Lords Trying to Survive: Strategizing from a Rundown Yard

Chapter 782: Terrifying troop configuration

This time, the strategy tips were particularly long, and Zong Shen looked at them carefully.

There are camps stationed with dark orc armies in four directions outside the territory.

As previously observed and speculated, the black light fell the most in the north of the territory, and that was indeed the main force of the attackers, with a total of 369,000 warriors and a high-level commander with legendary strength.

On the east and west sides are offensive camps 2 and 3 respectively. These two camps together have a total of 500,000 dark orcs, as well as two commanders with mid-level legendary strength.

The camp in the south has the least troops and is the farthest away from the camp.

According to the first announcement three days ago, the war area here is roughly a circular area with a radius of 100 kilometers, so it is reasonable to arrange the raid camp 40 kilometers away from the center of the territory.

As a raid camp, there are only 150,000 Dark Orc warriors here.

Most of them are cavalry, and there are also many spear throwers and highly agile units such as airships, scouts, and swordsmen.

Perhaps because this camp has the smallest number, the strategy module details the specific numbers of its various levels of troop deployment.

As for the other three campsites, if you want to check them out, you have to make additional inquiries.

The commander of the raid camp is a dark orc swordmaster with the strength of a mid-level legend.

The total strength of the dark orcs in the four camps reached 1,019,000, which was a seven-digit million-level confrontation.

The total population of Zong Shen's territory is only about 10,000 to 20,000, and the ratio difference is about 1:50, which is quite exaggerated.

In addition, each camp has complete defensive arrow towers, [spiked bunkers], tents, supplies, and even functional buildings unique to various clans.

The existence of these buildings means that these camps can play a support role.

Especially those special clan buildings, they have who knows what fancy functions.

The existence of materials and supplies means that the attacker is fully armed. Not only does he have a full set of standard equipment, but in all likelihood, he will also be equipped with some special potions and magic props.

Just like Zong Shen distributed [Moon God Spring], [Magic Spring], and [Restoration Potion] to his warriors, the same reason applies. Warriors who are distributed are stronger than those who are not distributed.

Therefore, this time the enemy not only had a numerical advantage, but also had well-organized, coordinated, and materially supported troops. It was definitely not comparable to the weakened crypt monsters from the previous [Crypt Challenge].

There were only a large number of crypt monsters at the beginning, but the monsters were not equipped with standard equipment and logistical supplies, and their combat was relatively casual. They could easily be kited and consumed quickly.

This time, the attacking dark orcs not only numbered in the millions, but were also able to cooperate with each other. They were a serious and standard army.

It is not that easy for Zong Shen to pick peaches easily.

"It's a bit difficult!"

He waved away the golden subtitle prompt and looked up at the countdown in the sky. It had reached 23:11:17, and there was still a minute or two before the fog of war dissipated.

It was so quiet in the territory. Most of the farmers had already hid in the bunker. A few farmers stayed on standby in the second circle. The soldiers on the front line took their positions. The shooters and mages entered the [Armored Shooting Position] and [Reinforced Trench]. The nearby melee fighters Soldiers stood guard.

The tall mountain giants, carrying tree sticks, stood behind the first circle of city walls and stood ready.

The two heads of the two-headed ogre warrior also stopped arguing and stood there holding the mace in both hands.

[Dragon Veined Griffon·Yingjiang] leads all the griffins to hover in the north of the territory.

[Dragon-veined Scorpion-tailed Tiger·Flying Tiger] led the Scorpion-tailed Tiger and the Aerial Bird Rangers to patrol in a straight line from east to west.

[Blood-tusked Wild Boar King·Cha Cha] stood up and came to the south. The Blood-tusked wild boars behind him lowered their heads and pulled the ground with their tusks, blowing out two streams of white smoke from their nostrils.

Little Heizi was originally lying on the open space in the courtyard of the lord's fortress, but as time passed, it also faintly felt the pressure, and slowly stood up and looked to the north.

High-level ferocious beasts have keen intuition, and they can sense the pressure when danger approaches.

Judging from the troop distribution of the raid camp, the opponent started with a third- and fourth-tier troop configuration.

There are also a lot of middle and high-level warriors of the fifth and sixth levels, at least much more than Zong Ren.

Coupled with the possible blessings brought by those clan buildings, the opponent's strength is indeed enough to eliminate the defensive advantage.

This will definitely be a tough battle, and even if Zong Shen can win in the end, it won't be easy.

However, a raid on a camp can be likened to a razor moving quickly across the battlefield, and it is normal for the troops to be more sophisticated.

He still needs further inquiries for specific details!

"Please tell me the detailed distribution and types of troops in attack camps 1 to 3!"

Zong Shen asked the strategy module again. What he wanted to do was to get more information.

At least until the fog of war dissipates, other lords will not be able to figure out what an offensive camp is and what a raid camp is, and they cannot understand information such as the distribution and type of troops like him.

After this problem occurred, I waited for about a second or two before the strategy module responded.

The golden font was swaying like a leaping elf. Only after it stabilized could Zong Shen obtain the content.

Although the effect of being directly projected into the consciousness is like appearing in front of the eyes.

But the actual reading is not reading, but a more efficient way than reading, like scanning into the mind.

(Dark Orc Attack Camps No. 1, 2, and 3: a total of 869,000 Dark Orc warriors

Here, the configuration is classified according to the total number, and each camp is subdivided. Among them, the No. 1 offensive camp has a total of 369,000 dark orc warriors. The specific number and types are as follows:

Warrior type: [First-level Orc Armed Peon x10,000], [Second-level Dark Orc Warrior x50,000], [Third-level Demonic Blood Orc Sergeant x20,000], [Third-level Demonic Blood Wind Scout x10,000], [Level Three Dark Predator x20,000] [ Level 3 Demon Blood Orc Warrior x20000], [Level 4 Demon Blood Skull Crusher x10000], [Level 4 Steel Heart Orc Shield Infantry x10000], [Level 5 Demon Blood Dark Slicer x5000], [Level 5 Rock Breaker Bull Demon Warrior x5000], [Level 6 Demonized Tauren Crusher x1000], [Level 6 Demonic Blood Black Giant Beast Transformation Warrior x1000]

Shaman type: [Level 3 Dark Demonic Blood Orc Shaman x10000], [Level 4 Fel Energy Demonic Blood Orc Shaman x5000], [Level 5 Demonized Bloodthirsty Orc Shaman x3000], [Level 5 Dark Soul Walker x5000] , [Level 6 Vicious Heart Demon Blood Orc Shaman x1000], [Level 6 Black Blood Troll Witch Doctor x1000]

Spear thrower: [Level 2 Dark Demon Blood Troll Spear Thrower x30000], [Level 3 Enhanced Dark Demon Blood Troll Spear Thrower x20000], [Level 4 Dark Goblin Bombardier x500], [Level 4 Evil Spirit Lemur x15300] [Level 5 Dark Goblin Demon Energy Cannon Team x50 (each team is equipped with 4 people)], [Level 4 Dark Demon Blood Troll Viscera Breaker Spear Thrower x10000], [Level 5 Loud Multi-Armed Demon Blood Troll Spear Thrower x5000], [Level 6 Black Blood Savage Headhunter x1000]

Orc Cavalry: [Level 3 Dark Walker x11800], [Level 3 Scavenger Wolf Cavalry x30000], [Level 4 Dark Goblin Tank x1000 (each tank requires 4 drivers) 4000], [Level 3 Dark Goblin Tear [Level 4 Dark Earth Breaker Magic Mecha Level Roaring Xiao Wolf Cavalry x10000], [Level 5 Dark Swift Dragon Knight x5000], [Level 6 Earth Fire Dire Wolf Knight x3000], [Level 5 Dark Kodo War Drum Knight x2000], [Level 4 Dark Giant Bat Knight x10000] ], [Level 5 Dark Flying Dragon Knight x5000], [Level 6 Dark Windrider Knight x2000], [Level 4 Dark Goblin Combat Aircraft x5000], [Level 5 Dark Goblin Bombing Airship x100 (each airship requires 12 crew members) )1200])

The detailed troop configuration of Attack Camp No. 1 is fully displayed.

The Dark Orcs have a complete configuration, including orc warriors from the Demonblood Clan, Dark Trolls and Dark Goblins.

There are all kinds of arms from the ground to the air, and the combat arms and auxiliary arms are very clear. There are even goblin arms that Zong Shen finds troublesome. They mainly drive magic mechas and dark goblins that throw explosives.

The most outrageous ones are [Level 4 Dark Goblin Bombardier], [Level 5 Dark Goblin Magic Mortar Team], and [Level 5 Dark Goblin Bombing Airship]. As you can tell from their names, these must use various magic explosives to attack. Those who launch attacks are not counting the various magic mecha units.

Each of the latter two requires multiple dark goblins to operate together.

So the total number of troops above is exactly 369,000!

You must know that Mr. Zong is a good player with bombs, but the [Goblin Bombs] and various explosives in his hands basically come from previous exchanges, and the quantity is not large. However, in this defensive challenge, the Dark Orcs unexpectedly There is help from goblins!

Having a fully organized dark goblin army made Zong Shen feel a headache!

Although orcs originally wore the same pants as trolls and goblins.

It’s just that after the change of era in the Endless Continent, goblins and orcs became somewhat alienated.

But for the dark orcs, who are modeled after the ancestral orcs, having dark trolls and dark goblins as allies is a very reasonable situation.

Those fucking little greenskins have always been good at playing with magic machines and explosives.

He doesn't feel too troublesome or fearful about head-to-head conventional troops, but he is a little unsure about Zong Shen, a soldier in the Goblin series!

This is only the strength of the No. 1 offensive camp. If the other two offensive bases also have damn green skins, Zong Shen will really be scolded.

Even if the goblin explosives troops are not numerous, it will be difficult to deal with them.

When he threw those explosives with a wide range of damage and high damage at the enemy, he felt extremely comfortable in his heart. However, when those explosives fell on his head, he felt unhappy!

Explosion damage is very unreasonable. In addition to high basic damage and wide range, it can also cause additional explosion damage to buildings.

Moreover, explosives usually have a good launch distance, such as mortars, bombing airships, etc., and it is very difficult to counterattack.

Fortunately, the territory is not unobstructed.

Those eight [Red Gold Barrier Pillars (gold)] provide one million points of solid protection.

This solidity value is not very high in a large-scale offensive and defensive battle, but it can also effectively relieve the pressure on the front line.

"If the other two offensive bases also have this configuration, how about a hammer?"

Zong Shen muttered to himself.

The golden subtitles paused here for a moment, as if waiting for Zong Shen to digest the strength of the No. 1 offensive camp. After waiting for more than ten seconds, the subtitles began to scroll, and new prompt information appeared covering the old prompt information. This What emerged once was the situation of the No. 2 offensive camp.

(Dark Orc Attack Camp 2: Total Dark Orc Warriors: 250,000

The specific number and types of arms are as follows:

Warrior type: [Level 1 Armed Orc Peon x15980], [Level 2 Dark Orc Warrior x30000], [Level 3 Red Bone Orc Warrior x20000], [Level 3 Red Bone Sword and Shield Orc Warrior x20000], [Level 4 Red Bone Contradictory Orc Warrior x10000], [Level 5 Red Bone Iron Wall Orc Warrior x5000], [Level 5 Rock Breaking Bull Demon Warrior x5000] [Level 6 Red Bone Orc Killer x5000], [Level 6 Dark Red Bone Orc x5000], [Level 6 Dark Red Bone Orc Killer x5000] Behemoth War Beast x1000]

Shaman type: [Level 3 Dark Red Bone Orc Shaman x5000], [Level 4 Evil Red Bone Orc Shaman x5000], [Level 5 Demonized Bloodthirsty Red Bone Orc Shaman x5000], [Level 5 Dark Soul Walker x5000], [Level 6 Cruel Heart Red Bone Orc Shaman x500], [Level 6 Red Bone Troll Witch Doctor x1000])

Spear thrower: [Level 2 Dark Red Bone Troll Spear Thrower x20000], [Level 3 Enhanced Dark Red Bone Troll Spear Thrower x10000], [Level 4 Dark Goblin Bombardier x300], [Level 4 Brutal Sinking Demon x10000] ], [Level 5 Dark Goblin Mortar Team x30 (each team is equipped with 4 people)], [Level 4 Dark Red Bone Troll Limb Breaker Spear Thrower x10000], [Level 5 Distorted Multi-Armed Red Bone Troll Thrower Spearman x3000], [Level 6 Barbarian Barbarian Headhunter x1000]

Orc Cavalry: [Level 3 Violent Rhinoceros x5000], [Level 3 Scavenger Wolf Cavalry x20000], [Level 4 Dark Goblin Tank x500 (each goblin tank requires 4 drivers)], [Level 3 Dark Goblin Tear [Level 4 Dark Goblin Earthbreaker Magic Mecha x3000], [Level 4 Dark Goblin Earthbreaker Magic Mecha x2000], [Level 5 Dark Siege Demon Mecha x2000], [Level 6 Dark Renegade Magic Mecha x500], [ [Level 4 Roaring Wolf Cavalry x5000], [Level 5 Dark Swift Dragon Knight x3000], [Level 6 Thunder Lizard Knight x1000], [Level 5 Dark Kodo War Drum Knight x2000], [Level 4 Dark Giant Bat Knight x5000] ], [Level 5 Dark Dragon Knight x3000], [Level 5 Dark Goblin Bombing Airship x50 (each airship requires 12 crew members)])

The above is the specific troop configuration of the No. 2 offensive camp.

In fact, it looks similar to Attack Camp No. 1, but with fewer troops.

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