each level of this skill, and the double resistance will be increased by 1 point. An additional bone shield can be condensed for every 5 levels of this skill. At the same time, the magic value consumption will be increased by 100 points. The bone shield has not been damaged. It can continue to exist. The bone shield can surround the body within a range of 50 centimeters to five meters according to the will of Bone Heaven. The bone shield condenses and cools down for 1 hour)

Netherworld Fireball lv1 (Chant for 8 seconds, consume 80 magic points, summon a Netherworld Fireball (level limit: 1) that surrounds you, can automatically seek out enemies and attack nearby enemy targets, and cause a 1.5 multiplier to the target. The chaotic damage of magic damage will automatically dissipate after 10 attacks by the Nether Fireball at the current level. The Nether Fireball can continue to exist without attacking. The Nether Fireball can surround the body within a range of 1 to 10 meters according to Gu Tian's thoughts. Every time the skill is upgraded by 1 level, the number of attacks will be +1. Every 5 levels it can be upgraded, it can summon an additional Nether Fireball, with a maximum limit of 9 (existing at the same time), a single cooling time of 2 hours)

The dark light of the Sin Realm shines on the earth (the dim light of the Sin Realm is summoned, which can illuminate a circular area with a radius of 10 meters, resuscitate the corpses and skeletons within the range, and turn them into the skeleton warriors of the Sin Realm. After resurrection, The Skeleton Warrior's strength is linked to his life, and can last for 168 hours, with a cooling time of 720 hours)

Darkest Orb lv1 (Chant for 5 seconds, consume 300 magic points to summon a Darkest Orb, and launch Darkest Arrows at enemy targets within a hundred meters of the ball for free attack. Every time A magic ball can shoot up to thirty Darkest Arrows, each of which can cause 1.5 times magic damage to the target. It lasts for ninety seconds and will be affected by sixth-level dispelling magic. Each level of this skill increases. The number of Darkest Arrows that can be fired by a single magic ball is +1, and the duration of existence is +3 seconds. Every 5 levels of this skill, you can condense an additional Darkest Arrow, with a maximum limit of 9. The skill cooldown time is 4 Hour)

Guardian of the Sin Realm (after activation, Gu Tian can gain a layer of the Guardian Effect of the Sin Realm for himself or his allies within the field of vision, and throw his true body into the Sin Realm to transform into a projection state, immune to any attack for 10 seconds, with a cooldown time of 72 hours) 】

[Passive skill: Awakener in the Sin Realm (When the soul withers, it enters the Sin Realm through the chaotic plane of consciousness, thus being contaminated by the power of the Sin Realm's resurrection and becoming the Sin Realm's resurrected bone, possessing a new life after silence)

The potential of the Sin Realm (the initial level is the golden epic level, and it will automatically increase by one level every 20 levels)

Alien Awakening (Born with good wisdom and thinking ability, camp tends to be chaotic and neutral, with independent personality and thinking rules)

Book of Sin (holding a special spell-casting book, the Book of Sin, will gradually awaken the related magic of Sin as it grows, and possess powerful spell-casting abilities and talents)

Siglar Black Pretender (can obtain different disguised forms by devouring souls. The number of disguised forms will increase by 1 for every 10 levels. The disguised form does not have additional attribute bonuses and is equivalent to its own body and will not be affected by any real Eye of Sight and Detect Magic Peep)

The Key to the Sin Realm (After reaching level 100, you can open the portal to the Skeleton Sin Realm in the Free Consciousness Plane. It is the key to the Sin Realm)]

(When the soul withers, there is a one-in-a-billion chance to merge with the Sin Realm and become the awakened bone of the Sin Realm, but it is not full of killing and bloodthirsty desires like other mindless undead monsters.

Gutian has infinite growth potential. It has been dormant for many years and is still not at lv1. Maybe you can find a way to turn it into a subordinate)

Zong Shen was stunned. This guy's attributes were definitely the longest he had ever seen!


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