Black Bug Demon Blood and Thorodo Red Bone each used their own methods to fly into the air.

They flew side by side, looking at the distant scenery to the west.

"That's the territory of the Black Muscle Clan. It seems like Mogroga is making some big move!"

"I knew that guy was definitely not as honest as he seemed!"

Thorodo Chigu said dullly, that pressure also brought a certain sense of oppression to it.

However, as a strong man in the middle legendary level, this sense of oppression is not enough to make him fearful.

Hearing it say this, Black Bug Demon Blood shook his head.

With the [Demon Blood Wings] spread out, it looks a little strange, like a rare alien monster.

" shouldn't be something Mogroga did."

"I know that guy..."

"Now it seems that it can be explained why the Blackwater Army camp is empty!"

Black Bug Demon Blood's eyes were staring into the distance, his brown pupils were dull, but they seemed to hide a lion.

It touched the [Communication Crystal] firmly stuck in the gap of the armor on its waist, and finally understood where the main force of the Black Water Army had gone!

Hearing its words, Thorodo Redbone also understood.

This is why Black Bug firmly stated that the Black Water Army is empty.

It is obvious that Black Bug has information channels that it does not know and can grasp some dynamic information in a timely manner.

Instead of questioning the source of the information in an unpleasant manner, it flapped its black bat-like membrane wings and turned to look at Black Bug.

"What should we do next?"

"Should we turn around and go to the Blackwater Clan camp in the west, or continue towards the Blackwater Army camp."

In person, Solodo Chigu didn't make any mistakes. Although the two were still addressed as equals, in fact Sorodo was slightly afraid of Black Bug.

It also didn't dare to act too wantonly in person, and it couldn't blatantly ridicule and laugh at Black Bug like it did during the witchcraft projection. It even had to let it take the lead in joint decision-making.

This is probably the true portrayal of a "keyboard warrior".

However, Black Bug is indeed powerful and knows more about the situation than it does.

"No, we don't need to go there."

"What we need to do now is still to occupy the Blackwater Army camp."

"I don't know what conspiracy that despicable half-breed of Lihuo Calrigg has against the Black Ribbon Clan, but it seems that it should be targeting Mogroga."

"But no matter what, Mogroga is not a weakling. Not only does that guy like to fight in three layers of armor, but he also has a red dragon scale square shield. The defensive capabilities of his body are definitely not lies."

"Lickfire Calrig is essentially just a light swordsman. It's a duel between razors and tin cans."

"No matter how stupid this tin can is, it won't be cut open by a razor so quickly."

"So what we have to do is to speed up the action, first occupy the Blackwater Army camp and then immediately go to the Black Band Clan camp. No matter what happens there, I will chop off their heads with a sharp axe."

"Black Bug will not be afraid of any enemy. I will wipe the ax blade with the blood of the strong, the strong!"

As an arrogant person, Heibug changed from a rational and analytical look to a proud look as he spoke.

Solodo did not answer, but nodded gently.

Because Black Bug is right, no matter what the Black Water Army did in the Black River Clan camp, what they have to do is to capture the Black Water Army camp first. At this time, they can reach their destination in more than 20 minutes of marching. The ground is gone.

It was a real massacre when an army of 200,000 people faced off against a Blackwater army of less than 30,000 people.

After quickly occupying the Blackwater Army camp, it is definitely too late to quickly mobilize cavalry and air cavalry to rush to the Black River Clan camp.

They all know the troop configuration of their respective camps very well.

The Blackwater Army has the smallest number of troops, and its military configuration is also in a state of serious imbalance.

There are no shaman spellcasters, no witch doctors, no fel mech units, and no powerful hoplites.

There are only more mobile cavalry, light swordsmen, light scouts, light infantry and third-level trolls.

Of course, there are no low-level units in the Blackwater Army. The lowest-level unit is the third-level [Dark Troll Pitcher]. As for the cavalry, it is directly the fourth-level [Roaring Wolf Cavalry].

Based on the troop configuration, it can be basically guessed that the troops left in the camp by the Blackwater Army should be cavalry, coupled with a small number of high-level scouts and swordsmen.

You must know that the joint army of the Demon Blood Clan and the Red Bone Clan has a total of 200,000 people, and the configuration is extremely balanced. When the various arms cooperate with each other, they can always exert a stronger combat effectiveness than a single arm.

Even if the remaining Blackwater troops rely on camp defenses and buildings to resist, they will never be able to sustain it for long.

Therefore, Thorodo Red Bones also felt that Black Bug was right. It was too late to occupy the Blackwater Army camp, kill the defenders and cut off the Blackwater Army's retreat, and then rush to the Blackwater Clan camp.

After all, there are more than 200,000 troops in the Black Jin clan camp. Even if Lihuo Calrig is completely sure, it will take a lot of time to deal with Mogroga Black Jin.

The two stood silently in the air for a while.

The marching team below meandered like two long snakes for several kilometers.

Due to the different speeds of the troops, it is inevitable that the entire march will be stretched.

They looked at each other, and Black Bug Demon Blood fell downwards with an arrogant smile.

Thorodo Chigu looked at Black Bug's back, with a hint of evil in his eyes.

The bat wings behind him flapped and fell downwards.

Not long after it landed, it reached out and pulled off the bat wings behind it.

The two bone sockets are re-closed, which is one of the means of its shape change.

The two bone sockets on the shoulder and back can not only transform into black wings, but also transform into two arms, allowing it to fight with four arms. In addition, there are other changes such as the growth of two strong bone plates to protect itself, etc. .

If Thorodor Redbone is willing to pay a certain price, he can grow two more heads.

The new head can give itself different combat abilities, such as those of shaman, warlock, and assassin, and it can also create the heads of other ethnic groups so that it can master corresponding abilities.

The two bone sockets on its back originated from an adventure. With this ability, it can stand firm despite the reputation of being a "betrayer".

Thinking of the name "betrayer", Solodo felt itchy with hatred.

Because this bad name was bestowed upon him by Lord Fire Calrig!

Fortunately, now is a good opportunity to recover some interest!

It frowned, with a sinister smile on its lips, and followed the red-bone army with its bone spear in hand!

Zong Shen, who was in the Black Jin clan camp, couldn't care less.

It has been five minutes since the singularity appeared, during which time Mogroga Black Muscle tried to attack the singularity.

However, neither magical attacks nor physical attacks can interfere with the condensation of the singularity.

That guy Mogroga also used special means to give himself the ability to fly, and seemed to be chasing someone from the sect by following the black light on the forbidden disk.

With the help of [Wandering Wandering], Zong Shen can easily get rid of Mogroga.

The Forbidden Disk in his hand is not directly connected to the singularity in space.

So even if Zong Shen dodges several kilometers away, it will be fine, but because the Forbidden Disk always emits a dazzling black light, he cannot be covered by the [Black Soul Mist] again.

After chasing for a while, Mogroga also gave up the pursuit. It returned below and finally remembered to deal with the [Blackwater Dead Zone]. As long as the [Blackwater Dead Zone] was broken, more than 200,000 people who were bound could be released. A warrior of the Black Muscle Clan who lives here.

At that time, no matter what kind of monster appears in the singularity, it will have the confidence to fight.

Mogroga thought of this and immediately let out a loud roar.

Its roar was like that of a ferocious beast, and all the Black Muscle Clan warriors immediately followed it and rushed towards the phantom of the long black river.

Speaking of which, this guy is really slow, and he didn't realize the crux of the problem until now.

Zong Shen had no intention of stopping it. To be honest, he alone couldn't stop it unless other big names were used, but it felt that now was still not a good time.

To be honest, Zong Shen didn't go all out at all. He still has a playful mentality.

Engage in bombing, throw bombs, and test the strength of your inventory.

Taking into account the defensive challenge, he didn't care about consumption, so he even took out [Solomon's Forbidden Disk (Legendary)]. Zong wanted to see what kind of big demon was banned in it.

So he didn't bother to stop him at all. Instead, the old god landed on the ruins of a camp. While waiting for [Wandering Walk] to cool down, he watched the changes in the spatial singularity.

Mogroga leads people to attack the [Blackwater Dead Zone], and it should be Lihuo Calrig who is anxious to get angry.

The golden mark of the strategy module had already locked the location of Lafire Calrig, and he knew that the cunning Blackwater Sword Master was dormant and watching the show.

"Hey, it's my turn to watch the show now."

He held the Forbidden Plate with one hand, took off the [Li Mo Battle Helmet (Red)] with the other hand, took out a big apple and gnawed it directly.

In fact, the [Type 6 Goblin Magic Mountain Bomb (Gold)] just now also killed many Black Muscle Clan orcs.

It's just that Zong Shen was busy activating [Solomon's Forbidden Disk (Legendary)] and didn't bother to take a closer look.

Now that he had some free time, he took a look at his attribute list.

The level has been upgraded by one level to lv36, and the experience value has also increased significantly. The current experience value progress is [257492/709500], which adds up to almost 300,000 experience points.

In addition, he also gained more than 2,000 points of strength extraction value. Adding the original remaining strength extraction value, his strength attribute increased by 2 points again to 283 points, and his health value also increased as a result. 10 points becomes 2087+5000 (Kajia Medical Gem).

I don’t know if the kill caused by using arcane crystal fragments counts as its head.

If the rules for explosives are followed, then the explosion kill caused by the crystal fragments can be regarded as Zong Shen's kill, but if it is based on the rules for other items, that may not necessarily be the case.

Zong Shen curled his lips. If the arcane crystal fragments were also calculated according to explosion kills, then he would be very happy. He could upgrade it and improve his strength attribute by a lot.

He gnawed on the apple, and when he raised his head again, he found that Lickfire Calrig had left the place.

Sure enough, after Mogroga gathered more than 20,000 remnant troops of the Black Ribbon Clan and marched towards the area covered by the [Black Water Dead Zone], Lihuo Calrig could no longer sit still.

With it and the [Mirror Shadow Demon Scouts] around it, it is impossible to stop Mogroga Black Ribbon.

After all, Mogroga was advancing with more than 20,000 Black Muscle Clan warriors.

So many people can crush it with just one kick.

Unless Lickfire Calrig has the means to subdue Mogrol Blackband in a short time, they cannot stop Mogrolga from personally destroying the [Blackwater Dead Zone].

Once the [Blackwater Dead Zone] is destroyed, the Blackwater Clan's army will be freed from their restraints. At that time, with a little organization, they can turn around and deal with the Blackwater Army soldiers, or even directly annihilate the Blackwater Army.

Lihuo Calrig was about to personally take action to block the attack. At this time, the spatial singularity finally changed, and a huge arm protruded from the middle.

The surface of this arm is covered with fine scales, and a layer of green sacrificial fire burns on the surface.

The arm looked very thin, like a dead vine.

Just by looking at this giant arm, you can tell that the big demon after the spatial singularity is at least thirty meters tall.

Compared to the five-meter-tall Mogroga Black Muscle wearing armor, the thirty-meter-tall demon is more intimidating.

The largest warrior in Zong Shen's territory is the sixth-level soldier [Fenglinbao Mountain Giant], who is also about thirty meters tall, comparable to the height of a ten-story building on earth.

To say that such a figure is not intimidating would be a lie!

When this devil's claw stretched out, dozens of hellfires immediately fell from the sky.

After these hellfires condensed from the sky, the sense of oppression on the scene was immediately different. It was much greater than the previous [Type 6 Goblin Magic Mountain Bomb (Gold)].

Its palms are like devil's claws, and the five fingers are not only sharp but also curved and withered.

There are no fingerprints on each finger, only complex natural magic patterns.

Then, it stepped out a thin leg. The muscles of this leg were so atrophied that the tibia and fibula were highlighted.

The base of this skinny leg resembled a sheep's hoof, only it was just as huge.

After the big demon took one leg, half of its body was exposed. There were broken armor and a red brocade cloak on it. The green sacrificial fire burned blazingly on its body, illuminating the area. The space seemed to be distorted.

What came out next was its head, which was also shriveled with flesh and blood, with concave cheeks. There was a black vertical magic pattern under each eye, and there were a pair of upwardly curved threaded corners at both ends of the forehead.

Behind it is the broken purple membrane wing, which is full of holes. Half of the membrane wings seem to be broken, hanging weakly on one side.


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