Lords Trying to Survive: Strategizing from a Rundown Yard

Chapter 784: Outpost troops, constraints for the attackers

Secondly, the second pressure bearing point of the territory is not the east and west directions where the No. 2 and 3 offensive camps are located, but the south side of the territory.

Although the No. 4 raid camp located in the south of the territory does not have many troops, it still has a total of 150,000 dark orc cavalry troops of all levels!

And as a raid camp, their strategy is to launch a deadly assault like a sharp bayonet.

The troop configuration is all high-mobility units, mainly composed of ground cavalry, domesticated Warcraft and a small number of scout units.

Able to undertake the task of rapid assault, when the attacking camps in other directions put pressure on them, the raiding camps will launch an assault brazenly, looking for opportunities to quickly break through the defensive circle on the southern side of the territory!

Zong Shen already knew the location of each camp from its troop configuration, name and other related information.

So he placed the second direction that needed to be defended in the south.

If the offensive camp on the north side is compared to a "mothership" and the assault camp on the south side is likened to a "destroyer", then the offensive camps on the east and west sides are "frigates", which can also be understood as "wingmen". They are large There is a chance that it will assist Camp 1 in the north to launch an attack.

The garrison responsible for the east and west sides of the territory can fully support each other with the garrison on the north.

On the contrary, it is easy for the south to take care of it quickly when the enemy puts pressure.

Speaking of which, only someone like Zong Shen can understand the offensive force configuration before the fog of war has completely cleared, and thus further analyze the enemy's vague strategy in advance.

He believed that Vereesa, Howie, and Mariel sitting in the [Commander Tower (Orange)] would also respond in time based on the information he provided.

The challenge officially begins, with an unknown number of air cavalry troops approaching from four directions.

Zong Shen's figure disappeared in a flash, and the next moment he appeared on Xiao Heizi's back.

"Let's go and get ready to work!"

Xiao Heizi has a keener intuition and can feel the pressure coming from all sides.

This time, there was no ink mark or grumble. It flapped its wings smoothly and took off into the air, flying to the north of the territory according to Zong Shen's instructions.

Although Zong can also use [Wandering Walk] to advance forward in a flash.

But as a lord, riding a black dragon to the front line in person when a battle is about to happen will undoubtedly boost morale.

At the same time, he asked about the strength of the Dark Orcs' vanguard through the strategy module.

In the first trial attack, the opponent will not devote too much force.

A total of 2,800 dark orc air cavalry were dispatched to No. 1 offensive camp in the north.

They are: [Level 4 Dark Giant Bat Knight × 1000], [Level 5 Dark Goblin Combat Aircraft × 500], [Level 5 Dark Flying Dragon Knight × 500], [Level 6 Dark Wind Rider Knight × 200].

Attack camps 2 and 3 in the east and west respectively sent 1,000 dark orc air cavalry with the same configuration as outposts.

On both sides are simple configurations like: [Level 4 Dark Giant Bat Knight × 800], [Level 5 Dark Bipedal Dragon Knight × 200].

The reason is also very simple. There are no troop configurations of [Level 4 Dark Goblin Combat Aircraft] and [Level 6 Dark Windrider Knight] in Attack Camp No. 2 and 3.

There are only 8,000 level 4 and 5 dark orc aerial riders in total, plus a small number of [level 5 dark goblin bombing airships].

In comparison, the number of air cavalry troops in the No. 1 offensive camp is much larger.

As for the raid camp in the south, since there are no air cavalry troops, high-level scouts have been dispatched there. 200 [Mirror Shadow Demon Scouts] who have entered the sixth-level stealth state are sneaking in.

Zong Shen maintained crystal communication and immediately informed Vereesa of the situation.

It is still difficult to counter the stealth at the sixth level of the territory. Mariel will mobilize the [Magic Cannon Tower] to lock the south in advance.

However, the territory was guarded by a red gold barrier, making it difficult for the scouts to attack and kill the defenders.

As long as they touch the outer traps, they will be exposed.

In fact, Zong Shen ordered a large number of traps to be laid outside the defensive circle.

Including [Ground Thorn Trap], [Ice Trap], [Venom-Quenching Thorn Net], [Tripping Horse Rope], [Heavy Bear Trap], etc.

In addition, the kobolds in the mine returned to their territory three days in advance.

They are also good at setting traps, possessing a variety of first- to third-level trap-making skills.

Under Zong Shen's orders, the kobolds built a large number of traps.

This time, Zong Shen had enough materials to make the trap, and Zong Shen almost didn't care about the cost.

All kinds of weird traps cover most of the open space on the periphery, and only a few paths can be passed unimpeded. Those are the routes Zong Shen has reserved for counterattack.

Therefore, those scouts who want to approach the territory silently are just a fool's errand.

As high-level scouts, even if they have the ability to dismantle traps, they can only curse when faced with such an arrangement.

As for the air cavalry, they can drive straight in, but the [Giant Crossbow Tower] with super long range around the defense circle is not a vegetarian.

And Zong Shen has no intention of being cowardly. He will ride Xiao Heizi to meet the dark orc air cavalry, especially the air cavalry in the north.

After getting the accurate information, Zong Shen immediately knew what was going on.

At the same time, No. 1 in the north of the territory attacked the large tent of the camp.

A strong orc with dark skin and magic lines on his face sat on the front seat.

Around its neck is a necklace made of skulls.

Looks wild and primitive.

It was covered in muscles and was about three meters tall. There were two short-handled battle axes beside it.

Each ax head seems to be made of obsidian, with a clear texture.

If Zong Shen were here, he would find that the material of these two axes is the same as the [Cruel Blood-Burning Arrow] and [Blood-Burning Dagger] in his hands.

The only difference is that there is no jumping flame inside the axe.

This guy is the commander of Attack Camp No. 1, the leader of the Demon Blood Clan, Black Bug Demon Blood!

It was sitting upright, with black mist emitting from its body all the time, and the space around it was faintly distorted.

These black air are wisps, but they are scattered but not condensed.

In front of it, several [Level 6 Vicious Heart Demonic Blood Orc Shamans] were chanting inexplicable spells.

Evil energy, dark energy, and shadow energy are gathering crazily.

A huge black eyeball gradually formed on the top of the tent in the center of the attacking camp.

The color of this eyeball is red, and it is pointed towards the south of the camp, which is the direction where Zong Shen's territory belongs.

After the eyeballs were completely condensed, three pictures were projected in front of Black Bug Demon Blood.

Three perspectives make up these three pictures, namely "long-distance overlooking", "long-distance viewing" and "regular sight-distance observation".

"This is our opponent, extremely weak."

Black Bug Demon Blood raised his head and looked at the projection screen in front of him. There was a deep scar between his eyebrows that extended diagonally to the side of his cheek, which made him look even more ferocious.

One of the protruding canine fangs was even broken, and even half of the right ear was missing.

It grinned, with a half-smiling expression on its face, and gave an evaluation of Zong Shen's territory.

At this time, a [Level 6 Vicious Heart Demonic Blood Orc Shaman] standing next to him bowed slightly.

"Clan leader, the outpost troops have been dispatched."

"All the infantry and cavalry in the camp are assembled, waiting for your order."

"In the name of the ancestors of Draenor, the warriors of the Blackblood Clan will tear apart all enemies!"

As high-level shamans, these guys have their upper bodies naked and have unique tattoos on their hearts.

Their lower bodies are made of fur robes.

Every shaman wears a bone helmet made of the head of a [Hell Hunter] on his head.

There are black magic lines carved on it, which contain a certain amount of dark power.

Being able to stand beside Black Bug Demon Blood shows that these [Level 6 Vicious Heart Demon Blood Orc Shamans] are also tasked with serving as the clan leader's personal advisor.

In response, Black Bug Demon Blood just nodded.

It always had a contemptuous smile on its face and spoke slowly in a rich voice.

"Countless years have passed."

"We once conquered the star realm and merged the power of darkness with death."

"Raise the curtain of darkness and wait for the arrival of the outposts."

"There's no need to rush for a full-scale attack. It's best to let those three idiots, Thorodore Redbone, Mogroga Blackrib, and Fire-licker Calrig, attack first."

"Four major camps and three major clans are fighting simultaneously, but there is only one chance for transcendence."

"It will definitely belong to our Demon Blood Clan!"

Black Bug Demon Blood stood up and trampled the ground hard, causing the ground to tremble suddenly.

The place where it stamped on the ground was instantly crushed, and a big crater appeared.

After receiving its command, the shamans cast spells again.

A black curtain rose in the Dark Orc No. 1 attack camp, covering the camp like an inverted dome.

This black curtain not only blocks observation, but also has a certain solid value and blocking effect.

Although it is not as isolated as the gray fog of war, it can also effectively block observation by conventional means.

But for Zong, this curtain doesn't mean much.

When he discovered the black curtain raised at the No. 1 offensive camp in the north, he knew that the dark orcs had completed their subsequent deployment.

In the No. 2 and 3 attack camps on the east and west sides of the territory, and in the central tents of the Red Bone Clan and the Black Muscle Clan, Thorodo Red Bone and Mogroga Black Muscle communicated through shamanic witchcraft.

"Look, that willful idiot Heibug has raised the [Dark Curtain], and that guy is still so ambitious."

"Dear Mogroga, the only way out is for you and me to unite."

Thorodor Redbone was a tall, thin troll, thin in comparison to its size.

In fact, its height is nearly five meters, and its limbs are not much thinner than Black Bug, but their limbs appear slender against its height.

Beside it were bone spears of about three meters each.

I don’t know what kind of animal bones it is made of.

He wears a snake-print necklace around his neck and has a tattoo of a king cobra on his body.

The whole body is also exuding black mist, but it is lighter than the one on Black Bug Demon Blood.

It held the skull wine glass in one hand and held its head with the other, speaking lightly.

A human head rests in its palm like an elegant shot glass.


"Damn Solodo, are you trying to deceive me with your low IQ and poor excuses?"

"I am Mogroga, the king of the Blackband Clan, and a descendant of the great Draenor orc ancestor!"

"There is only one chance for transcendence. Whoever breaks the [Central Stone Pillar] first or kills that damn human lord will get this chance."

"If I assist you, how will the final opportunity be allocated?"

In the No. 3 offensive camp controlled by the Black Ribbon Clan, the rough-looking Mogroga Black Ribbon said disdainfully. It wore a unique-shaped face-covering helmet on its head.

The dark helmet covered its appearance, revealing only two deep eyes.

The reason why it looks rough is entirely because of the thick chest hair floating in its open chest.

None of these guys were wearing armor. Their armors were all put aside, looking careless and careless.

There are no allies in this war. The four camps represent the three dark orc clans and the dark sword master forces.

Although they have some of the same reasons, they are obviously not closely united!

The so-called transcendence may be the promise of the lord system to these dark orcs.

They are all replicas created by templates. God knows which foreign continent the Lord System found them from.

Therefore, this lord challenge is two-way, and lords will be rewarded for passing the challenge.

If the attacker successfully breaks through the [Central Stone Pillar] or kills the "Lord", they will get an opportunity to start a new life and journey.

Zong Shen didn't ask about this, nor did the strategy module mention it.

After all, just introducing the troop configuration of the four major camps already takes up a lot of subtitle space and time.

But Mr. Zong will know it sooner or later, because he has speculated before that the attacking side must have certain restrictions, otherwise if the opponent swarms up, he really has no chance to play.

After hearing Mogroga's words, Thorodo, the dark troll, was not angry.

This guy has a red mohawk, pointed ears resembling an elf, and a thin chin.

In addition to the king cobra tattoo, there are also red animal face tattoos.

Wearing a pair of brass earrings on her ears, there is also a lip nail on her lips.

"Stupid Mogroga, the Demon Blood Clan's camp has more troops than you and me!"

"But as long as we unite, we can have more than 500,000 warriors!"

"We can contain Black Bug in terms of military strength, and that guy is a high-level legendary strongman blessed by our ancestors. We are no match for him in a single fight!"

"If you want to stay out of the matter, Black Bug will never do it."

"Look, it'll be contacting us soon."

Solodo said in an obscure voice, gradually lowering his voice.

As soon as it finished speaking, both parties fell silent in tacit agreement.

Because a new communication projection suddenly connected.

A figure appeared on the screen.


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