Lords Trying to Survive: Strategizing from a Rundown Yard

Chapter 733: The Importance of Talents, Final Arrangements

Sophie hugged the two of them but didn't answer, just nodded calmly.

The three fat men were pouring drinks one by one at the table. Zong Shen crossed his legs and watched the scene in front of him with interest.

The other heroes thanked the three fat men one after another. After all, the three fat men were now colleagues on the same level as them.

I saw the third fat man forcing a smile on his chubby face.

Zong Shen picked up the wine glass without interrupting the three women's reminiscing. He knew what Luna and Vereesa would do.

No matter what aspect you consider, [Hero: Night Prayer Sophie] is a precious talent.

Her level among the elves and Azshara is only slightly lower than Vereesa's.

But don’t forget, the current Vereesa is a “castrated” version. Part of her emotions, memories and powers have been sealed in a mysterious place, so when she was recruited, her qualifications, status, and It is a rare level, and the level is also the standard lv10, which is far from her peak state.

Obviously, her existence is similar to Luna who was banned from the recruitment roll and sleeping in another dimension.

With "templated" attributes, it's like all the [Tier 3 Dark Night Huntresses] summoned from the recruitment rolls all have excellent qualifications and a fixed lv10 level.

Obviously, Vereesa's attributes after summoning have been "castrated" by the lord system.

This is also a step-by-step process, and can also be understood as a process of slowly "unblocking" and "cultivating".

It is impossible for the lord system to release heroes with full status to the lord from the beginning.

According to Vereesa's status in the elves, she was at least a legend or even a demigod.

If Vereesa is really in full condition, Zong Shen can go sideways without relying on the strategy module.

That would destroy the balance too much.

That's why there is such a form of "castration". If there is a chance in the future, Zong Shen may be able to recover Vereesa's lost emotions, memory and strength.

Zong Shen has every reason to suspect that other heroes who passed away at the end of the last era will also become subordinates of different lords in this "castrated" form.

The world is so big and there are so many lords, he is not the only one who has adventures.

Other lords may also get "castrated" versions of legendary heroes.

For Zong Shen, of course he wants to gather all the ancient legendary heroes. In a way, these are the real treasures left over from the last era and rare talents.

The more talents a territory has, the faster it can develop.

This is no longer just a benefit that can be measured by combat effectiveness.

But no matter how big his appetite is, the current fundamentals cannot support him to wrap up all the good things.

Since it is only a matter of time to conquer the mainland, he is also a Buddhist.

As long as you take good care of your own territory, actively follow the principles of development, and walk the path of your feet in a down-to-earth manner.

When he establishes his own kingdom and becomes the Lord of the Endless Continent after fighting for hegemony, then the talents in the continent will still be his talents after all. Those lords with good opportunities and development progress will become his "nobles" or "nobles" Princes".

By then the entire continent will be united into one, and the exploration of rights will have to be raised to a new level of horizons!

It is difficult for one person to rule such a large world, unless he can become an omniscient and omnipotent god.

Let the future be considered by the future, he needs to take care of the present.

Compared to the "castrated" ancient hero Vereesa, the [Night Prayer Sophie] in front of me is a full-status Elf hero who not only possesses strong personal strength, but also retains rich experience in commanding.

If he can be recruited under his command, then Zong Shen will have a general!

And today he just conquered [Hero: Lion Skeleton Knight Richardson (Gold)].

From now on, the undead and undead warriors conquered by the territory will no longer be afraid of being left alone!

If [Night Prayer Sophie] is also willing to join the territory, then in the future the elven warriors in the territory can be completely controlled by Sophie, Luna, and Vereesa.

Lords can theoretically recruit across races, camps, and even across time.

If you have loyalty, you can really have nothing to worry about.

However, if two races that are incompatible or hostile to each other are allowed to cooperate, they will definitely not be able to exert much combat power. Therefore, the development of multi-races and multiple camps in the territory is completely fine. As long as one precursor is met, that is, for different races The descendants of warriors arrange reasonable rulers.

For example, Richardson in Undead, Colby in Wolf Cavalry, Luna and Vereesa in Elf Warriors, Eagle Sauce in Gryphon, Flying Tiger in Manticore, and Cha Cha in Bloodtusk Boar. , and other such arrangements.

Zong Shen pondered for a while, and the three women finally finished reminiscing about the past and sat back down.

Luna put the [Seed of the Ancient Tree of War (Gold)] into the storage compartment.

In front of everyone's table is a glass of wine poured by the third fat man himself.

After everyone calmed down again, Zong Shen turned his head and looked at Tasia who was sitting next to him.

She is not a hero yet, she can only be regarded as a "quasi-hero", but as a woman like Zong Shen, she will be entrusted with important responsibilities sooner or later, so everyone at the scene is not surprised.


"grown ups."

Tasia heard Zong Shen's call, put down her wine glass and nodded in greeting, waiting for his next words.

"In a moment, let Rhys Ulysses open a [Shadow Wormhole] to take you to Azshara's underground fortress under the Poison Swamp. There is a very interesting guy trapped there."

"I hope you can chat with it and make it yearn for the outside world and our territory."

"By the way, let Richardson accompany you. He is not weak and can protect your safety."

"And it's also a skeleton. Maybe it shares a common language with that guy."

Zong Shen explained unhurriedly.

Gu Tian is also a talented person and is worth trying to win over.

It is different from [Dark Night Prayer Sophie]. It is a special existence created by chance and coincidence. It can be said to be unique!

No matter where the talent comes from, only children make choices, Zong wants them all!

After all, the so-called mainland overlord represents the existence of conquest and unification of countless ethnic groups and countless creatures!

That is the true unification of the world, the common master of the world!

Tasia stood up and bowed slightly to show that she understood.

After she sat down, Zong Shen looked at the others again.

"The defensive challenge officially begins tomorrow at noon."

"Please prepare enough food and water for every soldier participating in the battle."

"Mariel, Fatty Three, and Howie will be responsible for solving this problem. If water bags and other military supplies are insufficient, they will be purchased through the [market]."

"In addition, there is another point, that is, from afternoon to afternoon, cellars will be built around the inner city circle, that is, the lord's fortress. The more the better, and tunnels will be dug between each cellar to serve as emergency shelters for farmers in the territory. "

Zong Shen once again explained that these are the details that need to be added for defensive challenges.

You must know that the territory now has a large number of farmers.

Even the eighth-level city lord's palace cannot accommodate them all, so setting up emergency shelters is critical.

Through the previous announcement, Zong Shen already knew that the offensive side in the defensive challenge has a clear hatred priority.

As the location of the central stone pillar, the Lord's Fortress has a higher priority than ordinary territorial citizens.

If Zong Shen were to take charge personally, the priority of attracting hatred would be even higher!

As long as the lord's fortress remains unbroken and the peasants hide in their cellars, the attackers will most likely ignore them.

Reducing casualties can also increase the overall score within the challenge.

Of course, the final score of the challenge is also inseparable from the difficulty.

The higher the difficulty, the greater the proportion of the challenge score base. If Zong Shen can not only avoid being breached before the challenge is over, but also eliminate all challenging attackers in reverse, he will get a higher score.

However, the challenge has not yet begun, and the attacker has not yet conducted a draw. Zong Shen is not sure how far he can go. At any rate, he has to wait until he has determined his opponent before he collects intelligence and plans a combat strategy through the strategy module.

"Tomorrow morning you will be able to see the outer cellar."

"Vereesa, the training ground and corresponding training buildings are closed. The soldiers will rest together after this evening and the entire team will assemble at eight o'clock tomorrow morning."

"In addition, the rangers and crossbow shooters in the territory will be organized into teams, damaged equipment will be replaced in time, and all corresponding arrows will be distributed."

"Also keep the batch of arrows obtained from the underground fortress as a spare. You can take some of them and put them in the storage to carry with you."

"As you command, my lord."

Vereesa stood up, put one hand on her chest and nodded.

Zong Shen looked at Colby and Farvid again.

"Colby, the same is true for the Wolf Cavalry. Tonight, just reduce the defense and leave one squadron to patrol. The rest will rest and focus on patrolling the farming and pastoral areas in the northwest. Although there are manticores and blood-toothed wild boars there, To be on the safe side, we still need to keep patrolling, and ask Mariel to approve some [Energy Fountains] for you, and each soldier should be equipped with one bottle."

"Favid, you and Doris are responsible for reorganizing the spellcasters in the territory."

"In addition to the [Moon Spring] and [Life Potion], the caster is also equipped with the [Magic Spring] according to the level."

Zong Shen explained to several people separately.

Farvid and Colby stood up and bowed solemnly.

After a period of accumulation, [Moon Spring], [Moon Spring], [Energy Spring], [Magic Spring] and the basic [Life Potion] in the territory have basically been distributed to the entire army. It is just a matter of quantity.

In order to collect the well-prepared spring water, Marier only sold 5 bottles of [Moon Spring] every day during this period.

The configuration of the entire army is also different, with different springs and medicines equipped according to the arms, ranks, and functions.

For example, the Wolf Cavalry, as the single unit with the highest mobility and the largest number in the territory, was each issued two bottles of [Moon Spring] with a capacity of 40 ml each. Just now Zong Shen also asked them to equip them with an additional bottle of [Energy]. Quan] Each bottle has a capacity of 20 ml, which is about the same as two bottles of oral liquid, but it can quickly restore part of the physical strength during wartime.

After all, there are too many wolf cavalry. Not counting the batch of recruitment rolls that have not yet been used by Zong Shen, the total number of [second-order wolf cavalry] in the territory currently reaches 1534. In addition, 10 have been replaced by [giant wolf cavalry]. Wolf's Lair (Purple)] The "second and a half" giant wolf cavalry of the third-level giant wolf.

There are 128 teams here and several more wolf cavalry.

In other words, Colby is now in charge of a group and a half of wolf cavalry!

Although the Wolf Cavalry is of a low level, it can still be very lethal to those low-level cluster monsters when grouped together, especially the squad skill [Knife Formation Charge], the squadron skill [Hunting Knife Formation] and the large group skill [ Thousand Wolf Scraping Bones], all have formation effects, which can easily disperse low-level clusters of enemies and harvest their lives.

This is why Zong Shen likes the wolf cavalry very much. As a "novice" unit, they have many special features that other second-level units do not have. In layman's terms, they are easy to use and not expensive, and they can be filled in large quantities!

As a unique unit in the area, Zong Shen estimated that if he collected all the wolf cavalry from all the lords in the area, he could gather a hundred thousand troops.

When he completed the mission of [Dead Soul Kim], he once saw a phantom-like scene in the ruins of a cellar in the Boneyard. At that time, Colby had become a strong man, carrying tens of thousands of people with him. Wolf Cavalry.

Maybe this scene will be realized in the near future.

But what does the hellfire falling from the sky mean?

Zong Shen shook his head slightly and waved his hand.

"Then let's go do it now after everyone has finished drinking this glass of wine."

"If you need supplies, just contact Mariel and Howie."

"Everyone, please coordinate with each other. If there are any problems that cannot be solved, you can use crystal communication."

"Mariel has distributed a new batch of crystals in the past two days."

Everyone nodded after hearing the words, picked up the wine glasses in front of the table to say hello, and then drank all of them in one gulp before leaving vigorously and resolutely.

Tasia waited until Luna left before she came to Zong Shen and kissed him.

Although Luna, as an elf woman from another world, is more open-minded about the concept of polygamy.

But Tasia still felt guilty. No matter how many women Zong Shen had, Luna was the stable "first lady", and she didn't dare to act too unscrupulously.

Zong Shen accepted the kiss with a smile, and watched as Reese Ulysses flashed out with her, preparing to take Richardson and other Lion Skeleton Knights to the underground fortress through the [Shadow Wormhole].

After everyone left, Zong Shen breathed a sigh of relief.

It is now past one o'clock in the afternoon, and there is still a lot of time today.

Before unpacking, he planned to contact his younger brother Zongze and ask him about his situation.

This kid is doing well and should be able to pass the defensive challenge smoothly.

Thinking of this, he opened the [Friends and Relatives Channel] and left a message.

"How are you preparing for Azze's defense challenge?"

After the message was sent, there was no reply for a long time.

I think that boy Aze came back instantly!


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