Lords Trying to Survive: Strategizing from a Rundown Yard

Chapter 745: The platinum treasure chest revealed

Yes, this old friend is the [Equipment Fusion Stone]!

He had received one just recently.

But that one is a rare fusion stone that can fuse three rare pieces of equipment.

In the end, he used all the idle [Trident of Wind, Fire and Thunder (Purple)], [Teroka's Furious Bear Armor (Purple)], and [Intracranial Roaring Hammer (Purple)] to fuse them.

Finally, I got a legendary shield: [Wind, Fire, Thunderstorm, Bear's Roaring Shield (Orange)].

This fully proves the randomness of equipment fusion.

You must know that Zong Shen actually did not lack a shield at that time, because he still had this [Aurora Guardian Shield (Purple)] in his hand, which made him regret for a time why he did not melt this shield.

Later, he thought about it, even if he fused the shield, it would be useless. Who knows, after adding the shield, what would eventually be fused would be other equipment or weapons, such as a big sword?

There are no rules in fusion. At most, fusing three pieces of equipment of the same type can have a certain probability of making the final fused equipment of the same type.

To sum up, this [Equipment Fusion Stone (Orange)] represents the exchange of three idle orange pieces of equipment for a brand new golden piece of equipment, which has a certain degree of gambling and replacement.

But now, although Zong Shen does not lack orange legendary equipment, there is not much that is idle.

And according to the current situation, the combined value of three pieces of legendary equipment will not be lower than one piece of epic equipment. Even if Zong Shen doesn't need it himself, he can give it to his warriors and heroes to enhance their strength.

Therefore, this [Equipment Fusion Stone (orange)] will not be used in the short term.

After Zong Shen has a mountain of orange legendary equipment, he can consider using it.

No matter what, this fusion stone is equivalent to an epic piece of equipment, and Zong Shen must collect it carefully.

All three orange-level items have been inspected, followed by two purple-level rare items.

The first is a spell scroll. Looking at the item name Zong Shen, you can tell that it has a buffing effect.

Purple-level spell scrolls are basically fourth-level spells, which can still be used to some extent.

Zong Shen took out the scroll and took a look at it.

[Guardian Scroll (Purple)]

[Quality: rare grade]

[Effect: Level 4 group protection (after activation, you can select 50 friendly targets around you, giving everyone a layer of protection effect. This effect has 3000 points of solidity and 35 points of double resistance, with a maximum duration of 20 minutes)]

[After the duration is over, if the protective effect has not been broken, 30% of the remaining solid value will be converted into a healing effect and restore your own health]

[This scroll can only be used once]

(A good group protection scroll, suitable for giving it to your fighting heroes.

Using it at a critical moment may save the lives of 50 soldiers)

“The level is average, but the practicality is perfect.”

"The shield effect of 3,000 points of solidity and 35 points of dual resistance can indeed save lives at critical moments."

"Not to mention that as long as this protective effect is not broken, 30% of the remaining solid value will be converted into a healing effect when it dissipates."

Zong Shen placed the scroll on the table and had already thought of its application scenarios based on its properties.

He doesn't need to keep this scroll himself, he can just arrange for a combat hero to take it with him.

Such as Vereesa, Colby, Doris, Farvid, etc...

As long as it is practical, it doesn't matter what level it is.

The second rare item is a jewelry-type equipment.

With the word "holy light" in the name, Zong Shen can probably know the characteristics of this equipment.

This is a ring, a bit compact in size, and it fits perfectly on the little finger according to Zong Shen's fingers.

However, the ring is composed of two sets of rings and has a certain degree of flexibility.

He took off the chain gloves and tried to put them on his fingers. He found that after stretching the ring, he could fit it into his middle finger. Overall, it was easy to wear.

There is a white line in the middle of the ring, but otherwise there are no fancy carvings or gems.

Zong Shen placed the ring in his palm and stared at it with raised eyebrows.

[Holy Light Body Protection Ring (Purple)]

[Quality: rare grade]

[Effect: Wisdom +12, Charm +6, Magic Value +150]

[Active skill: Holy Light Guard lv20 (activate the effect of a Holy Light Guard to protect yourself. This guard effect has a solid value of 5000 points and a double resistance of 55 points. The guard effect will continue to exist after it is not broken, and it will withstand undead damage. The double resistance of the body protection effect will be doubled, and the protection effect can be actively canceled. After defeating or actively canceling it, a 2-hour cooling time is required before it can be reactivated)

Holy Light Throwing Spear lv20 (Condensing the power of Holy Light to throw a spear, launching an attack on enemies within 200 meters. This throwing spear has a fixed Holy Light damage of 200 points. If the Holy Light Throwing Spear kills a spiritual unit, it will be based on The level of killing zombie units reduces a part of the cooldown time, and the initial cooldown time is 1 hour)]

(A ring with the effect of holy light protection, suitable for the caster to equip)

He has already decided who to give this [Holy Light Guardian Ring (Purple)] to.

The Holy Light was naturally worthy of the Holy Light, so he was going to give this ring to the Holy Light Deacon Aisiya.

After all, it is also a rare piece of jewelry equipment. Not to mention the active skills it comes with, the attributes it adds are very impressive.

As for the remaining two excellent-level items, they are nothing interesting.

Namely a bottle of chocolate spread and a pair of half-finger gloves for ranger marksmen.

At this point, all the items from the four [Gold Treasure Chests] have been checked, and Zong Shen still has two [Platinum Treasure Chests] in his hand.

However, he planned to leave a [Platinum Treasure Chest] unopened until the defensive challenge began.

Then use [Another Privilege Coupon (Special)] to have a high probability of harvesting a wave of lord system wool.

He didn't believe that the treasure chest he opened using [One More Time] in the defensive challenge would be recovered.

After all, all operations comply with the rules of items and challenges!

Regardless, this plan is worth a try.

Therefore, he only needs to open one more [Platinum Treasure Box] today to end this wave of unboxing.

Each [Platinum Chest] represents a guaranteed epic item.

The more you gather, the more you earn!

The wonderful time of unboxing is always short-lived. Zong Shen put away one of the [Platinum Treasure Boxes], leaving only the other one. Without any hesitation, he directly raised his hand and chose to open it.

With only one treasure chest, you don't need to do so complicated inventory and organization. Just check the opening prompts.

Zong Shen hopes that he will open a "double golden egg" under the blessing of [Daji]!

"Double yolk eggs" and "double golden eggs" are not the same level of rewards!

After all, in terms of individual value, two or three orange items may not be worth one golden item.

If "double golden eggs" appear, it means that he has opened two golden epic items in one go!

He held his breath and focused on the unboxing prompt in front of him.

At this time, the lid of the box was slowly opening, and with the dazzling white light, nothing could be seen yet.

[Opening platinum treasure chest successfully]

[Obtain: Thousand-kilometer teleportation array construction diagram (gold) × 1]

[Obtain: Floating Feather (gold) × 1]

[Obtain: Card Medical Gem (Gold) × 1]

[Get: Dark Night Advanced Book (Orange) × 1]

[Get: Whirlwind Sword Dance Skill Book (Purple) × 1]

[Obtain: Skill Experience Book (Blue) × 1]

[Obtain: Swiftness Potion (Blue) × 1]

Zong Shen was stunned...

Just when I was checking the prompt for successful opening, the [Platinum Treasure Chest] in front of me was finally fully opened.

Light balls emerged from the box one after another, shining with different qualities of light.

Among them, the three golden light balls are particularly eye-catching.

The brilliance of local gold is eye-catching, and it represents an epic item!

Each piece can directly or indirectly enhance Zong Shen's strength.


His heartbeat couldn't help but accelerate a little.

He would never be so excited if it were an orange legendary item.

But the golden epic level is completely different.

Before, he was thinking about whether he could get a "double golden egg", but he actually got a "three golden egg". This was something he never dared to think about before.

Even my own "Oudi" Aze might not be so lucky!

Opening a "Platinum Treasure Chest" with "Three Golden Eggs" is no less than the guaranteed reward of opening three [Platinum Treasure Chests]. This means that one box is better than three boxes!

Zong Shen calmed down a little and took out the first epic item with his backhand.

This is a drawing, and it can also be regarded as his "old friend".

He had obtained the [100-kilometer teleportation array construction diagram (orange)] before, and had even built a teleportation array from Boss State to the territory.

This blueprint can be built repeatedly, but the materials are more difficult to obtain, so its quality rating is orange legendary.

You must know that the teleportation distance of Zong Shen's [Thousand-Kilometer Level Portal (Orange)] is one level higher than that of the 100-kilometer level, but their ratings are the same, both are orange legendary level.

This is because portals are props and are not replicable. There are also restrictions on the number of times they can be used and the number of beacons. The construction diagram of the teleportation array is different. It can be built repeatedly. As long as you have the materials, you can even build hundreds or thousands of them. Teleportation array.

At this moment, the architectural drawing that Zong Shen took out was an upgraded version of the [100-kilometer teleportation array construction drawing (orange)], so the rating is golden epic!

From this point of view, the 10,000-kilometer teleportation array will definitely need to be upgraded to a higher level.

He stared at it, checking the detailed requirements and instructions of the drawing.

[Thousand-kilometer level teleportation array construction diagram (gold)]

[Quality: Epic (gold) space building]

[Requirements: Special Grade Magic Stone Space Anchor Stone × 1]

[Building time: 37 hours 23]

[After the construction is completed, a fixed two-way space transmission point can be set up within the distance range of 100~9999 kilometers]

[Occupied area: 113.04 square meters]

[Sturdiness value: 8000]

[Building Armor: 80]

[Building magic resistance: 75]

[Number of single uses: 5000]

[The maximum single transmission height does not exceed ten meters, and the maximum coverage area does not exceed 113.04 square meters]

[When the space teleportation array is destroyed, a space singularity will be generated that lasts for 10 seconds, absorbing everything within a 500-meter radius]

(Thousand-kilometer-level space teleportation arrays and fast passages are expensive to build, and the materials required are extremely precious. This is still the case even after privilege reductions and exemptions. 5,000 single uses are enough for a long time. Please do not Build it in the center of your territory, otherwise it will cause a lot of trouble to your territory when it is destroyed.

Referring to the practices of teleportation arrays in major giant cities, most giant cities will independently select an area to place the teleportation magic array. Each teleportation array will be kept at an appropriate distance to prevent the teleportation arrays from being destroyed and causing a chain reaction. happened

At the same time, city walls and towers are often arranged in areas where teleportation arrays are placed, and elite legions are stationed for patrols to ensure that they will not be attacked)

The materials required for the construction of this [Thousand Kilometer Teleportation Array Construction Diagram (Gold)] made Zong Shen even take a breath of cold air.

Among all the materials, he only has [Gem Powder], [Advanced Space Gem], [Mithril Melted Water] and [Precision Forged Alloy], and nothing else...

It takes a lot of money and time to collect.

Once gathered, he can build teleportation arrays up to 9999 kilometers away from the territory.

The teleportation array is the fastest and most convenient way to travel in the endless continent.

This world is really too big. Even the mobility of the Raptor Warcraft that can fly at high speed is not very efficient. Normally, after you have free time to ride, it is no problem to go to the nearby Bangcheng and Giant City.

But if you want to go to farther places, such as a giant city thousands of kilometers away, or even across a kingdom, you need a teleportation array. Otherwise, the journey will be calculated in months and years.

In this world, the geographical scale is so exaggerated.

Traveling to the Endless Continent is a bit like traveling to the galaxies on Earth...

For example, the distance from the Earth to Venus is 41.4 million kilometers, to Mars is 78.3 million kilometers, to Neptune is 4.35 billion kilometers, and even the distance to its own satellite, the moon, is 384,400 kilometers.

With this comparison, the distance scale of the Endless Continent becomes clearer.

There are also stars, sun and moon on the dome of the continent, surrounded by oceans, and there are even continents in the east.

This made Zong Shen unsure whether this world was a giant continent or a giant planet.

The strategy module did not give him an accurate answer to this.

But in the name of the guide prompt, this place is called the Endless Continent Dimensional World.

Maybe there are some details that Zong Shen doesn't know much about.

In short, the expansion scope of a lord's power is closely related to the scope he can set foot on.

The faster you go, the faster you go, the greater your sphere of influence!


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